White shoes

What To Wear With White Shoes

White shoes

Have you ever wondered what would go with those new white shoes you just purchased? We all know the tradition to not wear white shoes after Labor Day, so wearing white shoes is often avoided because people just don’t know what coordinates with that color. Whenever you want to sport your unique style, opt to wear a pair of shoes in a color that is not worn often, like white. You can start your outfit with the shoes and then work your way up to create a fashion-forward ensemble exclusive to your own style.

One easy way to pair white shoes with an outfit is to make sure there is white in your clothing. So, if you are wearing a black and white striped blouse with a black pencil skirt, you can coordinate a nice pair of white flats with your outfit without looking too “matched.” Another rule you may follow is to wear a white belt with white shoes. Mix darker colors with the white to accentuate the light colors in your belt and shoes. Your shoes and belt should always match unless you really want to commit a fashion “crime.”

If you are a female and feeling flirty, how about wearing a pair of dark tights, breezy skirt and a cute off-the-shoulder top with white party shoes. The dark in your clothing will make the white shoes stand out for an easy retro look.  If you are a male and really want to get some attention and receive comments on your fashion sense, then choose a nice pair of white dress shoes to wear with a suit. Instead of the traditional black suit with black shoes, try wearing white shoes with that black suit. Remember, you must match your shoes and belt.

Keep in mind that white shoes are often considered a “No No” after the summer season. During the summertime, light and bright colors are worn to match the spirit of the season. When the cooler months come around, we tend to bring out the darker colors in our clothing. Some white shoes have small details on them that can help you coordinate your shoes with your outfit.  Many heeled shoes have a heel made out of a dark material while the rest of the shoe is white. This helps to not draw so much attention to the shoe.

Also, tiny embellishments and decals on the shoe can allow you to choose what color will go well with the shoes. So, if there is a red bow on the white shoe, find a nice red patterned dress to match. Consider colors that are neutral and toned-down, like grays and tans. A cute pair of white shoes can really set off a stylish look when paired with colors that don’t stand out so much. When matching a purse with an outfit with white shoes, try to avoid matching the purse and shoes exactly. You can look like you really tried too hard to put the outfit together and that will never win you a fashion award. Instead, choose a purse in a color that is light enough to complement the white shoes so the outfit looks great as a whole.

When you choose to step out of the traditional fashion rules of society, you can either make a big fashion mistake, or you can wow everyone with your great fashion sense. So next time you buy white shoes, think about the many different ways you can coordinate them with the top fashions of today without looking like you even had to try!

Khaki and chinos

The Difference between Khakis and Chinos

Khaki and chinos

Many men have a very hard time differentiating between khakis and chinos and there is good reason for this. The two are not one in the same but their differences are not all that great and if you don’t know what it is you are looking for you will be lumped into the group of most men that have no clue as to what the difference is.

The following describes the two very distinct types of trousers:


If you are confused as to what a khaki pant is, just look at an advertisement for the Gap. Most of the guys in those ads are wearing khakis with a loose button down shirt. Although khaki is a color, it also describes the material. Khakis are made of 100 percent cotton and come in a variety of colors including khaki, navy blue, beige, black and other earthy tones. Khakis are more of a casual pant and can be seen on men all across America on casual Friday. The have the unique ability to look somewhat dressy, like for a business luncheon, but also can be worn in an ultra casual environment like when it is boy’s night out.


Chinos are typically made with a blend of cotton and other synthetic fibers that give it a stretchier feel. They can be spotted by the more narrow cut of the legs and the way that they tapper at the bottom. Chinos are considered dressier than jeans and khakis but can also be worn in some casual circumstances. While chinos too can be worn on a casual Friday, they can also be worn any other day of the week as they are more formal.


Besides the cut and material difference of khakis and chinos, there is a difference in what should be worn with both and also in their price:

•    Shirts: When it comes to khakis, really anything goes. They can look good a button down shirt, a short sleeved collared shirt or even a nice form fitted t-shirt. In most instances, the shirts are worn untucked and the pants are almost always worn on a casual occasion. When men wear chinos they tend to wear button downs that are a bit on the dressier side. Sometimes it is appropriate to untuck the shirts, but more times than not, they will be tucked in.
•    Price: Perhaps the biggest difference with khakis and chinos is the price. Khakis can be found at almost any department store and usually have a price range of $20 to $30. Depending on the material of the chinos, a really nice pair could set you back as much as $200. There is of course an exception to every rule, but this rule is pretty standard.

Whichever type of pants you decide to go with remember that both khakis and chinos can be worn on just about any occasion. Each style offers you a way to look great and stylish while being comfortable at the same time so which one you pick is really up to you.


What to Wear to a Hockey Game


If you’re going to a hockey game, it can be a little confusing when you try to figure out what to wear. On one hand, hockey games can be hot because of the crowd. You may get into a sweat because all of the screaming bodies around you will be raising the temperature in the room. However, you also have to remember that hockey involves ice and ice can lower the temperature considerably. For this reason, dressing to go a hockey game takes some special consideration. Wearing a hockey jersey is always advisable, but there are other things to think about as well.

Near the Ice

The way you dress if you are sitting near the ice is far different from the way you dress up you’re sitting higher up. When you sit close to the ice, such as in the first 4 or 5 rows, the temperature will be much cooler than it will be if you are farther away from the rink. If you are in the front row it is particularly cold. However, this cold is generally only felt in the extremities. Because you are still in the arena and the crowds will make it warmer, you will likely only feel the cold of the ice in your hands and feet. If you’re going to a hockey game and will be sitting close to the rink, make sure to wear very warm shoes as well as thick socks. You may want to wear two pairs of socks and thick shoes just to make sure you don’t sit through the hockey game miserable because your feet are cold.

