Oprah Winfrey

How to Dress Like Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

There is perhaps no woman on earth that is more beloved than Oprah Winfrey. Oprah has been helping people on her show for many years now and her style, grace, and generosity are matched by few. Also matched by few is her enormous success. Oprah was born into poverty and raised from the ashes to become the multi billionaire that she is today. With her enormous success and her willingness to help others, it is no wonder why so many women choose to emulate her and want to dress like her.

Dressing like Oprah requires style, sophistication and unfortunately some deep pockets as well. Here are some ways to dress like Oprah Winfrey:

•    Tailored suites: Ever wonder why Oprah looks so fabulous in her suits? It is because she has them tailored to be the perfect fit. While you probably can’t afford to use Oprah’s tailor, and who could, many dry cleaners offer a tailoring service and the prices are usually very reasonable. Even if you only get one suit that is custom fit, a nice tailored suit is great to have and will have you too looking your best.

•    Form fitting:
Even if you can’t afford a tailored suit, you should choose a suit that is form fitting on you. Stay away from tapered cut pants as this will not give a very flattering illusion. While you need to stay close, don’t overdo it and go super tight. Oprah always looks great, but never would she be caught dead wearing anything that is too tight.

•    Wear grays:
Oprah loves to wear grays. This makes perfect sense as gray is not as doom and gloom as black is yet it doesn’t scream out loudly like white does. What’s even better is that gray goes with almost anything you have in your closet.

•    Shoes:
Oprah is a fan of the high heels. She has been seen wearing high heels that are just regular all the way to stiletto high heels. Choose the style and color depending on what it is you are wearing, but always go heel.

•    Accessorize Oprah style:
Adding a nice broche or pin to your suit jacket is a touch that Oprah practices on a regular basis. She is also a big fan of designer handbags and loves chandelier type earrings filled with jewels that hang. Bracelets and necklaces when they are worn are typically on the gaudy side as well so feel free to go big in this area.

•    Hair and make-up: Go big with your hair like Oprah does. Don’t settle for flat hair, take the time to curl, curl, and curl some more. The more curls, the closer you will look to the Oprah image. Use make-up that compliments you skin tone and go for the natural look except for your cheekbones and lips. Here you want both to be noticed so don’t be afraid to use a little more in this area than you are used to.

Now all you need to do is get out there and help as many people as you can and the Oprah image will be complete.

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