Tag Archives: fashion advice

Coffee stains

How to Remove Coffee Stains on Your T-Shirt

Coffee stains

Coffee stains are one of the most dreaded of all laundry stains. The dark color of coffee and the deep pigments in the liquid can make it tough to get coffee stains out of a t-shirt, particularly when the t-shirt is colored.

To have the best chance of getting the coffee out of the fabric, treat the stain right away. Don’t hesitate to start getting the coffee out of the t-shirt as soon as the spill happens. Take the t-shirt off as quickly as possible in order to be able to treat the stain quickly. The stain will be a lot easier to treat if it is treated quickly. If too much time has passed, it may not be possible to remove much of the coffee stain without using bleach on the t-shirt.

To start treating the t-shirt, get as much of the liquid out of the fabric as possible. If the spill was large, wring the t-shirt out several times to get the coffee out of it. If the spill was smaller, press a towel, or napkins or whatever you may have into the stained area. Keep doing this until you aren’t able to remove any more of the liquid.

Once you’ve done this, turn the t-shirt inside out and run cold water through the stained part of the t-shirt. If the entire t-shirt has been stained, squeeze and wring the t-shirt repeatedly under cold running water. However large the stain is, rub the fabric together under the water to get the stain out more quickly. Continue doing this until no more of the coffee is running out of the fabric with the water.

Use a pre-treating spray or rub on the stained area of the t-shirt. This pre-treating solution should be used on the entire stained area. Pay particular attention to the edges of the stain. These edges may be darker than the rest of the stain because of the way the coffee was moving along the fabric. Let the stained area soak in the pre-treatment solution for as long as the directions indicate. Once the soaking time is completed, wash the t-shirt in hot water. If the coffee stain was treated quickly, this should lift the remaining coffee out of the fabric. This process will give a colored t-shirt its best chance of beating the stain.

If the t-shirt is white, there are a few additional options that can be used that would alter the color of a colored t-shirt. The main principle of treating this type of dark stain on a white t-shirt is to simply strip all of the color out of the t-shirt. This can be done easily by washing the t-shirt with chlorine bleach, but it may weaken the fabric to do so. The best approach is to blot away the liquid and then rinse the t-shirt as you would with a colored t-shirt. Then, allow the stained area to soak in bleach for a few minutes. After that, rinse away the bleach and launder the t-shirt in hot water. If the bleach soak doesn’t remove the stain, try a bleach pen or soak the t-shirt for a longer period of time before washing it.

Is It Fashionable To Wear A T-Shirt Under A Buttoned Collared Shirt So It Shows At The Neckline

Fashion is something that changes quickly and often. It is very subjective and what is considered fashionable by one group or one culture may be considered “out” by another. Generally fashion will definitely change from one season to another. That is why when you go shopping it may be very difficult to find certain clothes in colors or styles that you want. Manufacturers will not make an abundance of every color every year. The colors that are in style will be the ones that are most commonly found.

Because of the versatility of fashion, many people tend to steer towards classic looks. Classic combinations, colors and styles make life much simpler because they tend to last a long time and can be worn from season to season and year to year. They take the guess work out of dressing and help you to avoid trends, if that is what you want to do. Items like simple T-shirts and buttoned collared shirts have long been a staple of many wardrobes and can easily be part of a classic look or a trendy look.

If you wear a T-shirt under a buttoned collared shirt so that it shows at the neckline, it is generally okay in terms of fashion. If you are wearing the buttoned collared shirt as part of a very conservative, dressy outfit, you may want to find another T-shirt that does not show at the neckline, as it takes away from the dressiness of the outfit. However, for less formal looks a T-shirt peeking out of a button-down shirt is perfectly fine. In fact, given the choice of a T-shirt peeking out or chest hair, many people would choose the T-shirt.

If you are wearing a T-shirt under a buttoned collared shirt, you may want to choose an old standard like a white T-shirt. This will be much more acceptable and look much better than unusual or bright colors. In fact if the T-shirt color clashes with the shirt, you may want to choose another color. Another good choice in T-shirt color is one that matches the color of the button-down shirt. This will provide a seamless look that is very appealing.

If you like wearing T-shirts under your buttoned, collared shirts, you can do so but remember to avoid wearing shirts with busy designs that can be seen through the collared shirts. Such a look is never flattering. You can however, choose to wear a T-shirt that says whatever you want it to say, especially if your button-down shirt is opaque. You can opt for a T-shirt that informs others about something you believe in. It can be a T-shirt that tells of things you have done or goals you have. It can talk about what you are passionate about. You can wear a T-shirt with a favorite picture or drawing. You can have practically any design you want on a custom-made T-shirt.

Get your custom-made T-shirt today and wear something that really speaks to you close to your body.

How To Tell If A Shirt Is Too Big

T-shirt sizing is very important in pulling together a sharp looking outfit. It is easily as important as matching, ironing and dressing for the occasion. For most people it is very easy to tell if a shirt is too small, but it is more difficult to determine if it is too big. Therefore, using certain easy-to-follow guidelines will help you make that determination very easily.

When you try on a T-shirt look in the mirror and check where the shoulder seams lay. The sewn line where the sleeve meets the body of the T-shirt should be sitting at the edge of your shoulder, if it fits properly. If that seam is resting on your upper arm, the T-shirt you are wearing is too big for you. Shoulder fit is one of the most well-known and easiest determinants of whether or not a T-shirt actually fits.

Another aspect of the T-shirt to look at when determining if it is too big for you is the length of it. If the T-shirt completely covers your behind, it is too big. In fact, at that length it is almost a dress. It should cover about half of your backside. Such T-shirts are fine to keep in your closet and use them at certain times.