If you are sitting a few rows back from the ice, your feet still may get cold, though you may not have to double up on your socks. Just make sure you wear warm shoes and leave the peep-toe shoes and sandals at home.

Far From the Ice

If you are sitting considerably further from the ice, you should probably still forget about sandals because your feet can get stepped on by the crowd. You should expect it to be warm once the crowd gets going, but don’t expect it to be as warm as a basketball game or another indoor sporting event. It will be warm, but the ice will cool the temperature enough so that you should be comfortable in regular indoor clothing. Casual clothing items such as jeans and a t-shirt are heavy enough for most hockey game spectator seats.


If there won’t be much of a crowd, you may need to wear some outerwear if you are going to be within the first 10 or 15 rows. A crowded hockey game will be rather warm in many of these rows, but if the game crowd is sparse, it will be cold. You will need to wear gloves and a coat to stay comfortable if there is no crowd. You may also need to wear very thick socks and you may even be more comfortable if you are wearing a hat.

Personal shopper

How to Become a Personal Shopper

Personal shopper

If you love to shop and are up to date on all the latest in the fashion and glamour world you may be the perfect job candidate for a personal shopper. Personal shoppers are individuals that do much more than just shop for other people. A personal shopper has the experience and talent to look at people on an individual basis and break down what that person needs to be more in fashion. The personal shopper then either goes with individual to assist them in shopping for fashion, or gets free reign and is responsible for bringing back items to the client. Another responsibility could be picking up gifts for individuals to give out, so you have to know what is appropriate to give in all situations. Sound like it is for you?

There is no real formal training for a personal shopper and becoming one is really a matter of selling yourself and your abilities. Here are some steps to help you blaze a trail for becoming a personal shopper:

1.    Know your stuff: You have to know what’s hot and what’s not and be able to translate that to potential clients. Working a retail job at a high department store for a while is a great way to get paid while you learn. While doing this attend every fashion show within a 100 mile radius of you and read, read, read. The more knowledge you can display the easier it will be for you to get clients.
2.    Create a portfolio: Put together outfits and photograph them so that you have something to show a potential client. Make notes of any and all trends you see coming and going as you never know when they may come in handy when talking to potential clients. Once you do get a client or two, be sure to photograph their progress if they will allow it and use these photos to further sell yourself to other.
3.    Get clients: Get out and start marketing yourself. At first you will have to be very vigorous at this and you should also charge a reduced fee. Once your repudiation grows you will be able to gradually slide up your fees. You should always ‘grandfather’ in your existing clientele at their low rate as raising their rates may lead to them getting agitated with you and leaving you. The idea is to build up your client list so that they always refer you to others.
4.    Give unmatched service: once you have a handful of clients, give then unmatched service and the rest will take care of itself. Happy clients will not only remain loyal to you, but they will recommend you to all of their family and friends and before you know it your personal shopper business will be booming. Word of mouth is key in the world of a personal shopper so service your clients right.

Though you may have been called things like a shopaholic or a mall rat in the past, you can translate that behavior into a rewarding career as a personal shopper.

Body shaper

Guide to Body Shapers

Body shaper

Body shapers do exactly what you would think they would and that is shape the body of a woman to make it more flattering or appealing. Body shapers are the perfect solution for any woman that wants to appear to be shapelier whether you are above your ideal weight to just at your ideal weight. Body shapers have the ability to dramatically change your figure and can take inches off but it should be noted that body shapers have no long term effects that will last. Once the body shaper comes off, your body goes right back to the way it was. But if you don’t want to get liposuction and exercise isn’t your thing, then a body shaper may be for you.

Body shapers are hardly a new concept and can be traced back to the day and age of the corset. The biggest difference is that body shapers can shape more than just the chest and mid section and they are heck of a lot more comfortable than the traditional corset.

Body shapers come in different forms to shape different parts of the body, such as:

•    Boy shorts: Many women wear these on a day to day basis to help slim the appearance of their thighs and backsides. Because they constrict and shape those areas you can have a great looking derriere without hitting the gym.
•    Upper body: Meant to tone the upper body up, they wear like an undershirt.
•    Full body: This type of body shaper shapes you from your head to toe, well almost. They can shape everything like your thighs, bottom, stomach, chest and even upper arms.
•    For guys: Yes they even have body shapers for guys that want to flatten out their beer bellies. They look like a typical sleeveless undershirt but they hold in the gut a lot better.

Though more comfortable than the corsets of old, depending on how many inches a body shaper is supposed to take off will depend on how much you notice it. If you are simply wearing one to ‘slim’ down a bit, you will probably not notice it much at all, but if you are wearing one to dramatically take some inches off then you will more than likely know it is there. You may also have more discomfort than others if you have sensitive skin.

Because they are meant to go on under the cloths and not be noticeable most body shapers are a skin tone or lighter color. They will vary in price according to what type they are, what brand name they are, and of course by how much they are supposed to take off.

Again, these body shapers while effective in shaping you up, will only do so on an interim basis. To get any lasting results you will have to execute the good old fashioned discipline of a good diet and plenty of exercise. But in the mean time, if your high school reunion is coming up and you want to look as close as possible to the good old days, then a body shaper will certainly do the trick for you.


