Marilyn Manson

How to Dress Like Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson

For years now Marilyn Manson has been creating controversy both on and off the stage. The singer derived his stage mane by combining the names of Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson and his style of heavy rock combined with some pretty drastic and vulgar lyrics simply adds to his persona and has gained him much media attention. Despite his oddities, he is very popular and his look is one that many wish to achieve.

To dress like Marilyn Manson you have to think one thing only; black. Manson’s way of dressing is as dark and sometimes twisted as the lyrics for some of his songs. Here is how you too can dress like Marylyn Manson:

•    Pants: Manson almost always wears tight black leather pants. Occasionally he will wear a suit to sort of mock the working man, but the pants will still be a dark color. About the lightest color you should ever go when trying to achieve this look is a dark charcoal grey. Still, a surefire way to nail Manson is with black leather pants.

•    Shirts: You have lots of leeway here. So long as the shirt is black, really anything goes. Manson likes to wear regular button down shirts that he leaves un-tucked and sometimes these shirts even sport pin striping. When he wears button down shirts he usually wears a black tie to go with them. Manson has also worn shirts that range from black leather to a woman’s tube top. There really is no way to say for sure as he continues to surprise with every appearance he makes.

•    Jackets: Her you can go with a regular black sports jacket or a black leather jacket. You can even go all out and wear a black trench coat that is of course leather.

•    Shoes: You guessed it, black leather boots. Manson wears his boots no matter what type of outfit accompanies them. His boots typically come up to his calf and he usually tucks in the pants that he wears into the boots.

•    Accessories: Here again you have lots of leeway. Spiked collars and bracelets are always a nice touch and Manson seems to like to wear black derby style hats from time to time. He is big on rings that feature skulls and other such goodies. You can also acquire a pair of contact lenses that make your eyes appear to have no color, just a black dot n the center.

•    Hair and make-up: To properly pull off the Marilyn Manson look you have to go all the way with your hair and yes, you have to put on make-up too. Your hair should be one length and no longer than shoulder length. Color your hair jet black and either slick it back or part it down one side and slick it down. For make-up you have to go for the dead look. Manson uses lots of powder to create a white looking face and then darkens all around his eyes in black. Finish off your make-up with black lipstick and you are ready to go.

All that is left for you is to begin to write some songs that have deep and twisted lyrics and create some controversy of your own all while dressing like Marilyn Manson.


How to Dress Like a Stoner

StonerStoner’s are a laid back bunch and dressing like one should be approached in the same manner. While it is not mandatory that a stoner dresses in a laid back fashion it certainly is common. With that fact known, dressing like a stoner is one of the easiest looks to pull off. The fact is that most stoners either have no cares in the world or at least they act as if they have no cares.

Remember these rules are not hard and fast but for the most part, if you want to look the part of a stoner here is what you do:

•    Shirts: When it comes to shirts you need to consider a couple of layers. First you will want to go with an undershirt. This can vary in color and really any color will do. Many stoners choose to go with a classic white t-shirt and still others go for the gusto and wear a tie-die t-shirt. Whatever t-shirt you choose to go with never tuck it in and top it off with a long sleeved flannel shirt. To pull off the look, be sure that you do not button any of the buttons on the flannel but rather let it just hang open. Don’t forget that you want to go for the look that says you really don’t care what you look like because your life is care-free.

•    Pants: Stoners are typically wearing baggy pants. Shorts every once in a while, but for the most part, pants. You can pull off the stoner look with jeans or with cargos, but the looser the better. If your pants happen to have holes wore in the knees or anywhere else on them, well this just adds to the authenticity of the look.

•    Shoes: Obviously if you are attempting to dress like a stoner then you will be leaving the wing-tips at home. Here is where you will want to go with a really cozy and worn out looking pair of sneakers. The color really doesn’t matter and you don’t even have to tie the laces if you don’t want to. If that sounds like too much then you can also just wear a pair of flip flops.

•    Hair: Once again you want to come off saying that you don’t have a care in the world. That is hard to do if you have a prim and proper hair cut. To pull off the stoner look, simply wash your hair and sort of mess it up after towel drying and then let it air dry.

•    Accessories: Very, very low key here. Go with beaded necklaces and simple looking bracelets if you go with anything. Women can carry hemp purses and the look will be all but complete. Also for the women, if you do decide to put make-up on go very light with it and stay away from big bold colors.

Now just practice say ‘whoa’ and ‘dude’ with every other sentence you utter and your look as a stoner will be perfect.

Baseball cap

How to Break in a New Baseball Hat

Baseball cap

Just when you thought you were the number one fan your favorite team up and changes its logo and entire uniform. This leaves you scrambling to the mall or department store to buy a new jersey and of course a new baseball cap sporting the new logo. Once at home you try on your new apparel and look into the mirror. While the jersey looks great, your new baseball cap is so poofy and stiff you look like an old time rail road conductor. With the season fast approaching you want to break in your new baseball cap and you don’t want to wait the weeks to months it can take to break in a baseball cap by simply wearing it everywhere you go.

Fortunately there are some tricks to getting your cap to break in quickly and have the old conductor’s hat fitting like a swimming cap. Here are some tips to help you break in your baseball cap quickly:

•    Rubber band trick: When you first buy your new baseball cap the bill of the hat is usually stiff and straight. To fix this, stuff the inside of the baseball cap with a shirt or two and take a heavy duty rubber band and place it tightly around the bill of the cap. This will create a nice bend and after a few nights of this the bill should be formed just the way you like it.

•    Bend the bill: If the rubber band trick is not doing it for you or you don’t have the patience for it then you can always resort to the old bend the bill method. Simply bend the bill back and forth until the desired contour is achieved.

•    Scrunch and crunch: To loosen up the fibers of the cap you can take it and simple scrunch and crunch it up. Treat it like an old piece of paper and do this for 20 minutes at a time. The result will be a cap that will be less stiff and better formed to your head.

