Category Archives: Clothing Care and Stain Removal

How to Care for your Clothing and Tips, Ideas, How-to Remove stains from your t-shirts and clothing


How To Make Your Own Wrinkle Release Spray


Wrinkle release sprays are relatively new to the market and are definitely a hit. They allow people to avoid ironing many items of clothing. They are also ideal for getting rid of wrinkles when travelling, so clothes that have been packed are ready to wear and looking great in no time. Wrinkle release sprays are simply sprayed onto the item of clothing and then wrinkles are smoothed out by hand. Once the item is dry, voila, you will have wrinkle-free clothing quickly and easily.

Lots of people search for a way to make their own wrinkle release spray. Many of them want to try it before they buy it. They don’t believe new things that sound too good to be true can actually work. Others love the idea, but don’t want to spend the money to purchase it. Still others just want to cut costs any way they can. No matter what the reason, you will find that making your own wrinkle release spray is very easy and economical to do.

For this interesting experiment, you will need some supplies before you can get started. A small water sprayer bottle that has a fine mist nozzle is absolutely essential. You will also need distilled water and liquid fabric softener. To make the spray, you simply mix one teaspoon of fabric softener in one cup of distilled water and combine it well. Pour the mixture into the spray bottle.

To use your new wrinkle release spray, simply shake up the bottle to make sure it is still well-mixed and spray it generously onto the shirt or other garment that is wrinkled. Pull and smooth out any wrinkles you see in the item of clothing while it is hanging and leave it to dry. When dry, it will be wrinkle free and looking its absolute best.

Pool chlorine

Does Pool Chlorine Damage/Bleach Clothing?

Pool chlorine

Many people are reluctant to wear clothing into a pool or take pains to rinse their clothing out immediately to avoid any damage from the pool chlorine. Many people also worry about their swimwear holding up to the chlorine in the pool.

Pool Chlorine

Chlorine is added at low levels to pool water to keep bacteria from growing in the water. It is also added to drinking water for the same reason. In general, any water that comes into contact with the clothing, with the exception of ocean and lake water, will have chlorine in it. While chlorine does bleach and damage clothing over time, it is used in small enough amounts in a swimming pool that the effects won’t be seen for some time.

Chlorine Levels

The standard amount of chlorine that is added to a pool is calculated in parts per million. The measurement for a pool will generally be around 1 to 10 parts of chlorine for every million parts of chlorine. When something is bleached in the washing machine with a clothing bleach, the general guideline is a bleach level in the washer that is a little more than 80 parts per million. This is a far faster way to bleach and damage clothing than exposing the clothing to chlorine bleach in a pool.

The level of chlorine in drinking water is generally less than one part per million, making the water in the washing machine another slow contributor to damage to clothing. Many washes in a washing machine will have the same effect on clothing because of the chlorine content of the water- it simply happens more slowly because of the lower chlorine content.

Bleaching Effect

Because a pool does have higher levels of chlorine than household water, repeated exposure of clothing to pool water will result in damage and lighter clothing colors eventually. Rinsing out items of clothing after they have been in a pool will not remove the chlorine, but it will result in less chlorine in the clothing.

However, once the clothing has been in the pool water, the bleaching action of the chlorine on the clothing has already taken place. Rinsing it will not reverse the effects that the chlorine has already had on the clothing. It may help the clothing by removing the body oils that get on clothing, resulting in as much or more damage than chlorine.

Bathing Suits

Because bathing suits take a lot of abuse in swimming pools, they are made of sturdy fabric that is made to resist some of the wear that bathers put it through. There are also a number of swimsuits on the market that are specifically made to resist the effects of chlorine. These chlorine-resistant suits are made to keep their color and thickness longer than regular swim suits.

These suits may also see the effects of chlorine eventually, but that damage will be slowed down. This can result in a suit that looks better for more than one or two seasons.


Why Do Clothes Fray?


Frayed jeans, tops, elbows and hems are amongst the absolute most stylish looks today, especially amongst the younger set. Kids pay big bucks for outfits that look like they are worn out. However, many of us, especially anyone older than 30, don’t want the frayed look and are frustrated when we find that our favorite clothing has begun to fray. We spend money on a variety of products that are designed to stop fraying clothes. We sew new hems in order to prevent further fraying and use other techniques as well. So what exactly is fraying and why do clothes fray?

Typically clothes fray because there is a cut end of the fabric used in making the clothes that does not have a hem or some sort of fray treatment to keep it from unraveling. Basically the weave of the fabric is unprotected, so it starts to undo itself. Whether or not it frays quickly or not depends on many things, like the use of the clothing, the age of the clothing, the quality of it and the tightness of the weave.

Wear and tear can cause fraying, sometimes much to the delight of those who like the worn look. Cutting a T-shirt or other item of clothing for deconstruction or reconstruction purposes is a sure way to achieve some much-wanted fraying, Those strategic cuts will expose the weave of the cloth and make it vulnerable to fraying. This often gives a strategic kind of look of unfinished hems, see-through holes and more. For the young person into this look, strategic fraying is just what they want.

