How to Create a Novelty Maternity T-shirt

Novelty maternity

Novelty Maternity T-Shirts Ideas

Pregnancy is such a fun and exciting time in a woman’s life. It is no surprise that so many ideas for novelty maternity t-shirts have cropped up in recent years. One of the fun parts of having a baby is celebrating the unique qualities this child will posses. As the new parents work to individualize their child by decorating the nursery and picking out baby names, they can also express their excitement by wearing novelty maternity t-shirts.

– How to Create a Novelty Maternity T-shirt

There are a few different ways to go with novelty maternity t-shirts. You can focus on the specifics of the family and due date, funny sayings and quotes, or make a statement. The most personal idea for a novelty maternity t-shirt is to incorporate the family’s name or child’s due date on the item. For instance, “Baby Ramsey – Due in June” or “Rick and Robin’s Work in Progress”. Even the due date “12/11/07 – Give or Take 2 weeks!” can be a fun way to inform people of the impending event. This will also serve as a lasting keepsake of the pregnancy.

There are so many funny sayings for novelty maternity t-shirts, you will have fun just browsing through them all. “Oops!” is hilarious on a 9-month bulging belly! “Start me with Seconds – I’m Eating for Two!” and “When Momma’s Happy…” are both fun sayings for a t-shirt. “Who’s the Daddy?” can be funny, if it’s not too true, and doesn’t offend Dad!

In fact, there are even novelty maternity t-shirts intended for Dad to wear. “Baby Daddy” and “Sympathy Belly” are both fun ideas for novelty maternity t-shirts, and a great way to draw Dad into the excitement.

– Got Something to Say?

Of course a pregnant woman is bound to attract attention. The question is –what do you want to do with it? Your novelty t-shirt can act as a warning to others, “Hands Off the Belly!” It can send a message, “We Like Surprises” or “Two for One!” You may choose religious sentiments like “Miracle in Progress” or “God at Work.” Some people choose political statements like “One More for the Red/Blue States!” Or it can be sports related “Future Jaguars Fan.”

Of course, you may just want to keep in sweet and simple. There are many ideas for novelty maternity t-shirts that are cute and to the point. “Baby Bump” or, “Yo Mama” or, “Mom in Training” would all be fun.

– Coming Up With Your Own Ideas for Novelty Maternity T-Shirts

While there are literally hundreds of great ideas for novelty maternity t-shirts around, you may have your own.  And it’s easy to have this put onto a custom made shirt. “Enjoying Sleep for the Last Time” may strike a chord. If this is your sentiment, find a shirt and create your own unique novelty maternity t-shirt.  You can also add images or picture to make it even more personal.

Whether for yourself or a gift for someone who is having a baby, the ideas for novelty maternity t-shirts are many. They are only limited to your imagination and the many choices that abound on the Internet, stores and catalogs. Happy Shopping!

How to Dress Like a Nerd


Whether you love nerds, or love to hate nerds, there’s always a reason to dress like one. Nerd was once a derogatory term, but now it’s a badge of honor. A nerd is usually someone with a deep, almost obsessive, love for something. Commonly, nerds were the book worms who craved knowledge and learning. Nowadays, the term nerd has expanded to three main types of obsessed people: classic nerds, sci-fi nerds, and computer nerds.

Classic nerds are the ones who you may instantly think of when you hear the word “nerd.” Classic nerds wear suspenders and pocket protectors. To get this look, make sure to invest in white, knee high socks. Classic nerds rarely wear jeans, but when they do, it’s acid or stone washed jeans. Usually, classic nerds wear khaki pants, combined with the knee high socks. Copy this by getting petite or straight leg Capri pants that stop above the ankle. If you can’t find these types of pants, raise up a pair of straight leg khakis with a set of suspenders. Make sure your socks are showing. Pair with this black loafers. It creates an awkward look that works.

Classic nerds also love to wear white shirts. Make sure to tuck in the shirt. The shirt should also have a front pocket, so that you can place in the pocket protector for your pens and calculator. Wear a bow tie. To round off the look, wear black rimmed glasses and a middle part down your hiar. Girls can wear a low pony tail.

The second type of nerds are in the sci-fi crowd. Sci-fi stands for science fiction. These are the types of nerds interested in Star Trek or Star Wars. You may find them at Star Trek conventions dressed up like Spock the Vulcan, and brushing up on the nuances of the Klingon language. Sci-fi nerds love to wear graphic t-shirts. Capture this look by getting shirts that say something witty or sassy. It’s even better if you can find a shirt that references a popular science fiction television show or movie. Sci-fi nerds usually wear shorts. They rarely wear jeans or regular length pants. Sci-fi nerds never wear closed-toe shoes. They prefer flip flops or sandals. In cold weather, they wear socks with their sandals. These type of guys like to wear spiky hair. The girls wear pony tails.

The third and final type of nerd is the computer nerd. Computer nerds are always found hunched over their computers, toiling away with some computer software into the night. Computer nerds are not exactly fashion forward. They prefer function over fashion. These nerds do have their own unique brand of style. Computer nerds usually wear nondescript, or non-graphic, t-shirts. Sometimes they wear sweat shirts, with an imprinted college logo. Computer nerds usually wear sweatpants, but on special occasions, they will wear jeans. Computer nerds wear socks, but rarely wear shoes, because they don’t go out much. When going out, computer nerds wear ordinary sneakers. This look is definitely the most comfortable of the three, but is also the least defined.

Pay homage to the nerd in you, or poke fun at the stereo-types by exaggerating them. Whatever option you choose, make sure to have fun with it.

How to Wear Garter Belts and Stockings

Garter belt

A few decades ago wearing garter belts was the norm and women didn’t think twice about how they should go about doing so. Enter the affordable and easy to wear pantyhose. These nylon hosieries really shook up the world of shear-wear for women and once they hit the scene the popularity of garter belts quickly faded away. But they never totally fizzled out.

