Clothing tells

What Our Clothing Tells about Us

Clothing tells

You’ve heard the expression wearing it on your sleeve right? Well nothing could be truer than what you actually wear on your sleeves and on the rest of your body for that matter. Cloths say more about us without ever speaking a word then we could tell someone in an hour long conversation.

Just by looking at the way a person’s ensemble is arranged can tell you a lot about them and some of the combinations can tell you even more. Here are some of the things you can gather by observing the way people dress:

•    Sloppy and wrinkled cloths:
When you see sloppy and wrinkled cloths on someone, right away you think of someone that doesn’t care much about how they look. But it is much more than that. A person dressed in this manner is probably much unorganized and has too much on their plate. It can also tell you that the person likes to sleep in and are probably rushing in the morning to get ready and just don’t have the time to iron.
•    Ironed cloths that are prim and proper: This type of person obviously cares a great deal about the way they dress and you can bet that everything else in their life is as tidy as their attire. This person may be what some call a neat freak and is more than likely just a little on the uptight side. Though these individuals are usually on top of their game they are also usually easily frazzled. This will be evident if you ever get to point out a stain to them.
•    Jeans, a t-shirt, and flip flops: This is a person that is usually very easy going. They usually care what others think, but only a little bit. These are the types of people that are not easily unnerved and can shrug off many little things that can greatly upset others.
•    Workout cloths like muscle shirts: You know the guy; he is at the grocery store in either a really tight t-shirt or a muscle shirt and is always kind of looking around to see who is looking. This person is obviously stuck on themselves and really likes attention. But give them a break; they worked hard for their body so they deserve a stare or two. Besides, this type of person is also usually insecure about life in general.
•    Baggy clothing like sweat pants: These people are usually very self-conscious and are usually a bit overweight. Usually they want to get into shape with their mouths but rarely with their actions. Instead of doing things the hard way, these people will simply opt to wear loose clothing and hide what they don’t like.
•    Colors: This is a no brainer. People who wear bright cheery colors are usually, well bright and cheery. On the flip side those who wear dark and drab colors are usually depressed and sad all the time.

As you can see, our cloths speak volumes about our lives and our actions and now that you know some of the things that clothing says about you, you may want to think just a bit more before you get dressed in the morning.

Ice skating

What to Wear Ice Skating

Ice skating

Ice skating is a wonderful winter sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. When you are ice skating you need to remember that you will be on ice and that means that you will be cold if not dressed properly. If you go ice skating and you are not dressed the right way you won’t have much fun because you will be shivering in your skates the entire time.

Here is how you should dress when going ice skating:

•    Skates: Ok this one is obvious. You can’t ice skate without sakes. The type of skates you will need will depend on the type of skating you are going to be doing. If you are only planning on casual skating then you can probably just rent the skates from the rink. If however you get into figure skating or hockey, then those types of skates are different all together. Whatever type of skates you do wear, be sure that you wear socks when you ice skate. A good thick wool pair usually does the trick and helps to keep your feet nice and warm and also very well padded, which in turn keeps the blisters away.
•    Pants: When ice skating a big mistake in the pants department are jeans. If you fall on the ice, and you probably will a time or two, then the denim in your jeans will actually absorb the moisture from the ice and that is going to leave you rather chilled. Instead you can get special ice skating pants that are made of a specific material that is designed to repel any moisture away from your skin and thus keep you warm. If you still want to go with the jeans looks, then wear them over top of the ice skating pants.
•    Tops: Here you will want to layer. Go to the rink with a t-shirt first, a long sleeved shirt over that, a sweater over that, and finally a lightweight jacket. When you first get onto the ice you will no doubt be fairly chilly. But as you skate around and your body gets heated up you may want to start shedding some of your clothing. By layering you will be sure that you always have the right amount of clothing up top to help keep you warm.
•    Hats: This is totally optional but if you tend to get cold ears quickly you may want to wear a wool cap. This will allow you to skate around freely without having to worry about your ears freezing off.
•    Gloves or mittens: To keep your hands warm it is a good idea to wear gloves or mittens. Nothing will spoil a day of ice skating faster than frost bitten hands.
•    Accessories: A nice accessory that can easily be added or removed to help keep you warm or cool is a trusty scarf. You may also want to wear some clear glasses as this will help shield your eyes from the cold wind and keep them from getting dried out.

Ice skating is a fantastic time but that fun can be cut drastically short if you are not dressed warm enough.

Personal shopper 1

How to Choose a Personal Shopper

Personal shopper 1

It may be that when you think about a personal shopper you think about someone who goes shopping for a rich person that just doesn’t want to be bothered with the chore, but this is simply a misconception. A personal shopper is someone who can offer you advise on your fashion sense, or lack thereof, your hair style, what to give as a gift, go shopping with you to help you determine what looks good and what does not, or even be given free rein to shop for you and create a new look for you. Personal shoppers are not just for the rich anymore and are now plentiful and many are very affordable, so how do you go about choosing one?