•    Water torture: This trick works for all baseball caps, but especially well on wool caps. Take your new cap and soak it completely in warm water. Make sure that the cap is wet all the way through. Now take the cap out and without ringing it dry, put it on your head and let it dry. As the cap dries it will shrink itself up and because it is sitting on your head it will take the shape of your head. You may have to repeat this process a few times and deal with the discomfort of a wet head, but this is the best way to get your cap to fit your head as though it was custom made for it.

After all of that you simply need to wear the cap around as much as possible. Now you can enjoy the upcoming season sporting your team’s new logo and you don’t have to worry about anybody thinking you are going to yell, ‘All aboard.’ All that is left is for to cheer loudly for your favorite team and enjoy the season.


What To Wear In Japan


Japan is a country on an archipelago, made up of almost 7000 islands, in the Pacific Ocean. It is an Asian country, rich in heritage, tradition and culture. It is an exciting country to visit or live in. However, if you are going there for the first time you need to know a few things about what to wear in Japan. The Japanese tend to be a well-dressed culture. Opt for mix and match outfits in classic styles. Women should avoid shorts, even in the summer, if they do not want to stand out. Cover up all visible tattoos if possible.

Knowing what to wear when you go to Japan is largely a matter of the weather and the part of the country that you go to. There are 6 different areas on the islands of Japan and the climate is very different in each. Some parts receive heavy snowfalls, others light winter snowfalls while other parts have warm winters with no snow. Summers are equally diverse with some areas having mild summers and others with very hot summer temperatures. Check the forecast for the specific region before choosing your wardrobe.

While casual clothing is fine for tourists, one thing to remember is that in the Japanese tradition, you remove your shoes when you go in many places. This includes in homes, temples, traditional inns and even certain hotels. It is important to make sure that your socks are without holes and are clean when you remove your shoes. You may also want to choose footwear that is easy to take on and put off because of doing it so often.

When you are in Japan you will likely be doing a fair amount of walking. Because of this you should choose a good pair of walking shoes or sneakers for maximum comfort. If you are there in the winter, opt for lined winter shoes or waterproof boots with good traction for added security.

If you are visiting most of the country you will need to bring along a jacket for the evenings in the summer. In spring and fall a jacket or raincoat is a good choice to bring. In winter a heavier coat is usually needed, along with gloves and a scarf unless you happen to be in the part of the country that experiences warm winters.

In terms of accessories, a hat and sunglasses are good choices if it is sunny outside, as well as sunscreen for protection. Tote an umbrella all year round as you never know when it might rain. An extra layer like a sweater in case a building is overly air conditioned in the summer is a good choice also. By bringing an oversized bag along, you will be able to carry these extra items comfortably and have a place to put anything you may take off as the day warms up. Before you go to Japan it is advised to purchase these items because many things are overpriced there.

If you are in Japan on business opt for business professional dress. Men should wear dark suits and be clean shaven. Women should also wear dress suits, hose, closed toe shoes and blouses with sleeves. Avoid wearing all black or black ties, as this is a look reserved for funerals.

Choose your clothes carefully and be ready for a truly different cultural experience when you get to Japan.

Abraham Lincoln

How to Dress Like Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is one of the most well recognized presidents in history. Even most school children can accurately identify him. He is most well known for his finesse in leading the country through its greatest internal crisis, the Civil War, which led to the end of slavery. Also noteworthy and unique is his style, known throughout history as classic and conservative. You can dress up like him on President’s Day or the Fourth of July to show your patriotism and appreciation for one of our country’s greatest presidents.

Abraham Lincoln had a very conservative and classy look. To mimic him, you will need a top hat. This is the hat of choice for men of that era. When top hats were first introduced in Europe at the end of the 18th century, they were instantly popular with socialites and workmen alike. Abraham Lincoln was key in popularizing this style in the States. Rumor has it that he kept important documents inside his hat. Make sure that you buy a black hat, as that is the only color that he wore.

Next you will need a black suit jacket, preferably one that is a tailcoat. A tailcoat is technically a skirt, with the front part cut away, leaving only “tails” in the back that fall to below your knees. This was originally done in order to make horseback riding easier. Tailcoats are synonymous with this time period and were the uniform of choice for gentlemen attending evening white tie affairs.

Underneath the jacket, either a white or gray shirt is ideal, to be paired with a vest of the same color. It is even better if the vest has a bit of a metallic sheen to it. As far as pants go, simple black ones will be fine. Then, finish the suit with a black bowtie.

Shoes will need to be simple black dress shoes for men. This should be the easiest part of the outfit since most men already have a pair of black dress shoes.  Now that you have your outfit complete, it is time to work on your appearance. To achieve a likeness of Abraham Lincoln, you will need to find a dark wig and dark fake beard. Make sure that you part the wig to the side. You also may have to trim the beard so that it looks similar to the way Honest Abe would wear his.

Abraham Lincoln was a very tall man, measuring up to about 6’4’’. In order to look extremely authentic, walk on some short stilts or wear shoes with platforms to increase your height. If you choose stilts, be sure to practice on them first so that you can get familiar with how they feel when you walk.

The last key point to remember is to keep a very stoic and somber face. Abraham Lincoln was not known for his giddy and upbeat character. Few photographs depict him actually smiling. So no laughing when you are fully dressed!
Enjoy your day as Abraham Lincoln, one of history’s top most interesting men!


How to Dress Like a Vampire


When we think of vampires we typically think of dressing in all black, however in vampire mythology, there are several different styles of vampires when it comes to fashion. The cardinal rule of vampires is looking good. In fact, the vampire books that are most popular right now have the good vampires dressed in lighter colors. So whether it’s a black outfit or not, style is the most important thing when it comes to dressing like a vampire.

