Tag Archives: t-shirt cleaning tips

Why is My T-Shirt Neck Yellow?

For some people and on some occasions, white t-shirts do have a tendency to turn white around the collar. Generally, colored t-shirts may experience some discoloration at the collar, but it may not be a noticeable yellowing as with white t-shirts. Because white t-shirts are white, they will much more noticeably the same effects of wear that are occurring on darker colored clothing.

The combination of sweat and body oil often leads to a discoloration of t-shirts that is hard to get rid of. These stains can appear under arms as well as on the collar. The collar, however, sometimes gets oil from both the skin and from the hair. It is also an area that is prone to sweat from the neck as well as the head, leaving it more likely to be stained than any other part of the shirt. This yellowing may start out slowly, but after many wears, the yellowing will get worse.

The yellowing most often occurs with t-shirts that are worn in hot weather or during physical exercise. The extra sweat during these times laves the t-shirt far more yellowed at the collar than one that is worn in cool weather or when a person is not sweating. In someone without oily skin, a t-shirt that is worn when the wearer is not sweating may not yellow at all.

If the collar yellowing becomes a problem, there are a few ways to tackle it. The t-shirt can be washed with a number of things that should help to break up the oils and take away some of the damage that has been done. The shirt can be washed with some dishwashing soap to get rid of some of the oil. This should be done in a sink, however, and never in a washing machine. The dishwashing liquid can be rubbed around the collar and then washed out with cold water by hand.

Another remedy for a yellow collar is to use baby shampoo on the collar. Baby shampoo is gentle enough not to cause any damage to the fabric, but it is made to break down oils. A stronger shampoo can be used if the baby shampoo is not effective.

Bleach can do some good against yellow stains as well. Bleach, however, can damage fabrics if too much of it is used. It can be used in small quantities around the collar or use a bleach pen to add drops of bleach exactly where you want them. Then, wash the t-shirt in hot water.

Using a stain spray before washing the t-shirt may help to lighten the stain. The sprays are often color-safe bleach that is stronger than standard washing detergent and can be used for spot treatments. There are also pre-treating pens that work much like the sprays. After using one of these treatments, let the t-shirt sit for at least 10 minutes to absorb the pre-treatment, then wash the t-shirt in hot water. This should lift some of the stain, particularly if the yellowing is new.

How To Get Toothpaste Off My T-Shirt

There are many horrible stains that can be very pesky to deal with on your favorite T-shirt. Luckily, toothpaste is not one of them. It is in fact one of the easier stains to remove. Generally, you can just throw the shirt into the washing machine and it will come out clean. The key is, as with all stains, to not let it set in, especially if it is a colored gel or whitening toothpaste.

In fact regular white toothpaste, not the gel kind, is recommended to use as a stain remover for certain kinds of oily makeup stains, fresh marker stains, crayon stains and more. In fact plain, cheap toothpaste is a multi-purpose stain remover for white T-shirts with stains of all kinds. If you are wearing a white T-shirt and happen to get a colored stain on it, many tipsters recommend covering up the stain with plain white toothpaste to help you get through the day if you can’t deal with the stain right away. In addition to T-shirts, toothpaste is also suggested for cleaning carpet, shoes and more.

However, if you happen to get a glob of toothpaste on your T-shirt, it is in your best interest to scrape off the excess immediately and soak the T-shirt. This is especially true for dark T-shirts which have received a whitening toothpaste glob. Whitening toothpaste contains bleach and therefore can leave bleach marks on dark shirts, ruining the shirt irreparably. For this reason, getting to the stain as soon as possible is very important.

If you are getting ready for work and happen to get toothpaste splatters on your dark-colored T-shirt as you are brushing your teeth, you can attempt to get them out with a wet cloth. This sometimes works if the splatter is still wet. However, toothpaste really does need to be washed out with lots of soap and water typically. Therefore, your best bet, especially if you are crunched for time is to throw the T-shirt in soak and get another one.