Here are a few tips to help you choose your personal shopper:

•    Make sure you like the person: This can be done in the initial consultation. Make sure that you get a good feel for the personal shopper as you have to be comfortable with that person ultimately choosing certain items on your behalf. If you dislike the person who will be making fashion decisions for you as a person, then chances are you will dislike their taste in clothing as well.
•    Look online: Like everything else these days, you can find plenty of personal shopper services on the Internet with a simple search. This is a great place to start and you are bound to find a few qualified companies in your area.
•    Charges: Many personal shoppers will offer a discounted or even free consultation, but then hit you with higher than normal charges once you have hired them. Be sure to ask exactly how much the service will charge for what you want done. Most services charge on a per item basis so never assume that one price is all inclusive.
•    How often do you have to use them: Some personal shoppers will offer a lower rate but will also want you to sign a contract committing to using them four or more times per year. If you plan on using your personal shopper a lot this can be great, but if not, calculate the cost because it may cost you more in the long run.
•    Ask for references: If you already know someone who has used a personal shopper in the past by all means ask them their opinion. If you do not know anyone who will give you a word of mouth reference then ask the service you are considering to provide you with some references.
•    Make sure you get ‘approval or return’: This is important to have and may cost you a bit extra, but if you don’t get it, you will be stuck with whatever your personal shopper buys on your behalf, whether you like it or not.

Just because you are behind in the fashion times or you simply don’t have time to go shop for yourself, doesn’t mean you should be embarrassed. If you are like most people, you probably have enough to worry about without thinking which designer shirt goes with what. With the ease and affordability of a personal shopper these days, it is better to sit back, relax, and let them worry about your fashion for you.

Carrie Bradshaw

How to Dress Like Carrie Bradshaw

Carrie Bradshaw

The HBO series and then later big screen movie of Sex and the City gave a whole generation of women a new way to look at life. One of the most popular characters on the show is Carrie Bradshaw who is played by Sarah Jessica Parker. On the show Bradshaw is a self confessed shopping junkie. She has been heard on the show saying that she has bought issues of Vogue magazine instead of food and loves shoes. Her fun style of mixing today’s fashions with vintage fashions of yesteryear makes her style a desirable one to copy.

Here are some of the ways you can emulate this popular television character:

•    Dresses: When wearing dresses you should go for the type that are strapless and look like they may have come out of the seventies. Bradshaw is frequently seen in these types of dresses on the show and will frequently accentuate her dresses with a light jacket or sweater. One of her funkier looks on the show saw her wearing a longer trench coat and multicolored leggings to go with one of her typical short dresses. So really you can go wild here, just try your best to mix some of yesterday’s fashion with some of today’s.
•    Pants: Though not too often, there are times that Bradshaw is on the show wearing a pair of pants. These pants are khaki style pants and are typically form fitting. Be sure not to go too tight as Bradshaw never reveals too much, at least not on her lower half.
•    Shirts: When wearing pants, Bradshaw will top them off with a nice vintage style white button down shirt that usually has some sort of frilly design. This can be accessorized in a number of different ways according to how your mood for that day is.
•    Shoes: Once again, Bradshaw is a self-proclaimed shopping addict and has said on the show that she has bought over $40,000 in shoes in her lifetime. The types of shoes that she wears on the show are indeed some of the most expensive on the market and can range in price from $350 to $500 per pair. But the point here is that you can wear what you want when it comes to shoes. Again you can have fun mixing and matching according to your mood and you do not have to feel like you have to spend an arm and a leg on your shoes.
•    Accessories: Bradshaw approaches her accessorizing much the same way she does every other aspect of her dress; by having fun. Sometimes she will be seen wearing a scarf and other times a hat will fit the bill. As for jeweler she is on the show going all out at times and being very conservative at others.
•    Hair and Make-up: Bradshaw gives ample attention in both areas and to totally emulate her look, you should too. Her hair is wavy and you can emulate this with a curling iron. Her make-up is put on rather heavily but she never goes with bright or dark colors.

Again, have fun mixing and matching fashion from different eras and when you feel that you are all set, hit the city for a night out with the girls.


What to Wear to a Luau


When you are getting ready to attend a luau the easiest thing to do is figure out what to wear. A luau is definitely the ultimate in casual where you are not only accepted if you wear a grass skirt, you are pretty much expected to do so.

Luaus are great fun and the fun you have can be enhanced by dressing the part. Of course how you dress will depend on what gender you are so here are some ways for everyone to tackle the luau look:

•    Men: Leave the suit and tie at home fellas because a luau calls for neither. A great outfit for a guy to wear to a luau starts with a comfortable pair of shorts. Any color you like fits the bill but the more colorful the better. If it is too chilly for shorts you can also wear a white pair of all cotton pants. For shirts you will definitely want to go with a Hawaiian shirt that has a wild pattern and very loud colors. It is also acceptable for the guys to go with no shirts at all so if you are brave enough to do so then go for it. You will want to get a handful of different color leis to go around your neck and you can also put a Hibiscus flower behind one ear to complete the look. When it comes to footwear go for ultra comfort and grab a pair of flip-flops.
•    Women: The ladies have a couple of different options when dressing for a luau. If you want the look of a traditional hula dancer then go for a grass skirt being worn over regular bikini bottoms and go with a coconut bra up top. Too revealing? You can also go for a long Hawaiian dress and just like with the guys, go for wild prints with loud colors. You too can wear a Hibiscus flower behind the ear, but beware because the ear you wear it behind tells of your marital status. If you wear the flower behind your left ear you are telling everyone that you are taken and if you wear it behind the right ear it means you are single. Flip-flops compliment either look and will keep you comfortable all night long. A floral anklet and lots of different colored leis completes the look.
•    Kids: Kids love the fun of a luau too. To dress them appropriately have the boys wear a matching outfit to dad with the same kind or shorts and shirt and the girls can either match mom or get any number of cute floral dresses that are available at almost any department store. The kids, like the adults, will need plenty of leis and flip-flops as well.

The biggest thing with attending a luau is to be sure that you wear what you will comfortable in and that you also wear a smile. If you are not having fun at a luau then there is definitely something wrong.