If you tuck in a T-shirt and it bunches and creates noticeable bumps under your clothing, chances are the tee is too big for you. A well-fitting T-shirt should be able to be tucked into a pair of pants or a skirt smoothly without bunching. In addition, if you can adjust the T-shirt easily by a quick tug here or there, it must also be too big. A T-shirt that fits well is never that easy to adjust.

The good news is that even T-shirts that are too big are useful. They are great to sleep in. They make wonderful smocks for crafts or while painting. They can be your official cleaning the house T-shirts. They make good cover-ups for swimming or while at the beach.

There are many looks that even require oversized T-shirts. Skate boarders usually wear big tees. For those into hip hop, the culture dictates oversized T-shirts. An urban look or a gangster look are often characterized by oversized T-shirts also. However, by no means does wearing a large T-shirt mean that you belong to one of these groups. Some people simply feel more comfortable wearing a roomier T-shirt instead of one that is too revealing.

When you are ready to find a perfect size T-shirt, replace one that is too big or deliberately get an over-sized tee, the best place to get one is from a company that specializes in custom-made T-shirts. With custom tees, you choose the color, brand, weight, style and design of the shirt. You will have the perfect tee for you in no time. In fact, you can even turn a custom-made T-shirt into a shirt about finding the right size T-shirt.

Get your custom-made T-shirt today for the perfect fit you are looking for.

Is it ok that my t-shirt can be seen through my dress shirt?

T-shirts are extremely versatile and can meet a variety of your needs when dressing. In fact T-shirts are often used in layering or as an undershirt beneath other shirts and sweaters. Sometimes it looks fine to let your T-shirt be apparent through the dress shirt, other times it does not. Knowing when to let your T-shirt be seen and when not to can make all the difference in terms of dressing successfully.

When you are wearing a dress shirt, chances are you are attending a more formal event. You may be wearing a dress shirt for work, if you work in an environment that promotes a business professional style of dress. If you are in one of those situations, it might not be okay that your T-shirt can be seen through the dress shirt. If you are wearing a plain white T-shirt and your shirt is to cover up chest hair, your social faux-pas is not so great. If you are wearing a T-shirt with a wild and crazy design on it and it can be plainly seen through the dress shirt, chances are you should have considered something different when getting dressed.

When you need to wear T-shirts under dress shirts, opt for solid color ones that either are white in color, match the color of the shirt or your skin tone. Steer away from designs, pictures or anything printed on them. Another great idea is to purchase dress shirts that are heavier and do not show what you are wearing beneath them.

If you are wearing a dress shirt and the situation is less formal, wearing a T-shirt can be perfectly fine. Many people wear dress shirts loosely buttoned or even unbuttoned as a cover, a jacket or simply for the layered look. If this is what you are striving for, it is perfectly okay that your T-shirt can be seen through your dress shirt. Try to match colors and at least choose something that is complimentary for a more pulled-together look.

If you enjoy the laid back easy look of a dress shirt with a T-shirt underneath, you can use your T-shirt to express yourself any way you want to. In fact you can have T-shirts custom-made to do just that. You can have anything you want printed on a T-shirt. It can be your favorite picture, a drawing you have done or a message you want to convey. You can talk about the things you have accomplished, things you believe in or your favorite things to do. You can even boast about another person if you are proud of them. You can have some fun with your custom T-shirt by having something like these lines printed on them.
–    These are my dress clothes
–    Dressing up sucks
–    What do you mean a black tie printed on my shirt is not considered “black tie”?

Get your custom-made T-shirt to go under your dress shirt today for a unique look.

T-shirt highlighter

How To Get Highlighter Out Of A T-Shirt

T-shirt highlighter

Removing stains from any item of clothing is typically a tough task, with certain stains more difficult than others to remove. One of the first things to remember when dealing with any stain is that speed is of the utmost importance. The quicker you can treat a stain, the more success you will have in removing it. In addition, you must make sure that the stain is completely removed before you put the T-shirt or the item of clothing in the dryer. The heat from the dryer will set the stain permanently, making it practically impossible to remove.

If you happen to get a highlighter stain on your T-shirt, the first thing to do is touch it lightly with paper towels to soak up any extra highlighter ink that has not soaked into the tee, if the stain is really fresh. Then you will have a variety of options to choose from in terms of how to treat the stain. The most common solution is to apply a commercially made pre-treatment to the stain and let it sit for 15 minutes before laundering.

For many highlighter stains you may even be able to remove them by simply washing them in cold water with laundry detergent as you normally would. This water-based ink is typically very easy to remove. However, every once in a while you come across a tough highlighter stain that needs a little extra something. In such cases, you can use rubbing alcohol. You need to do so with caution though, so remember to test an inconspicuous area first. Then use minimal amounts as it is rather strong. Another great stain remover for any type of ink is hair spray. Place a cloth or paper towel under the stain, spray hair spray on it and blot with another towel until the stain is completely gone.

If by some chance you can’t get highlighter stains out of your T-shirt, you can simply designate it as your official study T-shirt. Then you will need to replace the T-shirt you have ruined. However, it seems like the shirts we get permanently stained are always favorites that are practically impossible to find again. Luckily, by having a T-shirt custom-made you can recreate your favorite tee, only better. You not only get to choose the design, but you can choose the color, style, weight and quality of the T-shirt. You can even get one that is made from organic cotton if you are concerned with the environment.

Another fun type of T-shirt to have made is one that is okay to get highlighter stains on. To create such a shirt, have a custom T-shirt printed with a line like one of these:
–    Official Highlighting Team
–    Official studying shirt
–    I highlight, therefore I study
–    Highlighting stains are the sign of a genius at work
–    Student at work, watch out for highlighter stains
–    Highlighters are a student’s best tool

Get your custom-made T-shirts today for the best way to deal with highlighter stains.


Do Hangers Stretch Your T-Shirt?