These days when a woman wears garter belts and stockings it is usually on a more intimate level. Because of that they are typically reserved for special occasions. Because of the limited number of times that a woman will actually find herself wearing these types of hosiery they may or may not know how to go about properly wearing them. If you are one of those women fear not, it is not as hard as you might think. Here’s what you need to know:

– Try on the actual garter belt: The most important part about wearing garter belts and stockings is ensuring that your garter belt fits you properly. This is essential because you will not only want comfort but you will want the clasps to function properly as well. Before you buy a garter belt you need to actually try it on. It should fit nicely around your waist but you don’t want it to be too snug. Be sure that you will be able to easily modify the clasps in accordance with your body’s length.

– Check the clasps: The clasps of the garter belt should be strong and durable and be able to put up with a little bit of abuse if need be. Again you need to make sure that they can easily be adjusted to match your body length.

– Choose good stockings: Be sure that your stockings are as durable as your garter belt is. Going with a nicer material such as silk will often help in terms of durability. These types of stocking may cost a bit more but they can be worth their weight in gold if they last longer.

– Actually putting them on: To avoid any embarrassment later on in the ladies room, put your panties on first. Put the garter belt on and be sure that it is fit properly and that all the clasps are hanging down at about the same length. Next you will put the stockings on and pull them up as high as they will go. Now you need to attach the clasps onto the stockings and adjust them until they feel even and above all else comfortable.

There is no rule of thumb for the adjustment of the clasps on the garter belt and the actual indicator of truth is your own personal preference. Many women these days avoid wearing garter belts and stockings because they feel it is too hard to put them on. But if you start with the right garter belt and stockings the rest is practically a cake walk. It may take you a time or two of putting them on to get smooth at it, but just as with anything else, practice makes perfect.

How To Wash A Cashmere Sweater


Nothing says true luxury like cashmere. A cashmere sweater is often a special treat for that special someone in your life or for the someone who simply has everything. It will draw admirers with its beauty. However, if you own a cashmere sweater or are thinking about getting one, it is important for you to know exactly how to wash a cashmere sweater or you will get no practically no enjoyment from your luxury item.

The only safe way to wash a cashmere sweater is to hand wash it in cold water. This is a fairly simple technique. You will need to select a pan or sink big enough to hold the sweater, water and allow for some movement for agitation. Fill it with cold water and add the exact amount of detergent stated on the container. Be sure you are using a detergent that is formulated for delicate hand washing in cold water. Do not add too much detergent because it suds up very easily in cold water and it will take you quite a long time to get rid of all the suds if you use too much.

When the detergent is mixed into the water, add your cashmere sweater. If there were any stains or odors on it, you should have pretreated with a pretreatment product made for delicates. Move the sweater around gently to completely cover it in the water and to create agitation, so that the sudsy water will pass through the fabric and start to work on cleaning it. Rub stains, necklines and armpits with your hands to help along the cleaning process in these areas. Let the sweater soak for a while in the sudsy solution.

After a half hour or so has passed, come back to the sweater and agitate it throughout the water again. Then you will rinse it. Remove the soapy water and add clean water, agitating the sweater in it again. Keep repeating this process until no more bubbles are produced when the sweater is agitated in clean water.

Remove the sweater from the water and gently compress it to get as much water out as you can without damaging the garment. Do not wring or twist a cashmere sweater. When you have gotten some of the water out, lay the sweater on a dry absorbent towel. Gently roll the towel up with the sweater inside, in a jellyroll fashion. Compress the roll to get out additional moisture. Following this, lay the cashmere sweater flat to dry on a sweater dryer to allow air circulation. It may take a couple of days to completely dry but you will have saved yourself a pricey dry cleaning bill.

Don’t turn away from cashmere simply because it’s a little more work and extra care than most clothes. The feel of the luxurious softness is well worth the occasional investment of your time in hand washing what will quickly become one of your favorite things to wear.

How To Treat Stains On Leather

Stains on Leather

Leather is a rich, supple material that most people simply love to wear. It makes for warm yet stylish coats and jackets. It offers the most comfortable footwear possible. It makes jeans, skirts and even shirts that are sexy, protective and eye-catching. However, leather is a material that needs to be treated gently and cared for properly. You cannot simply toss leather into the washer and dryer. For this reason it is very important to understand exactly how to treat stains on leather and properly take care of it.

While leather is a very durable material, it needs to be cared for if it is to last. One of the things you must do is to treat the leather so that it remains soft and supple. You should also apply a commercial protectant to your leather clothes and accessories to keep them from becoming stained. Protection is the absolute best way to avoid having to deal with stains on leather at all. However, if you are unlucky enough to have to deal with stained leather, there are some specific tips that can greatly help you, depending on the type of stain you encounter.

If the stain is ink, you can easily tackle it with hair spray. Be generous in spraying hairspray onto the area. Blot the stain with a paper towel or rag that will be able to soak up the ink as it dissolves with the hairspray. Do not use the same part of the cloth twice because you will risk transferring the ink back to the leather. If you are unsuccessful, treatment may require a professional leather cleaner.

If the stain is from something greasy, you can start by lightly dabbing at the stain with an absorbent cloth in order to soak up extra grease. When this is done, put talcum powder on the spot and let it sit there for about 4 hours. Simply dust off the powder after the time has elapsed and the grease should be gone with it.

Gum stains can be removed with ice and heat. The first course of treatment is to hold ice cubes in a plastic bag to the gum to make it as hard as possible. You should be able to pull off much of the gum this way. If any remains, heat it up with a hair dryer and use a clean cloth to remove the residual traces.

Salt stains are a common problem for leather wearers in the north during the winter. To remove such stains make a solution of vinegar and water, with a 3 to 1 concentration. Put this solution on a clean cloth and whisk away salt stains.

Water stains are very common stains for leather. The best treatment is to simply let the leather completely dry out and apply a leather conditioner to make it look its best. Do not use any heat source to speed up the drying process, let it happen naturally.

If you have some great looking leather that you enjoy wearing, sooner or later you will be faced with stains you need to get rid of. Keep these valuable tips nearby and save the cost of pricey professional leather cleaners.

How to Stay in Style While Pregnant


Great Ideas for How to Stay Hip When Pregnant

Congratulations! Pregnancy is a life-changing event in a woman’s life. While you will experience feelings of joy and excitement, you will also feel moments of doubt and concern. For many women this begins during pregnancy when your body will reshape itself and change to accommodate the growing life inside you. Thus it’s really important to feel attractive and good about yourself during the pregnancy. So here are some suggestions on how to stay in style while pregnant.