Generally, modern interpretations of vampires focus on the commitment to high fashion and always looking fabulous. Male and female vampires always want to look their best, supposedly so that they can better seduce their victims. Female vampires often dress in form fitting, sexy dresses while male vampires dress their best in a dark suit with a bright white shirt below. In fact, a tuxedo and a black cape are required if you want to go for the very classy vampire look.

Even if you are not quite ready for the slinky dress or tuxedo look, you can still dress like a vampire in a more casual way. In this case, black clothes will definitely be essential. Black jeans or pants are the basics of any casual vampire outfit. Be sure that they are very black. Faded black jeans that are almost gray will definitely dilute the effect you are after. Wear black shoes or boots also.

For women, it is important to choose a top that is sexy. A tight T-shirt can create the effect you are looking for. However, a more elaborate form fitting top with some metal accents like grommets, buckles or zippers is an even better choice. If you are uncomfortable wearing tight fitting clothes, a long black open jacket is a great fashion accessory.

For men, a classic white T-shirt or button-down shirt is a great vampire look. If wearing a regular shirt, a fancy pin at the neckline is a nice touch. If you choose to go the white shirt way, be sure that your shirt is ultra-clean and bright white. Vampires always dress sharply. A black T-shirt or button down shirt is also an option for male vampires. Don’t forget the long black jacket for those cold nights.

Remember that whatever you choose to wear needs to be in a classic style. Vampires, while fashionable, don’t follow trends of the day. They are eternal creatures and as such, wear clothing that will stand the test of time.

Details are important when striving for a particular look. The vampire look requires some attention to the makeup you choose also. Wear foundation that is too light for you. This will give you a vampire-like complexion. Even men can choose to use this technique. Darken your eyes with eye shadow, liner and mascara. Vivid red lipstick or even almost black lipstick will perfect that unmistakable vampire look. Some people even have permanent dental work done so that can look like a vampire!

Many people are fascinated with vampires because they appear to be so glamorous. Vampires have always been known for dressing well. Whether you’re lined up at your dentist’s office for fake teeth or not, dressing like a vampire could be a good rule of thumb if you’ve set your sights on dressing well.


What To Wear in Boston


Boston is a beautiful historic city that offers much to those who live there and much to those who visit. The harbor is breathtaking year-round. The old buildings are a testimony to days gone by and give a feeling of permanence, unlike many other American cities. The humid continental climate means that Boston enjoys 4 very distinct seasons. It is snowy and cold in winter, warm and humid in the summer and quite comfortable and scenic in both the fall and spring.

Boston is very much “The Walking City”. Traffic is generally heavy and parking is at a premium, therefore it is much more expedient to get around on foot or by bus, water shuttles, trains or the subway system referred to as the T. What this translates to for fashion is the fact that typically people need to truly dress appropriately for the seasons Also, you will more often see sneakers and comfortable walking shoes on the streets of Boston than other more fashionable footwear.

Winter in Boston dictates warm clothes. Drafty old buildings mean that even if you are inside you will want the advantage of a warm sweater and long pants or tights. If you venture outside, a heavy winter coat is a necessity. Waterproof outerwear is also highly recommended especially during snow storms. Remember gloves, hats, earmuffs and scarves, as well as insulated winter boots with a good rubber sole for traction when walking.

Summer in Boston is perfect for shorts and T-shirts, Capri pants, summer dresses or any lightweight ensemble. Expect warm temperatures but be prepared for air conditioning inside with a light sweater. Remember to wear comfortable shoes if walking.

Fall and spring are well-loved seasons in Boston. The temperatures are typically comfortable enough to not need to worry about needing extra layers of clothes. It is also not uncomfortably warm. Both seasons are great for getting outside and enjoying the changing scenes of nature, while in comfortable jeans and a T-shirt or sweater. A light jacket on windy days or a rain coat on rainy days is all you’ll need.

Sports are huge in Boston and the city is home to a variety of professional sports teams. What this means for fashion is that it is fashionable to wear any Boston team clothes for any casual event. In fact when home games are being played, team colors are seen everywhere throughout the city.

Boston is very much a hub for post-secondary education and medicine. Some of the best hospitals in the country are there, as well as top colleges and universities. The abundance of college students living in the Boston area means that fashion in the city is greatly influenced by that demographic. Casual fun looks, jeans and the hot trends of the moment are commonly sported by Boston students. Preppy looks and business casual is also very popular amongst faculty and young professionals in New England’s biggest city.

Heading to Boston? Check the local forecast before you pack your suitcase.


How to Wear a Kimono


Although many people think that a kimono is nothing more than a really fancy looking bathrobe, to the Japanese it is anything but. Unlike your bathrobe that you may just throw on to fetch the morning paper and not give any thought as to how you are doing it, wearing a kimono is a process and some steps even have a specific purpose or meaning.

If you want to properly wear a kimono you must have a little patience and a few articles accessories to go with it. Here are the proper steps to properly wear a kimono in the traditional Japanese way:

1.    Put on white socks first: Once your kimono is on and on properly, you will find it difficult to get to your feet, so save yourself the hassle and put your socks on first.

2.    Put on the Juban: The Juban is the white slip that actually goes under the kimono and features a collar. Once the kimono is on, only the collared part of the Juban will be visible. For this reason, you can now buy a Juban that is shorter and still features the collar, though it is not traditional.

3.    Put on the kimono:
Put your kimono on much like you would a bathrobe. Make sure that the seam on the back if the kimono is lined up with the center of your back. Wrap the right side of the kimono over you and then overlap it with the left side. This is a very important step and it actually signifies that you are living. When wrapped the opposite way it means that you are a corpse at a traditional Japanese funeral. At this point you will notice that the kimono is too long. No you didn’t get the wrong size; it is designed to be that way. When the kimono is in place, be sure that the collar of the Juban is visible and even around the neck area.

