Tag Archives: laundry

Water stains

How to Remove Hard Water Stains from Clothes

Water stains

When you wash your clothes in hard water you may not notice a difference in your colors but you will certainly see a difference in your whites. Hard water has the unique ability to make every white article of clothing you have a nice dingy color and depending on how hard the water actually is will depend on how dingy the hard water stains are. There are many products sold on the market today that claim to remove hard water stains, but many of them are expensive and most don’t work. So how do you remove hard water stains from your clothes?

Removing hard water stains starts before you ever touch your clothing. If you haven’t already you should have a water softener installed as this will keep the rust and calcium build up down and thus lessen the stains on your whites due to hard water. But really no matter what you do with hard water, there will be dingy hard water stains to deal with. Here is how you can get rid of these stains:

•    Use acid: This sounds a lot scarier than it actually is. The acid will actually eat away the hard water stains and if you use a mild acid it will not harm your clothing. Believe it or not you probably have that mild form of acid in your home right now as it is in the form of vinegar. To be effective you can spot treat hard water stains with the vinegar or to treat whites that are dingy you can fill your washing machine with water and add a good amount of vinegar and simply let the clothes sit for a few hours. Then turn on the washing machine and let it run its course.
•    Wash normally: Once you are done with the vinegar stage, leave the clothes in the washing machine and do a normal load. This is the point where you want to examine the detergent you are using. You can actually buy detergent that makes your hard water softer and if the detergent you have on hand isn’t so then you need to go get some. After adding the detergent, wash you whites as normal.
•    Bleach the load: Once washed again leave the load in the washer. Run another cycle but this time bleach your clothes. Of course you know to skip this step should you be allergic to bleach or you are washing colors.
•    Wash one more time: Using the special detergent you have just acquired give the whites one more washing.
•    Dry the clothes: Now that you have gone through that whole ordeal you can go ahead and dry the clothes as you normally would in the dryer.

Your clothes may not come out as white as new, but they will definitely be a lot less dingy than before you started. In addition to using the special water softening laundry detergent you can also from time to time use some vinegar in a normal load of laundry. This will help to fight the effects of the hard water and keep your clothes looking as hard water free as possible.


How To Sort Clothes For Laundry


Sorting clothes for laundry is something that most everyone needs to do. Not surprisingly there are a variety of ways to do so. Most sorting methods have valid points and things that others can learn from. By knowing a little about the different methods used to sort clothes, you can mix and match techniques to find the one that works best for you.

If you live alone or are in charge of your own laundry only, sorting clothes is very easy and tends to be not very time consuming. However, in a household of people with larger amounts of laundry, having an efficient sorting method saves time from this often-done chore. Some households have separate clothes baskets, hampers or bags in each room, where each person or people in that room store their dirty clothes. This is a good idea if you tend to wash children’s clothing separately from adult clothing. Alternatively, some households have a central dirty clothes depository. It may be one big bin, whereby everything must be sorted before laundry can begin. It may also be separate containers, one each for lights, darks or other categories of clothing.

If you are one of those households whereby everything goes into one place, sorting clothes for the laundry is a weekly or more often task. An easy and quick way to do so is to line up multiple laundry baskets and sort all the clothes at one time. By putting the clothing in a basket as you separate it, it is then ready to be transported to the washing machine once you have finished the sorting. Load number 2 will also be ready and waiting as soon as you’ve finished the first one. Alternatively, you can create piles of pre-sorted clothes on the floor on wash day so you can just scoop the next batch as needed. This is ideal if you do not have laundry baskets or have just one.

The simplest sorting method for clothes is to separate lights from darks. This eliminates the chances of dark colors bleeding onto light colored clothing and ruining it. This is the most basic of methods and should definitely be used by anyone who does laundry. If you choose to put all your clothes in a washer at once, sooner or later you will have the misfortune of ruining your lighter clothes.

Another method of clothes sorting that some people use is rather complicated and requires a little explanation. In this situation, darks are separated from lights. However, whites are completely separate to avoid becoming dingy from being washed with lights that have a little color in them. Separate whites also mean that chlorine bleach can be used whereas only color-safe bleach can be used with lights. Red colors are also separate, because reds are the main culprit in colors bleeding. Therefore they are best washed alone. Clothing requiring special treatment is another pile of clothes, to be hand washed, washed separately or dry cleaned.

Other loads of laundry consist of towels alone because they are too abrasive to be washed with other items. Bed sheets are a load to themselves because they must be washed in hot water. Kitchen towels, cloth napkins and tablecloths are yet another load, because even though they may be possible additions to the towels and sheets loads, some people don’t like the idea of fabrics used next to the body being washed with food related fabrics.

While not many people adhere to this rather strict method of sorting clothes, in reality most people have a combination somewhere between the basic method and the complicated method that works well for them. Try a few methods on for size to see which is best for you.

How Many Times Can You Wear A T-Shirt Before Washing It.

Everyone tends to have their own schedule of wearing clothes for a certain period of time before washing them. Some items can easily be worn more than once, depending on the type of clothes, where you wear it and what you do while wearing it. In the case of a T-shirt, typically they are washed after each use. However, in reality there are several variables, which can affect this. So in order to determine whether or not you can wear a T-shirt again before washing it, weigh the following factors.

•    If the T-shirt was worn next to the skin, you may not be able to wear it a second time before washing it. If you layer your T-shirts, the one on the outside will not be exposed to the oils and perspiration of the skin and will remain clean enough to be able to be worn more than once before needing to be washed, providing you don’t get it dirty in other ways.

•    How long the T-shirt was worn also determines whether or not you can wear it multiple times before washing it. If you put on a T-shirt and wore it for just a few hours, you may be able to wear it another time or two for a similar time period before needing to wash it.

•    What you were doing while wearing the shirt will help you decide if you need to wash it after one wearing. If you wear a T-shirt while sitting around watching TV or doing computer work in a climate controlled room, you should be able to get a second wearing out of it. However, if you wear it to the gym, outside, while doing exercise, while cooking, in an environment that has a strong odor or while doing dirty work, you will not want to wear it again until you have washed it.

•    The fit of a T-shirt helps to determine the frequency of washes. If your T-shirt is form fitting, it is more likely to pick up oils and odors from your skin and will need to be washed more often. If your T-shirt is loose fitting and barely skims your torso, it may be one that you can wear twice before needing a wash, depending on the other factors above also.

If you have a favorite T-shirt or one that you need to wear repeatedly for some reason, you can save yourself from having to do laundry everyday by following a few simple tips to make sure you get the most use of your tee between washes. Wear it only when you need to and for as short a time as possible. Put another solid colored T-shirt under your favorite one. Restrict the activities you do and the places you go while wearing it. You can also buy a duplicate T-shirt to make sure one is available when you need it.

Get a custom-made T-shirt printed to duplicate your often-worn T-shirt. Custom printed T-shirts can replicate practically any T-shirt, so you have exactly what you want on your shirt and have the quality, cut and style of T-shirt that you want too.