Shop around!

Pregnancy is a great excuse to go shopping for new clothes. In fact, you must go shopping for new clothes. (Tell me you haven’t waited a lifetime for someone to tell you that!) The great thing is that maternity clothes have evolved greatly since your mother had to wear a pink-striped, cotton, moo-moo. Maternity clothes are available in sleek, stylish and comfortable fashions. The key to staying hip when pregnant is to find clothes that will suit your rapidly-changing body.

Finally – The Perfect Body!

Are you carrying this baby in front, or has he added substantially to your backside? Some women put on weight all over, which can be very disconcerting because it feels like you are shopping for a completely different person. Well here’s the good news – you are! Your body is forming the shape that it needs to have to best nurture your child. So your pregnancy shape, while it may not be model size 4, is actually perfect. If you don’t feel that way yet, you just haven’t found the right maternity clothes.

One great idea on how to stay hip while pregnant is to really embrace your curves. You are the epitome of femininity. (Try saying that 5 times fast). Seek out clothing that, while comfortable, makes the most of your assets. You will find elegant maternity t-shirts and blouses that are gathered above the belly, and flow gracefully along your curves. These come in a variety of fabrics and patterns, so you are bound to find something to suit your needs.

Style for Every Occasion

Whether you are working in an office, playing at the park, attending a wedding or going to the beach, you will be able to stay in style during your pregnancy by taking the time to seek out different maternity styles, makes and fabrics. You may opt for a combination of maternity t-shirts and casual dress on most days. Or your career may require you to wear more tailored business suits on a daily basis. Again the key is to try different outfits until you find the one that best suits your body.

Now what fits your body in the 4th month of pregnancy and the 8th month is very likely to change. Just try to view this as an opportunity to go with the flow. Pregnancy really does represent change, and while that can be challenging, it is also very rewarding. As you come up with your own great ideas of how to stay in style during pregnancy, remember to enjoy the experience. Nothing is every more stylish than the warm glow of pregnancy.

How To Pick Out A Prom Dress

Prom Dresses1

Many young girls dream of the day when they will go shopping for their prom dress. Even before dreams of a wedding dress ever enter the picture, most pre-teen and teen girls swoon over photos of the perfect prom dress. In fact, many girls start looking at dresses and planning for prom long before they are actually old enough to go to prom. When you go looking for a prom dress it is important to know exactly how to pick out the perfect one for you.

The first thing to do is to look at a variety of pictures of different prom dresses and find the types that most appeal to you personally. You may love shorter dresses or have a soft spot for long flowing gowns. You might be attracted to ruffled dresses with lots of flowery details and fancy touches. You might be most in love with simple elegant sheaths. You may find that soft romantic shades are what appeals most to you or it could be a bright, stand-out-from-the-crowd color. A very modern look may be the dress of your dreams or maybe even a classic gown that looks handpicked from history. Before you ever begin to shop for your prom dress, you need to have a definite idea of the type of gown that appeals to you most.

There are however a variety of other things to take into consideration in the choosing of your ideal prom dress. You will need to decide on a flattering color for your gown. Learn as much as you can about matching your complexion with the right clothing colors. This will guide you in your choice of the gown of your prom dreams. Choosing the wrong color can totally throw off your whole look. If you have a ruddy complexion and choose a red dress, you will find that your complexion looks worse than usual. If you have a fair complexion and light hair and you opt for white or pale pastels, you will look washed out and ghostly. Choose a color that flatters your hair and skin tone.

Your body shape will also determine the type of dress you should choose for prom. If you are very thin and small breasted, you will want to avoid strapless dresses and other looks that draw attention to your chest. If you have wide hips you will not want to wear a dress that has extra material and details in the hip area. If you are heavyset, you should chose classic lines, avoid too much extra detail and possibly select darker colors.

One of the key things in picking out your prom dress is to take the time to try on a variety of dresses. By doing so, you will find out exactly which colors look best on you and which styles best flatter your body type. Even if you eventually buy a dress online or from a catalog, it is important to spend time trying on real dresses so you can learn as much as possible about what you truly like and dislike in a prom dress.

What Funny Custom Maternity T-Shirts to Wear

How to Make Light of Being Pregnant Outwardly with Funny Custom Maternity T-Shirts

Has the gravity of your current situation dawned on you yet? You are literally carrying the future in your belly. Every choice you make from nursing to the type of mobile you choose will be scrutinized by loved ones and complete strangers. So before you run to the parenting aisle of your local bookstore in response to the latest piece of unsolicited advice… Lighten Up!

Pregnancy is what you choose to make of it. Instead of getting tense and worried with each new phase of your “condition,” take these tips on how to make light of being pregnant with funny and custom maternity t-shirts.

The “I Just Wanted a Backrub!” T-Shirt

You know you laughed! This is part of the fun of being pregnant. Whether this event was preplanned, or a big surprise, it is all part of the story you will tell your future child. Pictures of pregnant mom in her funny and custom maternity t-shirts can make great Christmas cards or additions to the baby’s scrapbook. By choosing witty sayings for your maternity t-shirt, you will create immediate connections with people who appreciate our sense of humor.

Whether your personal sense of humor leans towards, “Never Mess with a Pregnant Woman” or “Are We There Yet?” you will be able to find funny maternity t-shirts to make you laugh out loud.

Express Your Beliefs

Custom maternity t-shirts are also a great way to express your personal beliefs and convictions. Religious sayings like “Designed by God” may be the perfect expression of your faith. Or politically charged ones like “Already Better than Bush” might work if you rather enjoy pushing people’s buttons. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you give up your personality.

If “Don’t Touch” or “Yes, I’m Pregnant” will save you from the unsolicited belly rubs and silly stares of strangers, well who could really ask for more in a piece of clothing? What about “Not Finding Out”? That could really save you from about a hundred questions a day.

Keeping things on the lighter note you may want a maternity t-shirt that says “Under Construction” or “Belly Dancer.” Once you start looking around, it’s easy to see how to make light of being pregnant by wearing funny or custom maternity t-shirts.

Who’s Carrying this Baby?