Camilla Belle

How to Dress Like Camilla Belle

Camilla Belle

Camilla Belle is a young actress that is seeing her acting career take off and has recently had a boost with a role in the movie  10,000 B.C. and Lost World: Jurassic Park.  Off the scene, Belle is one of the most elegant and graceful dressers in Hollywood today. Her pretty looks combined with her stunning fashion has many women today wanting to dress like her.

You too can dress like Belle if you have the time and patience to dedicate to this look. Here are some tricks and tips to help you accomplish this timeless look:

•    Casual skirts and dresses: When out and about or even in an interview, Belle looks both stunning and casual at the same time. The dresses she wears tend to be on the shorter side and made of a lighter material. She likes to stay on the darker side of the color spectrum with colors such as greens, blues, and even black as her favorite. When choosing your color of dress, go with what best matches your skin complexion. Skirts should be on the short side as well and keep the same color theme in mind.
•    Formal wear: If you plan on looking like Belle for a formal outing then you need to plan on going big. Belle always wears long and flowing gowns on the red carpet and these gowns are usually made of a silky and shear material. When going formal Belle changes position on her color scheme and likes to go with the lighter colors that are cooler in nature. Light blue is a favorite of hers and she wears it very well.
•    Shoes: Pumps and high heels are in tall order here. When going formal go for the heels but be sure that the height is not too much. When going casual in dresses and skirts then a nice pump will certainly do the trick. Colors should be matched with what you are wearing.
•    Accessories: Belle likes to be on the flashy side when it comes to her accessories. She often wears bigger earrings and is more times than not seen wearing a gold necklace. Bracelets are not out of the question either and if you want to wear them feel free to do so.
•    Hair and make-up: Belle stays on the lighter side of make-up but tends to really use a lot of blush to accentuate her cheek bones and also uses a lot of eye shadow so you should attempt to do the same. When going formal go for a brighter red lip stick as opposed to the more flesh tone color that you will want to use when just dressing casual. Simple is the word for hair and Belle is often seen with her hair put either up or down. Her hair is long and straight so to emulate it perfectly, you can use a hair flattening iron to achieve the look.

Again, dressing like Belle requires a little more time and patience then just dressing like many of the more laid back Hollywood starlets of today. If you can pull it off though you will get looks throughout the day as Belle’s style is one that is truly stunning.


What to Wear in Thailand


When planning your trip to Thailand you will want to know what to pack. There are no hard and fast rules in Thailand when it comes to fashion and the clothes that you will wear will greatly be impacted by the time of year you go and what you plan on doing while in Thailand.

These tips will help you be better prepared for your Thailand visit:

•    Watch the weather: During the rainy season you will want to have plenty of lightweight cotton garments with you. These will dry faster and will tend to fight off the extra humidity that comes with the rainy weather. You can also wear sandals instead of shoes as they will not get as waterlogged as shoes tend to. Just be aware that if you do, sandals are not the proper attire for some venues such as in a temple.
•    Temples and palaces: These are places of great importance to the people of Thailand and you should do your best to respect that. Most temples and palaces will ban tank tops and shorts especially on women but you should just avoid the entire conflict and dress up a bit when visiting such places.
•    T-Shirts: It seems that a lot of tourists like to wear t-shirts while in Thailand and this is totally acceptable. However, for an adult Thai it is not acceptable so if you are attempting to dress more like the culture you are visiting then you will want to opt for a more traditional pull-over shirt that sports a collar. This will have you leaving a much better impression on the locals.
•    Shorts and pants: This all dependent on what you are doing. If you are going to visit a temple then you will want to opt for pants. If however you are going to go side walk shopping at any one of the numerous boutique shops that Thailand has to offer than you can certainly get away with a nice pair of shorts.
•    Pack plenty: While Thailand tends to be hot and really hot you will want to bring plenty of clothing. The reason is simple; you will sweat like crazy in Thailand. Thailand has a very high humidity, especially in the rainy months, and you should plan on taking at least three showers a day while there. Because of all the sweating you will be doing you will want to have plenty of clothes with you so that you can always be assured a clean change of clothes is at hand.
•    Dinner wear: Short sleeved shirts are acceptable in most dinning situations but again to be more authentic to the culture you should wear the pull over type with a collar.
•    Night time: Thailand is filled with many different hot spots for those of you that like to get out and party. While the nightlife in Thailand can be hot, the night time weather tends to be a bit cool. Be sure that you have on a nice pair of pants and a lightweight jacket so that you will be nice and warm while out and about.

Of course you can always pack with extra room in your suitcase and a little extra money in your pocket. This will allow you to pick up some local fashion while there and bring them back with you with no problem.


What to Wear on Vacation in the Bahamas


The Bahamas are the place to go if you are looking for great beaches, great nightlife, and a lot of rest and relaxation. A big mistake that many people make when visiting the Bahamas is that they tend to over pack. The Bahamas is a much laid back place to visit and when planning your trip there you should follow one simple rule; less is more.

