Tag Archives: t-shirt care

How to Stretch Your T-Shirt

We’ve all got that one t-shirt that would fit perfectly if we could just stretch it out a bit. Chances are, your t-shirt fell victim to one of the most common culprits, the washer and dryer. Or, maybe you bought it a little too small because the t-shirt was unique or too good a deal to pass up but the store did not have quite your size. Whatever the reason for your ill fitting t-shirt, it’s time to stop looking in your closet, pulling out the t-shirt, and putting it back. Stretch that baby and give it some wear time!

There are a couple methods for stretching a t-shirt that can be used when either the garment is wet or dry. The first one involves simply trying to stretch the t-shirt by pulling on it. While most people may try just tugging on the shirt in its poorly fitted places when it’s dry and on their body, this method isn’t usually successful. In fact, if your t-shirt has graphics on it, it may distort them and give away your attempt to stretch your t-shirt. Stretching a t-shirt while it is wet is most successful.

The first step after wetting the shirt is to lay it on a flat surface and start pulling gently on the fabric in the areas that you need to stretch out. You should pull lengthwise and crosswise during your stretching process. After you’ve stretched out the wet shirt, hang it to dry. A second tactic to use while the t-shirt is wet is to stretch it with an iron. The heat setting of the iron should be on a low to medium. Gently run the iron over the problem area pushing out the fabric lengthwise and crosswise. As with hand stretching, hang the t-shirt to air dry. A final method that can be attempted is to use your iron on a dry shirt using the same technique as above. This method however is likely to only be successful in situations where limited stretching is needed.

Having a larger sized family member or friend put on your shirt and wear it may sound like another option for stretching out your t-shirt. However, you’d better think carefully before you choose someone to help you out with this! If the size differential between you and your friend or family member is too great, you’ll ruin your shirt. However, if the differential is not great enough, you may get little or no stretching. Therefore, depending on how much the shirt needs to be stretched and if you have the right individual to utilize for the process, this idea may work. However, you may undo all your stretching work when you wash the t-shirt prior to wearing it yourself.

Are you ready to take on stretching that t-shirt and make it fit properly? Then drag it out of the closet and figure out just how much stretching you’ll need to do to achieve the fit you’re after. Just remember – the stretching techniques used for wet shirts work best for t-shirts that need a whole lot of stretching. Finally, remember each time you wash your t-shirt you might need to repeat the whole process to get that perfect fit again. Happy stretching!

How to Prevent My Cotton T-Shirts from Shrinking

The best known characteristics of cotton are that it is natural, breathable, comfortable, and that it shrinks. A new t-shirt made from 100 percent cotton or close to 100 percent, can be expected to shrink a little after the first wash. However, there are ways to get the t-shirt to remain at its original size and to keep shrinkage at bay. It takes a little special care, but a cotton t-shirt can be kept from shrinking for as long as you own it.

The way that the t-shirt is washed will largely determine whether it shrinks and how much it shrinks. One of the main causes of shrinking in t-shirts is heat. It’s important to try to avoid applying heat to your t-shirts if you want to keep them at their original size. There are a few ways to avoid heat and keep the cotton from shrinking.

The first thing to consider when avoiding heat is how the t-shirt will be washed. Most people wash t-shirts in warm or hot water to rid it of odors and to get rid of the tougher stains. The problem with this is that the entire t-shirt will suffer for the small portion that really needs the attention. If there is a tough stain on a part of the shirt, use a little soap and cold water in the sink. Simply rub the soap across the area and rub the t-shirt repeatedly under the running water. This will get most things out of the fabric as long as they have not had a long period to set.

When you wash the entire shirt, use only cold water. Once you’ve used warm water on it even once, it will be too late to save it from shrinkage. The cold water will wash the t-shirt and will not cause it to shrink. Use a slow agitation as well when washing the shirt. If there is a slow or delicate cycle on the washer, it will provide the slow agitation that the t-shirt needs.

