Clothing colors

How To Find Your Best Clothing Colors

Clothing colors

Wearing colors that best suit you can make all the difference in your appearance. There are rare individuals that look good in every color, however for the most part, people have tones that suit them better than others. There are a variety of things that impact which colors look good on you. These factors range from your complexion to your hair color, to your body shape to your personality and more.

You will find that by wearing certain shades your complexion will look ruddier or washed out or simply not its best. You need to know if your complexion is fair, dark, olive or ruddy and which colors look best with it. A general rule of thumb is that clothing that is close in tone to your skin is unflattering. Your hair however can change what colors work for you. If you have fair skin and very light hair, you definitely need color in your wardrobe or you will look like a ghost. However, if you have fair skin and dark hair, light colors work fine.  Finding the right clothing colors to suit your coloring, including your complexion and hair color, is something everyone should spend time doing.

If you naturally gravitate towards dark colors, by all means go for it. Black and dark shades work well for most people. They tend to have a slimming effect, which pleases many individuals regardless of skin color. If you are heavyset, black and dark colors are a good choice for you. If your body shape is unbalanced, wear dark tones where you are bigger for the best result.  Just remember to try to balance dark clothes with a little color to avoid a Goth look. If you have a very pale, porcelain complexion, you may want to avoid too much black, especially near your face, as it will give you a vampire look.

Your personality also has a significant impact on the best clothing colors for you. If you enjoy being the center of attention, reds, yellows, bright shades, neons and metallics will be options for you. Work these into your wardrobe while keeping in mind guidelines for choosing color.

Another way to help determine your best clothing colors is to do a color analysis and decide which season you are. If you are a summer, you should wear blues, pinks, lavenders, winter white and unique shades like lemon and watermelon. If you are a winter, you should wear darks, bright colors, icy pale shades and pure white. If you are an autumn, you should wear earth tones and slightly muted bright colors. If you are a spring, you should wear reds, oranges, aqua, lighter shades of navy blue and ivory.

By finding out your best clothing colors, you will be ready to pull together a perfectly flattering outfit whenever you need it. A simple and quick way to do so is by standing in front of a mirror with T-shirts of different shades. Focus on your face and the changes reflected there as you hold one color after another up to your neck. Spend a little time on this trick and before you know it you’ll have found the best color choices for your clothes, as well as a few items to give away.

Canada 3

Symbols of Canada on Canadian T-Shirts

Canada 1Canada is one of the largest countries in the world in geographic size. It is so enormous that its many different regions look like entirely different countries. There are frozen wastes in Canada as well as prairie lands, huge mountains, forests and sea coasts. The large number of different types of habitats also means a large number of native animals. All of this makes for fabulous pictures that look great on Canada t-shirts.

A Canada t-shirt can feature such Canadian sights as moose, unspoiled mountain lakes and decent hockey players. These are just a few of the many things that are associated for Canada. A picture of a moose walking along the road is a sight that some Canadians are familiar with. Others are more familiar with the Canadian islands along the Atlantic coast. Still other Canadians are more familiar with the vast prairie lands that encompass so much of the country. All of these scenes are Canadian and all are great ways to represent the country on a t-shirt.

The easiest way to show that a person is Canadian is to design a t-shirt Canada 2with a big maple leaf on it. The maple leaf is such a classic symbol of Canada that no more needs to be said on a t-shirt for people to understand its meaning. If the maple leaf is joined by the name of the country or a picture of a scene from the country, the message will be that much more apparent. Canadians are proud of their country and everything it stands for. That pride can be expressed with a t-shirt with any of these images and countless more that represent Canada.

For some people, traveling around the world to places that may be unfriendly to Americans leaves Canadians ready to try anything to let the world know that they are Canadian. With a Canada t-shirt, they can do just that. Canadians can wear the shirt proudly to show their nationality to everyone around them. And if it helps them to avoid a little trouble, that’s just icing on the cake.

Canadian flags are another image that can make for attractive Canada t-shirts. Everyone loves the red and white, and Canadians all love their flag. A Canadian flag is a symbol of Canada in so many ways that it is an unmistakable image to anyone who sees it. No one with a Canadian flag on their t-shirt will be mistaken for anything other than a Canadian.

