Tag Archives: scarf

How to Dress Like a Gypsy

The term Gypsy was originally used to describe the nomadic Roma people who traveled around Europe in the early 16th century. They traditionally made their living with seasonal itinerant work, though most people think of them more commonly as roaming workers and fortune tellers who are inclined to an unconventional way of life.

Gypsy style in the modern sense is not far from the way Gypsies originally dressed, though it is somewhat romanticized by Hollywood and Halloween costumes. Today Gypsy garb is much more about style and freedom and much less about function than it was in the 16th century. However, it is a fun way to dress and an easy style to reproduce.

If you want to dress like a Gypsy, the first thing you need to do is find a loose top or blouse. The perfect top would be a peasant blouse with puffy sleeves. Another good choice would be a colorful cotton top with layers or ruffles. Women can wear a bodice over their blouse and can add a shawl depending on the weather. Men can also wear peasant shirts that are similar to the women, though in a masculine cut. Men can add a vest or coat over the shirt.
The next item you need to dress like a Gypsy is a skirt. A full skirt that comes down to at least mid-calf is ideal, especially if it has many layers. The skirt should be colorful, using primarily dark or jewel-tone colors. Skirts can be made of a patchwork or many layers of different pieces of fabric. Around your waist you can wear a long scarf or sash that ties on the side and hangs long, or you can wear a belt with a decorative buckle. You can also add a pair of bloomers under the skirt if you choose. If you are a male, wear loose trousers in a dark color with a belt.

Women who want to dress like a Gypsy can wear their hair down, curly and a little untamed to fit with the free spirited image of the Gypsy. You can add a flower to your hair either behind your ear or clipped on the side or the back. You can also wear a scarf on your head, worn low on the forehead and tied in the back. Men can wear a hat in a dark color, something similar to a fedora, or they can wear a scarf, worn in a similar fashion to the women.

Women and men dressing like Gypsies can wear either sandals or boots. Black shoes are preferable. Men can also wear black shoes with a buckle or other adornment.

Jewelry can be worn by both men and women. Earrings, rings and anklets are authentically Gypsy, as well as beads and amulets. Men can also wear pouches and sashes to further accessorize.

Dressing like a Gypsy can be fun and easy. With a few simple clothing pieces and the right accessories, you’ll look the part in no time.


Can I Wear a Scarf With a T-Shirt?


Scarves go in and out of style, but for some, they remain a personal expression of the wearer’s own taste in clothing. While it may seem that a scarf is best paired with a turtleneck or some type of formal outfit, it can certainly be paired with a t-shirt. And, there are so many ways to wear a scarf with a t-shirt that anyone with any type of style can find a way that appeals to them. The color and pattern on a scarf can drastically change the look of an outfit and can make a t-shirt look spectacular.

One of the easiest ways to wear a scarf is to simply wrap it around the neck once and to let the ends flow naturally at the sides. Many people do this to dress up a t-shirt or to add some color to the outfit as a whole. Another variation on this theme is to wrap the ends up into the folds and to keep them from flowing at the sides. This can also be done by creating a larger knot in the scarf at either the front of the neck or to one side.

If you want a larger splash of color, try draping the scarf over your shoulders. The scarf can be kept in place with a loose knot in the center, or it might be kept in place simply with its weight. For a lightweight scarf, this might not be possible. These types of scarves can be kept in place with a scarf pin. A pin or broach is often used to hold a light scarf in place by pinning the t-shirt and the scarf together to keep the scarf situated the way you choose.

If you want to wear the scarf and the t-shirt but you don’t want to put the scarf over your shoulders or neck, you can always wear the scarf in your hair. The scarf can be used like a headband by tying it over your hair and fastening a knot under your hair where the ends of the scarf will be hidden. The knot can also be tied at the top of the head and the ends tucked under or left free. You might also choose to wrap the scarf around you hair and to tie a bow at the top of your head.

For another variation, try using the scarf as a 50’s-style ponytail holder. To do this, either use the scarf to hold you hair back, or use it to cover your ponytail holder, Then, tie the scarf in a knot at the top of your ponytail and let the ends hang down on each side. This is a vintage look that goes great with vintage or vintage-style t-shirts.

If you have a very long scarf, you can wear it like a winter scarf and drape it around you neck. This can be done with one loop around your neck, or it can be draped around the back of your neck without looping it around at all.