How to Choose Socks


Socks are perhaps the most overlooked article of clothing that is worn. Not only do socks keep your favorite shoes from getting stinky, but they protect your feet as well. Choosing a good sock can mean the difference in complete pain or complete comfort for your feet all day long. Socks come in many lengths nowadays and include:

•    No show: Can’t be seen when wearing a pair of sneakers.
•    Ankle high: Only comes up to the ankles, barley visible with a pair of sneakers.
•    Calf high: Comes up to the bottom of the calf. Some like to pull them all the way up while others prefer to push them down.
•    Knee high: Generally reserved for outdoor activities in the winter time when it is cold.

The length is generally a personal preference but what should be considered before you buy socks is what do you need the socks for?

No matter what kind of socks you buy you should ensure that they are a snug fit. The last thing you want to have is a pair of socks that keeps slipping down as this is a constant aggravation. There are as many different styles of socks so here is a quick reference to help you choose your socks:

•    Athletic socks: If you are into sports and are buying socks for your sporting event, be sure to get socks that have plenty of padding on the underside. This will help absorb all the shock from the added activity of the sport.
•    Work socks: If you need to buy work socks it is because you have a job where you stand on your feet part or all of the day. These socks should be thicker to offer you the most cushions possible so they can act like a shock absorber to your entire foot. If you wear work boots at your job, be sure that you get a sock that is high enough to cover the entire area and then some that the boot covers. You don’t want to get ankle high socks for work boots that are high topped.
•    Business socks: These stocks are generally lighter in material and are always colored. If your feet tend to sweat a lot you can buy business socks known as liner socks. These types of socks will help you to wick away sweat and avoid a wet and smelly foot.

Sock colors

Aside of business socks which come in a million different colors and patterns, most socks now come in white, black, blue, and even some other colors. There is really no advantage to one color over another, except that a darker color will of course hide stains better, so the choice of color is really up to you. Usually people choose sock color by what else is being worn.

Sock materials

The majority of socks are made of cotton because this allows for the foot to breath. However, if you are doing outdoor activities in the snow for example, a nice heavy duty wool pair of socks will keep your feet warmer and dryer than regular cotton.

Socks come in all shapes, sizes, and colors now. Having the proper pair of socks for what you are doing will help keep your feet feeling good all day long.

Perfume stains

How To Remove Perfume Stains

Perfume stains

Perfumes are a wonderful way for people to add a special touch when they are getting dressed. Many people feel completely naked without perfume. For many individuals, their perfume is their signature and one of the must-haves before they are ready to leave home. With such a wide variety of perfumes on the market, there is literally something for everyone. Perfumes come in a mesmerizing blend of different scents and colors and have fascinating chemistry behind them. Despite the sexiness and complexity of perfumes, one simple thing remains as an issue for many people. Perfume stains clothing.

While we are always told to put on perfume while naked and let it dry before dressing, many people forget or neglect this advice. This means that countless individuals are left battling perfume stains when laundry time comes around. Knowing how to remove perfume stains will be a blessing for you if this is something you commonly have to deal with.

If you see that you have gotten perfume on an item of clothes, remove it right away and start stain removal techniques immediately. Getting to any stain as soon as it happens is the absolute best way to have a fighting chance at getting rid of it.

If the fabric of the item is silk, rayon or acetate, rinse it in water if it is indeed something that can be washed. By holding the item in cold running water you should be able to get rid of much of the stain. If some remains use glycerin and gently rub it into the spot. Rinse it again with more cold water. If you have still not completely gotten rid of the spot, use a weak solution of white vinegar and water. However, you should be very careful when using this type of solution. You may also want to pretest a hidden portion of the garment to check for color fastness. Rinse again with cold water before washing the item as usual.

If you have perfume stains on most other fabrics like cotton, linen, nylon, acrylic, wool, polyester, olefin and spandex, you will want to use a different stain removal method. Using a cloth that has been dampened, gently dab at the perfume stains to remove them working from the inside of the stain outwards. Be sure to place something absorbent underneath before you begin. Once the stain seems to be gone or at least, diminished, rinse the item in cold running water. Repeat the process until the stain is completely gone. If it continues to remain and the fabric is not acrylic, you can place a pad of rubbing alcohol on the stain to absorb it. It should soak up the stain and can be replaced with clean pads as necessary. When stain is gone, rinse well with water and wash as usual.

By knowing these top tips for getting rid of even the most stubborn perfume stains, you can feel confident in applying your perfume of choice, even if you’ve already dressed.


History of Groundhog Day & T-Shirts to Help Celebrate


In the United States, Ground Hog Day, known as Candlemas in other parts of the world, is a day on which the weather pattern for the following six weeks will be determined, not by science or methods of meteorology, but by a ground hog. That’s right, a ground hog.

German and English immigrants originally brought the custom of predicting the weather patterns in the midst of winter to determine the advent of spring to America. Basically, what happens is this: If a ground hog or wood chuck comes out of his winter hole on February 2nd and sees his shadow, six more weeks of winter are on the horizon. If the ground hog doesn’t see his shadow because of clouds, it means that winter will soon give way to a warm and pleasant spring. Scientific? No. Fun? Yes!

The tradition of Ground Hog Day is not in any way connected to any religious celebration, which makes it different from many other American holiday traditions. The tradition of watching the ground hog in America became popular mainly in Pennsylvania, perhaps due to the amount of German immigrants who made their homes in that state after arriving in America. However, it is in northwestern Pennsylvania that the behavior of the ground hog has accrued the most fame, in a town where the Punxsutawney Ground Hog Club first appeared in 1898. Members of local Punxsutawney town claim they are the ‘home of the traditional weather forecasting ground-hogs’. Every year, town members, and over the years, members from communities throughout the United States, travel to Punxsutawney to watch the ground hog, nicknamed, ‘Punxsutawney Phil’ either scoot back into his winter hole or stay aboveground to explore and eye the hundreds of humans watching his every move. The observance begins as people take a short walk up Gobbler’s Knob in the rolling foothills of the Allegheny Mountains to watch the antics of the ground hog as he emerges from his den. The actions of the mammal are immediately reported to newspapers across the country, and either brings smiles or frowns to those anticipating an early spring.

