Category Archives: Fashion Advice

Advice for wearing and caring for your clothing and t-shirts.

What Is Save Your Vision Week

Save your vision

The Eyes Rule during Save Your Vision Week

Vision is one of the vital five senses that help humans to navigate the world around them. Sometimes, people are born with poor vision, or even blind. Others lose their vision through accidents, medical conditions and even age. Since vision is such an important part of daily living activities, it should be treated with proper care and attention, but the problem with that, is like with many other things: many of us don’t appreciate what we have until it’s gone.

The week of March 5th through 11th is typically designated as Save Your Vision Week, a time to appreciate your eyes and what they do for you. It’s a time to see eye doctors, to make sure that your children receive regular eye care, and a time to appreciate the skills and talents of the millions of Americans who are blind or have limited vision. Initiated on December 30, 1963, a joint resolution of Congress began a campaign that would require each future president to designate the week of March 5th as Save Your Vision Week. Vision loss is mainly linked with growing old, and at sixty or so, eyes start to wear out, no doubt about it. However, there are some things that children and adults can do to help protect their eyes against damage and injury, and Save Your Vision Week focuses on those with nationwide education programs, events and community talks.

Every year sees more Americans suffering vision loss of some sort or another. People can blame that on many reasons: too much television, sunbathing, reading in dim light, or poor diet. Learning how to best protect eyesight comes through education and knowledge. Schools cover the subject in health or biology classes, and elementary schools often have events and programs which serve to educate youngsters on the proper care of their eyes. In many schools, Save Your Vision Week is an opportunity for local guide dog services to visit schools and talk about eyesight and eye care. People who are blind and those with limited vision also often visit schools with seeing eye dogs, white canes or any other tools that help them function in a fast-paced world.

Heredity and genetic factors often has much to say about our eyesight, but even so, many conditions can be corrected with glasses or medical procedures. According to the American Optometric Association, nearly 90% of children entering school have not had an eye exam. Many parents don’t seem to realize that young children are often at a great risk for eye disease such as ROP (retinopathy of prematurity), congenital glaucoma and
amblyopia, and one in every four teenagers develops myopia. From birth, children need regular eye care, but again, most parents don’t even think about it unless something is obviously wrong. Save Your Vision Week often sees Vision vans, or mobile eye clinics, roaming neighborhoods and schools in an effort to provide education and eye care to school age children around the country.

Every year, the American Optometric Association holds events that serve to educate and inform the American public about the importance of regular eye care. Teaching American’s preventative measures that will help save eyesight are often the main focus of such events in schools and communities around the United States. Do you know what damages your eyes over a long period of time? If you don’t, Save Your Vision Week is the perfect opportunity for you to learn. Teaching children how to protect their eyes is a vital service that is the responsibility of all teachers, parents and adults who come into contact with them. That means making sure that not only kids, but everyone else in your household knows how to properly illuminate a room when reading, watching television and playing video games. Buying sunglasses for everyone in your family is a good idea, as ultraviolet rays account for much of the long-term damage optometrists are seeing these days. There are no ambiguities regarding Save Your Vision Week. The name says it all.

What are sweatshops?


Sweatshop T-Shirts

Prevalent in developing countries sweatshops are factories where people work for small wages or for doing piecework. The goods that usually come out of a sweatshop are clothes (t-shirts), electronics, toys, shoes and other consumer goods. The word sweatshop is actually a pejorative term that connotes the condition of a factory or place where the employees are made to stay in harsh conditions. Sweatshops are commonly criticized for their use children in their sweatshops while others that forbid the practice of trade unionization. Many times employees in a sweatshop are kept in a harsh environment with inadequate ventilation and are sometimes physically and mentally abused, and subjected to long hours with unsafe conditions.

Where and why are there sweatshops?

To do this, they hire, recruit and pay garment workers to cut, sew and package the clothing at very low wages. In addition to low pay many manufacturers do not pay legal wages (if they even exist in some countries) or comply with safety laws, and thus they ‘sweat’ the profit out of their workers! Large retailers such as Walmart or even down the supply chain for clothing companies such as Nike contract their work out to manufacturers at the lowest bid and in turn insist that they are not directly connected with the employment of these people and not responsible for the wages and working condition of sweatshops because it is the manufacturers responsibility.

Stringent laws, high wage levels, and competitive markets in USA and other developed countries has influenced many companies in the garment industry to moved overseas or slightly below the border (in Mexico) for the manufacture of t-shirts and clothing in sweatshops. Sweatshops are prevalent throughout Central America, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean. Many countries in these areas do not have labor laws, health codes, or environmental restrictions (or they aren’t enforced) that maintain the safety of its workers. There have been many cases of children working in sweatshops to help their family obtain basic necessities. Because the children start working at such a young age and for very long hours they have little to no opportunities to get a formal education. The lack of environmental regulations also creates a much less expensive situation for clothing manufacturers. The result is expensive for the environment. Unfortunately a $2 t-shirt does not factor in the damages to families, communities, and their surrounding environment.

Alternatives to Sweatshop T-Shirts and Clothing

Fortunately there are alternatives to sweatshop t-shirts and clothing.  Over the past few years growing concerns about the effects of sweatshops on local communities and the environment have pushed certain retailers, clothing and t-shirt manufacturers (with the help of consumers!) to produce products follow principles that are far less destructive than the sweatshop model. Many of these sweatshop-free products are currently marketed as Fair Trade or socially responsible products. While these socially responsible and Fair Trade t-shirts and clothing items aren’t completely mainstream but they can easily be purchased online through a variety of merchants. With Fair Trade, many of the manufacturers not only try to be more socially responsible but they also have been increasing the number of t-shirts made from organic cotton. Organic t-shirts made from socially responsible companies are the best option because its take into account not only people and communities but the surrounding environment. For your next t-shirt make sure to ask the retailer if it was made by a socially responsible company and hopefully made from organic cotton.

How to Dress like You’re from the 1970s


Bring Back the 1970s with Custom Printed T-shirts

Dressing like you’re from the 70s is just fun. Everyone likes dressing in 1970s fashion. No matter how many years pass, the trends of the 70s never seem to get old. After all, people living in the 70s just wanted to have a great time. They had a great time from head to toe.

The 1970s spawned some of the most famous fashion trends to date. Images of celebrities in traditional 1970s attire are the ultimate inspiration for nostalgia and days gone by. After all, the Vietnam War was finally behind us and people were ready to have a good time in the 1970s. The economy was on the rise and it was time to party.