I know, you weren’t thinking of buying a funny or custom maternity t-shirt for Dad, but why not?  After all, who got you into this situation? He should definitely share in the joy with a t-shirt that reads “Sympathy Belly” or “Look What I Did” with an arrow pointing toward you. This is a fun time for the two of you, and you will need your sense of humor in the months ahead as you navigate sleepless nights and a fussy baby.

You can even get custom shirts for the older siblings, grandparents, aunts, or uncles. This is a great way to make brothers and sisters feel important, and other relatives feel connected to the baby.

Ultimately, the key in how to make light of pregnancy outwardly with a custom or witty maternity t-shirt lies in your personality. This is a great time in your life, so don’t spend too much time obsessing over the right diaper and try to have fun.

How To Look Like A Skater Chick

If you are a girl that loves skateboarding then you will certainly be a fan of the skater chick look. Even girls who never touch a skateboard have a fascination with the skater chick style and often emulate it in the hopes of attracting a skater guy or simply to look cool. If you know the right things to wear, you too can look like a cool skater chick.

Wearing the right clothes will definitely help to create your skater chick look. You need to start with the right shorts. Invest in cargo shorts or other baggie shorts with pockets that provide movement. Wear a welt to keep them up. You can either go for a hard core style belt with studs and lots of metal or opt for a more feminine looking belt to round out your look. If it is too cold for shorts or you’d just prefer something else, skinny jeans work well for a skater chick look. Opt for dark jeans that are somewhat distressed. If they are not distressed, add some strategic holes for a hot look.

T-shirts are absolutely required to create the genuine skater chick look. This is where you get to express some of your own individuality. Printed tees in black or white are the most popular with skater chicks, although you will see other colors as well. Remember though that skater chicks rarely wear pink.

You can get a wide variety of printed T-shirts to wear for your new skater chick look. You can choose ones that already have stuff printed on them or choose to have your own made. If you decide to go with customized shirts you can have anything you’d like printed on them. Make a design of your very own, have a photo printed on one or have any text you want printed on a shirt. You can make jokes, label yourself, make a statement or tell things about yourself. Customized tees are a perfect medium for self-expression for any skater chick.

Choosing the right accessories is very important for the skater chick look. Opt for skateboard shoes that are Vans or similar in style to that brand. If you choose skate shoes that require laces, get the fat laces that you can leave untied. Add some jewelry that is a little hardcore. Bracelets should be tight to the arm. Chains can be used for necklaces. Outerwear for skater chicks is always oversized hoodies that zip up.

Go for a messy hairdo to round out your skater chick look. In fact, having it extra long over one eye is typical of the skater chick look. Most skater chicks also go for dark hair, even dying it if they need to. A stripe of color like red, blue or green can add a little edge to your look also.

Of course, actually having a skateboard and using it will make you look like a skater chick too. So learn the moves. Get outfitted now for a cool skater chick look. It’s an easy, hot look for you to create.

How to Dress like a Vampire

Dress like the Undead to Live Life in Style

In vampire mythology, there are several kinds of vampires when it comes to fashion. For starters, everyone thinks that vampires always wear black. Perhaps this is the case. But the cardinal rule of vampires is looking good. So whether it’s a black outfit or not, style is the most important thing when it comes to dressing like a vampire.

Generally, modern interpretations of vampires focus on their commitment to high fashion and always looking fabulous. Male and female vampires always want to look their best, supposedly so that they can better seduce their victims. That is, of course, if you believe in that kind of thing.

However, the idea of the good looking, well dressed vampire didn’t come along until Hollywood started making movies about vampires. That’s where the idea of the tuxedo, the cape, and the Transylvanian accent came from. The original vampires were ugly as ugly can be.

As far as we know, Bram Stoker’s Dracula was the very first vampire to ever enter pop culture. His Dracula sparked a craze around vampires that is yet to disappear. People are still making movies and writing books about vampires. Some people love vampires so much that they dress up like them and attend annual balls with other vampire wannabes. Some people even have permanent dental work done so that can look like a vampire! Yes, really!

Most people are fascinated with vampires because they appear to be so glamorous. But the original vampire, Dracula, was ugly. Most people don’t want to believe that he was so ugly because he still managed to entice the object of his affection into his arms. But by Stoker’s description, this guy was offensive to the eyes. But because he was a wealthy lord, he was always dressed to the nines.

Ugly or not, vampires have always been known for dressing well. Whether you’re lined up at your dentist’s office for fake teeth or not, dressing like a vampire could be a good rule of thumb if you’ve set your sights on dressing well. Taking tips from your vampire inspirations could definitely catapult you onto any best dressed list.

With that, you might think that most vampires wouldn’t be caught dead in a regular old t-shirt. But even vampires can’t wear designer brands and the finest fashions all the time. After all, sometimes life requires casual wear. When those times come, you can bet the ranch that a vampire would want a specially designed t-shirt for those casual moments.

But how do you get a specially designed, custom printed t-shirt that’s vampire worthy? You make it yourself, of course! Custom printed t-shirts can be had by anyone with the help of a custom t-shirt printing company. You can design your own gothic, vampire inspired designs and develop a whole line of high-fashion t-shirts that any self-respecting vampire would be happy to wear. A custom printed t-shirt probably won’t make you live forever, but it will certainly help you live a more stylish life.

How to Dress Like a Gypsy

The term Gypsy was originally used to describe the nomadic Roma people who traveled around Europe in the early 16th century. They traditionally made their living with seasonal itinerant work, though most people think of them more commonly as roaming workers and fortune tellers who are inclined to an unconventional way of life.

Gypsy style in the modern sense is not far from the way Gypsies originally dressed, though it is somewhat romanticized by Hollywood and Halloween costumes. Today Gypsy garb is much more about style and freedom and much less about function than it was in the 16th century. However, it is a fun way to dress and an easy style to reproduce.