Knowing whether or not hangers stretch your T-shirt is an important piece of information to know. It can change the way you store your clothing. It can also help you to get more use from clothes you already have. Knowing why certain clothing storage methods are advisable or not is useful to practically everyone.

How to properly store T-shirts so that they remain in the best possible shape with the fewest wrinkles is something many people want to know. Most people tend to belong to one camp or the other, in regards to storage. They either swear by folding T-shirts and laying them flat or they swear that hanging T-shirt is the only way to have them looking great when you want to wear them. One thing often heard, especially from those who fold their tees is that hangers will stretch your T-shirts. This is partially true and partially false.

T-shirt cotton is slightly stretchy, but not too much so. Therefore the length of time you hang the T-shirts will make a huge impact on whether or not the tee stretches. For T-shirts that you wear often, hangers will definitely not stretch them. They will be hung for relatively short periods of time, therefore they will not have time to stretch. For T-shirts you wear infrequently or ones which are seasonal, you may want to store them flat during their off-season. Hanging for long periods of time will cause slight stretching, shoulder dents from hangers and even a tell-tale collection of dust on the shoulders following the outline of the hanger.

Another thing to keep in mind when hanging T-shirts is to refrain from hanging wet T-shirts. The additional weight of the water in the material will encourage stretching. T-shirts should be dried in the dryer and then hung if that is your chosen method of storing your tees. If you happen to choose to hang your T-shirts to dry, be sure the water is spun out well, so there is no excess weight in the material to cause stretching. You can also hang your clothes to dry, until they are just a little damp. Then put them in the dryer to finish drying them and so that they keeps their shape.

You may also want to consider changing the type of hanger that you use. A padded hanger will work best to keep from stretching your shirt. A wire hanger will do the most damage. Plastic and wooden hangers are somewhere in between, but look for wide ones.

If you have left some of your favorite T-shirts hanging around for too long and they have stretched to a point where washing and drying won’t fix them, it is time for a new shirt. You can have a favorite T-shirt perfectly recreated by having it custom-made. You get to choose the color, style, weight, quality and design, so your favorite tee is back and looking better than ever. When your new T-shirts arrive, make sure you use these common sense T-shirt storage tips to make sure you don’t suffer the same result again.

Get your custom-made T-shirt today for the most efficient way to deal with T-shirts that have been stretched out by hangers.

How Can I Tell If My T-Shirt Arms Are Too Small Or Big?

Wearing a properly fitting T-shirt will make all the difference in the world to your comfort level and the appearance you want to project. A tee that does not fit properly can make you appear sloppy, careless, overweight or underweight. Therefore, it is important to choose your T-shirts carefully and notice the details of how it fits for the best look possible. This means not only do you need to make sure your T-shirt is not too fitted or loose in the body nor too long or too short in length, but you also need to be sure that the shoulders fit properly and the arms of the T-shirt are neither too small nor too big.

It is rather easy to determine whether or not a T-shirt fits you properly in the bicep area of your arm. When you put on the T-shirt, your sleeve should touch your arm around the entire circumference of it. It should not be too snug. If it feels tight, then it is too small. If your movement is limited by the sleeve, you should opt for a larger size or a different cut or style of shirt. If your upper arm bulges out under the sleeve, it is also not a good fit.

Sometimes T-shirt arms can be too big, especially in the bigger sizes. If you are wearing a size large or bigger shirt, you should look out for sleeves that are too loose. If you lift your arms out straight from your body and see that your sleeves droop a lot, it means that they are too big. If the sleeves are too long, they will typically be too big too, therefore you may want to look into T-shirts that have shorter arms in their style.

For women, the length of the sleeve varies a lot. T-shirts are available with regular length sleeves that arrive mid-upper arm, cap sleeves that stop just below the shoulder and ¾ length sleeves that end below the elbow. If a regular T-shirt’s sleeves arrive just above the elbow, chances are they are too big for you. No matter what the arm style of your tee, the same rules apply when determining if a T-shirt’s sleeves fit properly. No bulging, no drooping and a close neat fit indicate that the arms fit well.

If you discover that your T-shirt wardrobe suffers from too many shirts will ill-fitting arms you may want to invest in new ones that flatter your arms. Luckily you will find that most manufacturers have standard sizing, so when you find a brand that works well for you, take advantage of it and get several in that brand. A great option is to invest in custom-made T-shirts. That way if some of your favorite tees have to move out of your wardrobe because the arms don’t fit right, you can have new ones made to replace them that replicate them perfectly.

Get your custom-made T-shirt today for arms that are always the perfect fit.

Muffin top

Does Tucking Your Shirt Bring Out A Muffin Top Belly?

Muffin top

How you wear your clothes can say a lot about you. It definitely leaves an impression on others about your style, your size, your attention to detail and much more. For many of us who are body conscious, there seems to be a never ending list of questions we have about dressing to look our best. We often ask if a color looks good on us, how to tell if something fits right, what is the right length to wear, what matches what and more. For those with a few extra pounds in the tummy area, it is important to know whether tucking your T-shirt in your pants, jeans or skirt brings out a muffin top belly and what to do about it.

In addition to those extra pounds or not-so-rock-hard abs, clothing size and style largely determines whether or not you will have a muffin top belly. In fact, the muffin top belly was commonly associated with a look that was trendy a couple of years ago: low rise jeans worn with tiny, tight T-shirts that often exposed bare skin bulges. Simply wearing clothes that actually fit properly and avoiding this particular clothing combination will eliminate cases of muffin top for most people.

If you decide to tuck in your T-shirt, make sure that your pants, skirt or jeans fit properly. If they are too tight, you run the risk of producing a muffin top situation. If you notice that your bottoms are a little tight, keep your T-shirt outside the waistband. This will draw attention away from those few extra pounds. If your bottoms fit properly, feel free to tuck in your shirt. This will give a more pulled-together, neater look to your outfit. A tucked in shirt never looks sloppy and can make you look slimmer, rather than like you are trying to hide your shape.