Drying the t-shirt is where many people accidently shrink their shirts. A hot dryer will shrink cotton that has not already been pre-shrunk. The dryer must be avoided in order to prevent shrinking. The t-shirt can be dried in a number of other ways. If it is hung out in the sun, there is a chance that the heat will shrink the t-shirt. Drying it inside is a much safer way.

The t-shirt can be laid flat on a clean surface and allowed to dry on its own. You may have to flip it over to dry the other side after a few hours. For a t-shirt that dries faster, hang it up on a hanger and allow it to drip dry. Be sure to place something under the t-shirt in order to catch the water. For an even faster drying time, place a fan next to a hanging t-shirt and let the cool air of the fan blow it dry. A t-shirt that doesn’t shrink will maintain its size and shape through many, many cold washes.

How Many Washes Will My T-Shirt Last?

A favorite t-shirt is one of the cornerstones of any wardrobe. And, as such an important garment, it is important that it lasts a long time. The more often a t-shirt is worn and washed, the more wear it will have. A shirt that is worn rarely will always last longer than a t-shirt that is worn more often.

The guideline given for many t-shirts is that they will remain in good condition through about 50 washes as long as they are taken care of. However, a t-shirt can go through many more than 50 washes if the t-shirt is washed gently and not put into a dryer. The heat of the dryer is often what causes much of the wear to t-shirts and other garments.

The problem that usually occurs as clothing ages is that the fabric gets thinner and eventually holes develop. The dryer can make this happen sooner by making some of the threads come loose. If you’ve ever looked at your drier lint, you’ve seen how much of your clothes the dryer really pulls out of the garments. All of that lint was once a part of the garments, and each one dried will be slightly thinner because of it. No matter how a t-shirt is washed, it will last for more of those washings if it is not dried in a drier.

Another option to get more washes out of a t-shirt is to tumble dry your clothes instead of using the heat setting. This will let some air circulation dry out the clothes but will not blast them with the hot air that can cause them to age sooner than they need to.

To get still more life out of a t-shirt, it is possible to go without washing it after every wear. If the shirt has been worn for a short event, it might be able to be put away without washing it. Another trick it to not wash the t-shirt for a complete cycle, but rather to rinse it out in the sink. Rubbing the shirt with a little soap and then rinsing it off will cause less wear to it than washing it through a full wash cycle. After hand rinsing the shirt, lay it flat to dry.

There is no reason that a t-shirt that is well taken care of can’t last 100 washes or even more. A shirt will last through more washes if it is not washed on a fast washing cycle and the harshest detergents are avoided. Using bleach is certain to shorten the life of a t-shirt. A shirt that is consistently washed in bleach may last less than 10 washings. Using a gentler detergent, however, will dramatically increase that number.

To put it simply, there is no expiration date on a t-shirt. The number of washes it lasts is partly dependent on how the t-shirt is cared for and how it is washed. Caring for a t-shirt and spending a little extra time in the washing and drying process can make it last a lot longer.

How to Remove Lint From Your T-shirt

Removing lint from a t-shirt can be a never-ending task. Trying to keep your t-shirts free of lint and in perfect condition may seem like a fulltime job. Keeping lint from your t-shirts is also one of the ways to keep your clothing, especially t-shirts, from fading and wearing over time. Proper lint removal techniques will make your clothing last long enough to give you plenty of enjoyment.

Using packaging tape, you can quickly and efficiently remove the lint without damaging you t-shirt. Place the t-shirt on a table or bed. Wrap the tape around your hand with the sticky side out. Using light pressure, slowly run the tape down the t-shirt. You can also pat at the t-shirt with the tape if you prefer, but rolling the tape seems to keep the shirt from moving too much during the process.

Another great way to remove lint is by using a hairbrush and Velcro. This tip is especially great while traveling. Buy some stick-on Velcro tabs. Put the hooked side of the tab on the back of your brush while leaving the fuzzy side on. When you need to de-lint a garment you will be ready. Pull the fuzzy side of the Velcro off and brush the hooks over the garment. The Velcro will remove the lint and hair quickly and easily. To remove the debris from the Velcro, rub it against the grain. You can then reattach the fuzzy side to the hooked side to keep the Velcro clean while not in use and prevent the Velcro from attaching itself to other items in your bags.