4.    Use your koshi-himo: A koshi-himo is a belt and you will need it for this next step. Pull up the excess kimono material until the kimono is even with your ankles. Now tie the koshi-himo around you and allow the extra fabric to hang over it. Be sure that the hanging fabric is even all the way around.

5.    Use your date-jime: A date-jime is the second type of belt you will need when putting on your kimono. Take the date-jime and wrap it over your mid section so that you can tie it in the back. Place it over the koshi-himo on the outside of the fabric but make sure that the fabric is still visible by a couple of inches. Once in the back, tie the date-jime and bring the ends to the front and then tie it once more. Tuck the ends under in a secure fashion to hold it in place.

Once everything is secure, make one last check to ensure everything is even and you are ready to go in your kimono worn the traditional Japanese way.

Kate Hudson

How to Dress Like Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson is an actress who is no stranger to the fashion and glamour that come with a Hollywood lifestyle as she was raised by her mother Goldie Hawn and who she considers to be her father Kurt Russell. At times Hudson’s look is almost hippy like and at other times she resembles the good old California girl that she is. No matter how she is dressed she always looks sophisticated, sexy, and comfortable which is a hard task for many to pull off.

Because she dresses so down to earth her style is often replicated by women everywhere. Much as her mother was, Hudson has a persona that many women can relate to. Here are some ways to help you pull off this ultra comfortable look:

•    Ultra Casual: When Hudson is out and about she is often seen in a fun hippy style sundress. Colors should always be bright and happy, like yellow or pink, and darker depressing colors should be avoided. Go for the full length ones that have a vintage look to them and finish them off with a nice pair of sandals.

•    Every day look: When Hudson is not turning heads on the red carpet she is often dressed in nothing more than a pair of jeans and an eyelet or crotchet white top. The jeans should be a lighter color of blue and be form fitting but never super tight. Hudson has a fantastic shape, but never seems to flaunt it too much.

•    Formal look: When on the red carpet Hudson looks elegant in any of the dresses that she wears. Most of her formal dresses feature an elegant cut and are almost always form-fitting, but once again she never seems to come off like she is showing off her goods. Wearing a nice pair of sophisticated heels goes great to complete the look and modest jewelry as well.

•    Accessories: Hudson makes much of her own jewelry at home with the exception of her formal jewelry. You too can get beads and other goodies and have a blast designing your own jewelry such as bracelets and necklaces. She has also been known to wear big sun hats at times and a big pair of sunglasses never hurts either.

•    Boots: Kate Hudson is a boot freak. She can be seen in pictures wearing boots with almost anything style of clothing she owns. Her boots are typically a darker color so stick with browns and black when selecting yours.

•    Hair and make-up: Perhaps she learned this trick from her mother, but Hudson always goes simple with her hair and make-up yet still comes off looking like a million bucks. She typically wears her hair down so if your hair is long enough just a simple hair style will do the trick. As for make-up she definitely uses some, but once again, she never goes overboard and always comes off looking very natural.

Now just practice your smile and learn to melt hearts with yours the way Hudson does with hers and your Kate Hudson look will be complete.


Tips for Dressing Fashionably Between Seasons


There is perhaps no better time to dress up than in between seasons. When you think about it, what could be better? Unlike the winter or summer months, in that in between time you are not confined to a certain part of your wardrobe due to the weather. It is for this reason that the time between seasons should be the time were you decide to dress a little bit riskier and take some chances that you may not otherwise take.

Dressing in between the seasons can offer you a whole host of options that you may not otherwise have. Here are a few tips for dressing in the off-season so to speak:

•    Combine the seasons: Because it is not winter the days and nights will be cool but not freezing and because it is not summer the days and nights will be warm but not hot. This is the perfect opportunity to combine the fashions of the different seasons. While it may be cold enough for you to still wear a jacket, it may not be so cold that you can’t wear a nice summer top underneath of that jacket. If it’s too hot for a jacket, you can break out some cool sweaters and wear those. No matter what the weather, a nice looking leather jacket is almost always a great compliment to any outfit and can easily be removed if the weather so dictates.
•    Mix it up with skirts: If you ladies find that it is still a little too cold for just a skirt, you can mix it up by wearing a really hip pair of leggings. This will allow you the warmth you need and still let you wear that sexy skirt you’ve been dying to break out. If you don’t like leggings, try wearing some hosiery provided it isn’t too cold.
•    Use layers: This is for that time where the weather doesn’t know if it wants to be hot or cold. Start off the morning by wearing great looking tops that can be layered and pair them off with a really nice pair of jeans or pants. As the weather heats up, if it does, you can begin to ‘peel off’ layers. This technique will keep you cooler and will also have you constantly changing your look throughout the day. If the weather begins to cool as the day goes on, add the layers back in any fashionable way you like.
•    Get funky with accessories: There is not a lot of times during the year were you can wear light and fancy scarves, leggings, and gloves that have the fingers cut away, but the off-season is the perfect time. Wear things that you normally don’t get a chance to wear and remember to get funky with it an experiment a little bit. Who knows, you may actually start a new trend.

When the off-season comes, enjoy it. There are too many other times of the year where you are forced to dress one way or another. When your opportunity comes to let loose, go for it, you only live once.

Charlie Chaplin

How to Dress Like Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin was an English actor born in 1889 who became one of the iconic images of early Hollywood. He started as a theater actor before moving into comedy in his early twenties. In his 65 years in the entertainment industry he wrote, produced and acted in countless films. However, even with all of these accomplishments, Charlie Chaplin was, and still is, best known and always quickly recognized for his tramp character.

Charlie Chaplin created the tramp costume when he was 24 years old for a role in a film. He came up with the costume based on contradictions. He chose big shoes and a tiny hat, baggy pants and a tight jacket. He then added a moustache to make himself look older without extra makeup that would hide his expressions. Dressing like Charlie Chaplin can be easy but it requires the right articles of clothing to pull it off successfully.