And party is exactly what they did. The 1970s were a time for disco dancing and all-night partying. When that kind of fun is going on, you need to be appropriately dressed for the festivities. The 1970s had no choice but to create some unique fashion trends to match the eccentricity of the age.

Who could forget the shimmery eye shadows, frosted hair and golden tans of 70s beach babes? The winged layers of Farrah Fawcett’s famous locks will never be forgotten. John Travolta’s white polyester suit will go down in infamy, as will his legendary dance moves from Saturday Night Fever.

Girls wore bellbottoms, platform shoes, short shorts, and crop tops. The 70s were a time to bare all. Even the guys tried to keep up with the girls by wearing the famous platform shoes. Peasant shirts became a wildly popular trend and afro haircuts created constant competition. To say that the fashions of the 1970s were colorful and unique would be the understatement of the century.

However, the most common fashion trend of the 1970s was the t-shirt. The standard men’s outfit consisted of a pair of jeans and a custom t-shirt. People took pride in creating their own t-shirts and used their personal style and creativity to make plain old t-shirts into something special. Even today, you can buy reproduction 70s style t-shirts in department stores and trendy boutiques. The t-shirts of the 70s are as iconic as Jacqui Kennedy’s Halston sunglasses.

If you want to dress like you’re from the 70s, you can easily get the look and the experience of this legendary fashion decade. Bring back the power and creativity of the plain t-shirt by designing your own custom printed t-shirts.

If you buy a reproduced 70s style t-shirt at the store, there’s a good chance that your friend is going to show up wearing the very same shirt. Almost nothing is truly unique these days. But when you custom print your own t-shirts, you can feel confident that you have a wardrobe that’s completely unique. No one will have a 70s style shirt quite like your unless you show give them one.

However, because giving always creates a warm, fuzzy feeling, get enough 70s style custom t-shirts to share with your friends. You don’t want to be the only one dressed like you’re from the 70s. After all, the 70s were all about the love.

How to Dress like You’re from the 1940s


Dressing Like You’re from the 1940s Keeps a Smile on Your Face

In the 1910s, things were a bit crazy. The Great War almost ruined everything. We got a little bit of a break in the 1920s, but not for long, because the stock market crash in 1929 and kooky Dust Bowl brought a little bit of craziness back into the mix. Just when you thought things couldn’t possibly get much worse, the 1940s came along.

Without a doubt, the 1940s were dark times. The United States had it pretty bad, but lots of other places had it even worse. Left and right, people’s sons, husbands, and fathers were being shipped off to fight in the Second World War and many of them never came home. Adolph Hitler was marching all over Europe while the Jewish community did everything they could to stay alive. Unfortunately, more than six million of them were killed.

Needless to say, there are lots of things about the 1940s that make it a unique decade. Americans were pretty tired from all the chaos, depression, and conflict that were going on around the world. But somehow they managed to stay afloat so that they could see the light at the other end of the tunnel. Eventually, things did actually start to get a little bit better. The war ended in 1945, and we got to enjoy at least a few good years in the 1940s.

One thing that kept heads above water was the great fashions of the 1940s. There is no doubt that the 1940s were one of the greatest decades for fashion. All you need to do is look around and see that the styles from the era are still influential and popular today. It’s one of the greatest times in American fashion and people still love to dress in a way that pays homage to this bygone time.

In fact, all you need to do to dress like you’re from the 1940s is look at what you already have. Most of the clothes you have in your closet will have some trace of a 1940s influence. Modifying your clothing to make it look more like the traditional 1940s style is the best way to go.

However, if you’re looking for a more modern look, you can always add 1940s touches to ultra modern pieces. Mixing and matching is another great way to achieve the look. In fact, a plain t-shirt with a 1940s style design on it is a unique and easy way to start transforming your wardrobe.

But how do you find such a t-shirt? After all, they’re not exactly selling 1940s style t-shirts on the street corners. You can make them yourself. All you need to do is a great custom printing t-shirt company that can print any design that you like on a t-shirt. Create your own design and in no time, you can be up to your ears in 1940s style t-shirts. It really is that easy and all of your friends and fellow fashion junkies will want to know where you find such great t-shirts.

How to Dress like You’re from the 1960s


Express Yourself on a T-shirt to Dress like You’re from the 1960s

Even today, we can’t get enough of 1960s fashion. The folks from the 1960s were so totally fabulous that they knew that the trends of the age would carry on for years to come. And they certainly have. Fashions trends from the 1960s just won’t die and that’s okay with us.

Unlike many of the previous decades, the 1960s didn’t see a single, overall style for the majority of the decade. The 60s were a tumultuous time in fashion as they were a tumultuous time in history. People changed what they were wearing significantly from one year to the next. Fashion was also determined by your social or political affiliations. The 1960s seemed to set the standard for how fashion trends would change significantly from year to year.

However, a few mainstays in the fashion world took center stage throughout the decade. The 1960s introduced the miniskirt which has since taken the fashion world by storm. To this day, the miniskirt is yet to die out. It merely fades away for a few years, but them comes back with a vengeance.

The mini skirt combined with patent leather white go-go boots was the ultimate threat. Historically, women’s fashion was about modesty and propriety. All of those things said their final goodbyes in the 60s. Shorter was better in the 60s.

The 60s also welcomed the first of the hippie look with bellbottom jeans and flower girl tops. Hippies wore their hair long with flared jeans in paisley print. Psychedelic prints were all the rage when it came to 60s fashions. These folks couldn’t get enough of their wild textiles and bellbottom pants. Nehru jackets and mod styles also made a cameo during 1960s fashion.

However, some classic looks still remained. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy was a fashion icon during her short lived hay day in the White House. American women looked to her for inspirational timeless looks. The ever popular pillbox hat still remains one of her trademark looks.

Most of all, people cared about their causes in the 60s. It was a time when people became open about personal and political issues. Since then, the t-shirt became a means of advertising opinions and causes. To this day, the t-shirt is a great way to advertise events and different ways of thinking.

With that, dressing like you’re from the 1960s means adding a little bit of hippie flair to your normal t-shirt look. Pair a t-shirt printed with your own personal thoughts with some bellbottom jeans and you’ll look like you stepped right out of a time machine. But how do you get a shirt that’s printed with your own ideas?

