What Is Administrative Professionals Week

Appreciating Administrative Professionals Week

Every time you step into an office or place of business, you’re more than likely to meet a secretary or receptionist who acts as a buffer between you, the customer or client, and the people providing services. It doesn’t matter whether those services are medical in nature, or mechanical, someone has to be responsible for making appointments, keeping the books and taking phone calls while the service providers are busy doing what they do best: fixing your car, offering medical treatments or organizing your taxes.

Employers around the world, but most especially in the United States, would be hindered in their businesses if they didn’t have an administrative professional taking care of all the little details of office management and financial records that they don’t have the time, and on many occasions, the inclination, to do themselves. An administrative professional can be called many things; secretary, assistant, or virtual Girl Friday, but they all serve one purpose and that is to help the boss man run his business.

Administrative Professionals Week used to be knows as Secretaries Week, and is usually observed during the last week of April, while the specific day to honor all secretaries and office support staff is usually honored on the Wednesday of that week. Since it’s early beginnings in 1952, employers around the United States recognize the efforts and support of their administrative staff and bestow various gifts upon them such as flowers, candy, and cards or even lunch on the boss. If an administrative professional is lucky, his or her boss will offer a raise and a day off work, but the day is meant to convey more than gifts and flattery. The day was organized as the result of the efforts of Harry Klemfuss, a post World War Two businessman, who realized that without secretarial support, most businesses would flounder. He encouraged employers around the country to recognize the efforts of administrative assistants, secretaries and clerks everywhere.

His efforts paid off, and the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Charles Sawyer, first recognized the event. The day was observed during the first week of June in 1952, and labeled National Secretaries Day. In 1998, the name of the day was adapted to incorporate all fields of administrative support. According to the International Association of Administrative Professionals, anyone who “is responsible for administrative tasks and coordination of information in support of an office-related environment” are considered administrative personnel. Some employers appreciate their secretaries, office managers, executive assistants and office coordinators so much that they help to fund additional training for their employees in order to obtain college degrees or college classes geared to enhance and improve their skill levels. They also encourage, endorse and sometimes pay fees and dues for memberships in various organizations and unions as well as reimburse their support employees for special training in management, administrative and technology skills that will serve to improve their businesses and professional capabilities. Many employers also encourage, and pay for, their administrative personnel to attend seminars and conferences, in addition to workshops that will help them be better administrative professionals.

An administrative professional, no matter what they’re called, serves a wide variety of employers in ways that can’t be measured in flowers or lip service, though such mementoes of recognition are always appreciated. Administrative professionals represent a company or business, and are often the first person clients or customers see and have contact with. This first impression is vital to employers, and can earn or lose clients. As such, most employers recognize and appreciate the position their administrative staff provides for them and wholeheartedly support the event that’s focused on their very important support personnel.

When is Andrew Jackson Day

Andrew Jackson Day

Andrew Jackson served as the seventh President of the United States and held office for two terms, from 1829 to 1837. Born in South Carolina in 1767, he is considered one of the few presidents that have ever been elected to office by an overwhelming popular vote.

Jackson’s history is distinctly American. Born in the woods of South Carolina, he was basically self-taught. As a young man, he practiced law in Tennessee, though he also had the reputation of a ‘wild man’, engaging in brawls and duels. He is even known to have killed one man in a duel after the man offended his wife. A proud, noble man, Jackson lived near Hermitage, Tennessee, and was the first man elected to the House of Representatives from that state.

Nicknamed ‘Old Hickory’, Jackson was known to be unbending when it came to concepts of honor, loyalty and dedication. He felt that governmental duties were ‘so plain and simple’ that official positions should easily be filled by the common man, and not self-declared politicians. During elections for his second term as President, Jackson won a 56% vote from the American public.

Andrew Jackson is remembered as a president who said what he thought, and such a concept as ‘politically correct’ behavior is something he would have laughed at. Jackson was a man of his word, and everyone knew where he or she stood with him. His popularity was a constant during his years in the Oval Office, and even his opponents could not fault him for his moral stand and respected him for his tenacity.

Inhabitants of his native state of Tennessee celebrate Andrew Jackson Day on March 15th every year. It’s an official holiday in that state, but in no others, which serves to show the affection Tennesseans have for their former son. Born in the backwoods of America, he, like Abraham Lincoln, who later followed him in public service as a lawyer and political candidate, followed his heart and did what he felt was right and just in the eyes of the American people. At the age of fourteen, Jackson fought and was wounded in the Revolutionary War. He became a national hero during the War of 1812, and was the first president to hail from the western side of the Appalachian Mountains.

Millions of Americans celebrate the life and times of this unique president. Not only in Tennessee, but also throughout the nation, as well as those in Washington D.C. celebrate the life of this great and popular president. Visitors from around the country are able to take Andrew Jackson tours and find a multitude of items pertaining to this most favored of American presidents, from paintings to documents to statues. Jackson’s home in Hermitage, Tennessee, is the focal point of travelers from around the country, and is one of the better-preserved early American homes in the United States. Visitors to New Orleans can visit monuments to battles Jackson led in that area during the War of 1812, and visitors to the White House can find the Southern Magnolia tree he planted in honor of his wife. Is remembered as the first president to actually pay off the national debt and actually leave office with a surplice of money in the U.S. Treasury! As president, Jackson expanded both the power and reputation of the office and carried out reforms and exercised his power of veto on more than one occasion. Tennesseans celebrate Andrew Jackson day every year with birthday parties that they fondly call, “Happy Birthday to Old Hickory” events, where southern food and entertainments are in plentiful supply.

America’s office of the Presidency has seen many colorful presidents, but none quite so colorful as Andrew Jackson. His rough and tumble ways seem to personify the American spirit, even in such a prestigious setting, but Jackson wasn’t a man who cared much for doing things the ‘correct’ way; he was more worried about what was right, and followed his convictions to the end.

What To Wear Boating

Anchor’s Aweigh during National Safe Boating Week

Boating is a favorite American pastime, one that is enjoyed by millions of vacationers every year. Still, many people don’t think about safety when they hit the water, and whether you’re going on a cruise or venturing into a nearby lake to do some bass fishing or even onto the ocean for a day of sunshine and company, safety needs to be considered before the engine turns over.

Every May 20th through the 26th, the country focuses on boat safety. It’s the beginning of summer holidays and vacations, and growing numbers of people ride the waves in search of fun and adventure every year. Everything from white water rafting to kayaking and surfing are enjoyed, as is deep sea fishing, snorkeling and wading and boogie boarding at the local beach or lake front. However, men, women and children are killed or drowned every year because they did not follow basic guidelines when it comes to boating or water safety. There is nothing so tragic as setting out at the beginning of the day to have some fun in the sun, and to have it end with flashing lights, ambulances and a trip to the hospital, or worse, a morgue. Safety is not an option when boating, and making sure that guidelines are known, and followed, is the reason for the existence of National Safe Boating Week.