Groundhog T-shirtAnother rival ground hog club founded in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania that calls itself the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville, was begun in 1908. Their members swear to protect the ground hog from all sorts of tragedies, including ending up in local stew pots. These two groups fan out and watch for the activities of ground hogs in their vicinity every year on February 2nd, sometimes arriving at specific locations before dawn in order to catch every potential move made by the elusive ground hogs. In Quarryville, the day is celebrated with fun and games to mark the eventful day. Other ground hog groups founded in Pennsylvania, among them the Greater Philadelphia Grounghoggers, have spent decade’s carefully watching ground hogs on February 2nd. The antics of these clubs has gained an international reputation, though the National Geographic Society announced that the entire ground hog idea as ridiculous, and weathermen decided long ago that the ground hog as a weather forecaster was only correct 28% of the time.

Nevertheless, Ground Hog Day is recognized and observed around the United States, on February 2nd and offers American citizens an opportunity for good, traditional homespun fun, and people around America join in with laughter and winks. School children are often read the story of ‘Punxsutawney Phil’ and learn about the ground hog mammal, who is given a great deal of attention and respect, for a few days anyway. Ground Hog Day, while not a national holiday, has nevertheless become an ingredient of American tradition and folklore, and will no doubt continue to be observed, if only tongue in cheek.

Celebrate the day with your own Groundhog Day T-Shirts or create your own custom t-shirt for Groundhog Day.

I dont quit

Featured T-Shirt Design – “I Don’t Quit” (There are no other job openings)

A recent creation by one of our designers who is making light of the current (and very serious) unemployment rate in the United States. Barack Obama’s statement “I Don’t Quit” is missing a bit of what Obama really meant to say during the State of the Union address which was  “I don’t quit because there are no other job openings”.  Whether you love or hate Obama you can still wear this t-shirt to make light of tough economic times and high unemployment rates.

I dont quit

Brother 2

Brother T-Shirts Show Pride in Your Siblings

Being a brother or having a brother is a very important role in any family. Being a good brother means showing loyalty to your siblings, taking care of them, looking out for them, loving them and being there for special occasions and to share in triumphs and heartbreaks. Brothers and sisters are the family members who are usually a part of your life from birth to death. Spouses and parents don’t usually have that opportunity. Therefore, no matter what the reason, if it means something to you or you are going through a hard time, you want your siblings around.

Brothers sometimes get a good wrap and sometimes a bad wrap. There are many examples of good ones and bad ones. They provide lots of material for Hollywood and the media in general to work with. There are movies, TV shows and more about brothers. There are lots of books about them. Some of the most famous comedy teams, directorial teams and criminal teams are brothers. There are even several sets of famous actors who are brothers.

Brothers often team up for work purposes. Often there are brother teams who are restaurant owners together. There are many bands that are made up of brothers. Quite often in family businesses, one brother will bring in another as a partner. If guys come across a good business opportunity, they often share it with family members first. The familiarity and closeness one has with their siblings often leads people to want to work together. It may possibly be because they trust one another more than outsiders. Brothers are so into doing the same thing that frequently; brothers even end up marrying sisters.

Men’s groups are often referred to as brotherhoods. Men and boys who become close friends, have a true connection and trust each other often refer to each other as brothers. It shows a more masculine connection than the word friend does. It is even a cultural term, used by African-Americans when they refer to other African-American males.

Be proud of the special connection you have with your brothers, real or chosen. Enjoy that special closeness and tell the world about it with a Brother T-shirt. Get a custom-made brother T-shirt for yourself, your brother or your kids. The options to have printed on it are endless. For children, cute shirts are:

Big Brother T-Shirts

Brother 1
Brother 2
Brother 3

Little Brother T-Shirts

Brother 4
Brother 5
Brother 6

For adults, you can still show your affection, love and admiration of your brothers with a custom-made brother shirt. Some things to have printed on one are:

Get your Brother T-shirt today and tell the world that you are proud of being a brother or having a brother!

Sock drawer

How To Organize A Sock Drawer

Sock drawer

If you’re like me then you likely haven’t give much thought to organizing your sock drawer. You know the drawer that I mean. It’s the one that contains your sports socks, dress socks, casual socks, and other assorted patterns, all jumbled together in one big mess. Sometimes it can take a few minutes to find a matching pair of socks in that jumbled mess when you’re in a rush to get to an interview. Often the solution means dumping the entire contents of the drawer onto the floor and then sifting through the rubble to find what you need.

Maybe it’s time to organize these socks so that you can get at them in a fast efficient manner. Organizing a sock drawer need not be a major chore, but doing it can give you a huge leverage of time in the future. So, five minutes of thought now in exchange for never having to do an exhaustive search for a complementary pair again.

What would be the best way to organize the socks? Start by dumping the sock drawer onto your bed to see what you have. If it’s been awhile, chances are there are socks in the pile you didn’t know you even had. Those can then be promptly thrown out. Now find pairs for everything. Any stray sock that doesn’t have a partner can also be thrown out. Be brutal. There’s no room for sentimentality when it comes to organizing socks.