Custom t-shirt printing is a perfect way to create your own 1960s style shirts. Custom t-shirt printing services can print anything you can think of on a t-shirt. You‘ll love your personally designed t-shirts so much that you’ll want to share them with all of your friends. After all, it’s time for 60s fashions to make a strong come back.

How to Dress like Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is one of the socialite celebrities that this country has become fascinated with, much in the same vein as Paris Hilton. The daughter of lawyer Robert Kardashian, she has become a well-known personality. She become a reality TV star as a member of the cast/family in Keeping Up With the Kardashians and was even a past contestant on Dancing With the Stars. She has become a well-known name and face in households across America from TV, her association with other big name celebrities and a sex tape scandal that she was featured in with another big name.

Kim Kardashian’s fashion style is sexy, shows lots of skin and features practically nothing but designer labels. This stunning brunette beauty has professional sylists working with her on a regular basis to help her create the sense of style she portrays. Her ensembles for major events are even planned in advance and photos are taken of her in a variety of dresses, so she and her team can objectively see which ones flatter her best.

If you want to dress like Kim Kardashian, it will require some research on your part. I recommend bookmarking Kim’s website, which has tons of photos of her in a wide variety of outfits for any and every occasion. Check it regularly to see what she is wearing now. This will help you to get a good idea of what exactly Kim’s style is.

Dressing like Kim Kardashian could cost a lot of money if you plan to use the same designers Kim uses. However, there are tons of great places that sell designer knock-offs so you can buy a fancy outfit that looks almost identical to one of Kim’s outfit for a mere fraction of the price.

Kim Kardashian’s fashion style features a lot of black. She often pulls her straight, dark hair into a pony tail or some other simple style that shows off her face. She also favors accessories like big hoop earrings and flowing scarves. Almost all Kim’s shirts are low cut showing off décolletage, off the shoulder or strapless. She also wears a lot of fitted jackets with silver or other light colored, low cut tops under them.

If you are looking to dress like Kim Kardashian, a great place to start is by getting a selection of custom-made T-shirts. Choose a lot of black tees in V-necks, scoop necks, princess necklines and square necks for a fun, casual everyday look. If it shows off some décolletage, it is definitely a Kim style. You may also want to invest in some lighter colored shiny T-shirts in low cut styles to put under a jacket in order to create a dressier going out look. You should also be sure to opt for T-shirts that are form fitting, as Kim would never wear anything that doesn’t show off her assets. Just remember to work on staying in shape so you look good in that look too.

Get your selection of sexy custom-made T-shirts today and pull together your very own Kim Kardashian look.

How to Dress like Barbie


Life-Size T-shirt Barbie

Barbie has been a fashion icon longer than almost any living model or fashionista. Yet, she never gets old. If only we could all be so lucky. With her endless style, devoted Ken, perfect proportions, and ageless beauty, it’s no wonder that young girls have wanted to dress like Barbie for more than fifty years.

Barbie brings something entirely new to the concept of unrealistic beauty. We all know that celebrities and actresses on the red carpet have a whole team of experts working on them to make them beautiful. They spend hours in the spa and weeks pouring over outfit possibilities with stylists and consultants. Needless to say, an appearance on the red carpet is the beautiful result of countless hours, dollars, and hardworking people.

Barbie on the other hand is a whole new brand of unrealistic beauty in that, well, she’s plastic. But that hasn’t stopped young girls from striving to look and dress just like her. The great thing about Barbie is that we get to see her even when she’s not wearing a ball gown. We get to see Barbie when she’s bumming on the beach, treating animals, roaming through the safari, making ice cream, and working at the hospital, just to name a few.

With that said, it’s pretty easy to dress like Barbie. Almost anything you put on could technically be classified and Barbie-wear. To date, there are few things that Barbie hasn’t done and few outfits that Barbie hasn’t worn. Barbie is the ultimate fashion icon because she looks great no matter what she wears.

Barbie even turns the basic t-shirt into something special. In fact, Barbie can be seen wearing a fabulous t-shirt almost as often as she can be seen wearing an evening gown or a pair of high heels. With that, any Barbie inspired wardrobe simply must include a multitude of t-shirts that can be mixed and matched at will.

But how does a person get their hands on a truck load of basic yet stylish t-shirts? Stocking your wardrobe with awesome t-shirts has never been easier than it is with custom t-shirt printing services. With the help of a custom t-shirt printer, you can turn any regular t-shirt into a piece of clothing that even Barbie and Midge would fight over. Just let your creativity take over and you can create a one of a kind t-shirt that’s all your own.

When you design your own custom printed t-shirts to dress like Barbie, you can still make your style your own. There’s punk rock Barbie, heavy metal Barbie, and skate board Barbie. Almost any style can be interpreted as Barbie inspired style.

The trick to turning your custom printed t-shirt into a Barbie outfit is the high heels. With a pair of super high heels, even a regular old t-shirt can look Barbie fabulous. But then if you’re wearing a custom printed t-shirt of your own design, you won’t need the high heels to look as fabulous as Barbie. Only Custom T-shirt Barbie can look as fabulous as you.

How to Dress like an Artist

Artist t-shirt

Become an Artist with Custom T-shirt Printing

Artists are all about being creative. You might think that their need to leave their artistic mark ends with a canvas, a lump of clay, or a sheet of paper. This is not the case. You can spot an artist from across the street by the way they dress.

Artists tend to extend their artistic chops to every area of their lives, including their wardrobes. They can’t stop creating, even if they try. Everything they touch, own, and wear becomes a medium of individual expression. It’s the artist’s way.

Take an artist’s clothes for example. Artists always look like they just stepped off of some bohemian runway. Their clothes make a statement, whether it’s politically, socially, or personally. The funky, unique style of an artist is craved by many, both artists and non-artists alike.

Artists manage to achieve that coveted style without breaking the bank. Yet they still look as if they only wear one-of-a-kind couture that would set you back a few bucks. However, just the opposite is true. Artists make the most out of what they have. They take ordinary t-shirts, jeans, pants and dresses and make them into something special. They use scissors, paint, and anything else they can get their hands on to turn that ratty old shirt into something spectacular. They don’t call them ‘starving artists’ for nothing.

However, there’s another way that you can dress like an artist without raiding your desk drawer at work of safety pins or creating your own textiles with your son’s finger paints. You can actually take the creative process of designing your own clothing to a whole new level with custom t-shirt printing.

Custom t-shirt printing services are the ultimate in artistic clothing design. With custom t-shirt printing, you can put anything you want right on a t-shirt. From words, to pictures, to your very own designs, it can be on a shirt in no time.