There are also plenty of products available on the market to help with lint removal. There are lint rollers that have a sticky substance on them that the lint attaches to. Another product is a lint removal brush. This product is very similar to the Velcro suggestion above. The brush is swept over the clothing and traps the lint. However, unlike the homemade version, this brush is said to be self-cleaning. You simply slide a lever and the lint is removed and trapped inside the storage unit until you are ready to empty it into the trash.

Lint removal mitts are also easy to use. They are essentially mittens that attract the lint all over, rather than onto a small area like a brush. The idea behind the mitt is to be able to simply brush your clothing like you normally would with your hands, but adding a mitt to make removing the lint easy.

While a product like those above may work, one way to keep lint down is through proper dryer lint filter cleaning. By making sure that the lint filter in your dryer is cleaned after (or before) each load, your dryer will work properly and keep the lint to a minimum. Your lint filter is designed to trap as much of the lint as possible, before it ends up all over your clothing. So keep your dryer lint filter clean so you will have less lint to remove later.

Is My T-Shirt Too Wrinkled to Wear?

Laundry. The inevitable task, unless you want to walk around with dirty clothes on or have enough money to buy a new outfit every time the clothes hamper needs emptied… Neither of these options tend to appeal to the majority of the population, so we muster up the energy and wash clothes only to realize that there’s yet another task at hand before we can wear some of our fresh out-of-the-dryer clothing… You got it! It’s ironing. And it’s often the case that our favorite t-shirts that need ironing the most… which begs the question (for those of us who absolutely despise ironing), ‘When is that t-shirt too wrinkled to wear?’.

I think it might be best to tackle this question by breaking it down into 5 degrees of wrinkled; 0) pressed, 1) creased, 2) slightly ruffled, 3) crinkled and 4) unidentifiable.

Starting with the obvious, pressed means that you’ve taken the time to iron your t-shirt, or have a ‘no-wrinkle’ material that dries nicely, and your t-shirt has zero wrinkles.

Next, you have a creased t-shirt, which means the shirt was ironed if needed, folded and put away, and the only ‘wrinkles’ to be found are along the fold lines or creases. Unless they’re ultra picky or obsessive compulsive, no one’s goanna turn their nose up at you for wearing this level of wrinkled, regardless of where you wear it (work, play, school, etc). Some may even argue that creased doesn’t constitute a wrinkled t-shirt, though, by definition, a crease is a wrinkle and a wrinkle is a crease.

Now we’re going to move on to the more questionable degrees of wrinkled. Typically, if you watch the dryer and pull your t-shirts out immediately after it shuts off, some of your t-shirts will still be slightly ruffled (no major wrinkles, but obviously not ironed or wrinkle-free). You may be ok to wear this level of wrinkled at home, to the gym or on a casual walk in the park. You may even be able to get away with wearing it under a button up jacket for dinner, but it might be pushing it to wear it to work. You may receive disapproval from some, like your ‘mother who taught you better’ or your ‘neat freak’ significant other, but generally, most won’t give you a second look.

However, if you’re the guilty one who has pulled the laundry out of the dryer and then simply threw it in the clothes basket for a day or two (or longer!), you likely now have a crinkled shirt; the next to worst kind of wrinkled you could attempt to wear, especially in public (even at the gym is pushing it a bit). You may be brave and throw it on to lounge around at home, but not only do crinkled shirts look bad, they can be fairly uncomfortable. Because they’ve been allowed to crinkle up, they also tend to also stiffen up, which can make for a rough feeling against your skin, especially when t-shirts should be one of the most comfortable pieces of clothing you own! One word- REWASH!

And finally, you know that corner that piles up in your closet? The one that you sometimes forget is there until you either throw something else on it or try to find your missing clothing in it? Well, this pile tends to produce the worst wrinkled t-shirts of all, the unidentifiable kind. To define unidentifiable more clearly, it’s the t-shirt that you think was a t-shirt but you’re not so sure anymore because it’s so wrinkled that it seems to be taking on the shape of an accordion. Another level of wrinkled that should never be worn prior to rewashing!