To dress like Charlie Chaplin the first and most important piece for the outfit is the hat. Charlie Chaplin’s tramp character always wore a black derby, also known as a bowler hat.  The hat you wear to dress like Charlie Chaplin must be black with a rounded top.

The next item for the tramp costume is a black tailcoat. The jacket should be at least fitted if not a bit tight. Under the tailcoat be sure to wear a white shirt, and if it’s a bit wrinkled, all the better to fit the character. If you have a black or gray vest to add under the jacket, that’s a great addition. Next you need a tie, bow tie is preferable but an ascot will do. Now you’re halfway to completing the look.

Once you have the jacket, shirt, tie and hat, the next thing you need to dress like Charlie Chaplin is a baggy pair of trousers. Black is ideal but a dark gray would suffice. Make sure they’re quite oversized, but not too long. Charlie’s pants were loose but they didn’t drag on the ground. Make sure you wear a belt to keep them up!

For your feet you must wear oversized shoes. Charlie Chaplin wore a size 14, so big on him that he had to wear them on the wrong feet just to keep them on. Black dress shoes of some variety would be perfect. Just don’t go overboard with the size, you don’t want to end up tripping over your feet for the sake of a good costume.

Finally, to really create an authentic Charlie Chaplin look, there are two other must-have items. First, you have to add the fake moustache. Charlie used crepe hair but you can use a costume moustache or you can pencil one in with a makeup grease pencil or a simple black eyeliner pencil. Second, you need a cane. Charlie Chaplin carried a bamboo cane, but any simple, single-colored cane will work.

Charlie Chaplin’s tramp character evokes a sense of whimsy and joy. This well-known personality has become a favorite for Halloween and costume occasions. Once you have all of the pieces pulled together, dressing like Charlie Chaplin can be simple and entertaining.


What To Wear In Canada


Canada is a beautiful country with a wide variety of ethnic influences on the fashion styles found there. Because of its geographic vastness, the weather is very different from one province or territory to another. Whether you are the city or the country will also impact the choice of clothing you should make. These general guidelines will help you in choosing what to wear in Canada.

Your choices of clothes for Canada will depend greatly on the season and the weather forecast. Unfortunately many parts of Canada have unreliable summer temperatures, meaning that the weather may require summer clothes or you may need fall or spring outfits. Canada definitely has 4 distinct seasons and the choice of clothing differs from one season to the next with few items being appropriate for year-round wear. Jeans are definitely a year-round favorite.

Fall in Canada means long-sleeved shirts and pants. For dressing up, tights and pantyhose are needed with skirts and dresses. Dress boots will keep you fashionably in style. For guys layering a T-shirt and a regular shirt is a great fall look. You absolutely need to have a fall jacket, which is a light to medium weight jacket, to keep you warm until the snow flies. In fact, jackets that have a removable lining are perfect for this season, as they can adapt to warmer fall days or colder ones.

In winter, you will need to have a heavy jacket in most parts of Canada. A waterproof winter jacket is even better. This will provide you with the protection you need every time you go outside. Even your interior clothes should be chosen with care. Many buildings are not as warm as you would like in the winter and therefore extra clothing adds up to comfort. Layer as much as possible to ensure your comfort. Wool is a great choice to keep you toasty.

Spring clothing varies greatly, especially from one part of the country to another. Some places in Canada still get snow in May and occasionally early June. Others have experienced some very warm weather by the same point. While fall clothes may be logically a good choice, many people tend to gravitate towards lighter, more summery clothes backed up with a warm spring coat or cardigan. Canadians tend to be so excited about summer coming after the long winter that their wardrobe makes it to the season before the thermometer does.

Summer clothes for Canada are similar to other places, with the exception that nights still remain pretty cold for much of the summer in many places. This means a light jacket like a windbreaker is always good to have on hand. Canadians enjoy their short summer and like to get outside and soak up the sun, so you will often see them out in summer outfits long before you feel that it is warm enough to do so.

The province of Quebec is very unique. It is the only completely French province in the country and as such, takes much of its influences from France. Fashion is very important in Quebec and both genders take it very seriously. Quebecers dress up for everything. Whether they go shopping, to a restaurant, to work or just out with friends, they are always well-dressed, accessorized, coiffed and styled. The latest styles are what you will find on display in Quebec by people from all walks of life.

With these things in mind, you will be well-equipped about what to wear in Canada or as some refer to it, the Great White North.

Broad shoulder

How to Downplay Broad Shoulders

Broad shoulder

For many women having broad shoulders is a hassle that they wish they could live without. If you too have broad shoulders and wish to downplay them there are several ways in which this can be accomplished simply by being aware of what you are wearing. This doesn’t mean you have to go fashionless either as there are many styles available today that make you look great without putting an emphasis on your broad shoulders.

While the fashion world offers many articles of clothing designed to draw attention to the shoulders and bolster their appearance, there are also equal opportunities to hide your broad shoulders. Here are some ways to downplay your broad shoulders:

•    Watch your neckline: Wearing tops that have a rounded neck or even a boat line neck will actually make your shoulders look bigger that they already are. Instead try wearing a nice v-neck top as this will give the appearance of your shoulders being narrower and thus smaller. The deeper the v-neck the better the appearance, just don’t go to risqué.

•    Watch your sleeves: Avoid sleeves that are poofy or frilly. The idea is to not draw attention to your shoulders. Wearing these types of sleeves will have the opposite effect of what you are trying to accomplish. Instead try tops that have normal sleeves such as raglan sleeves.

•    Watch your top patterns: Avoid shiny colors and horizontal stripes as these will have a widening effect on you and only make your situation worse. Instead try to stay with a darker colored top that is a solid clolor.