Better yet, custom t-shirt printing doesn’t just allow you to dress like an artist. You can actually become an artist with custom t-shirt printing. Your original designs don’t have to stay on the paper or in your head. You can actually wear your unique designs right on your shirt sleeve.

Custom t-shirt printing is also a great way to share your creativity with the masses. You can specially design your own t-shirts and give them as gifts to friends and family. Everyone you know can be wearing your artistic creations. With that, you and everyone you know can dress like an artist.

Dressing like an artist is about being resourceful and using what you have. Custom t-shirt printing lies at the fingertips of every aspiring artist out there. In no time, you can have a closet full of artistic t-shirts that bear your unique designs. Everyone will want to know where you got your unique wardrobe and you can tell them with pride that “You made it yourself.” With that phrase, you won’t just be dressed like an artist. You will actually be one.

How to Dress like a Teacher

Teacher t-shirt

Those Who CAN Do, Teach: Be a Teacher with Custom Printed T-shirts

Dressing like a teacher seems pretty easy to most people. You go to your closet, you put on something awful. Done! Better yet, you find a ten year old t-shirt from the Sierra Club and tuck it in to a broom skirt. With an outfit like that, the only thing you’d be missing is a teacher’s certificate.

The fact is that teachers get a bad rap when it comes to fashion. Let’s face it: these ladies (and gentlemen) have a tough job. You can’t blame them for wanting to be comfortable. They also have to be tasteful yet professionally dressed. The classroom is not always the place to make a fashion statement. Thus the bad t-shirts, brooms skirts, and weathered loafers.

However, being that t-shirts are a main staple in the teacher’s closet, you can’t dress like a teacher without them. That is not to say that the t-shirts in question have to be devoid of all modernity and style. In fact, it’s just the opposite. T-shirts are a great place to demonstrate your own personality and creativity while you dress like a teacher.

Just think if you could actually design and print your own t-shirts? Then, dressing like a teacher would be creative, fun, and cool. With custom t-shirt printing services, you can! Custom t-shirt printers can print almost anything you can think of on a t-shirt. Your options are only limited by your imagination.

If you’re going to dress like a teacher, then you’re going to have to think like a teacher. When you’re thinking like a teacher, you’ll have an unlimited supply of ideas as to how you can design your own custom printed t-shirts. You can even design t-shirts that correspond with the day’s lesson. Your custom printed t-shirt can even be a discussion starter for the students. Teaching ‘Hamlet’? Wear a t-shirt that says “To be, or not to be” and your students will never forget just ‘what’ the question is.

But dressing like a teacher doesn’t mean that you have to dress like you just stepped out of a catalogue specializing in frump gear. There’s no need to unearth your faded and thoughtless t-shirts from college and beyond with reckless abandon. Be relieved that you won’t need to rob your mother of her broom skirts hidden in the back of her closet in case they ‘come back in style.’ They never will. Not even for teachers.

That’s right. With custom t-shirt printing, you can dress like a teacher that has great personal style and endless creativity. All of your fellow teachers—or teacher impersonators—will be wondering where you got all of the great t-shirts. Teachers are hard-working and underpaid, so be sure to spread the word about your new found secret to great teacher style.

Custom t-shirt printing allows teachers and non-teachers alike to create awesome, unique t-shirts that are both trendy and functional. Be more comfortable in front of your classroom in a t-shirt printed with a design of your very own.

How to Dress like a Samurai


How to Dress like a Samurai, But not Act like One

The Samurai is one of the most respected yet feared figures in all of history. These highly trained Japanese warriors would kill you on the spot if you even looked at them. They dedicated their lives to their practice and to their fellow warriors. The entire existence of the samurai is based on loyalty, commitment, and honor.

Because of their legacy of devotion and commitment, the samurai has become a revered image of inspiration. However, many people forget how ruthless they really were. It’s safe to say that you would not have wanted to encounter a samurai on the street. What if you actually made eye contact? In the blink of an eye you’d be yet another victim of ocular malfunction.

Despite their ruthlessness, many people would love the opportunity to be a samurai. Some people even devote their whole lives to the study of the history, life, and practice of the samurai. They live their lives based on the philosophy of the samurai and even take up martial arts. There might not be anymore official samurai left, but there are many honorary samurai around the world.

Dressing like a samurai is a big part of living like one. Samurai were warriors. They couldn’t go into battle in a t-shirt and jeans. They wore a fierce looking suit of armor and carried their swords into battle. When they weren’t showing off their fighting skills on the battle field, traditional Japanese costume took center stage.

If you want to dress like a samurai, there is lots of information about what they wore and how they dressed. There have been thousands of books written over the years about the way of the samurai. You could spend your whole life learning how to dress like one. However, dressing like a samurai in the modern day world could cause people to stare. And you can’t exactly kill people just for looking at you anymore. That would certainly bring your samurai days to an end.

If you want to dress in a way that shows your admiration for the samurai, printing your own personally designed t-shirts is a great alternative to the traditional garb. A good custom t-shirt printing company can print almost anything you want on a t-shirt. In no time, you can see your own personal samurai-inspired designs on every t-shirt that you own.

Best of all, you can have multiple t-shirts made with the same design. You can have enough samurai t-shirts made to give one to all of your friends. If you want to give a samurai sword to all of your friends for Christmas, but don’t have the money to buy all of them the real thing, make t-shirts with samurai swords printed on them instead.

They’ll get a personalized gift from you that demonstrates your enthusiasm for the samurai as well as functional piece of clothing that they can wear on a regular basis. Everyone loves t-shirts. But not everyone loves a ruthless samurai.

How to Dress like a Geek

Geek style

Dressing like a Geek Means Making Your Own History

Geeks are unfortunate individuals. They have a lot to offer. However, sadly they don’t have a clue about much of anything. Social gatherings are often a mess as geeks normally choose to discuss obscure topics and the latest events on a show called Star Trek. Geeks are like milder, less dramatic forms of a car crash. You don’t want to watch yet you find yourself slowing down to get a closer look.

Sometimes geeks are hard to spot. They sneak up on you. They look like a normal, well adjusted person. Yet you don’t learn until half through your conversation that you’re talking to a geek.

Sometimes you have to take a closer look to see the scotch tape holding their glasses together, or the pocket protector serving an oh-so-important function, or the fanny pack that’s neatly concealed beneath their jacket. Yes, sometimes it’s difficult to spot a geek. Other times, it can be very hard to miss them.