If you love the look of frayed clothes it is quite easy to take even new items and cause them to fray. A pair of scissors and a run through the washer and dryer will do it for many items. For people who dislike frayed clothes, extra care of their attire is needed. Be sure to pay attention to hems, especially if pants hems are a little too long and get extra wear from the ground. Repair clothing at the first sign of holes or fraying. Use fray check on edges of fabric to avoid fraying. Replace items that cannot be salvaged.

Get started today with your new frayed look and be proud of it. Know that you are on the cutting edge of style amongst young people. Fraying is cool and anybody can do it or let nature do it for you.

Chocolate milk stains

How to Remove Chocolate Milk Stains

Chocolate milk stains

Those of us who don’t like chocolate are few and far between. The amazing taste of the cacao bean was discovered 2,000 years ago in the rainforests of the Americas. The ancient peoples of Mexico and Central America mixed the ground beans, found in the pods of the cacao tree, with other seasonings to make a frothy and somewhat bitter drink. Drinking chocolate was an important part of the lifestyle of these civilizations, much as coffee drinking is to modern times. Spanish conquistadors took the drink back to Europe, where it quickly became a favorite, so much so that native Americans and Africans were enslaved to farm and produce the beans. Over time, other concoctions using cacao were created. The popularity of the chocolate flavor gradually spread throughout the world, evolving into new textures and items that are now enjoyed by countless numbers of people.

The creation of chocolate milk is credited to Sir Hans Sloane, a British physician and collector. That gentleman discovered chocolate while practicing medicine in Jamaica in 1689. There the locals drank cocoa mixed with water. The good doctor is said to have found the drink disgusting, and devised a way to mix cocoa with milk to make the taste more pleasant. Upon returning to England, Sloane brought his recipe with him, and it was later dispensed by apothecaries for medicinal purposes. By the 1800’s, tins of Sloane’s “drinking chocolate” were being sold by the famous Cadbury brothers.

Chocolate milk is one of those simple pleasures in life that can be enjoyed by young and old alike. It can also cause major problems if it happens to come in contact with your favorite white shirt or little Johnny’s best khaki dress pants. This is because milk contains natural lactose sugar and fats, while chocolate syrup contains sugar and cocoa powder (with cocoa butter proteins). When combined, these two create a powerful stain punch.

To combat a nasty chocolate milk stain, move quickly. Grab some paper towels to blot up the excess and try to prevent a larger stain. Keep pressing a clean towel against the fabric to pull out as much moisture as possible. Next, wet a sponge with cold water (it’s very important that the water temperature be cold, otherwise you will help to set the stain) and wipe the wet stain over and over. Blot with a clean paper towel, and repeat.

Because milk and chocolate are organic, they should not be cleaned with chemicals and other non-organic cleansing agents. This will actually “cook” the stain onto the material, making removal much more difficult, if not impossible.

Another trick is to use a bit of lemon juice. Sprinkle the juice on the stain while the fabric is wet, then lay it in the sun. The juice and sun will work together to lighten and brighten stubborn organic stains. This will not be as effective if the stain is old or has been treated with chemicals which cooked it into the fabric.

Now even if the chocolate milk wins, you can rest easy knowing you’ll soon be able to get your stain-free groove on.

Hang dry

Tips To Hang Dry Your Clothes And T-Shirts

Hang dry

Following laundry instructions as they are printed on the tags of clothes, including T-shirt often means that you end up hanging them to dry. Some people have a love of hanging clothes to dry outside and do so during all 4 seasons. Still others simply like to hang clothes inside to dry, in order to save on laundry costs or to avoid shrinkage. Whatever the reason you choose to hang dry your clothes and T-shirts, there are some things to keep in mind.

•    Hang clothes in an area where air circulates freely. If you hang them outside, this is easily done. However, for clothes hung inside it is important to space them apart and allow air to flow around them. This reduces the chance of mold and speeds up the drying process.

•    If you are using clothes pins or clips of some sort, pin them on a part of the clothing that will be least affected if they leave an indentation. A good choice for pants is the waistband. A good choice for T-shirts is the hem, especially if you plan to tuck in the tee.

•    Also if you pin up your clothes to dry, be sure to use enough pins to make sure the wet item does not stretch and sag disproportionately while drying. Pinning just the end of clothes made out of absorbent cotton, like T-shirts, often results in stretched out ends when the item is dry.

•    For clothes that are hung outside to dry, it is important to make sure you are not putting them there during high pollen count season if you have an allergy sufferer in your house. It will affect his or her allergies greatly.

•    Another thing to remember about outside drying is that the sun has a natural bleaching effect on clothing. Therefore white tees and clothes will look great dried outside, while color clothes will fade more quickly from drying outside.

•    For the best look possible from a line dried item, pull and tug out wrinkles as you are hanging it, restoring it to its intended shape. This will also save ironing time.

Cigar odor

How To Remove Cigar Odor From T-Shirts And Clothing

Cigar odor

The smell of cigars is usually something that people either love or hate. Even nonsmokers often revel in the smell of a good cigar. It is a much more alluring scent than that of cigarettes. However, that interesting aroma that you can enjoy when someone is smoking a cigar around you is not the same when it is on an item of clothing. The stale, funky odor of cigar smoke on a T-shirt or other item of clothing is less than enjoyable. In fact, even if you are wearing perfectly clean clothes, the smell can make it seem as if your clothes are dirty. So what do you do about clothes that have picked up the rank odor of old cigar smoke?