Another trick to downplay the possibility of a muffin top belly is to wear dark colored T-shirts.  Dark colors give the illusion of being slim. You can also wear a T-shirt that matches your pants, jeans or skirt in color. This will give you a sleek, seamless look that totally detracts from any extra weight you may be carrying.

When you are looking for T-shirts to de-emphasize a muffin top belly, custom-made T-shirts are the way to go. You can choose the color, cut, style and size that work best to flatter your figure. You can then customize the shirt in any way you choose. Your new T-shirts can show off your passions, heritage, accomplishments, hobbies and more. Custom T-shirts can tell that you are proud of someone, show support for a cause, educate others and do a variety of other things. You can even recreate a favorite T-shirt that no longer fits or one that emphasizes a muffin top belly a little too much.

Get new custom-made T-shirts that fit perfectly today and say good-bye to the muffin top belly forever.


How To Organize Your T-Shirt Wardrobe


Organizing your T-shirt wardrobe is the easiest and quickest way to be able to put together a great look in no time flat. There are a variety of ways to efficiently organize your T-shirt collection and no one way is right or wrong. It is important however to organize them in a way that works for you to get maximum enjoyment and maximum wear from all your T-shirts. You simply need to choose the way that best fits your style and sense of organization and you’ll be on your way to simplifying the process of getting dressed time each day.

An obvious and very useful way to organize your T-shirts is to group them by color. By doing so you know exactly where to look for a particular T-shirt, and will be sure to find it quickly and easily. You can even organize them according to the range of colors, and have all pastels, darks, brights and whites each together in their own space.

You can also organize your T-shirt wardrobe in terms of the style of T-shirts you own. You may want to group T-shirts by whether they are dressy, everyday wear or old favorites. It will make it much easier when it comes to putting together an outfit for work, going shopping or if you’re just cleaning the house.

Some people swear by hanging T-shirts, while others prefer folding T-shirts and grouping them in piles. There are several things to remember when doing it either way. If you choose to hang T-shirts, be sure there is plenty of space in the closet or your shirts will wrinkle. If you have shirts that you wear very infrequently, like ones for specific holidays, you may want to take them out of the closet and store them folded. This will give you more closet space and prevent hanger bumps in the shoulders of your T-shirts.

If you prefer to fold T-shirts and store them flat in piles, it is important to do so neatly. If you carefully fold the T-shirts when they are fresh from the dryer or immediately after ironing, they will remain looking good. Another suggestion is to fold T-shirts following the same method retailers use. Lay the shirt face side down and fold sleeves inward from mid-shoulder. Then fold the shirt in half once. By doing it this way, you minimize wrinkling, make T-shirts easy to stack and the design on the front will be easily visible when you are searching through piles of shirts to find the right tee for your needs.

Organizing your T-shirt wardrobe seems like a lot of work, but it is really very simple and will save you a lot of time in the long run. By doing it this way, you will also be able to quickly see at a glance which color T-shirts you may need to buy and if you are running low on T-shirts for work or for everyday.  You can even recreate old favorites by ordering custom-made T-shirts in any design you choose.

Is A T-Shirt Business Casual?

Ever since business casual became an accepted standard of dress in the workplace, employees have had endless questions about what actually constitutes business casual. In reality, the guidelines are different for each company. Generally speaking, business suits are much too formal to fit the style. Exercise clothes, short shorts, ripped jeans and tank tops are much too casual to be business casual. Apart from those rather extreme guidelines, everything else is based on interpretation.

For many businesses, business casual is very structured. It means that you wear dress pants, skirts, polo shirts, button down shirts and sweaters. Jeans, sneakers and flip-flops are a no-no. T-shirts are fine if they are under something or have nothing printed on them. Many of these businesses are helping employees avoid the expense of traditional business wear, but still want to maintain a very professional, serious tone at work. They may even allow clean, well-maintained jeans and T-shirts on casual Fridays. Some businesses like this will occasionally do a charity fundraiser, by charging their employees a small fee to partake in jeans and T-shirt days.

For many other businesses, T-shirts are perfectly fine for business casual wear, as long as they are clean and in good repair. Most businesses however, will enforce common sense rules about what can be printed on a T-shirt. Text on a business casual T-shirt should never be offensive, rude, contain bad language, be sexually explicit, be political or promote a competitor of the business you work for. There are very few workplaces where you can actually wear anything you choose.

So, in short, a T-shirt can be considered business casual, depending on the T-shirt and depending on what the company’s policies are. If you absolutely want to wear a T-shirt that does not meet your company’s guideline, layering is always a good solution. Put your favorite tee under another T-shirt, button down shirt or sweater for a neat layered look. You’ll have the satisfaction of wearing the shirt of your choice, without getting in trouble for it.

Custom-made T-shirts can be the solution to your problems if you find that your T-shirts are not suitable for business casual. Thanks to custom printing you can have a T-shirt made in the color, design and style you want, saying whatever you want it to say. You can still make a statement, have a unique look, but follow the business casual guidelines of your office with a custom-made T-shirt.

If your company is on the more relaxed spectrum of business casual or you know that you have a casual Friday coming up, you can have some fun with a customized T-shirt. You can have a line like one of these printed on a tee:
•    This IS business casual
•    I love business casual
•    Business casual rocks
•    Peace, Love, Business Casual
•    I’ll take business casual any day
•    Business casual works
•    Casual Friday rocks

Get your T-shirt wardrobe up to par for business casual with brand new custom-made tees just for work!