Almost one million Americans enjoy the sport of recreational boating every summer, and over twelve million Americans own a boat of some sort. While boating fatalities have decreased in some locations, too many people still die from boating accidents every year, and many of those are due to failure to observe and follow safety guidelines. Just as every passenger in a vehicle is required to wear a seatbelt these days, the same goes for boaters, in a different sense. While there is no law that strictly demands every passenger of a boat wear some sort of flotation device, it seems common sense should come in to play when almost 90% of fatalities occur in those not wearing any type of life vest or flotation device. Most states in the United States require anyone under the age of ten years old to wear a life jacket when on the water, and if a boat is less than eighteen feet long, though for everyone else, a life jacket is optional.

As summer approaches, many local communities and schools offer boating safety classes and seminars in order to decrease the number of potential accidents or fatalities in their counties. Boating accident deaths can be the result of drowning, trauma, hypothermia and carbon monoxide poisonings. In most of these cases, the wearing of a flotation device or life jacket can mean the difference between life and death.

Boating authorities warn against the use of alcohol or drugs when planning water activities, but many people don’t heed such warnings. Many times, people new to boating aren’t properly trained in the use and functioning of their boat, which is like asking for an accident to happen, to either themselves or their passengers. In one year alone, it is estimated that wearing a life jacket could have saved almost five hundred lives, which is why National Safe Boating Week addresses such issues with television and magazine ads, and boating supply stores and facilities often offer courses in boat safety and management. Americans everywhere love to get out on the water for a day or more of play, but knowing boating regulations, adhering to those rules, and properly equipping your boat can mean all the difference between a day to remember for all the right reasons, or a day to remember a tragedy that should not have happened.

National Safe Boating Week is observed every May, just in time for all that fun in the sun. The next time you’re invited out on the water, make sure that your captain has enough life vests or flotation devices for everyone on board, just in case. A good, conscientious caption will invariably reply, ‘Aye’.

What Is American Heritage and Loyalty Day

American Heritage and Loyalty Day

There are many ways people show loyalty: loyalty to friends, to a cause or a country. Loyalty to the United States of America is celebrated every year on May 1st to honor the freedom this country stands for and represents around the world.

Loyalty Day used to be called ‘Americanization Day’ back in the 1920’s, when it was first celebrated with parades and ceremonies at both community and state levels. Nowadays, not many people celebrate Loyalty Day because it’s not recognized as a federal holiday, though it is designated as a national holiday. These days, Loyalty Day has become known as May Day, a day set aside to remember and honor veterans of wars, to enjoy parades and to ensure that loyalty and pride in America is never forgotten. The motto of May Day is, “Remain loyal to America”.

Back in the 1930’s, veterans groups felt that a national day of celebration was in order to help combat the spread of communism throughout the western world. Veterans from World War One, and even some Civil War veterans joined groups promoting a day of remembrance of what the United States of America stood for and to also remember the sacrifices that soldiers throughout this country’s history had suffered and died for. Veterans throughout the country began to organize parades and local events every year, and wrote thousands of letters to congressmen and federal government officials, asking for a day set aside to honor the loyalty for America that runs deep in the American consciousness. Before long, schools, churches and special groups of veterans or military service members joined in. On May 1, 1930, over ten thousand war veterans held a rally at New York’s Union Square to promote and encourage patriotism.

The movement slowly gained ground until the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor brought America to the brink of war and into the battle. Years of war and thousands of soldiers lost their lives fighting for freedom and against the oppression of Nazism until finally, World War Two was won and America’s war weary sons returned home. The idea of a ‘loyalty’ day continued to strike a chord deep in most Americans and in 1949, President Eisenhower made the day a national observance. Official observances of Loyalty Day began in 1950, as more than five million people engaged in planned parades, events and speeches held in communities across the nation. In New York City alone, more than one hundred thousand people showed their enduring loyalty for America and vowed never to forget the sacrifices and the blood that has been spilled in the name of democracy and freedom. In 1958, the United States Congress officially proclaimed Loyalty Day as a national holiday.

Loyalty Day is remembered in most schools today, though mostly at the elementary and middle school levels, with children being visited by veterans of various wars who speak of how important it is to show loyalty to our great country. Flags are flown; classrooms and community halls are decorated with red, white and blue bunting, carnations and crepe paper rolls. Picnics and parades are still celebrated in many rural comminutes around the United States, though not as often as they used to be. Loyalty Day is an important, if not official federal holiday. People throughout the United States encourage others, especially the younger generations, to always remember the debt of gratitude that is owed to all our veterans, both living and dead, for their courage and dedication in service to our country. American principles of freedom and democracy will endure forever, thanks to the men and women who have fought and died to preserve the greatest union in the world.

American Heritage and Loyalty Day

There are many ways people show loyalty: loyalty to friends, to a cause or a country. Loyalty to the United States of America is celebrated every year on May 1st to honor the freedom this country stands for and represents around the world.

Loyalty Day used to be called ‘Americanization Day’ back in the 1920’s, when it was first celebrated with parades and ceremonies at both community and state levels. Nowadays, not many people celebrate Loyalty Day because it’s not recognized as a federal holiday, though it is designated as a national holiday. These days, Loyalty Day has become known as May Day, a day set aside to remember and honor veterans of wars, to enjoy parades and to ensure that loyalty and pride in America is never forgotten. The motto of May Day is, “Remain loyal to America”.

Back in the 1930’s, veterans groups felt that a national day of celebration was in order to help combat the spread of communism throughout the western world. Veterans from World War One, and even some Civil War veterans joined groups promoting a day of remembrance of what the United States of America stood for and to also remember the sacrifices that soldiers throughout this country’s history had suffered and died for. Veterans throughout the country began to organize parades and local events every year, and wrote thousands of letters to congressmen and federal government officials, asking for a day set aside to honor the loyalty for America that runs deep in the American consciousness. Before long, schools, churches and special groups of veterans or military service members joined in. On May 1, 1930, over ten thousand war veterans held a rally at New York’s Union Square to promote and encourage patriotism.