Here is all that you will need for your trip to the Bahamas:

•    Shorts: The Bahamas are hot so bring a few pairs of shorts. Guys can always look great in cargos and gals can get away with short shorts if they can pull them off. If not, then go with a nice pair of carpris pants that will keep you feeling good and looking good as well.
•    Bathing suits: The number one reason that people visit the Bahamas is the beach. Bring your suit and be ready to get wet. Guys typically look great in a cool pair of board shorts and women can go about as bare as they dare. Be warned though, there are some nude or clothing optional beaches in the Bahamas so be sure you go to the beach you want.
•    Walk around wear: As tempting as it may be to wear your beach wear into the towns and local churches, don’t so it. Some nice casual slacks made of cotton topped off with a nice button down shirt for guys and a fun skirt or dress for the ladies will do the trick every time.
•    Night wear: The Bahamas tend to be cooler at night so make sure you pack a light sweater or jacket. Some resort restaurants will require guys to wear a jacket and tie before entering so check with the place you are staying at beforehand to see if you need to pack these items.
•    Shoes: You’ll definitely need your flip flops and a good pair of walking shoes as well. You’re flip flops will come in handy at the beach and you will want a nice pair of walking shoes for all the window shopping you are bound to do as the Bahamas seem to have an endless array of shops and stores. Don’t forget a nice pair of shoes to wear when you go out at night.
•    Sun block and bug repellent: Bring a good bottle of sun block and bug repellant with you as you will need both. For the sun block go with an SPF that is 30 to 45 as the Bahamas has plenty of sun to offer and anything less could result in a burn. Reapply all the time and don’t be shy on the amount. You will use your bug repellant at night and thank yourself for bringing it as some of the bugs in the Bahamas resemble a B-52 bomber coming after you; well not that bad, but you get the point. If you happen to run out of either, don’t worry, the Bahamas carry most major brands of both products.

Remember, when it comes to the Bahamas, pack to relax and go with no worries or cares.

Polo shirts

What to Wear with Polo Shirts

Polo shirts

For both men and women there is probably no other article of clothing that can be worn with greater ease than the polo shirt. These short sleeved collared shirts give style, sophistication, and comfort all at the same time. When considering what to wear with your polo shirt, just look in your closet and drawers because chances are you already have a number of different options just waiting to be discovered.

Polo shirts can be worn on a casual and a semi-formal basis and have you looking good for either occasion. Here are some ways that you can dress up your polo shirts:

•    Jeans: No matter what kind of jeans you like, a polo shirt will compliment them. If you are going for a more casual look then you will want to leave you polo shirt untucked and you can even wear a pair of flip-flops to really state your casualness. If however you want to be a bit on the dressier side then tuck in your polo shirt, wear a belt, and wear a nice casual pair of shoes but not sneakers.
•    Khakis: Khaki pants and a tucked in polo shirt are the perfect combination for your office’s casual Friday. The fact that the polo shirt is collared still lends to the fact that it is somewhat formal, but at the same time it is short sleeved and therefore casual. It is a true win, win. Finish off the look with your regular dress shoes and you will be set for a casual day at the office or anywhere else you decide to go.
•    Shorts: Guys can be seen all over these days wearing cargo shorts and an untucked polo shirt. This look is usually finished off with a pair of flip-flops or sandals and because it is such a big casual statement it is the perfect opportunity to wear a baseball cap as well. The only time that you will want to tuck in your polo shirt with shorts on is if you are at the golf course, in which case you will be wearing a fancier golf style pair of shorts.
•    Miniskirts and short shorts: Not to be outdone by the guys, the ladies will often pair their own version of ultimate casual and wear a denim miniskirt with a polo shirt. You can choose to tuck in the polo shirt or leave it untucked; it’s really up to you. For footwear go for anything from flip-flops to flats, or even a nice pair of high heels. Have even more fun with this look by adding a pair of leggings into the mix. If miniskirts are not your style you can accomplish the same laid back fashion with a cute pair of short shorts. Again tucked or untucked is totally up to you.

Polo shirts are great and chances are that you have one or two right now hanging in your closet. By mixing and matching them with other garment you already own, you can go out and about in complete comfort and style.


What to Wear Snowshoeing


Snowshoeing can be a great way to exercise and get some fresh air but it can also be dangerous. In order to be prepared for the danger you have to dress appropriately for the occasion. Remember that anytime you are dealing with the outside cold elements there will be a chance of hypothermia and other cold related dangers. When dressing for snowshoeing you need to go for comfort and warmth while you maintain your dryness. By doing so you will cut down on all the cold related dangers that can occur.

Here is the proper way to dress when you want to enjoy a day of snowshoeing:

•    Feet: Starting with the feet first you will want to wear a breathable pair of socks as a first layer to help wick away any moisture you get when sweating. You can then put on wool socks over those and that will give you maximum warmth. Your boots should be weatherproof so that the snow doesn’t penetrate to your feet as that could cause frost bite.
•    Legs: Fleece pants do the trick here every time. They are a great garment to keep you warm and will also help you ward off moisture. At the bottom of your pants you will wear what is known as gaiters which will cover your pants at the bottom and also cover the top of your boots. These gaiters are water proof and keep any snow from creeping in the top of your boots or up your pants.
•    Upper body: Begin with a breathable cotton shirt and then top that off with a fleece or wool pull over sweater. Then you will want to wear a weather proof jacket that will keep you as warm as can be and as dry as can be too. Because snowshoeing is an aerobic sport you will sweat a lot and at times you may want to remove the jacket. Just be sure that you stay as dry as possible when you do so.
•    Hands: A good thick pair of weatherproof mittens is in tall order for snowshoeing. Your hands will be exposed to cold and wetness from snow so it is vital that you keep them dry and warm so that you avoid frost bite.
•    Head: A nice wool cap will keep the heat trapped on top of our head and thus help to keep your entire body warm.
•    Fanny pack: These sure are funny looking but they can hold a good deal of food which can come in handy when you find yourself tired and in need of a quick pick me up.
•    Water bottle: Even though it is cold out you will still be sweating a good deal and it will be important for you to stay hydrated. Carrying a water bottle with you will allow you to take frequent drinks and will ensure that you stay hydrated which will help prevent you from getting cramps.

While any activity in the cold comes with risk, if dressed for properly, you will enjoy the activity and stay safe as well. By dressing to stay both warm and dry you will ensure that your day of snowshoeing will go off without a hitch.