Many geeks have the wherewithal to keep their geeky-ness under wraps. Others have so much geek in them that it simply must manifest through their wardrobe. When it comes to fashion, geeks have a style all their own. If you’ve ever seen a flamboyant geek before, you know that they have a signature style that is unmistakably bad.

For a group of people so often fascinated with the future, they seem to live in the past when it comes to their wardrobes. For all of their studying and analyzing, they don’t have a clue as to what the current trends are in clothing. Instead they keep wearing the same old stuff, year after year, long after it’s gone out of style.

It’s not uncommon to see a geek wearing a pair of pleated, high-wasted trousers, or a souvenir t-shirt they got at Yosemite National Park in 1988, or a pair of Keds from their junior year of high school. Geeks just can’t be bothered with fashion. They’re too busy saving the world.

However, they make it easy for the rest of us to dress like them. Dressing like a geek is easier than flipping up a pair of clip on sunglasses. All you need is a little bit of creativity, a sense of humor, and the help of a great custom t-shirt printing service.

When you design your own geeky t-shirts, it’s easier to look like the real thing. It’s hard to recreate a lifetime of collecting dorky clothing items. Sometimes, you have to backtrack if you want to dress like a genuine geek. However, you can look like you’ve been a geek all of your life when you can custom print t-shirts that only a geek could love.

Imagine the geekiest things in the whole world and create a t-shirt design. You t-shirts will be ready in no time and before you know it, you can have a band of geek look-a-likes proudly wearing your t-shirts around town. Fashion tends to repeat itself. Who says the ‘geek’ look won’t become the rage?

How to Dress like a French Woman

Paris T-shirt

French Fashion Made Easy with Custom T-Shirt Printing

Paris is the fashion capital of the world. It’s no wonder that the women of Paris are some of the best dressed women on the planet. After all, they have to keep up their reputation of being beautiful and fabulous, right? Otherwise, they might have to move the fashion capital of Europe to some other, less illuminated European city. That, by French standards, would be positively tragic.

Women all over the world have spent thousands of dollars trying to look as put together and fashion-forward as a Parisian mademoiselle. For those with a little more cash at their disposal, they can go straight to the source and stock their wardrobes with one-of-a-kind pieces from French dwelling designer labels. Anyone can look French when dressed in head to toe haute couture.

But since most of us don’t have a six figure annual clothing budget, we have to get a little creative when it comes to recreating that ultra feminine look you see on the streets of Paris and in fashion magazines.

With a little bit of a padded wallet, you might even be able to hit up a consignment shop or thrift store and find an original Chanel suit or a Burberry coat. But the heart of French fashion is creativity and uniqueness. If you really want to dress like a French woman, it’s time to put a little bit of thought and originality into each ensemble.

Now, most of us don’t have an on-call live-in seamstress that can whip up our own personal designs at the drop of a hat. However, there is a way that every Americana can create a wardrobe full of French fashions that are all her own.

Customized t-shirt printing can help you and all of your friends unlock the secrets of dressing like a French woman. When you custom print your very own clothing, every piece of clothing that you buy can have a touch of France printed right on it.

The best thing about creating a Paris- inspired wardrobe with custom t-shirt printing is that you can have that French flair no matter where you go. Even your weekend wear and workout shirts can have your favorite French phrase printed on them.

You can even have t-shirts printed with the globally recognized image of the Eiffel Tower. Nothing says style and romance quite like the Eiffel Tower or the Arc de Triomphe. However, if you are going to French-ify your workout wear, you may want to choose something other than Marie Antoinette’s famous phrase, ‘Let them eat cake.’ You don’t want to tempt your fellow exercisers.

Dressing like a French woman is easy when you have the help of a custom printing service. Not only can you make French street style your very own, but you can even pass on your custom printed French fashions to friends and family. Give them as gifts or create a posse fabulously dressed ladies. After all, French women aren’t the only ones on Earth that should look great.

How to Dress like a Cowgirl


Live the Glamorous Life of a Cowgirl in Custom Printed T-shirts

Cowgirls are practical people. Their primary passions in life are cows, horses and life on the farm. They don’t get caught up in celebrity gossip, the latest fashions, and whether or not they should be wearing a black belt with their brown boots. In general, cowgirls care about function over fashion when it comes to their apparel.

How can you blame them? After all, who would want to be wearing a pair of shorts or even a pair of pinstripe trousers when riding full speed through a patch of mesquite? What if you were thrown off of your horse into a cactus? What if your horse stepped on your foot and you were wearing a pair of peep toe pumps? Most of all, it’s just downright dangerous to ride a horse without heeled boots.

It’s true that being a cowgirl means sacrificing a little bit of personal style for the sake of being safe and comfortable while performing daily tasks. Being a cowgirl isn’t exactly for your average mall walker. However, when cowgirls aren’t on the range bringing in the cattle, you can bet the ranch that they are looking their best. Just where do you think the term “Buckle Bunny” comes from?

Cowgirls make up for lost time when they get an opportunity to get out on the ‘town’ and be seen. They dress up in all of their usual western wear. But they do it with enough rhinestones, glitter, and glam that you’d think they were walking the red carpet at the Grand Ole Opry. Buckle Bunnies, otherwise known as rodeo groupies, set the standard in western glamour. Nothing can outdo these gals with their bedazzled teal jeans, glittery fingernails, and big jewelry.

In a nutshell, cowgirls love to look their best. But because their everyday lives require that they get a little dirty every now and then, it’s important that they’re appropriately dressed. However, it’s easy to dress like a cowgirl and look great if you remember to use your imagination when it comes to your wardrobe. With a little ingenuity and attention to detail, you can have a comfortable, practical, cowgirl worthy wardrobe.

But just how do you get your hands on such a collection of western wear? It’s easy to acquire a unique cowgirl wardrobe with a custom t-shirt printing service on your side. When you design and custom print your own t-shirts, the marriage of style and function is almost instantaneous. There’s nothing you can’t do when you design your own t-shirts.

When you want to dress like a cowgirl, you can be the best dressed cowgirl on the range when you employ the services of a custom t-shirt printing company. Your very own western designs can be seen while you’re working cattle as well as while you’re cheering on your favorite celebrity bull rider. Custom t-shirt printing allows you to create cowgirl fashions that are all your own. All the other cowgirls will want to know where you got such a great wardrobe.