If the odor is very faint it can still be significant enough to bother a non-smoker or someone who is very sensitive to odors. In the case of very mild odors, simply washing the item as you normally would tends to take care of the smell. Be sure to use a laundry detergent and fabric softener with a scent in it in order to completely eradicate the cigar odor. Adding vinegar or baking soda to your detergent also helps to intensify the odor-erasing power of it.

For stronger odors you can pretreat your clothes liberally with Febreeze fabric spray or some other similar product designed to eliminate odors. This is best done outside. Wash the item in a mixture of laundry soap, 1 cup of baking soda and fabric softener for the rinse cycle. Drying it outside or on high heat in the dryer will make sure that any lingering odor is completely gone.

If you don’t have time to wash your clothes out and want the smell of cigars gone now, you can again turn to a fabric odor eliminator like Febreeze and spray your clothes generously with it. Let the item dry or dry it according to care instructions before wearing it. The only drawback with this method is that Febreeze tends to have a rather perfume-like odor that can be overwhelming.

Soften fabrics

How to Soften Fabrics Naturally

Soften fabrics

It’s only natural to want your clothes to be as soft as they can, in particular your sheets and towels. This is especially true if you’re hanging your clothes on a clothesline to dry. While this method of drying clothes is the most eco-friendly, it’s not very pleasant when your clothes come off the line stiff as a board. But using a fabric softener can ensure that your clothes are nice and soft, no matter what method you use to dry them. If you’re concerned about the chemicals in commercial fabric softeners, don’t worry, because there are many natural options for you. Let’s look at a few of these that will be safer for the environment, and will also save you money.

Vinegar is one of the most useful natural substances for all kinds of household cleaning jobs. As well as being an excellent all-purpose cleaner, did you know that it also makes a great fabric softener? Just add ½ cup of white vinegar to your final rinse. Another plus is that vinegar removes the soap residue from your clothes. You can also use a mix of equal parts baking soda and vinegar to two parts water to use in your wash.

There are many other recipes using all-natural ingredients for fabric softeners. For instance, you can add ¼ cup of Borax to the rinse water. Another trick is to use any store brand of hair conditioner, and dilute it with one part conditioner to three parts water.  You can also use one cup of glycerin diluted with one gallon of water and add ½ cup to your wash or final rinse.

If you still want to use a commercial fabric softener, you can try these tricks to dilute it. Put an old washcloth cut into four pieces in the bottle of fabric softener. Wring out the washcloth well, and toss it in the washing machine. You can also try diluting fabric softener with water. Try four parts water to one part fabric softener, and play around with the proportions to find a blend that still softens your fabric. Another trick is to use a mixture of one part fabric softener to three parts water in a spray bottle, and spray the inside of your dryer before putting in your laundry. Any way you choose to dilute your fabric softener, you’ll reduce the amount of chemicals that are being released into the environment, and save money at the same time.

If you hang your clothes on the line to dry, and still want them to be soft, try this trick. Keep your clothes on the line until they’re almost dry, then pop them in the dryer for a few minutes. Your clothes will be softer without using any chemicals, and you’ll save electricity by not having to run the dryer as long.

As you can see, there are so many options for natural fabric softeners. You can rest assured that if you want to start living more “green,” you don’t have to give up nice soft clothes!

Urine stains

How to Remove Dog and Cat Urine Stains from Clothing

Urine stains

While nothing in life gives you pleasure like your four legged friends, nothing gives you quite the same feeling of madness when they urinate on your favorite cloths. Anyone who owns a dog or a cat has experienced this at least once –and probably a lot more- in the life of a pet. While there is nothing quite as nasty as the pungent odor that comes with the ugly stain, there is a rather easy home remedy to get both out in the wash.

First of all if your cat or dog urinated on your whites, like your undershirts, you are in luck. A simple wash cycle using a healthy amount of bleach should do the trick. But usually fluffy finds your favorite shirt, skirt, jeans, or slacks to relieve himself on and the solution is not so cut and dry.

For all other clothing try this simple method. First it is important to absorb as much of the pet urine as possible with paper towels. Blotting the stain usually proves the most effective. Next mix 3 parts hot water with one part of white distilled vinegar and soak the articles of clothing in the solution. Soak the clothing for about 35 to 40 minutes and then launder as you normally would. If you wish, an added measure can be taken to ensure the smell comes completely out. Simply add a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar in with your normal detergent and that should insure that the smell is gone.

For delicates the process is much the same except instead of using hot water use cold water. Also do not use the apple cider vinegar for anything that is delicate. It is better to soak it twice in regular vinegar if need be.

Once your laundry is done, it is important to make sure that the area where the clothing was is also ridded of the odor. If it is not, that is like telling your furry friend that they can have a bathroom break there anytime they want to. Using the same solution of vinegar and water usually does the trick for carpets and bleach and water does the trick if the wall was hit.