What to Wear with Chinos


Chinos are a type of lightweight trouser that is made from chino cloth in a weave known as twill. Though they are khaki in color most of the time they are in fact a different kind of pants than khakis. They are considered to be a smart casual style of pants and thus can be worn on a more formal basis as opposed to khaki pants, but they can also be worn in a semi-casual manner as well. So what should you wear with your chinos?

Of course what you will wear with your chinos will depend on the occasion and also your gender. Here are some things that both men and women can wear in order to compliment their chinos to the fullest extent:


• Business casual: A lot of women like to wear their chinos in a business casual way. All across American ‘Casual Friday’ is very popular with smaller businesses. While some will opt for jeans and a nice shirt, a lot are also going with chinos and a nice shirt. If your chinos are a khaki color then you can pair it with a white short sleeved collared shirt and tie in the entire outfit with a brown belt and a pair of brown loafer-style flats. This look will have you making a casual statement but without the stereotypical pair of jeans.
• Out and about look: More and more women are being seen wearing a pair of chinos while just going out for a somewhat fancier night on the town. You can get a white pair of chinos for you night out and get any number of fun colored and busy patterned shirts to top it off. If you wear the shirt a bit longer you can tie in the outfit with a skinny belt and a pair of pump style heels.


• Business look: One of the great things about chinos for the guys is that they are dressy enough to wear for a day at the office and still provide a ton of comfort. A great outfit to put together with your khaki chinos is a white button down collared shirt and a fun colored tie such as a vibrant blue. A matching jacket to the chinos should also be worn and you will want to button one button in the front. Finish off the look with some black dress shoes and a black belt and you will be the star of any meeting you attend.
• Sloppy business: This look is catching on and it is really easy to accomplish. Wearing your khaki chinos, simply untuck your favorite collared button down shirt and unbutton the top two buttons. You will want to have a neck tie on but you will loosen it up. Finally, you will wear your jacket over top but you won’t button it. This look is growing in popularity and the best part is if you go to work at the office in your chinos, you simply have to ‘loosen up’ after work and you will be all set to go out for some drinks with the guys.

A good pair of chinos can cost you a bit of money, but these well made pants are worth every penny as they will have you looking your best when at work and at play.

Milk stains

How to Remove Milk Stains from Clothes

Milk stains

Milk stains are a pain in the neck and always seem to come when you least expect it. Usually they come in the morning when you are in a hurry to get to work and are trying to wolf down a bowl of cereal as you head out the door. Then you get to work only to realize that you are wearing some of that cereal in the form of a nice little milk stain. If you are lucky the stain won’t be so noticeable, but most of the time there is no such luck.

Once you have gone through the embarrassment of sporting a milk stain on your garment for the entire work day you need to know how to remove that milk stain from your garment. Well fear not because removing milk stains is not all that challenging and can easily be done with what you have in your home right now. Here is what you do:

•    Scrape away: Use the dull side of a butter knife to scrape away any excess milk that you see. The milk will dry crusty and by removing the crust you can better focus on the worst part of the stain which will be left behind deep in the fibers of the garment.
•    Rinse the stain: After you have scraped away as much of the stain as possible you will want to rinse the stain. Use cold water in this step and let it sit for a good twenty minutes.
•    Pre-treat: Using Dawn dish soap or some other type of pre-treater, apply a small amount in the middle of the stain and rub it in vigorously. Rub for about five minutes to ensure that the entire stain gets treated. You can also use a brush in this step if you prefer but again be sure that the entire stain is being treated.
•    Soak: Now without rinsing the pre-treatment, put the garment in a bucket of soapy cool water and let it sit for a while. If you want to you can soak it over night as the longer it gets to soak the better.
•    Wash: After removing the garment from the soapy solution and wringing it as dry as you can you can now launder the garment as you normally would. Once the load of laundry is done remove the milk stained garment and do not dry it in the clothes dryer with the rest of the load.
•    Dry the garment: Hang the garment up to air dry and ensure that you have successfully removed the milk stain. If you have then you can treat the garment as you normally would and if it is not then you will have to repeat the process until the stain goes away. Typically milk stains are effectively removed after one or two treatments.

Milk stains happen, especially when you are in a hurry or if you have kids. But if properly treated your garments will live to be stained another day and who knows, maybe next time it will be an entirely different stain that will challenge you further.


What To Wear In Phoenix


Phoenix is the state capital of Arizona. It is also the largest city in the state and the 5th largest city in terms of population in the entire country. Located in the desert, Phoenix is also the hottest big city in America. The daytime averages for Phoenix are over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the months of June, July and August. Winter temperatures are considerably lower but still are warm enough to be considered summer temperatures for states up north. If you are heading to Phoenix, learn a little about how people dress there so that you are as comfortable as possible.

Packing for the weather is important when you are going to Phoenix and most other destinations. Being in the desert, it is a very dry locale and therefore umbrellas and raincoats are completely unnecessary. Even winter is very mild there with high 60s and low 70s as daytime averages. Nighttime temperatures are in the 40s in the winter. If you are visiting Phoenix in winter, you will be comfortable in typical spring and fall clothing. Many people who reside in the city will be wearing heavy sweaters and heavy weight pants or jeans at that time of the year. It’s mostly because they enjoy getting to wear that type of clothing for a short period of time, rather than any true intolerance to cold. If you are packing lightweight clothes, remember to bring a jacket or a heavy sweater to help you keep warm in the evening.

