Tag Archives: sharing t-shirts

Should I Let My Girlfriend Wear My T-Shirt?

Girlfriends love to wear their boyfriends’ t-shirt. It’s a fact of life that probably stretches back to the ancient Egyptians. Somewhere there was an Egyptian girlfriend who wanted to wear her boyfriend’s linen cloth and pleaded to do so. Men’s clothes are often big on their girlfriends and are therefore comfortable to wear. For lounging around, your girlfriend may love to put on your t-shirts to relax. Most boyfriends do let their girlfriends wear their t-shirts for several reasons, but there are also a few reasons why you might not want her to do so.


The main reason to do so is often because your girlfriend will look cute in your t-shirt. Many boyfriends love to see their girlfriends wearing their t-shirt just because of the cuteness factor.

Another good reason is that it keeps you firmly in your girlfriend’s mind. You can’t be far from her thoughts when she’s walking around in your t-shirt. For some guys, this is a nice thought to have while going about their day. They will know that their girlfriend is thinking about them all day.

If you’re the jealous type, you might like knowing that your girlfriend is wearing a t-shirt that shows that she has a boyfriend. The t-shirt is a reminded to others that she is in a relationship with someone. If you don’t have a t-shirt that looks specifically like an unmistakable guy’s shirt, get one and let her wear it. It will make her happy to know that you want her to wear your shirt and it will make you happy to know that other people can see that she’s taken.


The biggest con for many guys is that because of simple differences in anatomy, the t-shirt may be stretched into a slightly different shape when your girlfriend wears it. This will be more prominent with some girlfriends than with others, but it will likely be a factor with any girlfriend who wears her boyfriend’s t-shirt. This may not be enough to deter you from letting her wear one or two of your t-shirts, but if all of them get stretched out of their original shape you may start getting annoyed about the whole situation. If it’s a problem, you might simply tell her that there are two t-shirts she can wear and that the rest have to be off limits.

Another con is that the t-shirt may not get back to you for awhile. Unless you live together, you can’t be quite sure when you’ll get it back. She might want to wash it first and it may get stuck at the bottom of a huge pile of laundry. She might put off washing it and make you wait to get it back. She may even lose it somewhere in her home. If the t-shirt means a lot to you, be sure that your girlfriend understands this or you might end up with a serious problem on your hands. A relationship should never get rocky over wearing a t-shirt.

How to Get a T-Shirt Back From an Ex-Girlfriend

After a relationship ends, there will inevitably be a few things that belong to one party that are in the possession of the other party. Some of these items may not be worth fighting over or trying to get back. But, when it’s a t-shirt at stake, it will definitely be worth making the effort to get it back. The problem is that the end of the relationship will create problems in trying to get anything back, and it will be worse for something that your ex-girlfriend knows that you want. For this reason, it’s necessary to put some thought and planning into the t-shirt recovery operation.

Above all, never order her to give the t-shirt back. If she realizes how much it means to you if may give her extreme pleasure to know that keeping the t-shirt is irritating you so much. This is particularly true if the relationship ended badly. If it ended in a good way, and you don’t feel it will thrill her to make you upset, you might get the t-shirt back simply by being polite and asking for it. If the break up and the relationship have been far more complicated than this, there is an action plan that can’t fail to work.

Offer to talk. This may provide her with the closure she has needed since the end of the relationship. The talking should be done at her place, however, since that’s where the t-shirt is. If the talk goes well, it won’t be a problem to ask for the t-shirt back at that time. Don’t, however, ask her for the shirt back as soon as you get there. Wait until some meaningful communication has taken place.

Make some progress in talking about the issues that you both have with each other and what you can do to make it easier for each other. That would be the perfect time to bring up the t-shirt and how much it would mean to you if she could be big enough to give it back to you. Tell her that it would be the perfect way to show you that the breakup is going to stay mature and reasonable, even if there is still some anger between you both. After hearing this, she will have a hard time refusing and being seen as an immature person who is making the situation worse.

Offer her something in return. If she can see this as a mature exchange of communication and personal items, you might be more inclined to go along with the whole thing. You can make this easier for her to do by offering her something of hers. If you have an item she has left behind, offer it first as a gesture of goodwill. If you don’t have something of hers, offer to do a favor for her that you know she will appreciate. Once you’ve offered her something, it will be even harder for her to refuse to give you back your t-shirt.