Who Was Stephen Foster

Stephen Foster

Stephen Foster Memorial Day

Many Americans have heard his music and enjoyed it, but they don’t know his name. Such tunes as, ‘My Old Kentucky Home’, and ‘Camp Town Races’ and ‘Oh! Susanna’ are etched into the American consciousness, while the author of such lively and distinctly American tunes is not.

Stephen Foster, one of America’s most favored and prolific songwriters, died in 1864. Sad thing was, he was only thirty-seven years old, and if he had lived, it’s hard to say how many other great songs would be considered American favorites. While Foster was a popular songwriter, he was also very poor, and died alone in a tenement in New York City. One of the most well known facts about Stephen Foster is the manner in which he died. Ill and alone in his room, he tried to call for help from a chambermaid, but fell instead. He hit his head on the washbasin that was next to his bed and shattered it, cutting his scalp. Unfortunately, the wound became infected and, without the antibiotics and sterile treatments Americans use today, he succumbed to infection and died. After he died, one of his most popular songs, ‘Beautiful Dreamer’, was published.

Though inducted into the Songwriter’s Hall of Fame in 1970, Stephen Foster, or at least his name, has been largely forgotten by the American public. A Stephen Foster Memorial Day was officially designated every January 13th, to commemorate the anniversary of his death. It is also a time when many older Americans nod with a smile and break into song when Foster’s name is mentioned. Foster’s music has served to uniquely identify the ‘sound’ of American music of the pre World War Two era, and continues to be regarded as some of the finest music that has ever traveled the airways. Foster’s lyrics, appreciating and honoring American customs and attitudes, continue to be a favorite among many listeners around the world.

Stephen Foster is considered to be America’s first composer, and while he didn’t write classical music like Bach or Beethoven, his tunes caused feet to tap and smiles to appear no matter what part of America they were played in. He wrote of Americans and their lives, and about friendship, courting and love. He wrote songs that exemplified the American spirit and gloried in her land.

Today, the Stephen Collins Foster Memorial is a place where all Americans can visit to see some of Stephen Foster’s works, as well as his personal belongings, family records and old photographs. One of Foster’s greatest songs, ‘My Old Kentucky Home’, is Kentucky’s state song, while Florida has made ‘Old Folks at Home’ also known as ‘Swanee River’, their state song.

Stephen Foster’s love for his country and his unique talent will continue to live on throughout memory as long as his tunes and lyrics are heard, by both young and old  generations throughout the country. Today, his day honors his ingenuity, his gift for translating American customs, mores and ideals into lyrical form. In his home state of Pennsylvania and in Kentucky and Florida, or anywhere else his music has touched the soul of a town or location, memorials and gatherings are enjoyed. Foster’s music floats gently on the wind during many of these memorials, and brings smiles to the faces of many.

Stephen Foster is a great American son, one who had an impact on the American way of life. His songs continue to stir hearts today as much as they did over a hundred years ago. Fun, lively tunes accompanied by memory-inducing lyrics are a gift that Stephen Foster enjoyed, and one he passed on to multiple generations.

Showing Pride during Honor America Days!

Honor America Days

Every year, from Flag Day, celebrated in June, through the Fourth of July celebration of the official birth of the United States, Americans show their pride in the greatest free country in the world with parades, flags, decorations and community events.

Honor America Days have been celebrated for decades, a time when Americans are asked to remember not only the past, but to look forward to the future. It’s a time when events and accomplishments are honored and celebrated, as well as a time for future dreams and goals to be planned in the minds of young and old alike. Honoring America’s history is not just about recognizing our military, though that certainly is a large part of it, but it’s also a time to reflect on our heritage and our past; our great diversity as a nation. America is rich in the culture of multiple races and customs. Americans are truly the result of a mixture of many different religions, beliefs, races and customs. Every city within the United States is rich in biodiversity and ethnic populations.

Depending on which part of the country you’re from, honoring America may mean different events and customs. In every part of the country, communities plan citywide events like cookouts and dances. Rodeos are a popular event in the western part of the country, while cookouts and parades are celebrated in the east and south. Flags sprout up along streets and in front of community buildings throughout the country, and red, white and blue bunting and other decorations announce the advent of summer.

Honor America Days is a time to remember the sacrifices made by thousands of Americans who walked before us; the pioneers who braved thousands of miles of empty prairies to follow their dreams, as well as those who fought wars on foreign soil to perpetuate the concept of freedom and democracy around the world. It is a time when explorers are honored and founding fathers remembered for their contributions to states, towns and households across the nation. Honoring America isn’t difficult for any American to do. Such an honor can be accomplished every time our eyes settle upon the American flag or we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It can be honored every time we feel a lump in our throat when we see soldiers in uniform shipping off to destinations far and wide. Honoring the traditions and unique spirit of America is found in the simple sight of watching a man on horseback round up cattle, or step from the space shuttle.

The American spirit is honored during this week, something that can’t be described by anyone who isn’t an American. The feeling is invisible and can’t be touched, but it is found in the heart of every man, woman and child who has had the honor to grow up in such a free and democratic nation. Honoring America isn’t difficult for most Americans, and such observances take place on a daily basis for many. Every time the American flag is raised or a hand is placed over the heart, someone, somewhere, is honoring America.

Honor America Days is celebrated in every state in the union. The period of time leading up to the Fourth of July is a time of anticipation for millions of Americans, for there’s something about summertime in America that is different. Many families use the opportunity to take trips and vacations to national parks, memorials and landmarks, which serve to perpetuate pride in America. Children learn about the history of America and for those who are fortunate enough to be able to travel and see some of it, memories will never be forgotten.

Honor America Days may be officially designated as a specific period of time, but for Americans around the country, every day is an opportunity to honor the United States. Whether you honor America by hanging a flag in front of your house, or placing bunting on your porch or thanking a soldier on his way somewhere in service to your country, you are honoring America.

Shopping on Black Friday

black friday

The name sounds like a horror movie title or an omen of impending doom, so what does it have to do with shopping? Well, Black Friday is the name given to the day after Thanksgiving; the day that opens the Christmas shopping season and also one that is traditionally known as having some of the greatest sales in the history of mankind, if you’re lucky to get up early enough and get inside your favorite department store to enjoy them.