The extremely hot summers are cause for most people to stay inside for a good portion of the day. If you are in Phoenix in the summer, bring lightweight clothing for outside and a sweater or blazer for air conditioned spaces. Waterparks are a popular tourist destination and are also popular with Phoenix residents, especially in the summer. Therefore if you are planning a trip to Phoenix, be sure to pack a swimsuit, so you can enjoy the break from the heat.

Bring comfortable shoes or sneakers if you are playing the part of a tourist in Phoenix. There are many beautiful parks to enjoy, however you will be on your feet and will need to be comfortable. You will also need to wear a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun. Sunscreen is also a must if you will be outside for any amount of time.

Phoenix has a variety of different types of businesses; however communications and high-tech firms are most prevalent. There are also many government departments found in the city. Business wear in Phoenix is pretty much the same as in other parts of North America. Some companies want a professional business look while others prefer business casual. In Phoenix, the major difference is the weight of fabrics. People tend to wear lightweight business clothes year round because they can.

Pack yourself a variety of lightweight summer clothing in loose fitting styles if you are heading to Phoenix. Stay cool and enjoy the desert.

Alex Russo

How to Dress Like Alex Russo

Alex Russo

One of the more popular shows on the Disney Channel these days is the Wizards of Waverly Place. One of the main characters on the show is a young girl named Alex Russo. So fun is the show that there are now many young women that want to emulate Russo’s style and fashion. Russo’s style is not a very hard one to mimic and dressing like her can be accomplished by following a few simple steps.

To pull of the fun and vivacious fashion styles of Alex Russo, follow these guidelines:

•    Shirts: Russo tends to always wear either the traditional t-shirt, or the Henley style shirts that are in between short sleeved and long sleeved. She is always seen in bright bold colors no matter what style she is wearing so when you choose your shirt go with fun and vibrant colors such as purples, greens, and yellows. If you go with a longer sleeved shirt, you can pick up a pull over vest to help accessories the look.
•    Pants: Russo often wear jeans, but not just any old pair, this wizard opts for skinny jeans. Skinny jeans are tough to pull off unless you are skinny to begin with, so if you don’t want to go with skinny jeans you can always just pick out a form fitting pair to wear. Again the colors you choose should be fun and vibrant and Russo is very often seen in purple jeans.
•    Shoes: This one is extremely easy to nail as nine times out of ten Russo wears the same style of shoes on the show. Her favorite footwear is the classic Converse tennis shoe, low-top cut, and the color she seems to prefer is black. The only exception seems to be if she is straying from the jeans formula and wearing a skirt. At those times you will see her in black knee high boots.
•    Head wear: If Russo is not wearing a fluffy looking knit hat she usually has some sort of head band in her hair. Go wild with color and design here because Russo certainly does.
•    Accessories: One of the things that Russo is often seen wearing is a scarf. She seems to really gravitate towards the multicolored ones that are a cross between green and purple and wild designs such as paisleys are not out of the question either. She is usually sporting bigger earrings in the hoop style and sometime they are plain hoops and at other times they are a fancy designed hoop. She also wears multicolored rings from time to time and even an occasional necklace with a gold pendant.
•    Hair and Make-up: Russo is very simple when it comes to her hair and make-up. When fixing your hair you can pull it back or let it lie, just be sure it is casual either way. For your make-up, go for the light and clean look as Russo tends to be on the ‘All-American’ side of the make-up spectrum.

Once you have completed your dress up, simply have fun and try not to cast spells on anyone.


What to Wear with a Vest (for the Ladies)


Americans call them vests, the British call them waistcoats, but however you refer to them, they’re a recurring staple of the fashion world. Available in every fabric and cut imaginable, the vest is one of those wonderfully versatile wardrobe pieces that can add the crowning touch to a huge range of outfits. But before adding this fashion trick to your wardrobe, you must spend some time to find the vest that is right for your body. It needs to be long enough to reach your waist (otherwise your torso will appear too short and your lower half too long), but not so long that your waist disappears. Even more importantly, it can’t be too loose. A loose, floppy vest does absolutely nothing to flatter your figure, which is exactly the benefit of sporting the perfect waistcoat. Your body MUST look proportional.

Vests used to be worn only under suits, but that certainly isn’t the case these days. Current fashion trends use vests quite casually, over dresses, tees and even tanks. Here are a few ideas for what to wear with your favorite vest.

Pants or jeans. Wearing only a vest with pants or jeans can look fabulous! The trick is to find a vest that fits you well, doesn’t show too much cleavage and doesn’t show your bra. Try a menswear-inspired vest with a pair of tailored dark pants for an evening out, or go for a more relaxed look by pairing a cotton vest with your favorite jeans.

A tank top. Pairing a vest with a tank top may sound easy breezy, but it does take a bit of know-how to make this look truly stunning. When worn with a tank top, the vest should be the main attraction, so make sure that only a minimal amount of the tank peeks out from the top of the vest. It’s fine to let the bottom of the tank top show, but the armholes of the vest should not be cut so low that the tank top is exposed from the sides. And definitely don’t let your tank top straps show, or the chic factor will be lost. When properly worn, a vest and tank top can work in perfect synchronicity to showcase toned arms, emphasize a nice chest and minimize the waist.

A dress. Vests are such a feminine, fun touch to add to dresses. A cute denim vest paired with a pretty floral sundress adds just the right amount of structure. Vests, especially those that are knitted or woven, can be used to achieve the Bohemian feel that is currently so trendy. For a more formal look that can be worn at the office, start with a knee-length dress and add a silk or knit vest with a small belt over all.

A shirt or blouse. Slip a solid-colored vest over a blouse or shirt, and you’ve added instant interest to your outfit. Button it up to make the most of its waist-cinching properties, or leave it open for a more casual feel. You can go with a long-sleeved or short-sleeved shirt, but be careful that the vest is not too short as to throw your body out of proportion.

