How Far Down Does A Typical V-neck Go Down My Chest?

V-neck T-shirts, like all types of T-shirts, come in all sizes, colors and styles. The neckline of a T-shirt is not typically something that changes very much; however, a V-neck T-shirt leaves a lot of room for variation. V-necks can be very close to the neck, being very similar to a crew neck shirt. They can also feature a very deep V that shows off lots of cleavage.

Men’s V-necks and women’s V-necks are very different in depth. Typically men’s V-necks are very shallow and do not plunge like women’s necklines. They are often as little as 1 inch or less down the chest. In fact many people would suggest that if the V shows a little chest hair, it is deep enough. Shallow V-necks are ideal for men to wear. It adds a little diversity to their wardrobe and make for a great casual look.

For women, V-necks tend to be a staple in many wardrobes. It is a very flattering neckline for practically all women. The depth of a V-neck for a woman’s shirt can be varied. More sporty shirts have very shallow V-necks. Often these types of necks can be commonly found on unisex shirts also.

The more common depth is just about to the top of the cleavage, typically about 3 to 4 inches deep. This adds a much more elegant look to a T-shirt. It makes for an unmistakably feminine touch to the classic T-shirt. It is also seen as being dressier than a regular T-shirt. V-necks are also a great choice for anyone who is looking to elongate the look of the neck or the torso. This neckline draws the eye up and down and helps to create the illusion of length.

Any V-necks that are deeper than 4 inches show a lot of skin and can be definitely be classed as a sexy top. A deep décolletage is great for dressing up, very popular amongst younger women and certain groups of women. If a woman is confident in showing off her best assets, a risqué top with a deep V is the way to go. However, it is important to make sure that it fits properly. If the shirt is too big, it could shift and show more of your assets than you want.

Practically every woman needs a selection of V-necks in her wardrobe. They flatter almost everyone and add an easy touch of flair to an outfit. A selection of custom-made V-neck T-shirts is the perfect way to fill your wardrobe with the tees you need. You can get V-neck T-shirts of all colors, styles, quality and weight customized the way you want them, so they perfectly represent who you are. They can show off your favorite things, your hobbies, who you love, what you are proud of, your sense of humor and what you believe in. They are the perfect way to express yourself in style.

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