Tag Archives: winter clothing


What To Wear In The Winter


Winter is a season of beauty where the earth is robed in a clean new cover. Winter holidays, winter sports, playing in the snow, cuddling up by a roaring fire to warm up, snow days and catching snowflakes on your tongue are all lovely winter images. However there are many other things associated with winter that are less than ideal. Frozen locks, slippery roads, scraping ice and snow off cars, shoveling snow, high heating bills and being uncomfortably cold are some of the downsides to winter. However by knowing the right thing to wear in winter, you will be able to avoid at least one of these drawbacks.

Exterior garments are the most important ones for the winter. You may be concerned with looking good, and if you are on your way to work or a social event that may be important, but being warm is much more critical to your everyday existence. Therefore you need to make good exterior clothing choices from top to bottom.

Opt for a warm hat that covers your ears and forehead, especially if you plan to spend time outside. A cold forehead leaves you with a headache and ears are susceptible to frostbite. If you do not like hats, headbands that cover the ears or earmuffs are a great alternative. If a hat alone does not give enough warmth, you may want to consider a face mask, especially on extra cold days. However this is not a good look if you are planning to do any banking. Scarves are also a good choice and can be pulled up to protect a part of your face. If your neck is exposed to the air, a warm scarf is a must.

You must also choose a good pair of gloves or mittens. The difference is dexterity and warmth. Mittens are warmer than gloves because most of your fingers are together and help to keep each other warm. However, you lack dexterity. Gloves are a better choice for movement and elegance. Opt for insulated gloves for maximum warmth. Leather gloves are also warm choices.

Choose a good winter coat and/or jacket. A coat is necessary for dress-up occasions and for work if you have a more professional workplace. A winter jacket is an all-around necessity. They come in different weights and you should choose one that meets the temperature needs for your area at its coldest. Some jackets are insulated yet streamlined while others are down filled and puffy. There are a multitude of other styles in between. The current fashion and your own preferences should determine the type of jacket you buy. However a waterproof one is always a good investment.

If you plan to spend time outside, invest in snow pants. These should be insulated and waterproof to allow you to play in the snow and do winter sports while staying comfortable and dry.

Finally footwear is essential to get right. While fancy winter boots and shoes are always nice to have, especially for dressing up, practicality reigns in footwear. Boots with a non-slip grip will protect you from falling on ice and compact snow. Insulated boots will keep you warm while waterproof ones will keep you dry. Choose the right footwear and your feet will be happy all winter.

Choose your winter wardrobe carefully and you’ll be comfortable and enjoy the season of snow and cold!