So now you should have a collection of pairs of socks all over your bed. Should you roll the pairs together? Rolling means stretching one of the socks of a pair over another so that you’re left with a small ball that represents one pair. It’s personal preference what you’d like to do. Rolling pairs together will make for better organization, but the process of combining 2 socks together can cause them to stretch and might lessen their life. Most people find it best just to place the socks in drawers the way they are.

Now the fun begins. It’s probably best to put your newly sorted pairs into small piles based on function. At minimum you’ll have a sports pile, a dress socks pile, and a casual socks pile. Try to condense all of your socks into about four or five functions. Having five small piles seems much more manageable than one large pile. This way, when it comes time to find a pair in the future you’ll have to sift through a much smaller pile and that task won’t seem as daunting.

Once you have your four or five small piles it’s time to actually prepare the drawer. Find some unused shoe boxes or small cardboard boxes and fit them snugly inside the drawer. Then place each different pair set into one of the boxes. Your most-used socks can go on the left and those you use the least all the way on the right.

Now if your friend gives you that last-minute call and asks you to play tennis you won’t have to spend a majority of time looking for the right pair of socks.

Nick Jonas

How to Dress Like Nick Jonas

Nick Jonas

Nick Jonas is the lead singer of the Jonas Brothers Band that features the three brothers singing all kinds of poppy music on the Disney Channel and beyond. The group’s fame has lead them all the way to their own television show on the Disney Channel called JONAS. Among teenagers there is probably no other male artist today that has the popularity that Nick Jonas does with the younger ladies. Add that to the fact that he has dated –or at least was rumored to have dated- Miley Cyrus (Niley) and it is no wonder why so many teenage boys now want to dress like him.

Jonas has a classic cool look about him and seems to resemble some of the rockers of yesteryear but he always puts his own flair on the style as well. Here are some ways that you can go about dressing like Nick Jonas:

•    Skinny jeans: Like many teenagers these days, Jonas like to go with skinny jeans. If you are not a fan of skinny jeans you will need to go with a tight pair of jeans otherwise the look is instantly lost. Stick with darker colors when selecting your skinny jeans as that is what Jonas is usually wearing.
•    Shirts and tops: Jonas likes to layer his shirts and tops and will usually wear an undershirt followed by a t-shirt and then top it all off with a light jacket. The jacket should be vintage and lightweight and you should leave it unbuttoned to get the full effect. If the jacket has a collar, be sure to go classic Jonas style and ‘pop’ up the collar. You can also go with another one of Jonas’ favorite styles and wear a muscle shirt that is sleeveless and looks like it came out of the seventies. When Jonas does this style shirt he usually has an odd pattern like horizontal stripes and he never wears what are known as ‘wife beaters.’
•    Shoes: This is the easiest part of Jonas’ ensemble to nail. All you need is a pair of Converse high tops that are a lighter color and you will nail the Nick Jonas shoe look. Jonas wears his Converse with just about every outfit he has.
•    Accessories: Jonas likes to accessorize and does so in a wide variety of ways. Sometimes Jonas will sport his now tell-tail scarf that he sometimes let hang and other times wraps around his neck. Other times Jonas likes to wear a button down shirt and top it off with a loosely tied neck tie. His neck ties will range from a traditional color like red or navy blue on one night and then a wild and whacky color like lime green on another, it really just depends on the outfit he is wearing. He also has a number of necklaces he likes to wear from time to time. So the point is to go with something to decorate your neckline and you can’t miss.

No just practice his famous jump that he does on stage and maybe get some voice lessons and you too will be driving the girls crazy.


What to Wear with a Corset


Back in the old days women wore corsets under their clothing in an effort to shape their torsos in a way that was becoming of the time. These days women still like to shape their torsos with a corset but they are no longer trying to hide the fact that they are wearing the garment and instead are wearing corsets as an outer wear piece as opposed to an underwear piece.

Corsets can be worn in a number of different ways and paired with many different looks to create certain styles. Here are some ways you can wear your corset:

•    With jeans: A great look with a corset is a great looking pair of jeans. Because the corset is tight the jeans too should be tight. With this look you can go totally risqué and wear jeans and the corset only or you can go with a long sleeved undershirt that is open at the neck line and wear the corset over top of that. If you wear a standalone corset you will obviously get one that covers your breasts but if you wear a shirt underneath then you will want to opt for the type of corset that goes just below the bust line. Finish off the look with a strappy style heel.
•    With dresses: This look is being made popular by a number of Hollywood starlets on the red carpet. A nice form fitting dress that puffs out at the bottom is what you will start with and then finish it off with a corset over top. The corset will be the type that goes just below the bust line and it should contain a contrasting color in relation to the dress. Your shoes should be heels and should complement the dress you wear.
•    With tights: Another popular and easy look to pull off with a corset is the tights look. Start with a pair of black tights and then get a short sleeved white t-shirt that is longer than normal and that will hang off of one shoulder. Then wear a black corset that comes just under the bust line and complete this sassy look with a pair of black heels.
•    With a jacket: This look requires jeans to start off with that are usually a darker color. Next you will wear a standalone corset that will cover your breasts. The corset can be any color you like, but a brighter color such as red will draw more attention to the fact that you have it on. Finally wear a blazer style jacket or even a leather jacket and the look is complete. High heels go perfect with this look.
•    Pencil skirts: Wearing a pencil skirt and a matching stand alone corset makes for a great slimming look. The corset can have some simple designs to it such as vertical stripes if you like or you can opt for a solid color. This style is complimented well with a pair of matching pump-style heels.

Corsets are not just for making women look slim anymore. They are now in the mainstream of fashion and make a statement of confidence and sexiness all at the same time.