If you are unlucky enough to not catch those whitening toothpaste stains in time and you end up with a spotty shirt, you can always choose to dye it or put it in the stock of clothes you use around the house when cleaning. Bleach of any kind is the worst thing that can meet your clothes.

Custom-made T-shirts are great for those sloppy tooth brushers. You can get a T-shirt made that pokes fun at your clumsiness or that talks about the benefits of toothpaste stain removal. Some fun options to print on a T-shirt include:
•    Official Tooth Brushing Shirt
•    Step 1: Clean Teeth, Step 2: Remove T-shirt with toothpaste splatters
•    I hate toothpaste splatters
•    Toothpaste stains suck
•    New markers for 2 year old – $3, White toothpaste to remove marker stains from sofa and carpet – $2, Saving 2 year old’s derriere – Priceless

Get a fun custom-made T-shirt and show off your feelings about toothpaste and stains today.

How Do I Remove A Beer Stain From My T-Shirt?

Everyone has one of those absolute favorite T-shirts. Doesn’t it always happen that it is inevitably that shirt that somehow manages to get the most stains? It’s always happens when you are least expected too. You are out with friends having a good time and all of a sudden you look down and you have a beer spilled on the front of your T-shirt. You know it’s going to leave a stain for you to do battle with. These things never happen when you’re at home near the laundry room. It’s always when you are away from home and the stain has the opportunity to sit and worsen.

Luckily it is relatively easy to remove beer stains. The key with removing such stains is the same as with many others: be sure to treat or wash the stain as soon as possible. Here are some tips to help you get beer stains out of a T-shirt:

–    Take it off as soon as it happens and soak it in cold water. If this is not possible right away, do so as soon as you possibly can.
–    After rinsing the stain, wash it in cold water as usual.
–    Remove the T-shirt from the water and examine it. If you can still see the stain, do not put it in the dryer, as this will set the stain.
–    Do a laundry pre-treat on the stain, by rubbing detergent onto the stain and letting it sit for at least 5 minutes or so. You may also try vinegar on the stain. This is very good on white clothes but will also bleach clothing. Therefore if you use vinegar you must rinse it out immediately after using it.
–    Rewash as usual to finish removing the stain.
–    If the stain is being really difficult, you may want to consider soaking it in bleach for colors overnight and then doing another wash.

It is rare for a beer stain to be this difficult to remove, although dark beer stains can be more challenging than others. If all else fails and your favorite T-shirt is stained, you can always just get another one to replace it. Custom-made T-shirts are great because you can have them made exactly to your specifications, so you can recreate your favorite T-shirt perfectly.

One of the best ways to avoid having to deal with beer stains is to buy dark T-shirts. Black T-shirts are always in fashion and you can customize them to say whatever you want them to. What a great way to cover up the fact that you have a tendency to spill beer. If you really want to though, you can have fun with it and flaunt the fact that you know the best way to deal with beer stains. Have a custom-made T-shirt printed that says something like:
–    Official Beer Drinking T-shirt
–    Under These Words Lie the Stains of Many a Good Beer
–    Beer Stain Disguise
–    I’m a Clumsy Beer Drinker

Get your custom-made beer stain T-shirt today and show that you know how to deal with beer stains.

Makeup Be Gone! Tips on Removing Makeup Stains from Your Favorite T-Shirt

Let’s face it – we’ve all had this happen to us at some point or another. You’re getting ready for a big night out with a new date, or a fun day of shopping with your best girlfriend, when suddenly – whoops! Your makeup has gone from on your face to all over your most treasured t-shirt. As if that isn’t bad enough, you only have five minutes remaining until your friend or date shows up. If this has happened to you, don’t panic! There are simple and inexpensive tricks to use that can easily remove any makeup stain from your t-shirt – and many of the items you may already have stashed in your fridge or beauty cabinet. So before you decide to change your t-shirt, try a few of these shortcuts and watch how quickly those stubborn makeup stains will disappear!