There are a number of cat and dog urine stain removers that can be purchased at a place like Pets Mart but when you buy those products you are taking your chances. Besides, most of those products are rather expensive as compared to a bottle or two of vinegar.

Remember cats and dogs are like children that never grow up. They can be fickle little creatures and will urinate on your clothing for a number of reasons. Some cats do it because of a full litter box and dogs sometimes do it because they just can’t hold it until you wake up. The point is that your fuzzy companion will urinate on your cloths every now and then. It’s just one of the joys of being a pet owner. But with the remedy discussed above, hopefully the next accident your pet has won’t be such a big deal.


How to Soften Fabrics Naturally

It’s only natural to want your clothes to be as soft as they can, in particular your sheets and towels. This is especially true if you’re hanging your clothes on a clothesline to dry. While this method of drying clothes is the most eco-friendly, it’s not very pleasant when your clothes come off the line stiff as a board. But using a fabric softener can ensure that your clothes are nice and soft, no matter what method you use to dry them. If you’re concerned about the chemicals in commercial fabric softeners, don’t worry, because there are many natural options for you. Let’s look at a few of these that will be safer for the environment, and will also save you money.

Vinegar is one of the most useful natural substances for all kinds of household cleaning jobs. As well as being an excellent all-purpose cleaner, did you know that it also makes a great fabric softener? Just add ½ cup of white vinegar to your final rinse. Another plus is that vinegar removes the soap residue from your clothes. You can also use a mix of equal parts baking soda and vinegar to two parts water to use in your wash.

There are many other recipes using all-natural ingredients for fabric softeners. For instance, you can add ¼ cup of Borax to the rinse water. Another trick is to use any store brand of hair conditioner, and dilute it with one part conditioner to three parts water.  You can also use one cup of glycerin diluted with one gallon of water and add ½ cup to your wash or final rinse.

If you still want to use a commercial fabric softener, you can try these tricks to dilute it. Put an old washcloth cut into four pieces in the bottle of fabric softener. Wring out the washcloth well, and toss it in the washing machine. You can also try diluting fabric softener with water. Try four parts water to one part fabric softener, and play around with the proportions to find a blend that still softens your fabric. Another trick is to use a mixture of one part fabric softener to three parts water in a spray bottle, and spray the inside of your dryer before putting in your laundry. Any way you choose to dilute your fabric softener, you’ll reduce the amount of chemicals that are being released into the environment, and save money at the same time.

If you hang your clothes on the line to dry, and still want them to be soft, try this trick. Keep your clothes on the line until they’re almost dry, then pop them in the dryer for a few minutes. Your clothes will be softer without using any chemicals, and you’ll save electricity by not having to run the dryer as long.

As you can see, there are so many options for natural fabric softeners. You can rest assured that if you want to start living more “green,” you don’t have to give up nice soft clothes!


Static cling

What Is Static Cling? How to Remove & Prevent it

Static cling

Pulling on a T-shirt or other item of clothing to find out that it is full of static cling is so annoying. It inevitably happens when you don’t have time to deal with the problem or the clothes affected by it are the ideal choice for the day or the occasion. Static cling is so annoying because the more you pull the item away from you, the stronger it clings. Knowing what static cling is, how to prevent it and how to get rid of it will keep it from ever being a problem again.

Static cling is an electric attraction created by two items when there is low humidity. When the items rub together, a transference of electrons occurs. When this happens one of the items becomes positively charged and the other becomes negatively charged. In this situation the items adhere to each other. Typically it is the lighter weight object which adheres to the heavier one. It is a very common problem for clothes which are dried in a clothes dryer, especially during winter months when humidity is low

You can prevent static cling in a variety of ways. You can use fabric softener liquid in the wash or a fabric softener sheet in the dryer to get rid of static cling. There is a chemical buildup on the clothes which prevents it from rubbing together and forming static cling.

For a more natural method of preventing static cling, you simply add a cup of vinegar to the rinse of your laundry. Of course, keeping the humidity up in your home will also help you to reduce the occurrences of static cling that you deal with because static electricity cannot thrive in conditions that are not dry. You should also remove clothing from the dryer before it is completely dry and hang it to finish drying. Another tip is to avoid synthetic clothes which tend to have many more static problems. Natural fiber clothing like cotton is much better in terms of static.

There are also static reducing sprays on the market that allow you to treat an item that you want to wear immediately. Another quick fix when time is of the essence is to rub a fabric softener sheet inside your clothes until the static cling is gone. Spraying a mist of water in the air and walking through it to get rid of static cling is another great, quick remedy.


How Many Times Can You Wear A T-Shirt Before Washing It.

Everyone tends to have their own schedule of wearing clothes for a certain period of time before washing them. Some items can easily be worn more than once, depending on the type of clothes, where you wear it and what you do while wearing it. In the case of a T-shirt, typically they are washed after each use. However, in reality there are several variables, which can affect this. So in order to determine whether or not you can wear a T-shirt again before washing it, weigh the following factors.

•    If the T-shirt was worn next to the skin, you may not be able to wear it a second time before washing it. If you layer your T-shirts, the one on the outside will not be exposed to the oils and perspiration of the skin and will remain clean enough to be able to be worn more than once before needing to be washed, providing you don’t get it dirty in other ways.