The Brassiere That Disappears: How to Choose the Perfect Bra for T-Shirts

These days, it seems as though there’s a bra out there for every kind of outfit imaginable. From the classic underwire bra to those that look as though you’d need an engineering degree in order to wear it, there have never been more options in finding bras that best suit your perfect wardrobe. After all, every woman knows that the right bra can not only accentuate and enhance feminine curves – it can actually make you feel more comfortable and sexy at the same time!

Yet did you know that there’s a certain type of bra that you should wear with fashion’s greatest wardrobe staple – the t-shirt?

That’s right. Even classic and low-maintenance t-shirts require a certain type of bra in order for you to look your best. Depending on the fit of the shirt – especially if it’s a tighter fit than your average gym t-shirt – wearing the wrong bra can make you look lumpy and awkward, which is definitely not a look that any woman should go for!

The best bra for a fitted t-shirt is one that is made from seamless material and as little underwire as possible. This helps to create and enhance a smoother bustline, as the seamless material of the bra blends in with the fabric of the t-shirt. A perfect t-shirt bra will never be visible from underneath the fabric of your t-shirt, so avoid bras that have raised patterns on them, as these designs will often appear through the thin fabric of your t-shirt. If you have a bigger bustline and need the support of underwire, look for a bra with material that completely camouflages the underwire – you can find these at your local department or lingerie store. When shopping for your perfect bra, make sure to wear a shirt made of thin material, so you’ll be able to see how effective your bra is at blending in with your t-shirt.

Of course, no t-shirt bra, no matter how sophisticated, can do its job properly if it’s ill-fitted. While this may seem to be a logical conclusion, fashion experts have recently claimed that eight out of ten America women are guilty of wearing the wrong bra size. Yes, that’s right – eight out of ten! So if you have even the slightest doubt that you may not be wearing the correct bra size – heck, even if you’re 100% sure that you’ve got the right size on – get yourself measured next time you go on a lingerie shopping excursion. You’ll be amazed at the difference you’ll feel when wearing the right bra – especially with your t-shirt on over it!

Despite the overabundance of choices you may have when lingerie shopping, choosing the perfect t-shirt bra doesn’t have to be a complicated experience. Just be sure to bring along a t-shirt to wear over each bra that you try on and bring a few of your best girlfriend along for the journey – after all, they’ll be able to tell you which bra looks best under your t-shirt when you’re not sure.

What Is The Best Bra To Wear For A White T-Shirt?

There is always a great debate going on about the best bra to wear with a white T-shirt and people always tend to have their own personal preference. However, whether or not their preference actually results in the best possible appearance is another story. Many people try to buck the gold standard advice and the look they achieve is not always the most flattering one. There are definitely guidelines to follow in terms of choosing the best bra for a white T-shirt, if you want to look your absolute best.

Bra color is the number one issue. The gold standard advice on this is: wear a skin-tone bra with a white tee. This will provide you with a seamless look, so that your bra does not stand out under the shirt. If you are Caucasian, the best bra to wear with a white T-shirt is a beige bra, not a white one. A white bra will be very visible under a white T-shirt, so unless that is the look you are striving for, stay away from white bras. If you are darker skinned, your best bra choice under a white T-shirt is a chocolate one or even a black one, depending on your skin tone. This will minimize how noticeable the bra you are wearing is to others.

For many people, it is in style to wear a contrasting color bra under a white T-shirt. In fact, there are those that just like the look of it, whether it is in style or not. Many younger white women tend to go for the look of a black bra under a white T-shirt because they believe it looks sexy. Whether this combination is actually in style or not and sexy or not, depends on who you ask.

Another thing to keep in mind when choosing a bra to go with a white tee is the cup. If you are looking for a sleek, classic look, you want to get a bra that has no seams or texture on the cup. Choosing a lacy bra will give you unwanted bumps in your T-shirt and bras with seams across the cup will disturb the line of the T-shirt, especially fitted tees. If you choose to wear a bra that is visible through your shirt, a lacy bra or one with a design may be appropriate, but if you do not want that look, make sure your bra has solid, smooth cups.

Be sure that the bra you choose fits you well. If it is too tight, it will add more bumps to your T-shirt. If it is not supportive and you need support, it will alter the shape you want to portray. If the white T-shirt you are wearing is a thin fabric, you may also want to be sure that the bra you are wearing is not see-through. A combination of a see-through bra and a see-through tee will get you a lot of attention that you may not want.

Get your custom-made white T-shirt today to go with that perfect bra. Nothing is as classic and down-to-earth as a girl in a white tee.

Are Tight T-Shirts Fashionable? Does Body Type Matter?

This is a question that a lot of people ask when they are buying a t-shirt. The answer, however, is yes and no. In general, there are some occasions when wearing a tight t-shirt is fashionable. For a day out shopping or a night out on the town, a tight t-shirt is an attention getter that always works. However, there are other times when a looser-fitting t-shirt will be more appropriate, even if the tighter shirts are generally fashionable.

Going out to a club or another trendy scene practically begs for a tight t-shirt. Anyone wearing loose-fitting clothes is probably not going to be as socially successful at one of these places as someone who wears a fashionable, tight-fitting t-shirt.

The fashionable way to wear a t-shirt is generally dictated by the way celebrities and people on TV are wearing their t-shirts. Young celebs do tend to wear their t-shirts tight to show off their toned figures. People who want to look like their favorite stars can wear tight t-shirts to try to recreate that look. But, there are times when wearing a tight t-shirt may not be the most appropriate look.

A tight t-shirt will likely not go over well at church, at a family reunion or when worn for casual Friday at the office. A fashionable casual look for many places is a t-shirt that is loose enough to look comfortable and casual. There may even be rules at work against wearing tight clothing. Even if there are not rules against it, wearing a tight t-shirt as an employee may not be the way to be taken as seriously as wearing a looser fitting t-shirt.

