Tag Archives: masculine t-shirts

What Are Masculine And Feminine T-Shirt Colors?

T-shirts come in every color you can possibly imagine. In fact, no matter what color you are looking to match up, it is easy to do so with a T-shirt because of the wide variety of colors that are available in. However, interestingly enough, many people associate certain color T-shirts as being either feminine or masculine. Those who perceive colors strongly as either masculine or feminine have a tendency to gravitate towards and wear only the colors that are supposed to be “for” their specific gender.

Amongst the colors that people tend to see as feminine are pink, purple, burgundy, lilac, yellow and all pastel tones. More vibrant colors seem to be the ones that are mostly associated with women. You will find that most T-shirts in these colors are targeted to girls and women and will have feminine prints and lines of text on them.

Colors that are seen as masculine include green, blue, gray, brown, olive, tan and all darker shades. While women also wear these colors, typically you will see much more of them in a man’s wardrobe than in a woman’s. Often T-shirts in these colors will have a more masculine design and will be meant to appeal to boys and men.

There are some other colors however, that are seen as unisex and they are white, black, beige and red. These colors tend to be neither predominantly masculine nor feminine. They seem to appeal equally to both genders and finding T-shirts targeting females or males in these shades are easy to come by.

If you are in the market for a new T-shirt, regardless of the color you want and whether it is traditionally seen as a masculine or feminine color, you can get what you want with custom-made T-shirts. Not only will you choose the color you want, but also the style, fabric weight and quality of your tee. Then you’ll get to choose the design you want on it too.

There is no limit to how many ways you can customize a T-shirt of your choice. You can create your very own version of one of the popular design-based T-shirts like Peace, Love, Tennis or I heart Tennis Players. You may also opt to put a design, drawing or photo of your own on a T-shirt, alone in or in combination with text. Of course, you can also opt to create a T-shirt with one word or a simple line of text on it in order to show your passions, beliefs, pride, interests or sense of humor.

Some fun lines to have printed on a T-shirt include things that make fun of gender stereotypes like masculine and feminine colors. Some examples include:
–    Tough guys wear pink
–    Real baby boys wear pink
–    Does this shirt make me look gay?
–    Girls can’t what?

Forget about masculine and feminine T-shirt colors and choose the colors you like to wear. Order an array of custom-made T-shirts today so you have one for every mood and in every color.