The movement slowly gained ground until the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor brought America to the brink of war and into the battle. Years of war and thousands of soldiers lost their lives fighting for freedom and against the oppression of Nazism until finally, World War Two was won and America’s war weary sons returned home. The idea of a ‘loyalty’ day continued to strike a chord deep in most Americans and in 1949, President Eisenhower made the day a national observance. Official observances of Loyalty Day began in 1950, as more than five million people engaged in planned parades, events and speeches held in communities across the nation. In New York City alone, more than one hundred thousand people showed their enduring loyalty for America and vowed never to forget the sacrifices and the blood that has been spilled in the name of democracy and freedom. In 1958, the United States Congress officially proclaimed Loyalty Day as a national holiday.

Loyalty Day is remembered in most schools today, though mostly at the elementary and middle school levels, with children being visited by veterans of various wars who speak of how important it is to show loyalty to our great country. Flags are flown; classrooms and community halls are decorated with red, white and blue bunting, carnations and crepe paper rolls. Picnics and parades are still celebrated in many rural comminutes around the United States, though not as often as they used to be. Loyalty Day is an important, if not official federal holiday. People throughout the United States encourage others, especially the younger generations, to always remember the debt of gratitude that is owed to all our veterans, both living and dead, for their courage and dedication in service to our country. American principles of freedom and democracy will endure forever, thanks to the men and women who have fought and died to preserve the greatest union in the world.

Why Do We Celebrate American Heart Month

American Heart Month

Since heart disease is the leading cause of death in Americans, it stands to reason that we should celebrate American Heart Month, a time that is devoted to heart health around the country. The month of February is devoted to heart health around the country, with doctors, community health services and private citizens doing their best to get the word out about how to better take care of our hearts and ourselves.

With almost a million people being stricken with heart attacks, disease or death every year, it’s about time that the public in general was educated about various heart conditions that can severely inhibit quality of life or cause tragic, and sometimes unnecessary death. Every heart-health subject from high cholesterol to coronary heart disease is talked about, written about or heard about during American Heart Month every year. Knowing something about your heart, how it works, how it reacts to particular conditions and how to prevent some heart diseases and conditions is the main thrust of educational topics offered during American Heart Month. Sponsored by major health organizations like the American Heart Association and the Center for Disease Control, American Heart Month certainly helps get the point across to millions of Americans through a variety of venues.

Every February, the American Heart Association initiates programs and tools that help Americans to determine if they might be at risk for heart trouble, and this year has instituted a National Body Challenge. A national campaign called Go Red For Women has challenged one million women to wear red and take action against their highest rated killer by getting a heart check up. Offered online, this cyber checkup offers an assessment of heart health and your risks of contracting any form of heart disease and how to prevent heart disease.

American Heart Month is a time to educate everyone, young and old, about the importance of taking care of your heart, and schools across the country hold events for heart disease research and Jump for Heart programs throughout the United States. The media is inundated with television commercials and magazine ads proclaiming the importance of heart health in Americans, and shows us ways to ensure healthy hearts. Communities around the country hold special events, seminars and special classes that instruct Americans how to best offset heart disease by explaining good eating habits, the benefits of exercise and staying way from drinking, smoking and drugs to promote healthy hearts.

American Heart Month is an opportunity for all doctors, nurses and health care professionals to inform, teach and otherwise instruct both young and old Americans to take care of their hearts. It is understood that by taking steps on their own to insure healthy hearts, Americans can save millions of dollars spent every year on medications, doctors, surgeries and hospital stays. Taking control of heart health can ease the financial burden felt by government programs as well as private pocketbooks. American Heart Month encourages people to get heart screening and tests done that will help prevent mild conditions such as high cholesterol from becoming more serious conditions like coronary heart disease, and often offer testing at reduced prices or even for free at community health locations around the country.

Americans have the power to learn, to promote heart research and to prevent many medical conditions through information and action. Both heart attack survivors and those who have helped to save them celebrate American Heart Month every February. Your heart beats an entire lifetime, and it’s up to each individual to recognize that fact. American Heart Month reminds us that hearts aren’t invincible, and it’s up to us to take care of each and every one of them.

How to Celebrate Aviation Day

Airborne on Aviation Day!

Aviation Day celebrates the spirit of flight that captured the imaginations of all who dared to fly in the sky like birds. It’s a day to honor those who thought beyond the constraints of gravity and enabled mankind to reach the moon.

August 19th is Aviation Day, observed throughout America most especially by those who work in the aviation industry. The possibility of mass transportation through flight was recognized in the late 1930, and perpetuated by the heroic cross Atlantic flights of Charles Lindbergh and the gallantry of Amelia Earhart. Even before those historic accomplishments however, were the brief yet amazing experiments conducted by Orville and Wilbur Wright, the brothers who launched the first airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903. The two brothers dared to soar with the birds, and accomplished a dream that had been held by man since the beginning of time. While the flight lasted only twelve seconds, Orville piloted the primitive aircraft 120 feet, and thus began an unquenchable desire to master airwaves and currents that continues to this day.

The brief flight of the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk propelled others to further develop the Wright brothers’ designs, and before long, independent inventors and daring pilots were making the idea of flight a very likely prospect for the future.

National Aviation Day is not a federal holiday, but is recognized and celebrated by every state in the union; a day to reflect on the contributions and ingenuity of those who seek limitless possibilities. Schools across the nation invite airline pilots, engineers and even those who work with NASA, in the space administration, to offer talks in classrooms and auditoriums around the country. Focus on such events is not only on career possibilities, but in the fields of space exploration and research and technology. Aviation Day is also celebrated with plays and speeches about famous aviation pioneers like Amelia Earhart and Chuck Yeager, who was the first man to break the sound barrier. Aviation has come a long way since that twelve second flight on the beaches of Kitty Hawk in 1903, and Americans remember the dedication and sacrifices that have been made to perpetuate the process of flight and space exploration since then. The huge success of the space shuttle program has encouraged many young people to aspire to become astronauts and become pioneers in further space explorations and discoveries.

Military branches regularly offer amazing and popular aerial displays on Aviation Day from their specialized fighter pilot teams. The Thunderbirds and the Blue Angels draw hundreds of thousands of spectators for every performance. Aircraft designs have come a long way since that first rustic airplane that the Wright brothers flew, and technology and science continues to introduce faster and sleeker aircraft, for both military use and transportation needs.

Children and young people in America create models and crafts that honor the history of flight every year in classrooms throughout the country. They visit museums and learn about the great pioneers in aviation history, and many grow up to follow in the footsteps of their ancestors. Celebrating Aviation Day is more than recognizing the importance of airplanes in the lives of Americans; it’s also a celebration of the human spirit and the desire to explore new realms. That desire to explore and to search extends way beyond the horizon and extends into space. More young people than ever before are entering the space program or learning skills that will find them jobs and careers in the space industry. That twelve second flight had an impact on Americans that is unequalled by any other event in the history of discoveries, and continues to live on to this day.