The main thing to remember about how tight to wear a t-shirt is that it may affect how comfortable you are. Body type matters because it will affect your comfort level. If you have problem areas and are embarrassed by them, wearing a tight t-shirt may make you feel uncomfortable. If you are proud of your body type and happy with the way it looks, a tight t-shirt may give you more confidence than a looser-fitting shirt.

Anyone who feels they are underweight or overweight may find that a tight t-shirt will cling to their form and will reveal the problems that they are embarrassed about. It should also be taken into consideration that a new t-shirt may shrink a little. Anyone not wanting a t-shirt that is tight should remember the possible shrinkage that can occur. Anyone who does want a tight t-shirt should also remember this, however, since the t-shirt may shrink slightly and become too tight.

Paying attention to the place and the circumstance will tell you whether a tight t-shirt or a looser one should be warn, But, also listen to yourself. If you think a tight shirt will make you feel uncomfortable, then don’t wear one- even if you’re going to a club. Being uncomfortable is no way to feel when you’re out trying to have a good time.

To Bare Or Not To Bare: Are Midriff-Revealing Shirts Still Fashionable?

It seems as though it was only yesterday when bare midriffs were all the rage in the fashion world. From the glamorous runways to the streets and bars of towns and cities, many young women were sporting this hard-to-rock look, which looked best on the figures of those who clearly spent more than a few days a week at the gym. Yet after a few years, midriff-baring tops soon began to give way to today’s softer-flowing fabrics and more forgiving cuts, leaving some to wonder: are short shirts that reveal midriff still fashionable?

Midriff-baring shirts hit the height of their popularity in the mid-nineties, around the same time as the arrival of the low-rise jeans. Like all fashion trends, the midriff-baring shirt was born out of a response to the larger and heavier fabrics of the eighties and early nineties, which tended to overwhelm and weigh down more petite frames. Shirts and fashionable tops that exposed the midriff were seen as a breath of fresh air, a flirty and fierce style that played up the confidence and youth of all women who sported the look. Stomachs were on full display in the midst of the midriff-baring trend, with little indication that it would ever end.

However, given the excessive amount of bare skin, midriff-baring shirts soon gained a rather unsavory reputation, especially when paired with increasingly low-rise jeans or miniskirts. Soon, there was an overabundance of skin everywhere, and not just at the local bar or club – school districts started to crack down on the midriff-baring epidemic, which was deemed to be too distracting and inappropriate for the classroom. Eventually, the fashion world extended the hemlines of fashionable tops and shirts, declaring that showing too much skin was no longer considered demure and sexy.

Given the current fashion trends, midriff-baring shirts are definitely considered out-of-style. Pick up a copy of your favorite fashion magazine or watch a few episodes of a style channel and you’ll hardly see an ounce of bare midriff. The more popular stomach-baring shirts of the nineties have now been replaced by voluminous shirts in bright and fun colors, or fitted shirts with flirty graphic prints. In fact, one of the more popular styles this season is wearing a long shirt which has a hemline that hits past the waist – which is an extreme opposite from a shirt that exposes your midriff! This latest style trend started in response to the skinny jean look, which fits tightly around the thighs and hips and tapers into a pencil-thin ankle. Add a midriff-baring shirt to this equation, and you’ve got a recipe for a very unflattering look – especially if you’re anything above a size zero.

However, it’s no secret that the fashion world is cyclical – what is now considered out-of-style and antiquated will soon roar back as the latest trend in high fashion. So if you’re loathe to throw away your most treasured midriff-baring shirt, keep it in the back of your closet – it’ll more than likely come back in style again!

Is It Fashionable to Wear a T-Shirt Over a Thermal Shirt?

As weather turns cold, you may be forced to choose between being warm and looking cool in your stylish t-shirt. That is unless you can wear a thermal shirt under it. A thermal shirt under a t-shirt, if worn in the proper circumstances, can be fashionable. What are those circumstances you may be wondering?  First, you need to choose a t-shirt and thermal shirt combination for the right weather, activities, and location. Second, you need to pair a properly weighted thermal shirt and t-shirt combination. Last, consider the print and color combinations you are using when wearing both.

Carefully consider the day’s weather before choosing this combination. If the day is too warm, you may end up looking like one of those people who is trying too hard to follow a trend at all costs in your dynamic duo. You may even get too hot in your day’s clothing choice and have to sneak into a restroom to shed a layer. However, on the right weather day, you will look stylish and practical. Often spring and fall weather offers the perfect conditions for pairing a t-shirt and thermal shirt.
After considering the weather, think about what activities you’ll be doing. A thermal shirt worn with a t-shirt is perfect for a day of hiking, biking, or almost any other outdoor activity in which a plain t-shirt would not be warm enough. A casual day hanging out with friends at a coffee shop is another.

Finally, if you’re going to be somewhere that the people look like they just stepped out of an REI catalog, this combination is perfect. Think comfy casual. Maybe that’s why this pairing is so perfect for college students and a clothing staple for many of them.

If the right weather, occasion, and location exist, you need to think about the weight of the t-shirt and thermal shirt you want to wear together. In order to be fashionable, the fit of both has to be just right. The thermal shirt should be fairly light weight and fit closely to your body.  The t-shirt should also be lightweight and needs to fit comfortably over the thermal shirt without making you look like a box. You want to appear as if you still have some curves and are not the stay- puff marshmallow man!

Once you’ve selected appropriately weight shirts, you need to consider the print and color combinations of the thermal shirt and the t-shirt. While you may have thought this step should come before fit, it doesn’t because you can probably pull off some pretty crazy combinations if the fit is right. That said, unless you’re trying to make a statement, it is usually best to pair neutral color combinations and limited patterns.

Now that you’ve pulled together a fashionable thermal shirt and t-shirt combination for your day, make sure you choose the appropriate pants, shoes, and accessories to complete the mood of your day and activities. Now show your friends and family how stylish a thermal shirt under a t-shirt can be!