•    Mix and match: To draw attention from your shoulders you can also mix and match your outfits to out more emphasis on your hips. Try wearing a lighter colored bottom with your darker colored top. You can also go with horizontal stripes on the bottom in the form of a skirt as this will give a widening effect to your bottom half and thus look more proportionate to your shoulders.

•    No pads: Many business jackets come equipped with shoulder pads which is great for those who need a boost, but not for you. Most of the time, the shoulder pads can be removed, if not cut them out, but whatever you do, stay far, far away from shoulder pads unless you want to come off looking like a linebacker in the NFL.

•    Accessorize your lower half:
Try wearing belts and sashes that are a little on the wild side. This will help take the attention off of your shoulders and throw it once again to your hips. The result will be a more balanced illusion.

•    Look longer: Make your body look longer by wearing dresses that are long. This will give off the impression of a softer, longer, and leaner body and will detract from the fact that you have broad shoulders.

Having broad shoulders isn’t anything to be ashamed of, but if you don’t want to show them to the world following any of these tips is a great way to conceal what you want to keep secret.

Pee Wee Herman

How to Dress like Pee-Wee Herman

Pee Wee Herman

In the mid-80’s there was probably no one on the earth who didn’t know who Pee Wee Herman was. Even today over two decades later the character still continues to make people laugh with his antics. The character was created by comedian Paul Reubens and was known for his goofy talking, walking, and his signature suit that never changed.

Dressing like Pee Wee Herman is easily accomplished if you have the right suit, which actually has to be wrong somewhat, and a few accessories. Because Pee Wee’s wardrobe never changed it is fairly easy for you to emulate him. Follow these guidelines and you will be able to look exactly like the lovable goof:

•    Suit: Pee Wee’s suit is a charcoal grey one and if you are going to dress like him then you have to get one that is too small for you. If your pants length is a 32, then you will want to go with a 30 and so on. Yes this will make your socks show and if you look at pictures of Pee Wee Herman that’s exactly what you will see. The same goes for the jacket. Make sure it is too small to fully cover your arms, but not too small to button. Pee Wee always had his jacket buttoned in the front. Since the suit is the main piece in the wardrobe, you have to make sure you get it right, which is to say you get it wrong in size.

•    Shirt: Pee Wee’s shirt was a regular white collar button down shirt that you might see a stock broker wear under a suit. The trick is to wear one that is short sleeved. The reason for the short sleeves is that the suit jacket will be too small and when you move your arms about, part of the Pee Wee look is having the jacket slide up to reveal bare flesh. If you wear a long sleeved shirt, you will ruin the effect.

•    The socks and shoes:
Pee Wee loved white. His socks were just plain old tube socks and they were always screaming white. Be sure to pull the socks all the way up for the total effect. His shoes were slip on dock sliders and were also white. When choosing shoes you can go with any low top white shoe, just make sure they are bright white.

•    The bow tie:
This is the piece that ties the entire outfit together. Pee Wee always sported his signature red bow tie. Don’t go crazy here and buy one that is too big. Pee Wee always had a tiny one so one that is too large will kill the look.

Now you are set to dress like Pee Wee Herman. To finish off the look, get some hair gel that really holds and slick your hair down. The last step in the Pee Wee Herman transformation is to start saying phrases like, ‘la, la, and la, ’and‘ hu, hu.’ Add to that an extra dose of goofiness in your mannerisms and no one will be able to tell you from the real thing.


How To Wash Sneakers


Everybody has a pair of sneakers. Usually it’s the most comfortable piece of a person’s wardrobe. You come home from work, step out of those uncomfortable shoes you have to wear all day and into your sneakers for lounging around. You go everywhere in them. Depending on your activities and the use they get, it might not take long for those sneakers of yours to get very dirty. While making sure the cleanliness of the rest of the wardrobe is a priority, sneakers often are overlooked when it comes to washing them regularly. How do you actually clean sneakers? It’s very simple.

There are two ways to wash sneakers. They can either be washed in a machine or washed by hand. Both do the job. Washing machines might be a little more rough than the direct care one could give when washing manually but either system will result in sneakers you will no longer be ashamed to be seen in.

Washing Machine Method – The first step is to remove the laces. Be careful when pulling them out. If they’re frayed in any way they could be torn in two pieces. Next, place the sneakers in a pillowcase and then directly into the washing machine. Placing the sneakers in pillowcases keeps the sneakers from being scratched as they bounce around the machine. The machine’s drum is also protected from the bumping and potential tangles caused by the laces. Set the machines setting to delicate and use cold water after adding about a half cup of detergent. When finished, the sneakers should be allowed to air dry. Stuff paper towels or newspapers into the shoes so that they retain their shape. Don’t use a drying machine as the heat might damage the sneakers.

Washing By Hand – Again, remove the laces and also inserts if the sneakers have them. Prepare a solution of soap and water or use a pre-purchased athletic shoe cleaner. A toothbrush can be used to clean the sneakers all over with the soap and water solution. Then using the same solution clean the inserts and laces. Once completed, hold your shoes under a running spigot or hose of fresh water until the soap is washed away. Any of the remaining solution can be wiped off with paper towels. Using more paper towels and/or newspapers, stuff the shoes so they retain their original shape as they dry. Replace the paper towels should they become saturated with water. Allow to dry in the sun if possible as the sun will actually help make white sneaker whiter. Once dried, replace the inserts and laces. To keep them fresh, baking soda can be sprinkled sparingly on the inside.

The cleansers that you choose are important as some are better than others. The best for cleaning shoes are stronger cleansers like Comet, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, and Greased Lightning.

Now your sneakers should be thoroughly cleaned. Make sure they’re completely dry before using them as this will extend their life. Have fun showing off your like-new sneakers.