When Is Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday

Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday

The United States of America has few presidents that are more beloved and admired than Abraham Lincoln, our sixteenth president. There’s something about the tall, homely man that evokes in people the sense that Lincoln was a genuinely gentle man, one who cared deeply for his country and was distraught at the Civil War that broke out during his years of presidency.

The first observation of Lincoln’s birthday was held in 1866. Washington D.C. was determined to remember their assassinated president with speeches and memorial services that honored the man and what he stood for. Attended by President Johnson, his Cabinet members, as well as senators and legislators from nearly every state in the Union, the event was well represented for this first memorial address offered in the name of the beloved president. The anniversary of Lincoln’s birth on February 12th was designated as the day to honor his memory and flags throughout the capitol and the nation flew at half-staff. That first memorial was a somber affair, an occasion that honored his birth as well as periods of silence marking his sudden and violent death.

Lincoln took the presidential office in March of 1861, and the War Between the States broke out about a month later, plunging the country into a period of darkness that has never been repeated. Lincoln was re-elected to the presidency in 1864, but in April of 1865, just as the war came to an end, he was shot at Ford’s Theatre while watching a play. He died the following morning, and his death plunged the nation into mourning, both in the North and the South. Upon his death, his secretary of war stated, “He now belongs to the ages.”

By 1909, the hundredth anniversary of his birth, Lincoln’s name and memory had become an American favorite, and Americans revered and honored his name more than any other president in history to date. Memorial tablets were placed at Lincoln’s birthplace in Springfield, Illinois, which is a National and Historical Landmark to this day. As each year passed, millions of Americans celebrated the life of the president who sought to hold a divided nation together, and who died as a result of that dedication. Lincoln’s name made a great impact on other countries around the world as well, and many nations joined to honor his memory throughout the world.

In 1910, a bill was passed by Congress to erect a National Monument in Washington D.C. in honor of Lincoln, and thus began building and construction plans for the Lincoln Memorial that is visited by millions of people every year, not only by Americans, but world travelers as well. The monument was completed in 1922. Lincoln’s portrait from 1864 has been used on the five-dollar bill in American for generations.

Schools across the nation observe and celebrate Lincoln’s birthday every year. Children of all ages learn one of Lincoln’s most famous and heartfelt speeches, the Gettysburg Address, given after a horrific battle that cost the lives of thousands of Americans fighting amongst themselves. Lincoln’s legacy urges Americans today to stand united, as he stated, “A house divided amongst itself cannot stand” and to this day, Americans strive to follow his lead and example. As one of the country’s favorite presidents, the anniversary of his birthday, celebrated every February 12th, is a special occasion in states around the nation, celebrated with patriotic parties, speeches and events. Abraham taught all Americans that even those who come from humble beginnings can strive and reach any goals they set for themselves, even if it includes reaching the greatest position in the country, as President of the United States.
During his second Inaugural address, Lincoln spoke words that endure to this day when he said, “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

What Is Pascua Florida Day

About Pascua Florida Day

It seems that several explorers bumped into what would eventually be known as American shores without realizing where they were; Christopher Columbus, Leif Erikson and Ponce de León, among others.

Actually, Ponce de León sailed with Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the New World in 1493 and remained on an island to the south of Florida called Santo Domingo. Ponce de León was a Spanish explorer who was seeking a fountain of youth. That’s right, a fountain of youth. This is no new-age fad, you see, but a thousand year old endeavor to remain young and vital. The Royal Family of Spain was so pleased with the explorer that they gave him an island in the Bahamas, and it was there that he began his search for the island called ‘Bimini’, which was one of the islands in the island chain that was supposed to contain this legendary fountain of youth

On his travels in early 1513, Ponce de León sighted the shores of southern Florida, and landed near what is known today as St. Augustine. However, he didn’t know that he had landed, not on an island, but on a vast continent. Because he saw enormous amounts and different varieties of flowers, and that it was the time of the Spanish Easter celebration, he called the location, ‘Pascua de Florida’, which in the Spanish language roughly means ‘flowery Easter’. Regardless, Ponce de León claimed the land for Spain and continued exploring the river ways and bays found throughout the Florida Keys in search of his elusive fountain. After arriving in Cuba, he abandoned his search and briefly returned to Spain.

Ponce de León didn’t give up easily. Five years later, the Spaniard tried again, this time with two ships and two hundred men. In 1521, his ships landed along the eastern shoreline of Florida. They actually stepped on American land, only to find themselves being shot at by Native Americans armed with bows and arrows. Unfortunately, an arrow struck Ponce de León and he and other injured crewmen sailed to Cuba, where he died from his wounds several months later.

Floridians have honored Ponce de Leon’s discoveries and spirit by creating Pascua Florida Day, celebrated every April 2nd, in recognition of the Spanish explorer’s naming of their state. While the day is neither a federal or national holiday, Florida natives and school children take the time to learn a bit about the history of their state as the anniversary of Pascua Florida Day approaches every year. Because the explorers landed during the time of the Spanish Easter celebration, Ponce de León felt that the name, Pascua Florida, was completely appropriate for this new, uncharted land.

Unfortunately, it was some time before Florida was properly settled. Native American tribesmen drove off not only Ponce de Leon’s men, but also those of the Narváez Expedition some eighteen years later, and again twenty years after that! Exploration and settlement of Florida would take many decades to develop, but thanks to the initial exploration, though accidental, of Ponce de León in his search for the fountain of youth, determined men and women followed in his footsteps to claim the southern land for Spain.

Celebrated exclusively in Florida, Pascua Florida Day is a day to remember the daring and adventurous spirits of the men and women who came before us, to brave uncertainties, harsh winters and unfriendly inhabitants in order to broaden horizons and discover new lands and living opportunities. Florida celebrates this day with parades, civic events and speeches that remind not only Floridians, but all Americans, that we are here only because of the men and women who came before us, braving limitless difficulties and hardships to pave the way for settlement.

How to Buy Prom Dresses Online

Time for the Ball – 10 Tips for Buying a Prom Dress Online

The time where a young woman had to go from one boutique to another and try on numerous prom dresses, only to find the one she wanted was not in stock has come and gone. Now, just as with almost anything else, you can get a beautiful designer prom dress online and what’s more, you can do it from the comfort of your own home; mostly.