Most retail stores open at (gulp) 5:00 a.m. on the day after Thanksgiving in an effort to get a jump on sales that other stores, who don’t open early enough, lose out on. Dedicated shoppers around the United States set their alarms and drag unwilling husbands or kids with them as they get in line before their favorite stores in the dark and wait patiently for those glass doors to slide open. Did you think that people would only line up around the block to see the latest and greatest movies? Try getting up early on the morning after Thanksgiving and you’ll be treated to an eye-opening surprise. Thousands of shoppers, decked out in coats and gloves, brave the cold, the wind, the rain, to get an early start on their Christmas shopping and the best sales of the year.

While this somewhat dubious tradition has been practiced for more decades than many would care to remember, the term ‘Black Friday’ was created in the 1970’s. In the 21st century however, the observation of the day has reached increasingly growing popularity and numbers of participants, perhaps due to the vagaries of inflation, or perhaps due to the trendiness of it all.

The term, Black Friday, has its origins in several factors, and depending on whether you’re speaking to a shopper or a storeowner, you may get different definitions. For retailers, Black Friday designates, as a news broadcast in 1982 stated, “Some merchants label the day after Thanksgiving Black Friday because business today can mean the difference between red ink and black on ledgers…” Others claim that the term refers to the massive amount of shoppers all vying for certain products and the resulting stress and strain makes shopping on such a day a not-so-pleasant experience. Store employees throughout America, who are the ones who must deal with demanding and impatient customers, have seconded that same emotion. However, because of the negative connotations associated with the term, ‘Black Friday’, many merchants throughout the United States have begun to try to rename the day, “Green Friday”, though such efforts have proven to be lukewarm at best. It appears as if the use of the term ‘Black’ in the day will continue for years to come.

Black Friday is usually looked forward to by a massive majority of women shoppers, who have had their eyes on certain items for the months leading up to the Christmas shopping season, and retailers play on such shoppers, often offering limited numbers of popular items to those who are lined up outside, all the while knowing that their supply won’t match demand. Still, once shoppers are inside their stores, they’re bound to purchase something rather than go home empty handed, which makes such schemes a win-win situation for themselves.

And while hundreds of thousands of bargain shoppers wait in lines for those special, one-day-a-year deals, family members that wait for their return at home scratch their heads and wonder what all the fuss is about. After all, everyone knows that the busiest shopping day of the year is the Saturday before Christmas.

How To Get Rid Of A Farmer’s Tan

Farmers tan

If you’re afraid to go to the beach and take your shirt off because of a few extra pounds or a spare tire it’s completely understandable. There are other reasons people might want to stay fully covered on a hot day and one is the dreaded farmer’s tan. We’ve all seen them and we’ve all had them, whether we’d like to admit it or not.

Farmers aren’t the only professionals subject to bad tan lines. A tan face and arms look great until the t-shirt comes off. It’s only then that the 2 opposing colors of your body scream out that you have a job outside that requires you wear a shirt. So how can someone look good without appearing that they’ve been doing yard work all day?

A farmer’s tan will not disappear overnight. But there are things that can be done to improve your look.

Exfoliation: This is the process of removing dead cells, particularly the dead cells that hold on to the coloration. Basically what’s going on here is that using a scrubber to get rid of the tanned cells so that the original skin tones come through and make your whole body more uniform in color. By soaking in a hot tub the cells are loosened and the scrubber removes them. Sometimes just soaking in and of itself is a great way to exfoliate.

Dry Baking Soda: Repeated exposure to the sun can cause the skin to appear blotchy. To get rid of blotchiness is to dampen the skin and rub it in a circular direction with baking soda. Baking soda is safe and is an item found in just about every home.
Self-Tanners: Of course, only apply to the areas that are white or you’ll get a farmer’s tan that’s more extreme in appearance. Self tanners are healthy and come in a variety of hues. There is certainly one available that will match your body color.

Lotions: Especially those with alpha hydroxy or hydrogen peroxide. By applying a small amount on a cotton ball and rubbing it over the tanned areas, these lotions can reduce a farmer’s tan. Be careful as some lotions can cause irritation if used in excess.

Sunscreens: Try to go with a very high SPF (above 50 if possible). Apply to areas exposed to the sun. You can also use an SPF in combination with one of the above methods to speed up the process if you’re unable to avoid working in the sun. Re-apply the sunscreen several times a day and purchase one that’s sweat proof.

The best way to get rid of a farmer’s tan is to stay out of the sun altogether and let your body come back to its original color. The more often you expose your body to the sun the stronger the tan becomes. Stay indoors and in shaded areas as much as you can or wear sun blocking hats and clothing.

Or you can simply wear your farmer’s tan with pride as a symbol of your hard work!

Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year’s Day

Rosh Hashanah

One of many important and religious holidays celebrated by Jews around the world is Rosh Hashanah, which falls on the first day of Tishri, the first month in the Jewish calendar. The day may land anywhere from September 6th to October 5th. The Jewish year is divided into twelve lunar months, with an extra month every two or three years, each month containing 354 days, while the year with 13 months lasts 383 days. This day is also commonly called the Feast of Trumpets and marks the beginning of a ten-day period of observance that ends with the celebration of Yom Kippur, or the Solemn Day of Atonement.

Contrary to how most other religions celebrate and ring in New Year, the Jewish observance of Rosh Hashanah is a somber occasion, and not meant for merrymaking. It’s meant to be a time during which those of the Jewish faith search their hearts and strive to improve themselves. It’s a time for reflection and meditation, and while not an observance that requires methods of mourning or sacrifice, sees most of the faith behaving in a quiet, reserved manner.

Most faiths believe that in some manner, all humans will someday be judged before their Maker, and those of the Jewish faith believe that Rosh Hashanah is the day in which ‘all creatures pass review of the searching eye of Omnipotence’. It is also a day during which those of the Jewish faith believe that God receives the report of Satan and as such, often say to one another in passing, “May you be inscribed for a Happy New Year,” which refers to the belief that all names are written in a Book of Life.

The time leading up to Rosh Hashanah is a time of much activity for most Jewish families, and everyone helps with cleaning and shopping for new clothes and food with which to observe the date. Prayer services are held at local synagogues in towns and cities across America, and on many occasions, the sound of a Shofar, or a ram’s horn trumpet echoes throughout neighborhoods, a sound that announces a symbolic tone of both hope and warning. The Shofar is also believed to confuse and frighten Satan. This unique instrument sounds one hundred notes each day of the observance. The sound, unlike anything many people have ever heard before, is meant to remind all Jews of the solemnity of the day and urges them to reflect on their behavior and lives during the past year. Rabbi’s read from the Torah, the holy book of the Jewish faith.