Bottom line- If your t-shirt’s pressed or creased, where that t-shirt with pride! If it’s slightly ruffled, use caution. And if it’s crinkled or unidentifiable, please pass on pulling it over your head!

T-shirt Care and How to Make Your T-Shirt Last Longer

The great thing about T-shirts is that they are reasonably affordable and can be customized to suit and personality. They also come in an amazing array of colors, styles, sleeve lengths, fabrics. Not to mention the multitude of different pictures and fonts that can be applied to the front and back of the shirt.

The one downside of T-shirts is that they have a tendency to wear out faster than, say, a jacket or skirt. Steady T-shirt wearers can expect about two years of wearability before the T-shirt starts to fade, rip, pill or otherwise look less than its best but it really depends on how often you wear the t-shirt.

You can halt this deterioration a variety of ways. First, when you put on the shirt, avoid yanking it over your head, stretching around your shoulders and shoving down to your waist. That continuous action is ruinous for the seams.

Also, make sure you buy the right size T-shirt to fit your frame. A person who feels their shirt is too tight will be constantly pulling it away from “trouble spots,” stretching it where it shouldn’t be stretched in order to make it “feel” better. Well, it might feel better, but an honest look in the mirror will tell you that it looks terrible.

A great-fitting shirt should feel just that – great.

You should wash the shirt in cool water with a color-protecting detergent. Make sure you wash it inside-out to protect the design (it’s a good idea to wash all of your clothes inside out as well). Stay alert! Pay attention to the washing machine cycle so you can pull it out as soon as it’s completed its final spin. Dry it in the dryer using the “normal settings.”

White T-shirts that have been worn often will eventually start forming yellowish stains around the collar and armpits. These stains are caused by sweat and deodorant, so a good way to combat this is to wait until your underams are completely dry before putting it on. Then, launder the shirt as soon as you’re done wearing it. It helps to use anti-stain products, but for stubborn discolorations, try making a paste from a super-detergent such as OxyClean. Let it sit for a while and then launder as usual.

Sometimes, though, a shirt cannot be saved and, beloved as it may be, wearing a stained T-shirt is mighty unsightly.

Finally, and this happens to the best of us, we don’t remember to remove the T-shirt from the dryer in time and it wrinkles. Or, it ends up stuffed in a drawer and it wrinkles. Or – well you get the picture. T-shirts have tendency to wrinkle, but that’s an easy enough fix.

Just set your iron to “low” or “cotton” and carefully iron them out. Be careful, though. Many a decal, iron-on transfer or custom designed logo has been ruined by an overheated, overzealous ironer. Remember to keep the shirt turned inside out, or place a towel over the trouble spot and try to unkink the wrinkle using patience and pressure.

How to Keep Your T-shirt from Fading

One of the most common problems with t-shirts is fading. You wear your favorite shirt so often that the constant washing can cause the colors to fade and end up looking ragged and dull. Keeping your t-shirt colors bright can be a troublesome challenge. However there are a few things you can do to keep them from fading.

Before you wash your shirt, ensure that you have sorted all clothing by color to prevent your bleeding colors damaging lighter cloth. As you sort, be sure to read the label of each garment. If your t-shirt says that it needs to be washed in only cold water, you will already be prepared. There may also be special instructions if you have a printed graphic on your shirt. Washing your lighter weight clothes such as cotton t-shirts with heavier and coarse fabrics such as denim can cause damage, so wash them separately. When pre-treating your favorite t-shirt, avoid rubbing the fabric vigorously. Instead, blot the spot gently and allow the garment to soak in cool water for 15 minutes.

During the wash, make sure that you read the items washing instructions. As a general rule of thumb, darker and brighter fabrics are better washed in cool water, since hot water can cause the dye to release from the fabric causing fading and bleeding onto other garments. Washing the t-shirt inside out will also help protect it from the dreaded fading and pilling which can cause a dull look. Never overstuff the washer. Allow room in the washer to allow the clothing to circulate, helping prevent damage. An overstuffed washer can prevent the soap from rinsing out, causing a dull and faded look.