If you want to dress like a Gypsy, the first thing you need to do is find a loose top or blouse. The perfect top would be a peasant blouse with puffy sleeves. Another good choice would be a colorful cotton top with layers or ruffles. Women can wear a bodice over their blouse and can add a shawl depending on the weather. Men can also wear peasant shirts that are similar to the women, though in a masculine cut. Men can add a vest or coat over the shirt.
The next item you need to dress like a Gypsy is a skirt. A full skirt that comes down to at least mid-calf is ideal, especially if it has many layers. The skirt should be colorful, using primarily dark or jewel-tone colors. Skirts can be made of a patchwork or many layers of different pieces of fabric. Around your waist you can wear a long scarf or sash that ties on the side and hangs long, or you can wear a belt with a decorative buckle. You can also add a pair of bloomers under the skirt if you choose. If you are a male, wear loose trousers in a dark color with a belt.

Women who want to dress like a Gypsy can wear their hair down, curly and a little untamed to fit with the free spirited image of the Gypsy. You can add a flower to your hair either behind your ear or clipped on the side or the back. You can also wear a scarf on your head, worn low on the forehead and tied in the back. Men can wear a hat in a dark color, something similar to a fedora, or they can wear a scarf, worn in a similar fashion to the women.

Women and men dressing like Gypsies can wear either sandals or boots. Black shoes are preferable. Men can also wear black shoes with a buckle or other adornment.

Jewelry can be worn by both men and women. Earrings, rings and anklets are authentically Gypsy, as well as beads and amulets. Men can also wear pouches and sashes to further accessorize.

Dressing like a Gypsy can be fun and easy. With a few simple clothing pieces and the right accessories, you’ll look the part in no time.

How to Dress Like a Geisha

Geisha are instantly recognizable by their dress and makeup. The word geisha is Japanese for “person of the arts.” Geisha are women skilled in music, dance, singing, storytelling, and performing the ancient tea ceremony. Contrary to popular belief, geisha are not prostitutes. They are entertainers and hostesses who follow a strict code of conduct and hierarchy.

Geisha dress in a style that has been handed down for hundreds of years with little change or evolution. The look is an attempt to create the illusion of female perfection. They indulge men’s fantasy of the perfect woman and are successful because they project a certain kind of unattainable perfection. The dress and makeup is what identifies a geisha.

If you want to dress like a geisha, there are some guidelines that should be followed. Their style is very specific, starting with the primary article of clothing, the kimono. Kimonos are worn by all geisha. Find one that is very bright in color. It should be adjusted to fall at the ankle. The collars of the kimono are low in the back exposing the nape of the neck, which is believed to be the most important and seductive part of a geisha. Make sure the collar of your kimono falls below the nape of your neck.

Around the waist of the kimono you’ll wear an obi, or a sash. The obi is traditionally a comprised of several layered belts, but you can wear one wide sash when duplicating the geisha look. Your obi should be brighter than your kimono in color and should be very wide, covering much of the lower torso. It can be tied in several ways, but most commonly it is tied close to the body with what is called a butterfly tie in the back. You can get the look by tying a wide bow.

Aside from the kimono, the most prominent part of a geisha is her makeup. It is very important, but easy to do yourself. First and most important is the white makeup that should be applied to the full face, neck and chest. If you cannot find a white foundation you can use a pale color and apply a white powder over the top. Second, line your eyes and fill in your eyebrows with a black or charcoal liner. Finally, use a dark red lipstick, filling in your entire upper lip but applying just a stripe down the center or your bottom lip. This application is to suggest that the lips are in the shape of a flower.

Finally, the hair needs to be pulled up. The most common hairstyle of a geisha is a chignon. Although they can often be quite elaborate and difficult to do, a basic chignon will do the trick. When your hair is up, decorate it with elaborate combs and hair pins. You can even add some colorful Japanese flowers such as orchids to your hair to complete the look.

Geishas are known for their very specific and traditional look and style. With a few main pieces and some creativity with makeup and hair, you can pull together your own geisha look.

How to Dress for School

When going to school, there is a lot of debate about the best type of outfits to wear. There are many different people who will tell you what they think the best thing to wear to school is. However, how to dress for school depends on several different variables. Ultimately, the decision is yours and is a matter of personal preference unless you have a school uniform.

When you consider what to wear, find out about the dress code first. Some schools are stricter than others and some won’t allow halter tops or even shorts. Some schools won’t allow t-shirts with words printed on them and others that allow any belly to be revealed at all. Also remember that teachers will treat you differently depending on what you’re wearing, no matter what they might tell you. If you are dressed inappropriately, you may find that some teachers aren’t as accommodating when you need them to be.

Casual clothing

No matter what the dress code, most students want to dress as casually as possible. If you dress up each day, you risk being made fun of by the other students and maybe even the faculty. T-shirts are generally the uniform of the school years in most schools. Just make sure your T-shirt doesn’t violate any rules because of vulgarities or being too short.

Along with your T-shirts, make sure you have plenty of pairs of jeans. Jeans don’t have to be boring, however. You can get jeans in different colors, with different wash styles, or you can rip them up for a new statement if your school will allow it. You can wear baggy jeans for a casual statement or skinny jeans for one that says you are more fashion conscious.

A skirt or a pair of slacks can also work well for a casual look. A long skirt won’t impede movement that much, and a pair of dark blue slacks can be just as casual as a pair of jeans when worn with a t-shirt.


Most people where tennis shoes or sandals to school, but don’t let that be the only thing you ever wear. Wearing one or two different pairs of tennis shoes everyday can get boring and can feel uninspired. Don’t be afraid to wear flats or boots to school occasionally. Flats are almost as comfortable as tennis shoes. Boots, after they are worn in, can be every bit as comfortable. Mix up your look up by adding a pair of leather boots to an outfit occasionally.


Accessories are a great way to individualize your look. Don’t be afraid to experiment and play with different accessories. Try out different combinations of bracelets, earrings, necklaces, watches and hair accessories. You may find that love wearing five bracelets and that may become your signature look. Or, you may find that one simple necklace is plenty of jewelry for you.

Handbags are another way to show off your individual style to matter what the dress code. For the fashion conscious, choose a designer bag. For the vintage chic crowd, choose a vintage handbag from a thrift store. For the creative types, individualize one yourself with fabric markers or by sewing your own handbag.

How to Dress for Prom

The prom is an exciting event that most girls and guys look forward to for years. If you want a truly memorable prom, you’ll want to choose the right outfit and end up with great memories and great prom pictures to look at for years to come.

