Tag Archives: Bruno style


How to Dress Like Bruno


Bruno is a gay Austrian fashionista played by Sacha Baron Cohen. The character Bruno has been rejected by the Austrian fashion world and finds refuge in America, hoping to build a new level of acceptance in the country. He dives into the American fashion world and looks to find acceptance and fame.

Bruno is flamboyant and extravagant. From his clothes to his personality, he is about pushing social boundaries with people and causing extreme discomfort in those that he encounters. When dressing and acting like Bruno, remember that more is more and that to be out of control, obnoxious and flashy is to be Bruno.

Bruno’s clothing is just as bold as he is. To get the same famous shorts with suspenders look, find a pair of skimpy shorts that are bright yellow and have suspenders. You need to wear a bold printed shirt underneath the suspenders. Something that is brown checkered or similar will fit the bill. Next, find a hat that matches the shorts. Add combat boots that are either black or brown and you have the complete look.

Another famous outfit of Bruno’s is a bit more subtle, and that term is used loosely. He pairs tight leather pants with a swirl pattern, and a blue vest that is shredded at the bottom and around the arms. The neckline is cut to the mid chest area and is fitted like a corset with strings. Zippers run along the sides of the shirt underneath the arms. The vest is fitted and short, exposing the stomach. He wears a wide leather cuff to accessorize the outfit.

A feistier Bruno has been seen in animal print. Leopard is the animal of choice, and Bruno wears a tight fitting t-shirt in leopard print paired with matching briefs that are just a little bit too small. Remember that Bruno is proud of his body and not modest in the least form, and therefore likes to wear skimpy and tight clothing to show off his body.
Top off the look with a matching hat and matching ankle boots. The point is to be in animal print from head to toe.

Hair needs to be blond with a few shades of brown, and mostly blond in the front. Comb the blondest parts over your forehead and a bit over your eyes. He sometimes wears his hair in a Mohawk too. Remember that Bruno is a fashionista, so trim those brows and keep them looking clean. If you are up for it, wear makeup to enhance your polished look and make your skin look perfect. You will also need to shave all of your body hair: chest, arms, and legs.

Bruno speaks with an Austrian accent and flirts shamelessly with every man he encounters. His behavior is outlandish and inappropriate. If your behavior is cringe worthy, you’re on the right track. Watch the movie to imitate how he speaks, as this is one of the most crucial ways to act like Bruno.

Dressing up like Bruno is not for the shy or faint of heart. However if you are bold and tend not to care what other people think of you, this is a fun and liberating way to spend your Halloween. You can become someone wildly inappropriate yet wickedly funny, and everyone will appreciate the courage it took to be Bruno for a day.