England 1

What to Wear in England

England 1

As the old saying goes, ‘When in Rome do as the Romans do.’ Well when you are planning on visiting England you should know how to dress so that you don’t stick out like a typical American tourist. It is important to note that many people in England get their sense of style by watching the starts of television and screen. That being said the fashion is one that tends to change on a fairly regular basis.

Here are some tips to help you decide what to wear when you are in England:

•    Loud colors: In England the colors of choice seem to be loud and bright. Many countries overseas like to stick with the darker and drabber colors, but England isn’t one of them. Yellows, purples, blues, and reds seem to be a favorite among many the locals.
•    Wild design: This is especially for the woman. Don’t be afraid to go with a totally wild and outrageous design or pattern. Many people in England sport styles and patterns that may be considered to over the edge here in America, but over there it is just another day in the life of England.
•    Get a good coat: It seems that everyone over in England has a coat on them most of the time. These coats can range from a sports jacket to a nice half-coat, or even a leather jacket, but they are almost always wearing them.
•    Shoe wear: Men tend to gravitate towards the boot look or the low top sneaker look. Their low top sneakers that they like are the same style as the low top Converse that can be found at almost any store right here in America. Women like to wear a lot of closed toed heels that are a variety of wild colors.
•    Scarves: When it is cold out it is very common to see both men and women sporting scarves. These scarves will serve two purposes. The first will be fashion and the second will be function by way of helping to keep the person warm.
•    Accessorize big: Women in England like to accessorize in a big way. They will wear big hanging necklaces and flashy jewelry. They also tend to cut their hair on the shorter and wilder side these days.
•    When in doubt: A great rule of thumb for anyone about to visit England is to pack lightly and bring some extra money. This way you can check into your hotel and then hit the streets and get ideas on how to dress by seeing what the locals are all wearing. Keep in mind that one region may dress a bit differently than the others so if you are planning on visiting more than one area in England than you will not want to spend your entire bankroll on the first day.

The good thing about dressing in England is it seems to be all about fun. The styles and colors over there are wild and vivid and allow for a great deal of leeway when choosing what it is you want to wear.

Country skiing

What To Wear Cross Country Skiing

Country skiing

Cross country skiing is a great exercise and a lot of fun for anyone who lives in a part of the country that gets a decent enough snowfall for the sport. It uses almost all the different muscle groups and can give a good cardiovascular workout when done correctly. It is a sport that fits well for individuals of all ages and can be adapted to varying levels of physical fitness. More good news is that getting equipped for cross country skiing is relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to some other sports. While the skis and boots can be more costly, there are many good deals to be found also on new equipment and especially on gently used equipment.

Knowing what to wear for cross country skiing is very important. While you can invest in skiing outfits, it is completely unnecessary, especially if you are skiing for the fun and exercise of it. The most important thing to know about cross country ski attire is that layering is essential. It is not only a matter of comfort, but by doing so you can also protect yourself from possible frostbite.

How cold it is when you go skiing will greatly help to determine what you should wear as you practice your sport. If the temperature is very cold, you will want to wear heavy layers and possibly even a hat and facemask to protect your skin. If the temperature is just below freezing and the sun is shining, you will want to dress in lighter layers. You will become warm very quickly once you get moving. However keep an extra layer in your car or wherever you start from because you cool down quickly in any winter temperature.

Your layers of clothing should include a synthetic layer of clothing next to your skin. Cotton absorbs moisture and keeps it next to the skin, making you cold, damp and uncomfortable. Synthetic fabrics will aid in wicking away moisture from your skin and drying quickly so you remain dry and warm. Additional layers may be cotton, wool or other fabric.

A waterproof winter jacket, preferably of a streamlined cut will allow you to comfortably move as you are skiing. The waterproof exterior will protect you from added moisture from melting snow and provide extra warmth. Comfortable, slim-fitting pants or specifically designed cross country ski pants of a waterproof material are also a good choice for optimal movement.

Well-insulated gloves are essential to your skiing adventure. They will provide the dexterity you want without any added bulk. A hat may be necessary at the beginning of your outing, but typically you will find that you will quickly need to remove it. Headbands that cover the ears are a good choice. Be sure to use ski goggles to protect your eyes. A ski belt with zippered pockets will give you space to carry necessities and to store hats and other small items that you remove.

With the right cross country skiwear, you will enjoy an exciting and comfortable season of outdoor adventure.

Alicia Rivera

How to Dress Like Alicia Rivera

Alicia Rivera

Of all the characters on the fictional show ‘The Clique’ perhaps the most popular is that of Alicia Rivera who is better known on the show as ‘Leesh.’ Of all the girls on the show, Rivera is the girl that is described as the richest and prettiest of all the girls in The Clique and though she is not the actual leader, her rebellious attitude that makes her want to be so is what also has many girls wanting to copy the way she dresses.