No one works on Rosh Hashanah and much of the day is spent in a synagogue, where special prayers and litanies are offered. Another time honored tradition known as ‘casting off’ is honored this day, and involves the faithful walking to a source of flowing water, where they empty their pockets into the water in a gesture meant to symbolize the casting away of sins. Pieces of bread stored in pockets serve this purpose.

A fine table is traditionally set for the dinner honored on that day, and laden with fine dishes and foods. Candles are lit as well, and prayers offered. Men, women and children dress in their finest clothes and gather with their families to attend this feast. Apples and bread dipped in honey are a traditional food, which symbolize a wish for a sweet new year.

The observances of Rosh Hashanah differ slightly depending on whether the Jewish person recognizing the day is a reformed or an orthodox or conservative Jew, but throughout the world, Rosh Hashanah is a time honored tradition that has lasted thousands of years, and will continue to do so, both in the United States and abroad.

Remembering Heroes on Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces

Armed Forces Day, which has been celebrated every the third Saturday in May since 1950, is a day in which all military service members from every branch of the military, past and present, are honored for their duty, loyalty and sacrifice to the United States of America.

In 1949, the United States Secretary of Defense created a single day for Americans to celebrate our national military: Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marine soldiers and support personnel. The President of the United States at that time, President Harry S. Truman, said the day should be recognized to “praise the work of the military services at home and across the seas,” and that Armed Forces Day marked “the first combined demonstration by America’s defense team of its progress, under the National Security Act, towards the goal of readiness for any eventuality.” The New York Times said of the event, “This is the day on which we have the welcome opportunity to pay special tribute to the men and women of the Armed Forces, to all the individuals who are in the service of their country all over the world. Armed Forces Day won’t be a matter of parades and receptions for a good many of them. They will all be in the line of duty and some of them may give their lives in that duty.”

To this day, Armed Forces Day is a day for all civilians in America to stop for at least a moment to honor and thank those who daily put their lives on the line for the continued pursuit of freedom and democracy, both at home and abroad. Celebrated with parades, flag waving and military air shows, the day is one filled with pride and military splendor. In Washington D.C., over 10,000 military soldiers from each branch of the military, veterans and enlisted alike, participate in a parade before the President and his cabinet members. The event is televised throughout the nation, a spectacular display of pomp, ceremony and unity of strength. Throughout the world, military personnel from different branches and duty stations join in on parades and ceremonies that mark the special day. In many ports of America, grand old battleships are made ready to ceremoniously sail one more time, or at least open their bulkheads for Americans from all walks of life to step aboard a part of American military history.

Famous Americans make speeches and somberly honor the soldiers who have fought and died for our country, as well as those who serve, or have served, months or years of their lives in foreign countries in the name of security, freedom and democracy. Military personnel and veterans who speak of duty, courage, honor and loyalty visit children in schools around the country. Through the years, great military leaders have spoken of honoring American fighting men and women and the importance of supporting our forces. President Dwight D. Eisenhower said of Armed Forces Day, “It is fitting and proper that we devote one day each year to paying special tribute to those whose constancy and courage constitute one of the bulwarks guarding the freedom of this nation and the peace of the free world.”

The first Armed Forces Day was celebrated and observed during a time of great world tensions, when the threat of nuclear war hung over every nation of the world, along with the threat of encroaching communism. Keywords today, some of which include dedication, devotion, appreciation, liberty, patriotism and unity, continue to serve Americans in their pursuit for freedom and democracy. Armed Forces Day should be recognized and honored by all Americans, young and old of all races, creeds and beliefs. A statement made by President John F. Kennedy in 1962 says it all quite succinctly. “Word to the Nation: Guard zealously your right to serve in the Armed Forces, for without them, there will be no other rights to guard.”

Remembering Patriot Day

Patriot Day

Patriot Day is a day for all Americans to remember the tragedy of events that unfolded during early morning hours in New York City on September 11, 2001.

For the second time since America became an independent nation, she found herself under attack. Civilian targets as well as the Pentagon were the intended targets of these terrorists, and nearly three thousand Americans were killed before the dust settled. The day will forever be known as 9/11 for Americans and people all over the world. A month later, in October, a U.S. House joint resolution requested that President George W. Bush designate September 11th as a day to honor the dead from that deadly ambush. The day was originally called the National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for the Victims of the Terrorist Attacks, but in 2002, the name was shortened to state, quite simply, ‘Patriot’s Day’. Since then, American citizens and citizens from around the world pause at the times of the several attacks on that fateful morning in order to honor and remember the dead. While not considered a national ‘holiday’ as such, Patriot Day is indeed a day for all to consider the memories of the fallen; for civilians and the firemen and policemen that did their best to save them. The day will always be remembered as a day of horror and despair, but also courage, bravery and loyalty given to our country, especially by the flight crew and passengers of Flight 93, which crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to abort the terrorists plans to crash the plane into the State Capitol.

The event, which for some equaled the feelings that resulted following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in 1941, signaling America’s entry into the Second World War, struck a chord of patriotism in the United States unequalled since that attack sixty years earlier. Americans around the world pause for reflection starting the moment the first airplane, American Airlines Flight 11, crashed into the World Trade Center Tower North at 8:46:30, followed a short time later by United Flight 175 into World Trace Center Tower South at 9:02:59. Less than an hour later, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37:46, followed roughly twenty minutes later by the crash of United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03:11.

Patriot Day is now a day during which Americans somberly reflect the memory of the civilians and fire and police department personnel who died that day, as well as the importance of remaining united as a nation. The largest memorial service for this day of remembrance is held every September 11th at what is now called Ground Zero, where the World Trade Towers once stood, and periods of silence honor the fallen beginning at 8:46 and end with candlelight vigils. Flags around the country are lowered to half-staff. On the first anniversary of the tragedy, New York City’s mayor, Rudy Guliani, lit an eternal flame and an outdoor public memorial is under construction at the Pentagon, to be completed by the fall of 2008.

A national memorial is also under construction to commemorate the flight crew and passengers of United Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, while a World Trade Center Memorial is expected to be completed in 2009. In addition to physical memorials to the day of remembrance, families of many of the victims of 9/11 have set up charities, scholarship funds and memorial funds in the names of their loved ones to perpetuate their honor and their memories for generations to come. As with the attack on Pearl Harbor, the world will never forget the images burned into their memories following the attack on civilian and military targets that fateful morning.