A Brief History of Valentine’s Day & Ideas for Personalized Clothing

VdayLove is in the air every February, especially leading up to February 14th, officially recognized as Valentine’s Day in the United States and throughout much of the world. It’s a day for romance and the expression of love in many shapes and forms. It’s a day for candy and flowers, for heartfelt sentiments and dreams of finding true love.

Several legends exist which claim to know how the exchange of love tokens and words became known as Valentine’s Day. The first is that during the Middle Ages, it was believed that birds would first find a mate for spring around the middle of February. Others go back even further, to the times of the ancient Romans and Greeks. In one Roman festival and feast, the names of young women and men were placed in a container. The name of one man would be drawn, followed by the name of a woman to whom he was destined to protect for the following year. He wore her name on his sleeve and she became his valentine. This custom generally took place on February 14th.

As time progressed, the exchange of gifts was added to the drawing of names, and later still, it was the male who presented the female with gifts. From this came a custom of sending a greeting or small gifts. Others believe that the celebration was created to honor St. Valentine, a priest who served at a temple in the time of the Roman emperor Claudius. He was very popular, and after the emperor declared that no more marriages were to be performed due to his needs for men in the military, St. Valentine nevertheless continued to unite young couples in the holy state of matrimony. St. Valentine was thrown into prison, where he died, but his spirit to help young couples in love lives on to this day.

The first postal services in the American colonies were inundated with such greetings and cards on February 14th, and over the years the tradition grew until local businesses began to carry collections of pre-designed cards for the young people to purchase for a penny. In the Victorian era, Valentine’s Day became quite the rage, with elaborate cards and parties designed to keep the youth entertained. In the United States, Valentine’s Day has always offered quite a challenge to the postal service, and in the early 1900’s, over a million Valentine greetings were mailed. Candy favors made an appearance soon after, and young suitors offered their ladies sweet concoctions designed to melt their hearts and flowers to encourage their spirits toward the return of such affections. Today, school children as well as adults traditionally exchange Valentine cards, sweets and flowers in tokens of love and affection that has not waned since the first Valentine’s Day was celebrated. Red hearts and white lace doilies make an appearance in supermarkets and card stores throughout the country well before the date, as do tokens of affection such as stuffed animals and trinkets designed to bring a smile to lovers everywhere.

Many American towns and cities host Valentine’s parties and get-togethers, complete with decorations, beverages and foods from all over the world. Valentine’s Day in America is a time to cherish those close to your heart. It’s a time when matchmaking between couples heats up, as do blind dates and others in search of their soul mate. Valentine’s Day is a time for couples and those hoping to find their better half, and Cupid and his arrows aimed at the hearts of unsuspecting, but potential, lovers, flit around with reckless abandon. Valentine’s Day is set aside for romance and togetherness between couples of all ages, a day when love is truly in the air.

One way to show off or express your love for someone or something is by creating personalized clothing and wearing a custom t-shirt or custom thong if you dare.   It is super easy to just add whatever text or images you want to a product. If you don’t feel like you have the creative power to design or personalize a product you can also shop pre-designed Valentine’s Day T-Shirts and see if you can find the design right for you or your loved one.

Marilyn Monroe

How to Dress Like Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

In the middle of the last century there was no bigger star or sex symbol than Marylyn Monroe. She was so popular that she even got to sing Happy Birthday to then President of the United States, John F. Kennedy.  She was a brilliant actress that unfortunately couldn’t seem to shed her ‘dumb blonde’ look and so her roles were limited. What she did achieve in her short life though was the admiration of women everywhere. Still to this day over 40 years after her tragic passing she is loved and admired by women of all ages. For this reason many women want to emulate her and learn how to dress like her.

To capture the essence of Marilyn Monroe you have to go after the more simplistic look and have the ability to make it look amazing as Monroe did. Here are some tips to help you dress like Marilyn Monroe:

•    Go with dresses: Monroe often wore dresses and anyone who knows the famous seen of her white dress blowing up knows why. While there are some shots of her in pants and even jeans, for the most part she was a dress girl. When you choose your dresses go with the style of dress that is more form fitting on the top and flows out at the bottom. Don’t just go with just white either as Monroe wore a number of different colors. You can try all sorts of pastel colors here but stay away from dark as Monroe wasn’t a fan of it. Stick to pinks, yellows, and anything else that is bright and cheery.
•    Very high heels: Monroe had great legs and used a very high heel to accentuate this fact. Because she wore dresses all the time, she wore heels all the time, though it has been said that she always wore heels, even when she was being her most casual in jeans. Choose heels that have a closed toe for the most part and make sure that the color compliments the outfit you are wearing.
•    Accessories: Monroe was a simple girl here. She usually wore a simple string of pearls, some chandelier earrings and nothing else. Make sure that your earrings sport diamonds as Monroe’s always did and never forget what she said, ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.’
•    Hair and make-up: Cut your hair shoulder length and bleach it blonde. Give it some added style and flare by giving it loose or tight curls. Wearing your hair this way will give you that ‘blonde bombshell look.’ Wear plenty of make-up but always try to achieve a look of not having too much on with the exception of your lips. Here you will want to go with a bright red that draws attention to you. Monroe had wonderfully long eyelashes and if you don’t, you can always wear false ones.

Now simply add a little wiggle to your hips when you walk and make your voice as sultry as possible and your transformation into Marilyn Monroe will be complete.