Pros and Cons: Rent Or Buy A Halloween Costume


Is it Halloween time again? If you’re a busy professional then preparing for Halloween can seem like another chore on your list. A lot of time is needed for even thinking what you’ll wear let alone putting it all together. And if you have one or more Halloween socials to attend, whether they’re personal or professional, you’ll need to put in some effort on costume preparation. You don’t want to look bad at work for something as silly as skimping on a Halloween costume. If you just don’t have the time, don’t worry. There are options for you. Costumes can be bought or rented. Let’s take a look at some advantages and disadvantages of renting vs. buying a Halloween costume:

First, ask yourself some questions. Is it cheaper to rent or buy? Will you use the costume again? What will I do with the costume after Halloween? Will I need to buy a new costume every year?

Buying Pros: If you’re a busy professional without a spare minute to your name then Halloween time seems like more work. Take some of the load off of yourself and buy a costume. If being the center of attention is not your thing, then there are a ton of generic type costumes available all the time. With themes that range from political to sports, you can’t go wrong. When the party is over you can donate your used costume to a school or local theater company. Or, consider giving it to a thrift store and get a tax deduction.

If this is a costume you think you could use again then you’re covered for a future year’s event.

Buying Cons: The truth is you’ll likely be buying a costume for one or two occasions. This could be a waste of money. If you decide to keep the costume, then you’ll need to find a safe place for it so it doesn’t become ruined. The space itself could be an issue. Halloween costumes can really take up a lot of closet space. If kept for a long time, some clothes change in color. Also, maybe this year’s style won’t be the same as styles in years to come. Different occasions call for different costumes so buying one costume might not be practical and very expensive. Something else to consider is that store-bought costumes usually look like they’re store-bought costumes. You won’t get noticed for being creative. Or worse, you will get noticed for a lack of creativity.

Rental Pros: There are those times when renting makes more sense than buying. If you are attending a theme party and you need something specific, then a theatre rental shop would be a great place to go if you’d like to put together an outfit that really hits the mark. Renting is certainly cheaper and more practical if you plan to use a costume for one occasion. Also, if you have a limited budget, renting is best because high buying prices might cause you to wear a costume you normally might avoid. Renting a costume will give you many more choices than you think. Finally, by renting you can save more and thus afford to have different costumes for different occasions.

Rental Cons: Of course there’s a downside to everything. Rental companies charge more per rental than if you were to simply buy the item yourself and own it. There could be associated deposit and rental fees, not to mention cleaning costs should any kind of spills or damages occur.

The point is, just give renting or buying some thought before you rush out to spend money on Halloween. Then have fun at your party.

Gwen Stefani

How to Dress Like Gwen Stefani

Gwen Stefani

Gwen Stefani was one of the most popular female punk rockers that ever stepped foot on the stage when she was the lead singer for the band No Doubt. Though she now plays mostly new wave music now that she is on her own, she is still continuing to set trends every time she performs. While her style is somewhat eclectic it is definitely not for everyone. Stefani pulls off some outfits that would look horrendous on others and her ultra flat belly helps a lot with the cropped tank tops that she is frequently wearing.

While Stefani looks great dressed as a punk rocker, she also looks equally as good while on the red carpet and has been to many award shows and banquets looking great but still sporting a style that is unique. Here are some ways to pull off the Gwen Stefani look:

•    Punk Rocker Look 1: Stefani is famous for her vintage style look here. You can go to a vintage style clothing store and mix and match your way to Stefanidome. Go with a lot of plaids and stripes and don’t let that combination scare you as the right mix looks great. Top off this look with some funky style sunglasses and some costume jewelry making sure to go big on the earrings. For your hair, simply do what Stefani does and pull it back into a pony tail.

•    Punk Rocker Look 2: Go totally simplistic like Stefani often did in the band No Doubt and just get some track pants and a cropped tank top with some classic Converse sneakers. This is an ultra easy look to pull off, just make sure that you are going with loud and bright colors for the tank tops like pinks and yellows. Again pull that hair back into a pony tail.

•    Punk Rocker Look 3: Get yourself a nice pair of ¾ cargo pants and a really cool rocker tee and finish off the look with high heels. To complete the illusion, add a belly chain and of course put your hair in a pony tail.

•    Awards Show Look: Stefani always looks great at special events and award shows but also shocks the crowd with some of the dresses and gowns she shows up in. One of her most famous appearances was when she wore a fitted leopard print dress. This is easily replicated but should be noted that some people just don’t look good in leopard print or anything else that is fitted for that matter. If you can pull of the look, you will need a solid color high heel shoe with a closed toe and here is the exception to the hair rule. Stefani is in a pony tail almost 90 percent of the time she is seen, but when she goes to an awards show, she goes all out in the hair department. Before you go to your important event looking like Stefani, make sure you take some extra time with your hair or see your stylist beforehand.

So get your sassy attitude ready to go and don’t forget to do plenty of sit-ups; you’ll need them to pull off some of the styles that Stefani has made famous.

New York

What To Wear In New York City

New York

If you are planning to be in New York City for any occasion, prepare to be overwhelmed by the numbers of people everywhere you go, the excitement in the air, the sights, the smells and the pace of life there. It is a very unique, busy and exciting city to visit or live in. Being the fashion center of the United States you will find high fashion almost everywhere. Of course if you visit the garment district of New York you will notice this even more, however in practically every part of the Big Apple you will see true style.

New York City is not the place to fade into the background with a plain, dowdy outfit that has no style. If you are visiting the city, choosing the right thing to wear is critical.  Review the current styles by looking in fashion magazines and online. Put together a hip look using the colors and styles of the season. You will blend in seamlessly in the big city. Be sure to dress for the weather also as New York can be very hot, very cold or somewhere in the middle depending on the season.

The influence of Wall Street and Big Business on fashion in the Big Apple is obvious. If you visit any of the business sectors of New York City or catch sight of the multitude of people going to and from work during rush hours, you will see a sea of business suits, both male and female versions. For many businesses located in the big city, professional business attire is the only option. Some companies do allow business casual but often the definition of this term is more conservative than in many other places. If you are in New York on business it is important to dress in the same style as the people you are dealing with.