While buying a prom dress online certainly saves time and possibly some money, you will want to follow these ten tips to ensure the process goes smoothly:

1.    Know what designer you want: By knowing exactly what designer or designers you are interested in you can shorten your search time and just search for the designers that peak your interest.
2.    Know what style you want: Prom dresses come in many styles such as a-line, column, mermaid, and many more. It is important to know which type best compliments your figure.
3.    Try on the dress at a boutique: Once you know what designer and style you want, go to an actual boutique so that you can try on the dress. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the one you will buy, but this will give you an idea of comfort and quality.
4.    Use the measuring chart: It is important to note that one designer’s 8 is another designer’s 6 and so on. Fortunately, most online boutiques offer a measuring chart according to each designer. Be sure to use the chart and never assume one size is the same from designer to designer.
5.    Comparison shop: Don’t just go with the first online boutique you browse. Once you know your designer, style, and size take some time to look at other boutiques to see if they have the same dress at a lower cost. Be sure to factor in shipping costs when comparing prices.
6.    Don’t push it: Just as you would if you were going to a boutique at the mall, leave yourself with plenty of time when ordering online. The last thing you want is to have your perfect prom dress on route on the day of your prom.
7.    Accessorize online: Most online boutiques offer all the accessories you would find at the mall. Many even have suggestions for you as the purchasing process goes on. If you have to accessories anyway, you might as well do it at the same time.
8.    Use only authorized dealers: If you find the perfect prom dress online at a price that is too good to be true, chances are it is. Make sure that you do business with an authorized dealer of the designer you choose so that you can buy with confidence.
9.    Get a tracking number: When your dress is shipped make sure to get a tracking number from the boutique. This way you can check on the status of your dress until it arrives at your home.
10.    Keep records: Keep any e-mails or receipts that are sent between you and the online boutique. Generally buying online is a smooth transaction, but it never hurts to keep yourself covered just in case.

Buying your prom dress online can be a fun experience, just make sure you give your choice plenty of thought first. Once your designer prom dress arrives all that remains is to go to the prom and have the time of your life.

What To Wear Camping

Camping is simply one of those activities that you love or hate. True camping aficionados will do it year round regardless of temperature or terrain. However, most people who enjoy camping are fine weather friends to the activity. They enjoy camping when it is warm and dry outside and love the opportunity to be at one with nature. Nothing beats the sound of falling asleep listening to the peaceful sounds of nature, unless of course you prefer to be lulled to sleep by the sweet hum of an air conditioner.

When you embark on a camping trip, there is always the question of what to wear and it is closely tied to the fact that camping requires a lot of packing. Therefore you want to make the best use of the clothes you choose to bring camping by opting for multi-purpose clothes. It is also important to bring clothing that you can layer. If the night turns cold you will want to be able to add another layer and keep warm. Bringing a warm-up suit that can be used to sleep in is a great choice in terms of versatile clothing.

Another thing to keep in mind is the type of material the clothes are made from. It is important to choose items that can dry quickly and are lightweight. These will keep you comfortable and dry, while allowing you to do a little laundry by hand so you can wear these things repeatedly. This allows you to bring the least amount of clothes and saves packing space. It is also the perfect type of clothing to keep you cool and comfortable on warm days in the summer – the high season for camping.

Be sure to choose protective clothing appropriate to the area you are going. You may need hiking boots or at least closed shoes to comfortably walk to the area in which you are camping. If you are planning to go to any of the areas where ticks are abundant long pants tucked into your socks and long sleeved shirts are essential choices. Even if you are not crazy about that fashion statement, it will keep you healthy. If your main choices for tops are tank tops, bring along a lightweight shirt with short sleeves to protect your shoulders from the sun at least occasionally.

For most camping expeditions to less wild places, shorts, T-shirts, bathing suits and sandals or flip flops will be the uniform of choice. Many campgrounds are located on the water or have swimming pools available for use. You will want to bring a comfortable bathing suit that you can have fun in. Warmer clothing for the evening may still be necessary. Be sure to check the weather before you go to be sure that you know what to expect and how to be best prepared.

By choosing your camping attire wisely you will have fewer things to bring along but will still be ready for anything that comes your way. Remember camping is all about fun and getting away from it all so don’t sweat the details too much.

Amelia Earhart

How To Dress Up Like Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart is a true American heroine. She is one of the few women featured in American history and was a pioneer in aviation. In addition to being an award-winning pilot and the first woman to pilot many historic voyages, she was also an acclaimed author of books about her own experiences. Her disappearance in 1937 was a mystery that still fascinates many. Dressing up like Amelia Earhart is a great testimonial to history and encourages others to learn more about this historical figure.

Dressing up like Amelia Earhart can be done in a variety of ways. You can opt for a dressy Amelia Earhart look or an all-business in-the-cockpit look. Either way, the distinguishing features that will set your costume apart from just a “period” look and make you clearly stand out as Amelia Earhart is the addition of the leather helmet and flying goggles that are typical of pilots of her era.

If you choose to dress up like Amelia Earhart in an everyday outfit or a dressy outfit, you will have a variety of looks to choose from. Flapper dresses were very popular in the 1930s and many of the pictures of Amelia show her in this style. Two piece suits with long straight skirts and a jacket over a blouse was also a common style for her. This was also one of the first times in history when women were beginning to wear pants. Earhart was often photographed in pant suits and pants with a blouse and jacket. She was often shown in bomber jackets and a short tan leather jackets. Her wardrobe was made up of very loose-fitting garments. Scarves were Amelia Earhart’s most commonly chosen accessory.

To dress up like Amelia Earhart, you will need to shy away from colorful clothes and prints. Her wardrobe was mostly of somber colors like navy, shades of brown, tan, khaki and green. Her blouses were mostly plain white.

If you are looking to create an Amelia Earhart at work look, you will need to find a one-piece set of coveralls, similar to what a mechanic would wear today. As she was a pioneer among women, there were no female flying suits available and pictures of her ready for flight show that the suits she wore were very unflattering. Shoes were always flat and utilitarian also. A set of coveralls, the leather helmet and the flying goggles are the three essential items for an Amelia ready-for-flight look.

Despite some rather unfashionable styles, especially when it came to what she wore in the cockpit, Amelia Earhart always had a beaming smile. She looked genuinely happy to do what she was doing, especially in action photos, as opposed to the more formal, publicity shots, which always looked contrived. To help pull off your genuine Amelia Earhart look, smile lots.

Do some research into 1930s era clothing for women. Opt for the most conservative of those items and throw in lots of pants and you have Amelia Earhart’s style. You can easily create a genuine costume that calls to mind a true American hero: Amelia Earhart.

Pippi Longstocking

How to Dress Like Pippi Longstocking

Pippi Longstocking

Pippi Longstocking is a fictional character from a series of children’s books. Pippi is a child living in a Swedish village with just her monkey and her horse. She doesn’t live with any relatives or adults and spends most of her time with two children who live next door, with whom she shares many adventures. Pippi is very cunning and very adventurous and is quick to dupe any adult who does not treat her and her friends nicely. Pippi is also unusually strong and can even pick up her horse with her own two hands.