Once your t-shirt is washed, you can’t slack off yet. Fading can also happen during the drying phase, so take precautions. During the dry cycle, keep the t-shirt inside out. This is especially important if you shirt has something printed on it, as it can help keep your picture or saying in place as well as prevent it from cracking and fading. Overstuffing the dryer can cause severe damage to clothing so avoid putting too much in at one time. Do not over-dry the garments. Too much heat causes damage resulting in faded clothing over time. Setting your timer and pulling clothes out while still slightly damp will help prevent fading. If you line dry, avoid direct sunlight. The direct rays can cause damage and make your black shirt look gray after a while.

Taking care of your clothes by washing and drying them properly is a great way to ensure you will be able to wear them for a while. While it may take a little extra effort on your part, you will save money by having to buy clothing less often, since they won’t be damaged so quickly. You can avoid all the fading a dullness that plagues t-shirts with just a few extra minutes during laundry time. Your favorite t-shirt is irreplaceable, so take care of it. You will be glad you did.

How to Preserve Your Autographed T-shirt

Having an autographed t-shirt is special. Whether that t-shirt is signed by a famous person or just by some of your greatest friends you will want to take care of you shirt to have it for a long time. Without taking proper precautions to preserve your autographed t-shirt, you run the risk of having it wear out, fade and destroyed. Taking care of your t-shirt will allow you to enjoy it for years and depending on the autograph allowing you to profit from it later.

If your shirt has been signed in permanent marker you may be able to preserve it easier than if the ink is from a regular pen. One way to protect your autographed shirt is by not washing it obviously! However, that isn’t very fun, so thankfully there are a few other ideas that may help you keep your autograph from fading. One suggestion is to cover the autograph with a clear paint designed for fabrics. This paint may allow the autograph to remain unscathed during washing. One suggestions however, test it on another piece of fabric over the same type of ink and wash several times to ensure it will work for your t-shirt.

Another great option is to simply hand wash the t-shirt with very mild soap such as Woolite or detergent designed for baby clothes. You can also use the gentle cycle if you prefer, but run the risk of the machine damaging the shirt. Do not dry in the dryer though as that might harm the ink. Instead, lay flat to dry or hang on a line in the shade until dry. Craftgaurd is also a product that can be sprayed over the signature to help protect it. This is available at most craft and fabric stores. For best results though washing on the gentle cycle might be warranted.

The best way to ensure the autograph will not fade is to simply not wash it. Hang it in a frame under glass to admire it on your wall. There are also companies that will preserve your clothing in a box that is designed to keep all air and bugs out to keep the clothing in near perfect condition. This option can be quite expensive though and may not work the way you want it to. If you choose to use a preservation company make sure to investigate the company to ensure that they offer the exact services you require.

Not wearing the shirt really is the best way to keep your t-shirt from fading or staining, ruining the effect the autograph provides. Preserving your autographed t-shirt will allow you to enjoy your collectible for years to come. You may even profit from the shirt later on if the autograph becomes worth money. So take your time and choose what method works best for your needs. If you choose to wear your shirt, take your time in washing it with gentle detergents and don’t put it through a dryer. Your shirt is your memory of that particular event in your life and will be a reminder for years to come.

T-shirt shrick

How to Shrink Your T-shirt

T-shirt shrickMost T-shirts today come pre-shrunk, however there is still a small amount of shrinkage that can still occur. If it shrinks significantly, it shows that the manufacturing quality is probably not very high. Preshrunk is a standard used in good quality T-shirt manufacturing because it tends to provide a more stable finished format and better results with color, printing and size. However, there are times when we buy or are given those T-shirts that have not been preshrunk and they are too large for us. That’s when we want to shrink a T-shirt so that it fits better.

If you are looking to shrink a T-shirt that you have, you first need to look at the fabric content. There are certain fabrics that simply just do not shrink, like acrylic. The majority of T-shirts though are made of cotton or a cotton blend and these do shrink under the right conditions. The trick to shrinking cotton T-shirts is to use lots of heat.

First set your washer for a small load and set the water temperature to hot. If the pre-set temperature on your home’s water heater is more warm than hot, you may want to add some boiling water to the washer also to increase the temperature.