New York City nightlife is one of the world’s most exciting nightlife scenes. Exclusive clubs abound and dressing up is essential. In fact, entrance to certain clubs is determined by how you look. Those in the line-up to enter who have the look are often escorted in by others who are well-connected. Without the look, you may never get in. So have a hot outfit ready that shows off your assets for the best nightlife experience ever. Have dressy clothes suitable for dining out also.

You will see an eclectic variety of styles and outfits throughout the city. If you visit the artsy areas of town, you will find vintage clothing and outfits that have been created with uniqueness in mind. In certain areas of town gangster clothing is the predominant style. Near colleges and universities, jeans and T-shirts, the uniform of college students will be most common. In working class parts of the city, fashion is less important and less attainable and therefore you will see looks that are common to small town America.

One of the most important things to remember when you are in New York is good footwear. The city is not conducive to driving and therefore people spend much of their day walking around. If you are a tourist in the city, you will definitely do a lot of walking. Bring along comfortable, supportive shoes. If you really want to wear more stylish ones, bring them along in an oversized fashionable tote and swap shoes when you get to your destination.

Get ready for the excitement of New York City with a careful eye to the clothes you bring.

Che Guevara

How to Dress Like Che Guevara

Che Guevara

Ernesto “Che” Guevara was born in Argentina in 1928. Though educated as a doctor who received his medical degree in 1951, Che was best known as a Marxist revolutionary and major figure in the Cuban Revolution. He was an integral part of Fidel Castro’s rebel army in his plot to overthrow the Cuban government in the 1950’s. Though reviled by many, Che Guevara’s image and style came to symbolize counterculture and rebellion.

Che Guevara’s image may be controversial, but dressing like him can be a simple matter of pulling together a few items of clothing and accessories. Dressing like Che Guevara can be easy to pull off successfully.

To dress like Che Guevara first you must have the single most recognizable item, a hat. Guevara wore a beret with a star on the front. Guevara in his Viva la Revolution beret is one of his most recognizable images. Though photographed without the hat quite often, it’s the hat that most readily evokes the image of Che Guevara.

The next part of the Che Guevara ensemble is army fatigues. In the days of the Cuban Revolution he was always seen in some form of fatigues or army uniform. Generally olive, these items can be found easily and cheaply at an army surplus store. Be sure to get pants as well as a shirt that buttons with a notched collar. While you’re there take a look for some black military boots to go with the fatigues. Lace up boots that your pants can be tucked into are an ideal choice.

The next thing you need in order to dress like Che Guevara is a beard and longish hair. Guevara wore an unkempt beard. If you don’t have a beard or don’t want to grow one, you can get a costume beard at a costume shop or on the internet. You could also use an eyeliner pencil to draw in the moustache and beard. To go along with the beard he also wore his hair longish and messy. It came down nearly to his chin and looked tousled and uncombed. If your hair doesn’t fit this description you can find a wig at a costume shop. An alternative would be to wear long hair in a ponytail under the beret.

The final element to complete the Che Guevara look is a cigar. Though Guevara famously smoked large Cuban cigars, you could use any variety of cigar that can easily be found at a cigar or smoke shop or perhaps a liquor store. In place of a real cigar a costume or prop cigar could be used.

Che Guevara’s image evokes a sense of revolution and counterculture.  He was a controversial image, both loved and hated by many. To dress like him, though possibly a bit risky, is really quite easy and inexpensive and can be done with very few pieces and just a little thought and preparation.

Fortune teller

How to Dress Like a Fortune Teller

Fortune teller

A fortune teller is someone who foretells your personal future. Typically known to use mystical or supernatural means to do so, most people picture a woman in a dark room peering into a crystal ball to see your future. Fortune tellers are often thought of as beautiful and seductive and can be mysterious and intriguing.

Fortune tellers are known to have a certain style which many people choose to interpret or emulate on occasions such as Halloween or for costume parties. In order to duplicate their style and dress like a fortune teller there are couple of simple things to keep in mind. First and foremost are the layers. From the top to the skirt to the jewelry, layers are essential. Also, wear bright colors and lots of them. Wear lots of purple, red and gold. There are very few fortune teller fashions that include boring beige or simple monochromatic tones.

If you want to dress like a fortune teller your first step is to find a top. The perfect top would be a peasant blouse with puffy sleeves. Bright colors are preferred but white will do. A blouse that ties or has a draw string at the neck or a loose fit with a v-neck is perfect. You can also add a vest over the shirt or even a cape.

The next item is a skirt. A full skirt that comes down to at least mid-calf is ideal, especially if it has many layers and many colors. Around the waist of the skirt you should wear a long scarf or sash that ties on the side and hangs long. If you are a male, wear loose trousers in a dark color.

Next on the list is jewelry. To dress like a fortune teller you need lots of jewelry. Wear big hoop or chandelier earrings, lots of big bead necklaces or long strands of gold chains. Make sure you wear many gold and silver bangle bracelets and wear as many big, chunky rings with sparkly fake gems as you can fit on your fingers.

For your head, the best choice is a scarf. Wear it low on your forehead, just above your eyebrows, and tie it in the back. Use a long scarf so the tied ends hang down your back. If you have long hair wear it down and in lots of curls. If you are a male dressing as a fortune teller, you can wear a scarf or you can choose to wear a turban with a sparkly jewel attached to the front.

Wear lots of makeup to portray the mysterious look of a fortune teller. Do your eyes in dark, smoky colors and wear a matte red lipstick. You can even add a subtle beauty mark on your cheek or above your lip.

Dressing like a fortune teller can be fun and easy. Make sure you wear lots of flowing layers and lots of beautiful colors and you’ll be able to pull off the perfect look.