Gladiator shoes

What to Wear with Gladiator Shoes

Gladiator shoes

From the times of the Romans straight in to modern fashion comes gladiator shoes and gladiator sandals. These versatile shoes look exactly like the shoes of old except that they now come in many different colors where the ones from long ago were typically gold in color. Because of this, gladiator shoes can go with a wide variety of outfits and still look great.

Gladiator shoes are gaining so much popularity that they can even be seen in some instances on the red carpet. Here are some different ways in which you can dress up a pair of gladiator shoes:

•    Miniskirts: Gladiator skirts look great with miniskirts. You can get a pull-over miniskirt that is a dark color such as black and dress it up with very strappy gladiator shoes that come up at least the bottom of your calf. The color of the gladiator shoes can be either black or gold and either one works for an unbelievably great look.
•    Skinny jeans: Just another accessory for skinny jeans, the gladiator shoes that are just above ankle high look great and won’t have your foot coming off looking ten times too big as other shoes tend to do. Because skinny jeans are made to stop at your ankle they make the perfect candidate for a dark brown or black pair of gladiator shoes.
•    Short shorts: This is a look straight out of Hollywood. Wearing gladiator shoes that come up to just below the calf are a growing sight with starlets when they are off the set. Topped off with a nice black t-shirt or blouse, this style will have you looking casual and cool all at the same time. If the weather is feeling on the chilly side you can top off the look with a lightweight button up sweater.
•    Dress pants: Wearing a typical pair of lighter colored dress pants such as cream and topping it off with a white blouse that is frilly towards the top and finished with a matching blazer is the perfect pairing for gladiator shoes. The gladiator shoes will actually just take the place of your work shoes and make for a wonderful head turning alternative to the everyday loafer.
•    Tights: Start with black tights and then go with a pull-over dress that is a lighter color like white. Go with black gladiator shoes and top off the look with a lightweight leather jacket.
•    Toga, toga: At some point in time everyone gets to experience a toga party. These are great fun and will certainly leave you with lots of memories. If you want to be the perfect toga dresser then top off your toga outfit with a pair of gladiator shoes that come up to the bottom of your knees. This will give you the authentic look of the Romans which are one of the cultures that gave the world this fashion.

Though the time of the Romans have come and gone, there timeless shoes have not. Gladiator shoes can be paired with many different garments in your closet and using your imagination will have you looking your best no matter where you go in them.

Wedding dress

How To Rent A Wedding Dress

Wedding dress

Renting a wedding dress is an excellent choice for anyone trying to save money on their wedding expenses. It is also a great choice for anyone who wants to wear a designer dress that is out of their price range. It is also perfect for the bride who just doesn’t want to spend an extra ordinate amount of money on a dress that will be worn just once. In fact for anyone who is into living a green lifestyle, renting a wedding dress is the way to go, as it is reused, rather than taking up space before eventually heading to a landfill.

If you want to rent a wedding dress for your big day the first thing you will need to do is locate a wedding dress rental company. In many big cities, and especially in areas known for destination weddings, you should be able to find wedding dress rental companies easily. Typically you will need to make an appointment in order to try on dresses. If you have a picture of a dream dress that you can bring along, it will greatly help the professionals who are working with you and potentially save you a lot of time.

Even though men have traditionally rented their tux for getting married, renting a wedding gown is a relatively new idea. Therefore there are not a ton of stores out there which offer this option. There is also no industry standard for such arrangements yet either. Therefore you must read the terms and conditions of the rental carefully in order to make sure you are not costing yourself extra money.

Here are some of the things to look out for. Check the duration of the dress rental. If you are renting a dress and going away for the ceremony, you may not be able to bring it back in time. Most gown rental companies include cleaning of the dress prior to and following use in the price of the rental. However, be sure that is indeed the case. In regards to alterations, rules differ widely. Some companies forbid alterations completely; others provide alterations free of charge, while others allow you to pay for your own alterations if needed, but only through their chosen tailor. Whatever the policy be sure to abide by it or you may have a huge bill on your hands.

When you are looking for a dress to rent, remember the accessories. While some companies offer wedding packages, complete with shoes, purse, petticoats if necessary, a veil and more, others will charge piece by piece. Don’t invest in items you will never wear again if you are renting a dress. However, you may want to buy your own shoes, as white shoes are always practical.

There are also online options for renting wedding dresses. Some companies have an inventory of dresses that you can choose from. Other sites are forums that provide an advertising space for individuals who want to rent their own dresses. If you choose to go this route, choose a dress that is not too far away geographically to save on shipping costs. Read the agreement carefully as it will differ from renter to renter.

Cut your wedding costs, while making a wise choice for the environment, by opting to rent a wedding dress. Your special day will be just as special and you’ll be just as beautiful.


What to Wear Salsa Dancing


When you go salsa dancing you need to be sure that you not only dress to impress but that you also dress for functionality. The last thing you want to do is wear the wrong attire when salsa dancing because it could actually lead to an embarrassing moment or even an injury. The best rule of thumb is to call ahead to the salsa club that you will be attending and ask them if there is a certain dress code that they have as this is sometimes the case. More times than not though you can either dress to impress or go casual, it’s really up to you.