To go along with her adventurous spirit, Pippi has a style all her own. With her mismatched clothes and whimsical hair, she is a sight to behold! And dressing like Pippi Longstocking can be as much of a crazy experience as the girl herself. Fun and easy, dressing like Pippi Longstocking just takes some preparation and a sense of adventure.

The most recognizable thing about Pippi Longstocking’s appearance is her hair. It’s fiery red and done up in braids that stick out straight from her head. Most people don’t have red hair, so a wig is a good option when trying to get the Pippi look. If you have hair that’s long enough, you can duplicate the style even if it’s not red. Part your hair in the middle and braid each half into equal braids. Slide a wire such as a straightened clothes hanger or some pipe cleaners down the center of each braid to get them to stick out. To make the look authentically Pippi, spray your hair with temporary red hair color. You should be able to find this at a costume shop. At the end of each braid tie a strip of brightly colored fabric or ribbon in a bow.

The next most noticeable element of Pippi’s style is her mismatched wardrobe. Pippi is often in a dress, usually a patchwork jumper. If you can’t find a patchwork jumper you can always use a brightly colored or patterned jumper that you can get at a thrift store or department store. Short overalls are another option if you can’t find a jumper. Wear either the overalls or the jumper over a turtle neck or bright t-shirt to complete the outfit.

On her feet and legs Pippi wears knee high socks in a variety of bright colors and patterns. Find some knee high socks to wear, even if they don’t match, and you’ll get the Pippi look. Add some big clunky shoes, maybe lace-up leather boots or chunky clogs. You could also try some Converse sneakers to get the look.

Pippi was a little girl so not much makeup is required except to replicate her famous freckles on your face. Use an eyeliner pencil or some costume makeup to dot freckles across your nose and cheeks.

Pippi Longstocking is an iconic image in children’s literature. Dressing like Pippi is fun and easy as long as you have the right materials. Once you do you can pull off the look in no time.

Burning man

What to Wear to Burning Man

Burning man

Burning Man is a yearly event that is held in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada and gets its name from the burning of the effigy that takes place on the last Saturday night of the event. The event is usually held the last Monday of August and runs until Labor Day. This event is usually accompanied by radical self expression and is a chance for experimental community to take place. So what should you wear to Burning Man?

It should be noted that Burning Man is a ‘clothing optional’ event so if you are planning on going, then be prepared for that. However, if you want on a little more that your birthday suit, here are some tips:

•    Shoes:
First and foremost you will want to get a comfortable pair of shoes. Burning Man will have you walking and walking a lot. There is what is known as playa dust all around and if your feet are not adequately covered then you can be susceptible to ‘Playa Foot’ which is a type of irritating burn. While not serious it can hinder the amount of fun you can have. You should wear either sneakers or work boots but you absolutely need to wear socks. You can also soak you feet at night to keep them fresh for the next day’s activities.
•    Get goggles: In the dessert a sand storm can whip up at any minute. To protect your eyes you can bring a pair of goggles. You can get the kind that fir over your glasses or get a more contemporary looking pair, but be sure your eyes are protected.
•    Dust masks: For the same reason you need goggles it is a good idea to have a dust mask handy. If you don’t want to use the traditional dust mask you can use any number of fun and stylish bandannas that can be worn around your neck and then used to mask your face from dust if need be.
•    Dress in layers: The dessert can be hot in the day and cold at night. Dressing in layers will not only add to your costume but it will also allow you to stay comfortable no matter what the temperature is.
•    Wear a hat: Find a fun and wild hat that you can wear that will not only add to your costume but will also help protect you from the elements.
•    Get colorful and creative: When it comes to Burning Man, the more color in your costume the better. Get creative and remember it is all about the art so feel free to experiment and go wild. Be sure that all of your decorations are either securely sewn onto your costume or hot glued on so that you don’t leave anything behind when you leave. Feathers are not a good idea as they can come off rather easily.

When you return home from Burning Man, don’t just throw your cloths in the washing machine. They will be filled with dust and that dust will turn to mud if thrown straight into your machine. Use a leaf blower to blow out the excess dust first and then you can wash your clothing as normal.

High waist skirt

What to Wear with a High Wasted Skirt

High waist skirt

High wasted skirts have seemed to make their way back into the fashion front as of late. These ultra slimming skirts are a play on the traditional pencil skirt that is of course worn high on the hips to give the appearance of longer and sexier legs. These skirts can be found in a variety of styles such as zipper front and side button, and materials such as spandex, wool, and polyester. What this all equals is more of an opportunity for you to incorporate this revived fashion into your everyday wardrobe. But what do you wear with a high waisted skirt?

Because the point to a high wasted skirt is to give the appearance of elongated legs you will want to wear things with your high wasted skirt that accentuate or call attention to that. You must also take into consideration the occasion you will be wearing the skirt and what the skirt looks like. Here a few ways that you can incorporate high wasted skirts into your everyday clothing lineup:

•    Denim skirt: If your high waisted skirt is denim then you can wear a white blouse that is made of a lightweight material. You will of course tuck in the shirt so that you can show off the fact that you are wearing a high waisted skirt and you can tie the outfit in with a fashionable wide belt. If it is cooler out then pair the outfit with a gray cardigan. For footwear you can go with gladiator shoes which are currently all the rage in Hollywood and will look perfect with this style.
•    Solid colored skirts: For a more casual look with a solid color high waisted skirt you can simply go with a bright v-neck or a cool graphic tee. Again you will tuck these in and use a wide belt to tie the outfit together. Your shoes can be ballerina flats or even heels if you like. Add even more fun to the mix by wearing a pair of black tights underneath. For a more formal look with a solid colored skirt you can wear an Oxford sweater tucked in and use a belt that is a loud color that will draw attention to itself. Heels are a must when going formal.
•    Skirts with patterns: If the skirt has a floral print then you will want to stick with solid color tees that are either crew neck or v-neck and tuck them in. The belt should match one of the colors in the pattern and so should your shoes. You can get a little creative in this department and wear calf high boots to enhance the fun look. If the skirt has an animal print then you can enhance that by a dark colored vest tops tucked in that have chunky silver or gold jewelry on them. Heels go great with the animal print look.

Remember, the purpose of a high wasted skirt is only apparent if you tuck in your shirts so everyone can see the fact that you have one on. If you leave your shirt untucked, nobody but you will know what it is you are wearing.


