Tag Archives: tween fashion


What Is Tween Fashion?


A tween is a child who is almost a teenager. He or she is no longer a little kid, but also not quite an adolescent. He or she is at an in-between age, usually 10 to 12 years old. There are distinct fashion trends for this age that tend to be a compromise between parents and children. Gone are the days of frilly dresses, accessories, cute outfits of childhood. Parents have lost that complete control over what their child is willing to wear. However, for the most part parents are reluctant to allow their tweens to dress like teenagers. Tweens themselves also feel not quite confident enough for revealing outfits. Therefore the resulting compromise creates tween fashion.

Tweens are often seen in the more conservative young styles that are in fashion for teenagers. At this age, they choose a variety of colors and try out things that are not typical of younger kids. It is at this point when kids start to gravitate towards black and get away from the more childish styles. Tweens also like to choose dress up clothes that are much more grown up than anything they have worn previously. T-shirt dresses and mini-skirts are common choices. They are often toned down by adding tights or a sweater to help cover up a bit more. Jeans are also a hallmark of fashion for tweens.

Tween fashion also includes accessories. There are accessory stores which cater precisely to this group. Girls can find earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, hair accessories and much more. The use of accessories allows them to customize their own style a little more and make it all their own.
Some of the best sites for finding true tween fashion include:


These stores are also commonly found in many shopping centers. They can provide entirely for a tween’s wardrobe. The choices found amongst their racks are all outfits that appeal to tweens, teens and even young adults. The tweens just tend to gravitate towards the less provocative items that these stores carry.

One of the hottest items in tween fashion is customized T-shirts. Tweens start to show their independence, sense of humor and their personality with their clothing choices. An easy way to do that is by choosing to wear T-shirts that say what you want them to say. Tween specialty stores like Justice for Girls and many other retailers carry ready made printed T-shirts that have cute sayings, funny remarks, interesting designs and more.

Tweens can also order their very own custom-made T-shirts that have exactly what they choose printed on them. You can order the color, size and style you want and then design the image or text that best represents you. Some great examples of what to have printed on your custom tee include:

•    Tweens rock
•    Eat, Sleep, Do Nothing
•    Peace, Love, Shopping
•    I heart soccer
•    When in doubt, ask your friends

Get your custom-made tween style T-shirt today and look your absolute best.