Grab a makeup sponge or a slice of bread.
No, you’re not going to be making a sandwich. Makeup sponges and bread (white works best) are some of the most effective materials for erasing stubborn makeup stains, as they act as natural absorbers that soak up oil and powder. Gently rub the sponge or slice of bread on the makeup stain for maximum effect. Makeup sponges are also highly effective against dreaded deodorant stains, so make sure to always keep a stash in your purse!

Raid your kitchen cupboard.

Is that stain still refusing to give up without a fight? Head to your kitchen cupboard and grab a bottle of white vinegar and a light-colored washcloth. Pour just a bit of vinegar onto the cloth and gently dab at the stain until it completely disappears. Remember, vinegar should not be used on cotton material, so be sure to check your t-shirt’s label before using this method!

Get out the shaving cream.
Sounds peculiar, but shaving cream (not gel) is one of the most effective stain-fighters out there. Apply a bit of cream to a light-colored cloth (remember to never use dark colors, as this can bleed into your t-shirt’s fabric) and dab at the stain. Once you’ve completely covered the stain with shaving cream, rinse it out with a bit of club soda. Club soda acts as a great stain remover, but if you don’t have any on hand, water is fine as well. Be sure not to dry out your t-shirt until the stain is completely removed, as this can cause the stain to set in.

When all else fails…
If these neat little home tricks haven’t worked, grab a stain-remover pen (you can find them at your nearest pharmacy or grocery store) and dab the tip onto the stain. Be sure to follow all directions for maximum stain-fighting power.

As you can see, makeup stains don’t necessarily spell doom for your favorite t-shirt, especially with all the home remedies and stain-fighting products that are available today. All it takes is a little creativity – and a bit of patience! – and that stubborn makeup stain will disappear in no time at all!

How to Remove Oil from Your T-Shirt

Oil and fabrics are never a good mix. Oil can stain clothing faster than just about anything else that touches it. And t-shirts, being made of breathable cotton, can be especially vulnerable to it. Fortunately, there are a number of things that can be done to take out the oil before it permanently damages the t-shirt. If caught in enough time, there’s no reason that an oily t-shirt that looks hopeless can’t end up looking as good as new.

One home remedy that many use against oil is shampoo. A baby shampoo can be used if the stain is mild, or a harsher shampoo can be used if the stain is more severe. The shampoo should be rubbed into the stain for a few minutes and then rinsed out with warm water. The t-shirt can then be washed in the laundry as usual. The oil should run out of the shirt and leave it looking like it did before.

If that doesn’t work for your particular oil spot, try a dishwashing detergent. It may sound strange, but a liquid dishwashing soap may be the most effective thing you can use on a tough oil stain. Dishwashing detergents are made to cut the oil that is left behind on pots and pans and to allow it to be rinsed away. This same principle can be used for your t-shirts. The dishwashing soap can be applied in much the same way as the shampoo- rub it into the oily area, rinse it away and then wash the shirt as you normally would.

If the stain is particularly tough, try changing the way you apply the dishwashing soap. Instead of rubbing it into the fabric of the t-shirt, scrub it into the fabric with an old toothbrush. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid damaging the fabric or causing too much wear to the oily area.

If either of these methods doesn’t work for a stubborn stain, combine one or both of these methods with a hot-water soak. Add some shampoo or dishwashing soap into the water and allow the t-shirt to soak for about half an hour. Then, take the t-shirt out and wash it in the washing machine.

Baby powder is another home remedy that many people swear by. The powder soaks up the oil which can then be removed when you remove the baby powder. The problem with baby powder, however, can often be the smell that is left behind. It may also stain dark t-shirts. If you want to try it anyway, use cornstarch instead. This has a similar effect but will not leave the same strong scent behind. It is also less hazardous to those with asthma or other respiratory problems as talc can be.

Whichever method of oil remover you decide to use, never put your clothes into the dryer until you are certain the stain has come out. Drying clothes in the dryer will set the stain and make it far more difficult to remove.