Prom dresses

To pick the best prom dress, don’t go with the one that’s the trendiest or the one that looks like the one your friend is wearing. The prom dress for you is one that is flattering to your specific shape, size and coloring. Your skin tone will have a lot to do with the color dress you choose. If you are a very fair skinned, look for medium to dark colors rather than a light color that will wash out your features. If you have a deeper skin tone, avoid dress colors that will blend in too much with your skin tone. You want to set off your skin tone rather than drown it out with a similarly-colored dress.

Remember your shape and size when you pick your dress. Everyone has their best and worst features. You want to try to accentuate your best features and to downplay your worst ones. If you are carrying some extra weight, consider an empire waist dress that will hide the stomach area. If you want to show off a small waist, choose a dress that is well tailored and has a defined waistline.

Stay away from dresses that are too ruffled and complicated. These just add bulk to your figure they can make you look heavier. There are dresses with large bows, ruffles and netting that detract from the overall goal of calling attention to your best features.

The length of the dress should be determined by your shape and height. If you are overweight, choose a dress that comes down below your calf and above your ankle. This slimming technique will show off the smallest part of your legs without revealing the largest parts. If you are very thin, choose a shorter dress that comes above the knee to show off your figure. This will make your legs look longer as well.


For guys, choosing a tuxedo is pretty simple. Most of the time, the girl will want your cummerbund, and sometimes your bowtie, to match their dress. If you are renting a tuxedo, try to do so is much in advance as you can to secure the proper colors that will make your date pleased. Make sure to wear all the pieces that come with your tux, including a vest if there is one.


For girls, plenty of accessories are perfectly acceptable. Wearing earring and necklace sets are a popular way to accessorize a prom dress. You might also go with some hair jewelry like sparkly clips, pins and barrettes. Some girls also wear a small tiara to their prom.

For guys, there aren’t many accessories that are needed. Many guys like to wear cufflinks with their tuxedos, and this is a nice way to personalize the tux.

How to Choose a Maternity T-shirt

How to Choose the Correct Size for a Maternity T-shirt

You have the heart-warming glow of pregnancy on your face, you’ve chosen out the crib set for the nursery, and have already started to scribble baby names on random sheets of paper. Congratulations! As a pregnant woman you will enjoy such life-affirming emotions as one aspect of the pregnancy. Of course, you also have to deal with less thrilling aspects like break-outs, swollen feet, and that moment when you realize that you can’t fit into your old jeans anymore.

How to Choose Maternity T-shirts for Appearance and Comfort

Never fear, ladies. There is a wide array of cute, elegant, and attractive maternity wear available. But you first need to shop for the basics. Having been through this process a number of times, I advise any first-time mother-to-be to arm herself with a variety of shirts, stretchy pants and a decent dress or two. The most basic piece of apparel has to be the maternity t-shirt.

Sadly, I’ve seen one gal too many wearing an oversized men’s undershirt, or tight fitting non-maternity clothes. Before you start to stretch the spandex of your current clothing, here are a few ideas of how to choose the correct size for a maternity t-shirt.

What is a Good Fit?

When considering how to choose the correct size for a maternity t-shirt you will need to remember that comfort is a pregnant woman’s number one priority. Yes, I know, you still want to look good and attractive, and you will. Just remember that this is not the time to think that beauty equals pain. On the contrary, your body is shifting and changing in new, and often unwelcome, ways (yes, even if this is your third pregnancy!) The whole point of maternity clothing is to make this time in your life more comfortable.

You want something that will drape loosely, while still displaying the pleasing curve of your bulging belly. Anything that clings or rides up is not a good fit. Most maternity t-shirts will run in small, medium, large and extra large. You will probably wear the same size in maternity clothes as in regular clothes. However, it does depend on how much weight you gain during your pregnancy and whether you carry it out front or all around.

Experienced moms will have some insight to this, although women often get bigger, faster with subsequent pregnancies. The only given is that you will get bigger before you get smaller! So a key factor in how to choose a maternity t-shirt is that bigger is better. Just make sure you are not wearing something so big that it looks like a moo-moo. Proper fit means being able to see the feminine curves of your body without looking like you’re being squeezed to death by the fabric.

How to Choose For a Good Fabric

When you think about how to choose the correct size for a maternity t-shirt, you will also want to consider the fabric. Different fabrics drape the body in different ways. Make sure that the maternity t-shirt you choose uses fabrics that are easy to care for and to move in. You’ve got nine months to plan for! So enjoy shopping around for your maternity t-shirts, and good luck.

What Is Buy Nothing Day

How to Celebrate Buy Nothing Day

As most residents in the United States know, the day after Thanksgiving is considered to be not only the first official day of the Christmas shopping season, but it is also known as the busiest shopping day of the year.

While advertised as such, the day after Thanksgiving, while a very busy shopping day, is not the busiest. Believe it or not, studies have been made showing that the last Thursday before Christmas is actually the busiest shopping day. Many people, growing alarmed at the rampant commercialism of the season, have decided to do something about it. Their suggestion? Buy Nothing!

That’s right. A magazine called Adbusters founded Buy Nothing Day as a direct challenge to every and all Americans to refrain from buying anything the day after Thanksgiving, as a celebration against what they term ‘rampant consumerism and consumer culture’. Supporting such a measure is free, of course, and allows anyone to participate. First started in 2002, the movement has gained attention and followers not only throughout the United States, but also around the world. Every November 24th, the founders of Buy Nothing Day remind everyone through ads, their website and fliers, that no one was ‘born to shop’. They ask that for a period of twenty-four hours, consumers refrain from purchasing items and gifts for Christmas in order to protest the commercialism that has infested the holiday season.

The focus of the day, which is not an officially recognized state or federal day of observance, is concern over the growing debt and ecological damage that pressured shopping for the holidays inflicts on consumers everywhere. As an alternative, they suggest refraining from bending to pressure buying, and becoming more aware of  products being purchased. Supporting recycling and environmentally friendly products, Buy Nothing Day encourages consumers to look for biodegradable products as well as gifts and products made of recycled materials for their gift giving over the holidays.