Then add your T-shirt to be shrunk to the wash water and let it proceed through the cycle as usual. Do not put any other clothes in with your T-shirt and use laundry detergent like usual.

As soon as the washer finishes, put it in the dryer on the highest temperature setting possible and leave it there until it is bone dry. Then, let it sit until it cools before removing it. You should have succeeded in reducing it one or two sizes. You may also iron it with a very hot iron, but do not iron outward as you may stretch it.

One thing to keep in mind however is that any clothing item that you shrink at home may not shrink in the ways you want it to. Often the results are uneven or the shirt is too short, or not wide enough or the collar or sleeves didn’t shrink in relation to the shirt. Therefore when you attempt this, the results are always risky and you may not get want you want, leaving you with a T-shirt that doesn’t fit right and doesn’t look good anymore.

If you opt to get a preshrunk T-shirt that is an almost perfect fit, avoid shrinkage by washing it in cold or warm water and drying it on low. If you get a larger shirt than you need for whatever reason and want to shrink it, follow the directions above for the best possible result.

Get yourself a variety of custom-made T-shirts that fit, by ordering online to guarantee that your size is in stock and you’ll never need to shrink a T-shirt again. No need to worry about uneven shrinkage or a retailer selling out of your size when you order custom-made T-shirts in the design of your choice.

If you have any advice on shrinking or preventing your shirt please let us know.

Tips for Creating and Caring for Custom Black T-Shirts

Once upon a time T-shirts mostly came in one color–white. Not anymore. Brown, red, navy blue–they’re all mainstream choices today. White is still the first choice for a lot of T-shirt wearers, but black is a fast-becoming a close second.

Why? Black T-shirts are a change from the usual choice, hide stains better, matches just about everything in your closet, and are hugely forgiving if your figure is less than flawless. Some people prefer to stock up on black T-shirts just to simplify their lives. A closet full of one color of clothes means a lot less time fretting about what to wear.

Black T-shirts are also timeless. From the 1950’s to today, black T-shirts are still considered fashionable. Some fashion experts even go so far as to classify them as a “wardrobe staple.”

Plus, “black” could mean all sorts of shades, ranging from the darkest of jet, slate and onyx to lighter colors with names such as “outer space” “dark night” and “rainstorm.”

While black is a good choice for men, since it can be dressed up or down, women have more style options. Ladies T-shirts are offered in scoop neck, V-neck, ballet neck, square neck, sweetheart neck–the list goes on.

Then there are the different fabrics. A couture-level, black, long-sleeved T-shirt could set you back $88 bucks, whereas the same cut and color of shirt costs a measly $15 at the mall. The difference? The designer T-shirt is made from 100% silk, while the mall-bought shirt is made from a cotton/polyester blend. One will look and fit better than the other, but, you get what you pay for, right?

Drawers full of stacks of black T-shirts might be fine for some people, such as Angelina Jolie (who seems like she hasn’t worn a color in two years), but others of us could use a little color to break up the monotony.

Black is the best background to make vibrant colors pop and slogans stick out. The color is also an effective canvas to showcase studs, rhinestones and other faux gems.

The downside to owning and wearing black custom T-shirts is they are prone to fading. And when they do, it’s noticeable.

Here are some tips to keep your black T-shirt black.

* Always wash them in cold water
* Add a little bit of white vinegar the water/detergent mix when you launder it the first time
* Use color-safe detergent
* If you have hard water, add water softener to the mix
* Buy tailor-made products–Woolite has a product specifically for black clothes, for example.
* Don’t dry your T-shirt in the dryer. Instead, hang it outside to dry, but NOT in direct sunlight.
* Be sure to turn your T-shirt inside out before adding it to the wash. (This is a good tip for all of your clothes, actually.)
* To freshen the color, buy black dye tablets and add one during the wash cycle

Custom black T-shirts are a must for any wardrobe. They’re easy to find, comfortable to wear, and can be dressed up or down, winter or summer. Plus, they last a long time–that is, when you take the time to launder them correctly.