•    How long the T-shirt was worn also determines whether or not you can wear it multiple times before washing it. If you put on a T-shirt and wore it for just a few hours, you may be able to wear it another time or two for a similar time period before needing to wash it.

•    What you were doing while wearing the shirt will help you decide if you need to wash it after one wearing. If you wear a T-shirt while sitting around watching TV or doing computer work in a climate controlled room, you should be able to get a second wearing out of it. However, if you wear it to the gym, outside, while doing exercise, while cooking, in an environment that has a strong odor or while doing dirty work, you will not want to wear it again until you have washed it.

•    The fit of a T-shirt helps to determine the frequency of washes. If your T-shirt is form fitting, it is more likely to pick up oils and odors from your skin and will need to be washed more often. If your T-shirt is loose fitting and barely skims your torso, it may be one that you can wear twice before needing a wash, depending on the other factors above also.

If you have a favorite T-shirt or one that you need to wear repeatedly for some reason, you can save yourself from having to do laundry everyday by following a few simple tips to make sure you get the most use of your tee between washes. Wear it only when you need to and for as short a time as possible. Put another solid colored T-shirt under your favorite one. Restrict the activities you do and the places you go while wearing it. You can also buy a duplicate T-shirt to make sure one is available when you need it.

Get a custom-made T-shirt printed to duplicate your often-worn T-shirt. Custom printed T-shirts can replicate practically any T-shirt, so you have exactly what you want on your shirt and have the quality, cut and style of T-shirt that you want too.

How To Clean Fake Tan Moisturizer On Your T- Shirt?

There is nothing worse than getting ready to go out and discovering that the T-shirt you intended to wear has a stain. Inevitably, it is a stain that requires a great deal of work to get out and should be attended to immediately. While no stain should be left to set in, some stains are worse than others and need extra attention. Fake tan moisturizer is one of those stains.

Stains resulting from the use of fake tan moisturizer have both color and grease to contend with in terms of getting rid of the stain, not the easiest combination to deal with. The first thing to do is to make sure you have no more moisturizer on your hands or any other part of your body that may touch the T-shirt so you will not make the stain worse. Turn the T-shirt inside out and work on removing the stain in this way so that it can lift off rather that go through the fabric.

Take a light colored absorbent cloth and lay it beneath the stain so that it does not transfer onto another part of the tee while you are working to get rid of the stain. Next use a dry paper towel laid gently over the stain to get the worst of it absorbed before you begin treating what is left.

Apply a clear dish detergent, that is designed to fight grease, mixed with water and dab gently at the stain. If this does not remove the fake tan stain, use hydrogen peroxide and attempt to gently spot clean it. Test treat an inconspicuous spot first to make sure the peroxide doesn’t damage the shirt. You may also want to try glycerin to help remove the stain. When the stain is successfully gone, wash it as usual.

If you cannot get the stain out, add a pretreatment to the other things you have put on the stain and let it sit. Then wash as usual. Do not dry the item until it is stain free or you will be out of luck and have a permanent stain on your hands.

If you find yourself with a T-shirt ruined by a fake tan moisturizer, there is help for you. Choosing to replace the T-shirt with a brand new custom-made one is definitely the way to go. By getting a custom-made tee you can either totally recreate the shirt you have ruined or you can design one that you like even more. You get to choose the color, style, neckline, sit, fabric weight and quality of the T-shirt you are buying. Then to make it even better you can select a design to have printed on it to totally personalize it.

The list of fun T-shirts you can have made include one that says “This is my official self-tanning T-shirt” with fake stains all over it. Such a T-shirt could really come in handy. You can also print lines like one of these on a custom shirt:
–    Smart Girls Fake It
–    I’d rather be sunless tanning
–    Sunless tanning means no tan lines

Get your custom-made fake tan T-shirt today and don’t worry about stains.

What Are The Best Hangers To Hang Your T-Shirts And Clothes

Finding the perfect hangers to hang your T-shirts and the rest of your clothes is much more than simply a matter of personal opinion. There are many different types of hangers that exist and people often have very different opinions about each of them. Some people regard certain hangers as fodder for the trash can, while this is the only type others use. Some swear by certain types of hangers as being the only way to hang your clothing and keep it looking good.

Wire Hangers: These are the ultimate in throwaway hangers. Dry cleaners and alterations shops give away this type of hanger with finished products, meaning that many people have a very steady supply of them coming into their homes. While these types of hangers are great for retrieving things in tight spots and roasting marshmallows over a fire, they are not the kindest to clothes. Wire hangers tend to leave unwanted dents and bumps in clothes, making it necessary to press them or even relaunder them after taking them off the hanger.

Plastic Hangers: These come in many different forms. There are the freebies from many stores that work well; especially the ones with built in grips on the shoulder part. There are also the triangular tube hangers, which provide good support. T-shirts rarely slip off them. Plastic hangers are a good multi-purpose choice.

Luxury Hangers: There are many different types of hangers that one would consider luxury hangers. These include wooden hangers, bamboo hangers, cedar hangers, padded satin hangers, velvet hangers and hangers with built in clips. While these each have their specific purpose and are excellent for certain clothes, they are not ideal for T-shirts.