At its foundation, the day also serves as a reminder of what the Christmas season is really supposed to be about, and that is definitely not how many Christmas presents we can stuff under our Christmas trees or throwing the largest office Christmas party in the history of mankind.

For people who support Buy Nothing Day, Christmas gifts will most likely be those which are homemade, locally crafted, made of recycled materials or even those that aren’t bought, but traded. Early Americans rarely had money, and trading for goods and services was an accepted form of completing all kinds of transactions. On a humorous note, many participants of Buy Nothing Day don Santa Claus costumes and gather to provide ‘Zenta Santa’s’ to mall shoppers. These special Santa’s meditate and offer stress relief techniques to harried shoppers, in addition to soup, coffee and an opportunity to join in group ‘ohms’. As if that isn’t enough, the group is also joined by participants who don long robes and Jesus masks, and who approach shoppers to inquire, “What would Jesus buy?”

While many people should and do enjoy the holiday shopping season, Buy Nothing Day serves to remind all Americans that we, as consumers, should be the ones to determine what we buy, when we buy it and why we buy it. Commercialism exerts social pressure on all households during the holiday season, and Buy Nothing Day is nothing more than an attempt to put the control back into the hands of the millions of Americans who feel pressured into buying the most, the biggest and the most expensive, every holiday season.

Buy Nothing Day is celebrated by more people every year, and perhaps one day, America will see the day following Thanksgiving, not as a day to begin the holiday shopping season, but as one to reflect on its true meaning.

How to Celebrate Veterans Day

Honoring Veterans Day

November 11th is a day set aside to honor all military service veterans. It is a day to remember the loyalty and the dedication of all servicemen and women for their service to the United States of America, who have given their time, their tears, their blood, and sometimes their very lives to strengthen and defend America, democracy and human rights around the world.

Veterans Day is meant to thank and appreciate men and women who have or are serving in any branch of the United States Army, Marines, Air Force or Marines. It also includes those who have or do service in the National Guard and other military branch services, regardless of rank or service station.

Veterans Day used to be called both Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, the date selected because November 11th is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice at the end of the First World War in 1918. According to historical records, the First World War ended in the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, which makes it understandable that such a date would be set aside in commemoration forever thereafter. President Woodrow Wilson oversaw the first observation of the day in 1919, and by 1926 Congress passed a resolution asking all Americans to recognize the special day.

In 1938, Veterans Day became recognized as a national holiday. It is a national day of observance and government offices and banks are closed, though schools and most private businesses remain open. Veterans groups and organizations throughout the country celebrate the day, and citizens attend parades, cemetery services and other local events. Schools often honor the day by inviting veterans to speak to students, and red, white and blue decorations, as well as American flags, adorn sidewalks, buildings, homes and schools around the nation.

The observance of Veterans Day is to recognize and honor soldiers and servicemen and women serving in the United States and abroad, while Memorial Day is meant to honor the military dead from battles and wars fought by Americans throughout this country’s history. It doesn’t matter whether or not the service veteran saw actual combat or not, or if they have served in peacetime or during a time of war. American veterans have given years of their lives to the service of their country, whether that service was given in Fort Lewis, Washington, or Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iran or Iraq.

Veterans Day is a day for grandfathers and fathers to tell their children and grandchildren about their experiences, to perpetuate feelings of loyalty and service of country to the younger generation. It is a time of appreciation and an awakened awareness of what veterans, both young and old, do and have done for their country. Veterans Day is not meant to glorify war or encourage hatred or intolerance of different cultures, but a time to realize that the price of freedom and democracy sometimes comes at a very high price. Every country in the world has some sort of military force, and Veterans Day is celebrated in other countries besides the United States, though the names and dates may be different.

Veterans Day offers all Americans the chance to fully appreciate the sons, daughters, husbands, wives and brothers and sisters of nearly every family in the country for feeling enough pride in their country to defend it against tyranny and attack. Veterans Day is a time when Americans say ‘thank-you’ to the men and women of all races, creeds and beliefs, for doing what they feel is their duty and offering several years’ of their lives to the ideals that America stands for; peace, freedom and democracy.

How to Celebrate Police Week

Honoring the Men in Blue during Police Week

Every day, thousands of policemen and women put their lives on the line to protect citizens of the United States of America. The men in blue, as they’re often called, help to ensure that law and order is maintained in every town, city and county, and it doesn’t matter if that county is in ice-bound Alaska or an Everglades swamp in Florida.

Law and order has been an issue that every civilization has had to deal with down through the centuries, and America isn’t any different. Instead of town marshals carrying six-guns, we now have sheriff’s offices and police departments to take care of any legal problem that may occur in a town or on outlying roads and highways. As the population in the United States has grown, so have the needs of police departments everywhere. The dedication to duty and risks that police officers take on a daily basis is recognized and honored during Police Week every year, an event that officially began in 1962 and which is still observed to this day.

President John F. Kennedy officially signed a proclamation in 1962 designating May 15th of every year as Peace Officers Memorial Day, and the week that surrounds it as Police Week. Police Week isn’t only an event for law enforcement personally to honor and observe in our nation’s capital, but one that every citizen in the United States can participate in as well. Every year, thousands of law enforcement personnel from different branches of law enforcement and states converge on Washington D.C. for events that honor those who have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.

The first nationally recognized Police Officers Memorial service was observed in the early 1980’s. A little over a hundred people attended that event, held in Senate Park in Washington D.C., to honor ninety one police officers who had died in the line of duty. By the 21st century, over three thousand fallen police officers have been memorialized and honored at this same event, which now draws thousands of visitors, family members of the fallen, and law enforcement personnel from around the nation. The day, marked by speeches and memorials, is a somber event, capped by a candlelight vigil.

Police Officer Week also draws attention to the needs of surviving family members of those whose loved ones have been killed in the line of duty, and the event also offers seminars and counseling sessions to answer questions and to provide help and support for those suffering the loss of a police officer from within the family. Attention is also focused on young people, encouraging them to realize that police officers are trained to promote peace and safety among civilians. Whether Americans agree to every rule and statute within their city or county or not, it must be recognized that a police officer is bound to protect the lives of the innocent and rules must be enforced to limit illegal and dangerous activities.