How Many T-Shirts Should I Have in My Wardrobe?

How Many T-Shirts Should I Have in My Wardrobe and How Often Can I Wear the Same T-Shirt Without People Noticing?

This is a question that many people ask when they are stocking a wardrobe that is comfortable, causal and fashionable. The answer, however, is that there is no one right answer for everyone. Some people may want a lot more t-shirts in order to wear the same shirt less often and appear to have a much larger wardrobe. This is often the case for women who are concerned about the way their wardrobe will be perceived.

For people who work in casual environments or are still in school, they will need more t-shirts than someone who wears both casual and more formal clothing regularly. The number of t-shirt for someone who wears t-shirts every day should be at least 20 shirts. This will allow some to be in the laundry while others are ready to wear. It will also ensure that the same t-shirt will not have to be worn in the same two-week period.

If you are very concerned with not having people notice how often you wear a t-shirt, having at least 30 will make it possible to wear a different t-shirt every day of the month. If you work in a casual environment, this number will also make it possible to do laundry whenever it’s convenient instead of having to do it more often to keep your supply of t-shirts fresh.

For people who wear business clothing, uniforms and wear t-shirts less often, they will likely not need as many t-shirts in their wardrobe. Having about 10 to 15 t-shirts should be enough. This will supply enough t-shirts to wear to casual events, to wear on weekends and for casual days at the office.

To keep from wearing the same item too soon, many people try to keep track of when they last wore an item. People who are very concerned about this take a cue from celebrities and write down when they wore each item or put an index card on it with the last date it was worn. But that shouldn’t be necessary with t-shirts unless the t-shirt is going to a red-carpet event sometime soon. A better way to keep track is simply to plan a laundry day just for t-shirts every two or three weeks. That way, the clothing in it the laundry won’t be worn again for awhile.

If you have the space, create two piles and organize them for two different laundry days- One for items that were worn during the first two weeks of the month and another pile for t-shirts worn during the last two weeks of the month. This is an easy way to keep the supply of t-shirts organized so that they the same ones aren’t worn too often.

T-shirts should periodically be replaced, however, as they become worn or stained. A good t-shirt should last a long time with the proper care, but eventually it may need to be taken out of the rotation and replaced with a new one. This will keep the number of t-shirts steady and ensure that you always have something presentable to wear.

Is it Fashionable to Wear a Black Bra and White T-Shirt?

What is in fashion always depends on whom you ask. It changes from one time to another, place to place and even one age to another. Many newspaper columnists and entire magazines are devoted to determining what is in and what is not. While there are many similarities between what two different fashionistas say is hot for one season, many other things are different.

Wearing a black bra with a white T-shirt definitely makes a statement. It shows a little devil-may-care type of attitude. It tells others that you don’t like to follow rules and that you think outside the box. It says that you are an independent kind of person who takes the path that is less traveled. This look also tells that you are relaxed and laid back. A white T-shirt that has a black bra underneath is definitely a casual kind of look and not one for the office.

Many people will say that it is a fashion faux pas to wear a black bra under a white T-shirt and for those people, there is no convincing them otherwise. Many people feel that the most acceptable type of undergarment is the one that cannot be seen. It simply does its job without calling attention to itself. In the case of the white T-shirt that would mean either a white bra or a nude colored one are the bra colors of choice. However, even with these 2 options there is still debate. Some people feel that the white under white works best, while others feel that the best choice is a nude one, as it is the least noticeable.

Whether you are for the black bra-white T-shirt combination or against it, there are guidelines to keep in mind. The absolute best bra, regardless of color, to wear under a T-shirt is a seamless smooth cup bra, that is a solid color. Stay away from lace or bras with designs on them as it will take away from the clean line of the T-shirt. Be sure to choose a bra that is not see through, especially if the T-shirt is white. You’ll be getting attention for all the wrong reasons.

No matter what your feelings about bra color under white T-shirts, there is nothing more adaptable than the addition of white T-shirts to your wardrobe. They go with practically everything. You can have plain ones for those dressy occasions or printed ones for everyday. There are so many fun things to have printed on a custom-made white T-shirt, that you can have one for every day of the week, every season and every mood. They cam be to show off something you are proud of, make a statement about something you feel strongly about or just simply for fun. You can get sexy white T-shirts, large white T-shirts to sleep in or casual white tees.

Order your custom-made white T-shirt today and show off your fashion sense, with a black bra, a white bra or no bra underneath!

Wearing a T-Shirt Under Your Polo Shirt – Fashion or Faux Pas?

Is wearing a T-shirt under your polo shirt considered fashionable? When is it not? Fashions come and go and change from place to place. What is considered trendy in one place may be nerdy in another. From season to season things definitely change in regards to style. If you are caught wearing something from last season’s trends amongst certain groups, you will never live it down. Yet, for the most part, the majority of people are not too rigid about the wrongs and rights of fashion. As long as it looks pretty good and is comfortable, people will continue to wear it, if it appeals to them.

People have been wearing T-shirts under polo shirts for many years now and it is still controversial as to whether it is a fashion or not. The layered look has been a trend in the past few years and would definitely encourage the idea of tees under polos. In some climates and during certain seasons it makes a lot of sense to layer. For other places and seasons, people will resist layering whether it is trendy or not because of the temperature.

The reason that people originally began to wear T-shirts under polo shirts was to keep the polo shirt dry and clean. By layering, the sweat from the body is absorbed by the shirt closest to the body. It has the chance to evaporate before settling into the polo shirt or other type of shirt that is worn over the T-shirt. This lead to a cleaner, fresher look for the wearer and no sweaty armpits showing to be self-conscious about. For some men this is very important as sweating distracts from the professional appearance they are trying to portray.