Padded hangers work great with knits and delicate items. Velvet hangers are perfect for tops that need the extra gentle grip to stay in place.  Wooden and bamboo hangers are designed for heavier items. Hangers with clips are ideal for suits. Cedar hangers are specialty items especially for use when storing out of season items.

There are tons of great sites that offer the latest and best in hangers for T-shirts and all types of clothes. Some of the top ones include:, and If you are in the market for some great new hangers or just want to see what your options are, check out these sites.

Chemical Smells In Clothes – What are they and How To Remove Them

Stains and odors are the two worst enemies of clothes. One small stain or one impossible to remove odor can mean that an otherwise perfectly good shirt will be not used and eventually gotten rid of. Therefore we typically work very hard trying to get rid of any and all stains and unpleasant odors we find on our clothing.

If you have been in certain areas where the odor is very strong, in some cases it will cling to your clothing. Many times simply washing it will be enough to return it to its original great smell. However, some odors linger and simple washing is not enough. In those cases, you may need to identify the smell on your clothes in order to get rid of it. Chemical smells are one of the worst offenders.

Finding that your clothes have a chemical smell on them is somewhat common. If you can identify the source of the smell and you know where you picked up the odor, you will best be able to successfully get rid of it. However there are some cases, especially with synthetic materials and synthetic blend materials that the chemical smell really is a part of the fabric. Certain fabrics are made from petroleum or are treated with chemicals like formaldehyde that bond to the fabric. They usually have a telltale odor that is as much a part of the clothes as the color. In these cases, it is almost impossible to remove the chemical smell.

If you have a chemical smell on your clothes, you can take several steps to get rid of it. Air it out well outside in the sun. Spray the garment liberally with an odor eliminating spray like Febreeze. This should also be done outside or in a well-ventilated area. Then wash the item, as usual. If your item is white, you can add a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle in order to help get rid of the odor. If you use vinegar with other colored T-shirts you run the risk of fading them.  Check the clothes carefully after the wash cycle to make sure it is odor-free before air drying it outside if possible.

If you find that your T-shirt has that horrible chemical smell no matter what you do, the best thing to do is throw out the shirt or use it as a rag. Order a custom-made organic T-shirt to replace the old one, to be sure you get one that is completely free of noxious odors. You can choose one in any color or style you desire, as well as in the fabric weight or quality of your choice as well. With a custom-made T-shirt you can print anything you would like on them. You can completely replicate the T-shirt that you have had to get rid of or make one that appeals to you even more.

Get your clean smelling custom-made organic T-shirt today and never again spend time trying to awful remove chemical smells.

What are the Differences Between Washing Cycles?

If you have clothes to wash, you need to know the difference between the various washing cycles. By using the wrong washing cycle, you can wear out your clothes far faster than is necessary. You may also ruin some clothes that aren’t made for washing on certain cycles. By using the right washing cycles, you can extend the life of your clothes and keep them in better condition. You can also save time and money by using the shortest cycle that will work with your clothing type.

Short Cycle Wash
Most washing machines have a short cycle wash. This short cycle is a good way to wash clothes that are only slightly dirty or that have a lot of embellishments on them that should be washed gently. It’s good to use slow cycles as well for these types of clothing. A long, vigorous wash wears down the fibers of clothing. If you are washing a delicate fabric, use the short cycle and use cold water. If you are washing cotton and you are trying to avoid shrinkage, use the short cycle on cold as well.

Regular Wash Cycle
The regular wash cycle will agitate the clothing and spin it at a faster rate of speed than the shorter cycle. The regular wash cycle is good to use on clothes that are very dirty or that are thick and sturdy. The regular cycle works well with jeans, t-shirts, coats, bedding and any other items that don’t need any delicate treatment. Clothing that is very dirty or that has a bad smell is also in need of the regular wash cycle.

Permanent Press Cycle
The permanent press cycle is a cycle that is a bit easier on fabrics. For many average loads with clothing that is not extra dirty, the permanent press washing cycle is a good choice. This washing cycle cools clothes before they entered the spinning cycle. This is what prevents certain fabrics from getting creased or wrinkled during the washing process. It is particularly effective with synthetic fabrics and permanent press items. Clothing that is advertised as wrinkle-resistant should be washed in a permanent press cycle. For loads full of moderately dirty clothes that do not have foul smells, the permanent press cycle will play them without any unnecessary wear to the fabric.

Delicate Washing Cycle
For many fabrics, the delicate washing cycle is the only one that will work well. There are many items that are simply not made to be washed in a washing machine. There are some silks that are dry clean only, as are some items that are embellished with a lot of sequins or other items. However, there are many delicate items that can be washed in the delicate cycle. Items such as lingerie, items with a lot of lace, very delicate lightweight items, and fabrics that are loosely woven are all perfect for the delicate washing cycle. With delicate items, use cold water and a delicate detergent. This cycle washes clothing more gently with slower agitation and spinning. It is the closest thing to hand washing that is possible with a washing machine.