What to Wear on Vacation in Europe


If you are planning a trip to Europe you are in for a wonderful time and will experience things that you may never experience again. What is very important when you do visit Europe though that many Americans may not take into consideration is the way you dress. If you go looking like ‘an American’ you will be labeled as such and you could miss out on a whole bunch of things as many Europeans are on the stuffy side and will tend to judge you by the way you dress. So how should you dress when on vacation in Europe?

Europe is a big place and depending on where you are going it could be hot and balmy or cool and crisp so it pays to be prepared for anything. Here are some tips for how you should plan on dressing when you are getting ready to head over to Europe:

•    Classy cloths: Again, many Europeans will judge you solely on the cloths you are wearing. Unfortunately for you, the bulk of the people you will meet in Europe are hotel workers, restaurant worker, and so on. In order to get the good rooms, good tables, and good food you should always dress as though you have it coming to you.
•    Slacks as opposed to jeans: Jeans started gaining popularity in the 1990s in Europe but there are still a great number of places that won’t even let you cross the threshold if you are wearing a pair. A nice pair of comfy slacks made of wool and polyester will have you feeling and looking great and will be much more excepted wherever it is you go in Europe.
•    Dress in layers: This goes back to the point about being ready for any type of weather and climate. Europe has the tendency to even change from town to town when it comes to temperature, humidity, rain or shine, you name it. A great way to be prepared is by layering your clothing. What this means is that you are simply going to wear items that can easily be removed and then added back as the weather permits. Always start off with the most layers on in the morning and then adjust as the day goes on.  Make sure that you look great no matter what layer you may find yourself in.
•    Shoes: Europeans love their shoes and you will notice a great number of them looking at your feet way before they ever look into your eyes. The most important rule with shoes in Europe is to have a pair that is already broken in. If you look like you just bought them to fit in, you’ll be a dead giveaway and almost instantly be labeled as ‘the American.’ Be aware of what shoes you are wearing with your outfit and as cozy as those old white sneakers are, leave them at home.

Europe is definitely a wonderful place to visit and your trip can be even more enjoyable if you follow the local rule; cloths make the man. Dress classy and comfy and you will never go wrong.


What to Wear Bicycling


A great way to get exercise and fresh air all at the same time is by bicycling. Bicycling can be enjoyed by almost everyone and there is really no limit to how serious or laid back you can get with it.

To get the maximum amount of enjoyment out of your cycling experience it is important for you to dress in the proper attire. This attire will consist of optional equipment and also some that is required by law. Your attire will also be dictated by what type of cycling you are doing. Here are some tips to get you going no matter what kind of bicycling you decide to get into:

•    Helmets: No matter what kind of biking you are planning on doing you will want to get a helmet. First off all there are many states which now require that you wear one but you should always wear one as it protects your head. Think about it, there are no seat belts on a bicycle and if an accident happens the only thing protecting your fragile head is your helmet.
•    Mountain biking: If you are into mountain biking you will be exposed to all kinds of branches and other brush that can rub up against you and cause some nasty abrasions. For that reason you will want to wear long pants and you should also consider a riding jersey that is long sleeved. For footwear you will want to get some durable biking shoes that offer great coverage for added protection. It is also a good idea to wear riding goggles as this will keep your eyes safe from anything that may be flying around. Some like to wear gloves and they can be a good idea because they keep your hands from getting nicked up.
•    Distance biking: Is you are into distance biking then you will want to get clothing that will help keep you cool and dry. Biking shorts are made of a special material that helps to keep moisture away and are very lightweight which helps to keep you cool. You can wear a short sleeved or even sleeveless riding jersey made of the same material as the shorts which again will keep you cool and dry. Depending on the bike you have will depend on the shoes you will need. Some pedals require special biking shoes that clip into them and some pedals are regular and do not require the clip. Either way though, remember that you want to wear a lightweight riding shoe as it will help to keep you cool overall. You can also get riding gloves which will help keep your hands blister free on the long runs you will be doing. These gloves are the kind that are padded on the palms and have the fingers cut away. Top off the outfit with a nice pair of riding glasses which will be clear and allow your eyes to stay fresh and not get all dried out.
•    Family biking: If you are just out and about in a cozy setting with the family then wear what is comfortable. This is usually dictated by what the weather is doing. Just be sure that as a parent you too wear a helmet as this will set the safety tone for your kids.

No matter what kind of biking you are doing you can enjoy your cycling even more when you dress the appropriate way.


Show your love of Portugal on a t-shirt


Portugal is a country that encompasses just about everything that a traveler could want. There are cities for the urban tourist. There are plenty of beautiful natural spaces for the nature lovers. There are castles throughout the country for lovers of history. And for fans of the beach- they have those two. Any of these places is a good representation of Portugal, and all are excellent images for a Portugal t-shirt that can be worn with pride.

The many historic villages that dot the countryside are one of the many things that keep visitors coming back to Portugal. Many of these villages are virtually unchanged by the centuries of time that have passed. They are picturesque and would be an interesting addition to a Portugal t-shirt. For anyone from one of these villages, seeing it on a t-shirt would be a great way to promote tourism for the town. A t-shirt like this would also be a great gift for anyone from the rural areas of Portugal.

Castles and the ruins of castles are one of the many interesting parts of the countryside of Portugal. Any of the castles would make an interesting addition to a Portugal t-shirt. The t-shirt can have a realistic picture of a castle on the front along with the word Portugal. It may also have the name of the city or village where the castle is located. Making a simple drawing of any of the castles of Portugal would be another fun way to design the t-shirt. The drawing can be your own perception of the castle and use your creative expression within the design.

Lisbon is a very cosmopolitan European city. Its nightlife and business-like daytime bring people to the city from all over Europe and abroad. The city of Lisbon has an impressive skyline that would be perfect for the front of a t-shirt. The city looks all the more impressive because it is so close to the sea. A picture that includes the beautiful blue waters that are visible form Lisbon would be an attractive and engaging t-shirt image.

Anytime the waters around Portugal are in a picture, that photo is deserving of a t-shirt of its own. The beaches of Portugal are legendary with the jet set. They’re also popular for the people of Portugal. A picture of the sunset over the water is a classic photo that is a symbol for all the natural beauty of Portugal.

One of the moist exciting pastimes in Portugal is surfing. The northern beaches of the country are perfect for riding the waves on a surfboard. To capture just a little of that excitement, a picture of someone surfing off the coast of the country would make a great Portugal t-shirt design. Even a simple drawing of someone surfing and the word Portugal is enough to interest people in the surfing possibilities of the country. It’s also a way to show that you’re a surfer and are a person who loves adventure and excitement.