Here are some things that you should consider before you go out for your next night of salsa dancing fun:

•    Shoes: Your shoes will be the most important thing that you wear. You need to have comfortable shoes that do not have a rubber sole. Ideally you will want to go with salsa shoes that have a suede bottom. This will allow for greater movement and not have you twisting your ankle when you move and grove at the club due to the rubber catching on the floor. Besides, most salsa clubs will not allow you to wear sneakers or shoes with rubber soles as they will mark up the floors.
•    Dresses and skirts for women: Women can wear any number of salsa skirts or dresses that come in a variety of fun colors and fashions. Most of these skirts are on the shorter side so if you feel like it may flip up during the night you may want to wear a short pair of shorts underneath.
•    Non dresses for women: In some clubs it will be acceptable for you ladies to wear jeans and halter tops. If you are wearing a halter top just be sure it has adequate coverage for when you do any dips or bending over while dancing. Your jeans should be a loose fit to allow you the maximum amount of movement. Whatever you do, leave the skinny jeans far behind.
•    Pants for the guys: Guys can come in pants or even in jeans but be sure that whatever it is you are wearing will leave you with a great deal of movement. If you wear pants that are too tight you will risk tearing them and that will only leave you embarrassed.
•    Shirts for guys: You will want to go with a short sleeved shirt that is made of a breathable material. Never wear long sleeves as this will leave you as hot as can be and eventually nothing more than a sweaty mess.
•    Colors: Go with darker colors for skirts and shirts that will show a bit of your wild side. Colors such as red, purple, dark blue, and even orange will stand out and have you looking your best.

Remember the key to salsa dancing is comfort. Yes you want to look good, but if you are not comfortable then even the best dressed person will fail to have a good time.


How to Hem a Pair of Pants


How many times have you found the perfect pair of pants fit wise only to be discouraged because you realize that they are way too long? Well that should never deter you from buying those pants and if you know how to hem a pair of pants, it won’t. Learning how to hem pants gives you a distinct advantage every time you go shopping for clothes because you never have to worry about the length of pants and can instead focus on the actual fit of the pants. The best part is it is not as hard as you might think.

Learning to hem opens up a whole new world of options for you when it comes to fashion. Here are the steps to hemming a pair of pants:

1. Remove existing hem: If there is an existing hem then you will want to remove the threads and then iron where the old hem was to remove the creases.
2. Mark the new hem: Try on the pants with a pair of shoes that you will likely be wearing with the pants and then use tailor’s chalk to mark where you will want the new hem to be. Do this evenly on each side and then pin the new hem in place.
3. Make hem creases: Once the new hem is pinned in place you will iron once again but this time to create a crease where the new hem will reside. After ironing, try on the pants again and be sure that you will be pleased with the fit because the next step requires cutting to take place and there is no turning back after that.
4. Trim the fat: Trim all the excess material away using scissors and stay as straight as possible to achieve an even cut. You will want to leave a hem allowance of about one to two inches for dress pants and one inch for a top stitched hem.
5. Define new creases: Now using a press cloth to avoid hurting the fabric, press the hem lines in good with your iron.
6. Sew the new hem: In this step you will want to try to mimic the original hem. If the fabric is really bulky you can use seem tape to help you with the material. Once you know where you will be sewing use a sewing machine or break out the thread and needle and go to town.
7. Press one more time: After sewing the hem into place give the hem one last pressing with the iron and you should be all set.

The entire process should take you about an hour but realize when you first set out to do this it may be just a bit longer than that. But once you get the process down you will never again have to put those cute pants back on the rack simply because they are too long. While there may be many reasons not to buy a pair of pants, the length being too long should never be one of them.

Black jeans

How to Look Fabulous in Black Jeans

Black jeans

From fashionistas to regular Joes, everyone is trying to look slim and trim these days. Forget months of exercise, crazy celebrity fad diets and mail-order food — wearing the right clothes is a simple and painless way to appear slimmer and put together in just a matter of minutes. Choosing the right pair of jeans can go a long way toward reaching that goal. When those jeans are black, you’re on your way to looking not just great, but amazing!

Since wearing black will automatically shave 10 pounds off your figure, finding a great pair of black jeans is a no-brainer. They are one of those wonderful wardrobe staples that can take you from frumpy to fabulous in five minutes flat. On the other hand, the wrong jean choice will draw attention to every body flaw you have (and maybe even some you don’t), leaving you contemplating a night at home in front of the TV instead of a night out on the town. So add a truly awesome pair of black jeans to your wardrobe today! Here a few tips for what to wear with black jeans and how to make the most of this classic style.
•    Experiment with different cuts and styles of black jeans to find the one that works best for your body type. Skinny jeans are very hot, but they have to fit properly to avoid creating a fashion faux pas. A pair of tailored, bootcut jeans can add instant length to a shorter frame. Cropped jeans are very versatile and fun, while wide-leg styles can also look stylish.
•    Pair black jeans with bright, vibrant tops in colors such as turquoise, coral, red and sapphire blue. The dark bottoms with act as a backdrop for the colors on top and really make them pop.
•    Tuck your skinny black jeans into tall black knee boots. Not only will the black be slimming, the extra height of the boots will lengthen your silhouette even more and make you appear incredibly glam. Wearing high heels will have a similar effect.
•    Wear a sundress, sweater dress or long tunic over skinny black jeans. They are the perfect alternative to tights.
•    Go all-black in black jeans, a fitted black sweater and black boots or shoes. To pull off this chic look, pay attention to the shades of black you choose. All blacks are not created equal, and a darker shade of black can make a lighter shade appear old and faded.
•    Make your look really pop by wearing shoes and colorful accessories with your black jeans. Try red pumps or flats, or a chunky fuschia necklace and bracelet combo.
•    Metallics always look glamorous when paired with black. Wear strappy metallic sandals (low or high heeled) with your black jeans, or try metallic flats. A metallic belt is also a fun option. Layer on your favorite gold and silver jewelry pieces to stand out from the crowd.
•    Avoid black jeans that are too low-cut. A bulge of flesh escaping from the top of your black jeans will do nothing for your sophisticated look.