Why Do The Bottom Of My T-Shirts Keep Stretching Out

T-shirts are a great looking addition to any wardrobe. They come in so many different colors and styles that you can easily use them to your advantage in almost any outfit. You can dress them up or down and can get a lot of use from T-shirts. However, there are some people who are plagued with problems with their T-shirts. One of these problems is that the bottom of their T-shirts keep stretching out. While this seems like it might be a rather unusual problem for someone who has never experienced it, quite a few people consider it an issue.

Below are some of the reasons the bottom of your T-shirt might keep stretching out:

•    If you have wider than average hips, you may be pulling down the T-shirt to cover them, whether self-consciously or unconsciously. Constant pulling on your T-shirt and stretching it wider than it was meant to be will lead to the bottom of your T-shirt being stretched out.
•    If you have a nervous habit of pulling at the hem of your clothes or twisting it, the stress on the garment will inevitably lead to the T-shirt being stretched out at the bottom.
•    If you surf in your T-shirt or do any other activities in which your T-shirt will get wet, the bottom of the shirt will inevitably tend to stretch out because the T-shirt will hold the water and stay heavy at the bottom. .
•    If you happen to have a child who loves to hold tight to Mommy, you may find that the bottom of many of your T-shirts are getting very stretched out also from him or her pulling at them.
•    Certain fabric blends have very specific laundry instructions, like lay flat to dry. If you do not follow these instructions and hang your shirts to dry, you will find that the ends stretch out from the weight of the water.

Hard Vs. Soft Water And Impacts On Your Laundry

Hard water is simply water that has positively charged minerals in it, such as magnesium, calcium and others. These minerals tend to create deposits on other things that they have regular contact with, like clothing, metals, ceramic and porcelain. They also interact with the different components in cleaning products to often lessen their effectiveness.

Soft water is usually water that has been treated to remove the mineral deposits, so that the only positively charged component remaining is sodium. Soft water also occurs naturally in some regions. This makes for water that works well for laundry and cleaning and is easy on the plumbing in your home.

Hard water creates a variety of problems with your laundry.
•    Mineral buildup means that colored clothes fade more quickly than they should.
•    White clothing tends to get yellow with repeated washing in hard water.
•    It requires more detergent to effectively be able to create enough suds to clean your clothes.
•    Buildup of deposits and extra work being demanded from the washing machine’s parts often shorten the life of the machine.
•    More water is used and wasted with the need to repeat washing and rinsing clothes more often.
•    In order to get hard water to clean effectively, it is necessary to use hotter water than if using soft water. This leads to higher energy costs and unnecessary energy use.
•    The extra washing and the buildup that results takes a toll on the fabric in your clothing, meaning that it doesn’t last as long.

Using soft water creates whiter, brighter clothing. There will be less soapy residue and build up on clothes from deposits than what is created by the interaction of hard water and detergent. Clothing can be washed in cold, soft water with less detergent, creating more savings for the consumer. Soft water is also easier on washing machines, meaning that they last longer, as do the clothes washed in it. Clothing looks better for much longer when cared for with soft water.

Soft water is naturally occurring in some places, although in reality hard water is much more common. Luckily it is relatively easy to soften hard water, although many of the machines to do so are relatively pricey. The savings you will make through the use of soft water will however, over the life of the unit, compensate for its cost.

When Is It Time To Recycle Your Old T-Shirt? How To Recycle Your Shirt

T-shirts definitely have a life cycle. As they age, they start to look less than spectacular and get worn less and less. Then the time comes to recycle your old T-shirt. Luckily there are countless ways to recycle a tee, but you need to know when is the right time to do so.

Periodically go through your T-shirt wardrobe and evaluate the shirts you own. If you have any that you have not worn in a year or more for whatever reason, they should go into the recycle pile. Weed through the remaining shirts to decide whether or not it is time to recycle them or if you can continue wearing them. Some of the top indicators of when it is time to recycle your old T-shirts include the following.

•    It does not fit you anymore.
•    It has been worn so much you can see through it.
•    It is permanently stained.
•    The tee is stretched so badly that it has no shape anymore.
•    It has become too unevenly faded or discolored to be worn outside.
•    It is full of holes and rips that were not strategically done.

When you are looking for the ideal way to recycle your shirt, you will find that the options are endless. Here are some of the most popular ways to do so.

•    If the T-shirt still has life left in it, you may want to donate it to a charitable organization like a homeless shelter, Goodwill or the Salvation Army.
•    If you can’t bear to part with it yet, you can salvage a favorite T-shirt by using it as an undershirt, dying it, putting patches on it or simply repairing it.
•    If it is a favorite, a nice color or one with sentimental value, you can cut the front and back into large squares to be made into a quilt. The Internet is flooded with how-to information on making a T-shirt quilt. This is great for kids’ tees too.
•    You can cut up or rip up T-shirts into rags to be used for cleaning or in the garage.
•    You can cut the T-shirt into very thin strips diagonally and roll the strips to create a yarn that can be used for knitting or crocheting to truly recycle it into useful new clothing.
•    You can turn old T-shirts into underwear, for those who are good at sewing.
•    For those who have just the basics of sewing, an old T-shirt might be a great pillow or tote bag with a few simple stitches.
•    Old tees can be sewn into various shapes and stuffed for use as pet toys.
•    They can also be cut up and used as cleansing cloths or as liners in cloth diapers.