Show your love with a Portugal T-Shirt

Sophia Loren

How to Dress Like Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren

In the 1950s and 1960s Sophia Loren ignited the Silver Screen with a sexiness that some would argue has yet to be rivaled. The Italian actress was extremely good looking and she had no problem showing what she had. Loren blazed a trail for women everywhere when it came to sex appeal and for that reason there are many who aspire to dress like her.

Not everyone can pull off the Sophia Loren look. It not only takes someone with a great figure, but you will have to have the utmost confidence in yourself as well. Here are some ways you too can ignite a room the Sophia Loren did:

•    Wear lots of red: Loren always added a lot of red to her wardrobe. She had the reputation of being feisty and vivacious and the color red certainly helped bring that to the forefront. Everyone looks a little more daring in red and by you adding it to your wardrobe you are telling the world that you may be down to earth, but you are as lively and sexy as they come. There are few colors that can make the statement that red does, which is why Loren wore the color on an almost daily basis.
•    Show your stuff: One thing Loren did with almost every outfit she wore was show off her cleavage. Sometimes she showed so much it left little to the imagination. Wear outfits and skirts that will accentuate what you have and when you think you are showing enough cleavage, show a little more. No matter what occasion you are dressing for you have to make sure that you find a way to show off your cleavage. That is the true spirit of Loren.
•    Wear halter dresses: Another staple in Loren’s wardrobe was the halter dress. She liked to wear ones that were long and that flared. By wearing this type of dress you are showing, like Loren did, that your spirit is sensual, yet you have the undertones of a playful and very famine women. A halter dress is the perfect garment to bring out both features at the same time.
•    Show off your gams: Along with showing off her cleavage, Loren knew she had great legs and loved to show those off as well. You can accomplish this by wearing some of the same ultra miniskirts as Loren did. If you are not comfortable in super short miniskirts you must try to stay in the skirt family or you risk losing the full effect that you are going after. Accentuate your toned calf muscles in Loren fashion by dawning a great looking pair of high heels.
•    Switch up your hair: Loren always put a lot into her hair but rarely was it the same. She would sometimes wear it up and sometimes wear it down but it always looked as ravaging as the rest of her. Take extra time when styling your hair to ensure it comes out looking its finest.

Again, dressing like Sophia Loren is only the first step in capturing her essence. To complete the effect you will have to work on your confidence over and over again.


How to Dress Like Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs


Even if you are not into rap music you would have to be living under a rock to not know who Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs is. He has been so successful in the music industry that he now even has his own show on MTV where he actually chooses a band out of a number of contestants and the winners will be signed to his music label. Combs has evolved his style over the years to match his success and can dress up with the best of them, but he has also never forgotten how to just go casual so if you want to look like “Diddy” you better have confidence in yourself.

Here are some ways you too can look like Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs:

•    Ultra casual: It is not uncommon to see Combs wearing a jogging suit. The biggest difference between the jogging suit he wears and the ones you see on the street is the price. Combs only wears designer clothes and his jogging suits are no different. You don’t need to go designer to pull off this look, but don’t get your jogging suit from the thrift store and think you can pull off the look. When going for the ultra casual look you will also want to get a pair of Combs’ signature sunglasses that are big and rounded and you will also need a ball cap that matches the jogging suit that can be worn backwards or to the side.
•    Casual look: This is the easiest look to mimic when it comes to Combs. All you need is a pair of nice jeans, a nice collared short sleeved shirt, and some white tennis shoes. You can of course wear the sunglasses with look as well and as far as the shirt goes, leave it untucked.
•    Formal look: No one does formal better than Combs. He always looks really sharp and wears many different types of suits. He has been known to wear a tuxedo a time or two, but he generally likes to switch it up a bit. Combs like all white suites, a mix and match of black and white, and looks even better when he dawns his famous pin stripe suit. Believe it or not, the sunglasses also go with this style so feel free to wear them with whatever type of suit you go with.
•    Accessorize: Though Combs is not like a lot of rappers that go for the over accessorized look or ‘bling’ as they call it, Combs is definitely not afraid to jazz up his outfits from time to time. He uses flashy watches and bracelets but is always conservative when it comes to the necklaces he wears. He has both ears pierced and usually sticks to larger studded diamond earring with whatever he is wearing.

To complete the Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs look you will have to practice having that air of confidence that he carries with him wherever it is he is going. Other than that, just practice putting a swagger in you step and you too will look as cool and confident as Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs.

Miranda Lambert

How to Dress like Miranda Lambert

Miranda Lambert

Ever since the 2003 season of the popular television show Nashville Star in which she placed third, Miranda Lambert has been burning up the country music charts. She has been nominated for several Gammy Awards and is due to release her third album in the near future. She has a beauty that matches her sassy personality and she truly is a girl from Texas and dresses that way most of the time. That being said, she can dawn the red carpet with the best of them.

Here are some sure fire ways that you too can dress like Miranda Lambert:

•    Jeans: Like the typical cowgirl, Lambert likes to wear jeans. Most of the time when she is performing on stage it is usually done in jeans. She wears form fitting but doesn’t seem to go too tight and she has been known to wear jeans occasionally that have a couple of rips and tears in them. Be sure when you choose your jeans that you go with the more traditional blue color or lighter and don’t go too tight.
•    Shirts: Most of the shirts that Lambert wears are either tank tops or spaghetti strap shirts. She usually opts for lighter colors like creams and white and the shirts will sometimes have a saying on them. Go with shirts that fit you nicely and if you want to you can even go with a more southern looking short sleeved button down shirt as Lambert has been known to wear them from time to time.
•    Formal: No jeans and shirts here. When hitting the red carpet Lambert looks amazing and likes to wear a dress as opposed to a gown. The dress you select for your big night out should be form fitting, but not too tight, and can range in color from yellow, to white, to dark gray, and ever color in between.
•    Shoes: Though she is a true country girl you will rarely see Lambert sporting cowboy boots. Instead she usually opts of a sexy pair of high heels unless she is on the red carpet. When being formal she goes with a more traditional closed-toe heel that isn’t quite so high. When going formal match the color of the shoes with the dress you wear but feel free to go with an attention grabbing color like red when it comes to the high heels you wear with your jeans and t-shirt.
•    Accessories: When not performing Lambert likes things that hang. She wears a lot of beaded necklaces or even gold chain necklaces that have big pendants on them. She also likes bracelets and earrings that are on the bigger and flashier side. So really anything goes with your accessorizing.
•    Hair and make-up: Lambert has long blonde hair and sweeping bangs. To achieve her look use some body defining hair products and take a little extra time with the styling. When applying your makeup go for the country girl look, which is a more laid back look. Lambert has the unique ability to look as though she isn’t wearing any make-up at all even though everyone knows that she is.

All that remains is for you to learn to play the guitar and perhaps you too can strum your way into America’s heart.