To dress like Rivera you have to have confidence as the character is always striving to be the best she can be. Here are some steps to follow in order to pull off the Leesh look:

•    Shirt: To begin with you will need a short sleeved but colored polo style shirt. Go with a lighter gray or white, but be sure to steer clear of a darker color as that will clash with the rest of the outfit.
•    Dress: The dress should be a bow tie satin dress and should slip right over the polo shirt you wear. The color is really up to you but if you want to emulate Rivera best, go with a dark purple or dark blue dress.
•    Shoes: Leesh usually wears a rounded-toe leather pump with the word ‘love’ across the front. Of course the color should match the dress and if you can’t find pumps with the word love on them, any rounded-toe pump will do. Make sure that the heel of the shoe is not too high as this will detract from the rich girl look.
•    Hosiery: The typical Rivera dress is usually accompanied by some sort of knee high hosiery with some type of pattern. Part of the pattern will match the dress and if you can have another part of the pattern match the polo shirt.
•    Gloves: This may be a rich girl thing, but Rivera is often seen sporting silk gloves. Her gloves are usually a dark gray and will feature some sort of fancy design on them.
•    Accessories: Go big and bold here. Leesh is often seen wearing big and flashy gold necklaces and her earrings are sometimes flashy and sometimes conservative. You can also go with a nice broche on the upper right side of the dress if you really want to nail the look. When you go for a purse think designer. You may not be able to afford a Gucci or other designer type, but you can pick up a knock off brand at the mall that will look just fine.
•    Hair and make-up: Rivera’s hair and make-up are always done to the nines. You should take extra time to give your hair some added curl if it is not already curly and never wear it up. When applying your make-up you have to go all out and remember that you are going for the rich girl look so you can expect to spend a little more time than usual in front of the mirror.

Remember to be confident and act as if you are rich when dressing like Rivera and you will have no trouble at all pulling off the look.


What to Wear in Ireland


Ireland is a great place to visit and the people there are very laid back. Because of that the fashion there is also very laid back. This is great because it allows tourists to simply relax and pretty much dress the same way they always do but there are some things that you should know about how to dress when you visit Ireland.

Though Ireland is laid back and casul is alright here are some tips to help you in your packing for Ireland:

•    Pack light: Most places in Ireland that you will stay at will require you to lug around your own luggage so keep that in mind when you are packing. The more you pack, the more you will have to lug around. Besides if you pack lighter that gives you an excuse to go buy some authentic Ireland clothing to bring back with you.
•    Bring an umbrella: One essential piece of clothing in Ireland is a good sturdy umbrella. It rains quite often in Ireland and it is no fun being caught without an umbrella in hand. A good raincoat goes a long way too as sometimes it is too windy for an umbrella.
•    Think in layering terms: Even in the summer time Ireland can get quite cool so you will always want to layer your clothing. The mornings tend to be brisk so you can begin the day with the most amount of clothes on such as a shirt, sweater, and jacket. As the day warms you up you can then begin to remove some of the layers and then put them back on as the evening hits and it gets cool once again.
•    Bring extra in winter: During the cold months you will want to be sure that you have plenty of warmer cloths with you. Sweaters, jackets, hats, gloves, and even scarves. You should also never underestimate the power of a nice pair of thermal underwear. While you may feel a bit silly wearing them, they will keep you nice and warm.
•    Watch the water: The coasts of Ireland tend to be on the windy side. If you are planning on visiting these areas be sure that you have enough on to keep you warm.
•    Casual is ok: Remember that unlike many foreign countries it is perfectly acceptable to dress much in the same way you do right here in the United States. Jeans, sneakers, t-shirts and sweaters all fit the bill when it comes to Ireland.

It is important to note that even if it is hot outside the local pubs and restaurants in Ireland tend to be a bit on the cooler side as the air-conditioning is generally cranked way down. Always be sure that you have a light sweater or jacket with you at all times when visiting these local establishment and you will never be too cold.

Ireland is not only a wonderful place to visit; it is also an easy place to pack for. Just remember when you think Ireland; less is more.


What to Wear to a Broadway Show


The next time you are in New York you may feel the bright lights of Broadway calling your name. When this happens you will no doubt want to know what to wear to a Broadway show. While Broadway has no real dress code you still don’t want to show up looking too formal or too casual so you have to find that perfect balance in between.

Many times at a Broadway show it is not unusual to see the occasional tuxedo and it is also not unusual to see the occasional jeans and t-shirts, but the people that wear these seem to stick out. In order to better blend into the crowd you will want to go with dressy-casual attire so you not only look your best but you also feel comfortable as well. Here is how you too can pull off the Broadway look:

•    Dresses: You can always look your best in a dressy, but not formal dress. This type of dress can range from a sun dress for when the weather is hotter, to a longer flowing dress that comes down past your calves. You can compliment this look with a nice pair of strappy sandals.
•    Work attire: If you are coming straight from work then shed your work blouse and replace it with a satin or sequin top. Trade your work shoes for a pair of sling-back pumps and you will be all set.
•    Accessories: You will definitely want to accessorize, but don’t go all out. Try to find a nice mix of low key jewelry and stay away from big hoops or things that hang too low. You should also choose a smaller purse that won’t be so cumbersome when you are sitting down to enjoy the show.

•    Work Attire: If you are coming straight from work just leave on that suit and tie as it will look great going into the show. If that’s too dressy for you then shed the tie and unbutton a couple of top buttons on your shirt and trade your suit jacket for a sport coat.
•    Pants and shirts: If weather permits you can wear a nice pair of dress pants and a great looking sweater up top. Of course if it is hot out you will want to go with some sort of lightweight button down but you will still want to go with long sleeves. If you are feeling ultra confident you can also go with a classy looking pair of jeans with a button down shirt and top off the outfit with a sport coat.
•    Shoes: This is a no brainer for the guys; wear your dress shoes. Leave the sneakers, flip-flops, and even the cowboy boots in the closet. If your shoes look dull, give them a quick polish and shine just before you head out for your night on Broadway.

Now you are ready to go enjoy that Broadway show you have always wanted to attend. A word of warning; silence your cell phone as soon as you arrive. While you want people to check you out, you don’t want it to be because of your cell phone blaring out in the middle of the performance.