When you are ready to recycle some of your T-shirts, it also means that you are ready to get some new tees. A great option to ensure you have a winning set of new favorite T-shirts is to order custom-made ones. You get to choose the perfect tee for you. You can even recreate some of your old favorite ones by having them printed just how you would like.

Does Chemicals Or Dye On Cotton Rub Off On Your Skin From Your Clothes?

Cotton is the most popular natural fabric. It is used in a variety of different items because it is so versatile and yet so comfortable. However, people are becoming increasingly concerned with keeping themselves away from things that are not completely all natural. There is even a concern about chemicals or dye on cotton rubbing off onto your skin from your clothes. Yet, does it really occur?

Typically you do not have to worry about dye transferring from your clothes to your skin. The only time is tends to is if the dye process was poorly done, as in the case of a very cheap item. Some very bright or dark colors may transfer a small amount of dye if they are not washed before they are first worn. Therefore it is very important to wash new clothes before wearing them.

Chemicals can and do transfer from cotton to your skin. Skin irritations and allergies are proof that chemicals transfer from cotton to your skin. Those who have sensitivities to certain soaps and fabric softeners suffer from breakouts and irritations when their cotton clothes is washed using these products because the chemicals that bother them rub off on their skin. Some people also find their skin is irritated if they wear a new item of clothing before washing it. This is typically because of some residual chemical used during production and another good reason to wash new clothes before wearing them.

Luckily there are several options that you have, if you are concerned about chemicals or dye rubbing off on your skin from your clothes. First, be sure to wash all new items before wearing them. Second, wash them using a mild and pure soap that is low in chemicals and does not have any additives like dyes, perfumes or fabric softeners. Third, do not use bleach on your clothes, it is a very harsh chemical and can be very irritating. Fourth, stop using fabric softener, because the way it makes clothes soft and static free is by coating the fibers of the material in chemicals.

If you truly want to avoid chemicals and dye in your cotton clothes, you can always opt for organic cotton as an excellent alternative. This type of cotton is grown without pesticides and other chemicals. It even grows in different naturally occurring colors and therefore you can get a variety of colors without the use of dyes at all.

If chemicals and dyes on your cotton clothes concern you, replace your T-shirt wardrobe with a variety of custom-made organic cotton T-shirts. You don’t need to give up cute tees in great designs and styles just because you are choosing organic. You can choose the natural colors you want in the styles you want. Then you can choose to have anything you want printed on the custom tees. You can flaunt the fact that you have chosen an organic tee, support a cause, make a clever remark or a silly one. The choice of how to personalize a T-shirt is endless.

Get your custom-made organic cotton T-shirts today and never again worry about the chemicals and dyes from regular cotton.

Why Do T-Shirts Fade In Color?

We all love new, vibrant colored T-shirts. In fact, when we first buy them, we often choose T-shirts because they are the perfect color we are looking for. However, the rather unfortunate thing about cotton T-shirts, in particular, is that they will inevitably fade. Some fade very quickly while others keep their color longer. Purchasing certain types of T-shirts and specific care techniques will help to ensure your T-shirts stay looking good longer. So, why do T-shirts fade in color at all?

There are multiple factors that play a part in T-shirts fading with time. Below is a list of the most common ones.

•    Certain fabrics tend to hold dye better than others. Cotton, the most common fabric of T-shirts, is not one of these fabrics. In fact cotton is notorious for fading quickly in color.
•    The laundry is a primary culprit in making T-shirts fade in color. Color cotton tees have a tendency to fade with washes and especially when dried in the dryer, because the T-shirt fibers break down over time.
•    Hanging color T-shirts to dry outside is also not a good idea. The sun has a natural bleaching effect on clothing, so it is advised to let colors dry inside, away from the sun’s rays, to preserve the intensity of the color.
•    The dye process used in the fabrication of the T-shirt material will also impact how quickly or slowly a T-shirt fades. Cottons that have been dyed using hot, longer processes will have more resistant color than other processes, as the chemical process needed to bind the dye to the cotton will be better activated.
•    The quality of the T-shirts is important for fading. Often T-shirts that are cheaper and of less quality will fade much faster than others. This is often because the production methods were not good quality and attention was not paid to the colorfastness of the item.

Tips to prevent T-shirt colors from fading:
•    Turn them inside out before washing them.
•    Use a mild detergent and warm or cool water, not hot.
•    Do not put them in the dryer but hang them inside to dry instead.
•    The first time you wash a new vividly colored T-shirt, add a cup of vinegar or some table salt to the water with the detergent. This will help the dye to set in better.
•    Use one of the new detergents that is specially formulated for dark colors.

If you happen to have some faded out T-shirts, the absolute best way to replace them is with custom-made tees. You can have a shirt completely replicated through custom printing so that it perfectly matches the one that no longer looks good enough to wear.  When you are making the choices required when ordering a custom-made T-shirt, be sure to order the highest quality one you can, especially if you are getting one in a dark or vivid color. They will hold the color best and stay looking good much longer.