Whether police officers wear undercover clothing, riot gear, bulletproof vests or business suits doesn’t matter. They are all sworn to protect the lives of innocent people who are sometimes at the mercy of criminals who have no regard for law or peace. A police officer, no matter which branch of law enforcement he or she holds, is often expected to deal with dangerous and deadly criminals that would otherwise endanger Americans in their homes, their place of work, and their schools. It is up to Americans everywhere to honor and appreciate the dedication to duty that allows police officers to place their lives on the lines for strangers in order to live up to that oath.

Police Week is a time when everyone, young and old, goes out of their way to say “Thank You” to their men in blue.

Honoring the Fallen on Memorial Day

Remembering the men and women, soldiers and civilians, who have died while defending the United States has been a tradition in America since 1863, following the death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers during the War Between the States. Back then, the day of recognition was called Decoration Day, because flowers were placed on the graves of soldiers from both North and South. Started by women, some the wives of government representatives, others within local communities, the tradition became a yearly one.

The idea of recognizing a day to honor fallen soldiers is believed to have begun with a woman named Miss Emma Hunter of Pennsylvania, who appeared at her father’s tomb with flowers in 1864. There, she also met another woman bearing flowers to the grave of her son. The two women agreed to meet the same day the following year in order to again place flowers on their graves, and so Boalsburg, Pennsylvania, is credited with originating Memorial Day. Another legend tells of the creation of Memorial Day taking place as women from Columbus, Mississippi placed flowers upon the graves of both Confederate and Union soldiers in 1866.

In 1865, a suggestion was made to the Commander in Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic for citizens around the country to be able to have access to soldier’s graves on the last day of May for the purpose of “strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country.” Shortly thereafter, ceremonies were held at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, directly across the Potomac River from Washington D.C., where they continue to this day. Though Memorial Day was not officially designated a national holiday until the late 1870’s, observers from towns and cities across the United States observed, recognized and honored veterans of all wars the last day in May. In 1873, New York was the first state in America to officially declare May 30th a legal holiday.

Navy personnel and families created small boats made of flowers and set them afloat at ports on both American coasts to that the tides would carry the flowers out to sea in the hopes that they would eventually find those who had been buried or lost at sea. Towns everywhere celebrate the day with red, white and blue streamers, parades, speeches and events designed to commemorate the sacrifices and loyalty of soldiers, both men and women, who have lost their lives in the continued pursuit of freedom and democracy. Flags, normally raised in front of all government and school buildings, are also raised in front of homes. Cemeteries around the country are decorated with thousands of little flags placed at the headstones of veterans. Military ceremonies performed throughout the country offer cannon and gun salutes to those who have given their all for their country. The playing of Taps in cemetery ceremonies around the nation brings tears to thousands of eyes every year, while white crosses decorated with red poppies or carnations remind all Americans that freedom is neither free nor to be taken for granted.

Schools around the country celebrate Memorial Day with crafts and classroom assignments that ensure that soldier’s contributions to freedom never be forgotten, and many veterans visit classrooms and auditoriums around the country, telling of their experiences during various battles and wars. The Pledge of Allegiance became a daily requirement for American children in schools around the country, serving as a reminder of what it means to be a citizen of one of the greatest countries in the world.

Memorial Day is one of America’s most honored holidays, when all military personnel are recognized and appreciated for their sacrifices and dedication to preserving the ideals of freedom and democracy not only within the United States of America, but around the globe.

How to Celebrate Presidents’ Day

Honoring Presidents’ Day

Presidents’ Day is the name given to the national holiday that used to celebrate George Washington’s Birthday. Since the early 1800’s the first president’s birthday was officially honored on February 22nd. Early America celebrated the beloved president’s birthday with balls, speeches and fancy receptions attended by political figures and common people alike.

Born in 1732, George Washington is one of the greatest personalities of American history, and his face is well known and found memorialized not only in our currency, but also throughout the United States, including Mt. Rushmore, his home in Alexandria, Virginia, and in Washington D.C.

However, another favorite American son who became president also shared a February birthday, and after Abraham Lincoln’s presidency, which ended abruptly in 1865, people throughout the United States also honored his birthday every February. It is perhaps understandable that eventually Americans would celebrate the birthdays of these two popular and beloved American’s on the same day. In 1971, legislation passed that officially declared that Washington’s birthday was to be celebrated on the third Monday of each February, whether it landed on his birthday or not. It was also used as a reason for Federal government employees to enjoy a three-day holiday. In the meantime, Lincoln’s birthday, while nationally recognized and observed, was never officially declared a federal holiday.

Then, in the late 1980’s, it was suggested that Washington’s Birthday also be used as a day to recognize not only Lincoln’s birthday, but all presidents of the past. Then, in 1986, another move was made to change both the focus and the date of the holiday when it was suggested that Americans recognize and celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, another February baby at the same time. Since then, King has received his own special day of recognition, and while the third Monday of every February is technically still Washington’s Birthday celebration, many people in the United States now call the day a more generic ‘Presidents’ Day’.

In schools around the country, curriculum around this time of year focuses on teaching children about the Presidency of the United States and particular president’s in general, focusing on our Founding Fathers and Abraham Lincoln. Throughout the country, many businesses are closed, as are government offices. Over the years, such practices have changed, and now it all depends on where you live whether or not post offices, schools or government buildings and offices are open or closed. Schools that used to allow children and teachers off one day each for Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays now only offer one, while some school districts simply take the entire week off.

While the intended reason for the holiday in the first place was to recognize and appreciate the accomplishments of our first president, including his loyalty, courage and statesmanship, teachers also use the day across the country to teach children learn about early Colonial America and the beginnings of independence for our country.

George Washington was the first American to create a military medal for his men, and to this day, the Purple Heart is still given to soldiers wounded in battle. In different parts of the country, and mostly in his native Virginia, people celebrate this great man’s birthday with parades and community gatherings and picnics. Every year, thousands of people visit the Washington Memorial in Washington D.C. and his home at Mount Vernon in Alexandria, Virginia. America’s first Commander General and President is a man who deserves to be remembered for his great military skills and his leadership abilities. No matter which day his birthday falls on, every February should find Americans remembering and honoring the memory of one of our greatest Founding Fathers, though books, songs, plays and speeches.