There are specific fashion guidelines to wearing a T-shirt under your polo shirt. Not following the guidelines leads to a definite fashion faux pas. It is important to wear a T-shirt that is lighter in color than the polo you have over it, to provide balance. The T-shirt should always be tucked in and should be the proper fit. Under no circumstances should the T-shirt be a bigger size than the polo because that would create bumps in the line of the clothing. Having the T-shirt sticking out from under the sleeves of the polo is also not visually appealing. T-shirts that have a V neckline should never be paired with a polo shirt.

Get yourself a variety of custom-made white or light-colored T-shirts today to wear under your polo shirts, to keep yourself warm or cooler or dryer or just for the look of it. You can even have fun with your shirts and have them printed with something funny like “This is my under the polo shirt”, “Property of __” or “This shirt never sees the light of day.” Having a good variety of T-shirts means you are always ready to throw a polo over one and head out the door. The look will take you just about anywhere.

Can I Wear a T-Shirt with a Blazer?

Don Johnson rocked our fashion worlds when he wore t-shirts and blazers on Miami Vice. No buttons? No collar? Is this man insane? Nope. Just fashion forward. And he set a trend that’s lived on into the 21st century. You know that wearing a t-shirt with a blazer can be a hip, casual look. That one’s easy. The harder one is knowing when it’s appropriate to wear the two together.

Job interviews

Wearing a t-shirt with a blazer is definitely not appropriate for a job interview. Even if the job interview is such that you can go business casual, it’s still a no-no. The look has a rogue, devil-may-care air about it that doesn’t necessarily shout out “hire me!”

Work – it can go either way

Whether or not you can wear a blazer with a t-shirt to work depends on the atmosphere of your workplace. If you work with a bunch of buttoned-up corporate execs, then it’s a no. But if you work at a trendy clothing store or a hip consulting firm, then go for it.

Those who own their own businesses get to set their own dress code. Freelance photographers or architects might find that pairing a t-shirt with a blazer makes them look down-to-earth but still well put together when meeting with clients.

Date nights and get-togethers

On a casual date, say catching a movie or going out for drinks, the blazer/t-shirt look will work. It’s a step up from jeans and a t-shirt and shows your date that you’ve got a bit of fashion sense. You can also wear a blazer with a t-shirt when you get together with friends for a night on the town or a dinner party. In fact, the t-shirt and blazer combo will work for just about any casual or informal party.
On the flipside, if you’re taking your date to an upscale restaurant or a play, wearing a t-shirt with your blazer isn’t appropriate. It’s likewise inappropriate for upscale cocktail parties, particularly if your boss will be there.

Women, t-shirts, and blazers

Women, on the other hand, can wear a t-shirt under a blazer just about any day of the week. A fitted, color cotton tee under a camel-colored blazer paired with dressed-up jeans is a can’t miss look. It can even be work-appropriate if you wear matching dress slacks. A t-shirt with a blazer looks sophisticated and is a great way to dress up without going the frilly, girly route.

How to wear a t-shirt with a blazer

It probably goes without saying that you should never pair a pastel tee and a white blazer with rolled up sleeves unless you’re the legendary Mr. Johnson. To pull off this look, you’ve got to pick a casual t-shirt. And no, that doesn’t mean a holey pit-stained Hooter’s shirt. Go for something sharp, designer-inspired and in a darker tone. Also, always go with a round collar; no v-necks.

The Rule of Thumb

When in doubt about wearing a t-shirt with a blazer, just remember this rule: Wearing a t-shirt with a blazer is NEVER, EVER a substitute for a suit.

T-shirt shrick

How to Shrink Your T-shirt

T-shirt shrickMost T-shirts today come pre-shrunk, however there is still a small amount of shrinkage that can still occur. If it shrinks significantly, it shows that the manufacturing quality is probably not very high. Preshrunk is a standard used in good quality T-shirt manufacturing because it tends to provide a more stable finished format and better results with color, printing and size. However, there are times when we buy or are given those T-shirts that have not been preshrunk and they are too large for us. That’s when we want to shrink a T-shirt so that it fits better.

If you are looking to shrink a T-shirt that you have, you first need to look at the fabric content. There are certain fabrics that simply just do not shrink, like acrylic. The majority of T-shirts though are made of cotton or a cotton blend and these do shrink under the right conditions. The trick to shrinking cotton T-shirts is to use lots of heat.

First set your washer for a small load and set the water temperature to hot. If the pre-set temperature on your home’s water heater is more warm than hot, you may want to add some boiling water to the washer also to increase the temperature.

Then add your T-shirt to be shrunk to the wash water and let it proceed through the cycle as usual. Do not put any other clothes in with your T-shirt and use laundry detergent like usual.

As soon as the washer finishes, put it in the dryer on the highest temperature setting possible and leave it there until it is bone dry. Then, let it sit until it cools before removing it. You should have succeeded in reducing it one or two sizes. You may also iron it with a very hot iron, but do not iron outward as you may stretch it.

One thing to keep in mind however is that any clothing item that you shrink at home may not shrink in the ways you want it to. Often the results are uneven or the shirt is too short, or not wide enough or the collar or sleeves didn’t shrink in relation to the shirt. Therefore when you attempt this, the results are always risky and you may not get want you want, leaving you with a T-shirt that doesn’t fit right and doesn’t look good anymore.

If you opt to get a preshrunk T-shirt that is an almost perfect fit, avoid shrinkage by washing it in cold or warm water and drying it on low. If you get a larger shirt than you need for whatever reason and want to shrink it, follow the directions above for the best possible result.

Get yourself a variety of custom-made T-shirts that fit, by ordering online to guarantee that your size is in stock and you’ll never need to shrink a T-shirt again. No need to worry about uneven shrinkage or a retailer selling out of your size when you order custom-made T-shirts in the design of your choice.

If you have any advice on shrinking or preventing your shirt please let us know.