Canada 3Other Canada T-Shirts include

Side knots

How To Make Side Knots On Shirts

Side knots

If you want to change the look of your shirts by creating side knots, you will be pleased to learn that it is very easy to do so. You may already have button-down shirts and T-shirts in your wardrobe that are just perfect for side knots. If not, you will need to invest in a certain type of shirt. Be sure to choose shirts that are not form fitting. If there is no slack in the clothes you will have nothing to tie, therefore loose fitting shirts are necessary. In addition, choose shirts that are longer than you would usually wear for ease of tying.

If you are looking to make only one side knot on a shirt, it is a simple and quick process. Take the end of the hem at the seam on the side you want the knot and pull it away from the body. Wind the taut fabric around your hand. Pull the end of the fabric through the center of the loop and release the hand used to make the loop. Pull the end of the fabric to tighten the knot. This is a great way to shorten a shirt that is too long for you, create a more fitted look or just change the look of a shirt in your wardrobe. When you are tired of the side knot, just untie it and either iron the shirt or wash it and start over.

Alternatively, if you are want to have side knots on both sides of a shirt at the same time, the procedure will take a little longer and the changes you make to the shirt are more permanent. Many people refer to this as T-shirt surgery or strategic cutting. To create 2 knots, you will need extra fabric, therefore the best way to do this by cutting open the side seams on your shirt. When you cut the shirt, it provides two strips which you can tie together in the traditional fashion, in order to create a unique look perfect for summer. If you opt to go with the 2 side knots and cut the T-shirt seam, you can reinforce your work by simply serging the cut portion of the shirt, so that it doesn’t unravel.

A shirt with side knots is a great versatile look. It is easy to create and allows people to express their individual taste by customizing their clothing in a way that fits them. For anyone who wears uniforms or group shirts, side knots are a popular way to give them a new fresh look. This is an extremely popular way to deal with T-shirts that are given away as freebies or for promotions. Quite often such tees are one-size-fits-all. To improve how they fit and create a look that is more unique, many people turn to side knots.

Get out those extra shirts that you have that are just too big and customize them with side knots. It is a great casual look that can be worn lots of places, as long as you don’t tie the side knot mid-chest.

Fred Astaire

How to Dress Like Fred Astaire

Fred Astaire

It is hard to say the word dance and not think of Fred Astaire. His brilliant career spanned over seven decades and saw him performing on the stages of Broadway all the way to the Silver Screen. Even today, many years after his passing, there are countless Fed Astaire Dance Academies that teach people from all walks of life to be just a bit lighter on their feet.

When it came to style, Astaire had one all his own. He was never seen in a casual dress and usually sported a tuxedo or a classic suit. Some even joke that he probably slept in his tuxedo but the probable reason behind his always impressive dress is that he was a true gentleman and always wanting to look his best. To dress like Astaire, you too have to look your best:

•    The suit look: Wearing a suit was about as casual as Fred Astaire ever got. When you choose your suit make sure that it has a classic and comfortable fit. The undershirt should always be long sleeved and white. The pants should have a crease in the middle and should come down to the laces or top of your shoes. The jacket should also be a classic cut. If you go with a jacket that has fancy lapels you will be missing the look. Astaire always wore a classic cut regular looking jacket. As for the colors, stick with dark. Astaire had been known to occasionally wear a white suit but for the most part he was always wearing a darker color. This was accentuated by the black and white coloring of the movie screen in the days before color so if you wear a suit that is too bright, the effect will be lost.
•    The tuxedo look: Because he was such a revered actor Astaire was often seen at all of the gathering of the who’s who in Hollywood. Because of that fact Astaire was often in a tuxedo. Choose your tuxedo by going with the most classic look that the tux shop has to offer. Always go with black and make sure that the tux shirt is of course white. In classic form Astaire always finished off his tuxedo look with a small bow tie.
•    Shoes and ties: This is about the only spot on Astaire’s wardrobe that allows you to have any changeability. For shoes Astaire mostly wore classic black shoes with laces, but there were times that he did wear black and white saddle shoes with laces. Getting a pair of saddle shoes could help you to spruce up the look just a bit without straying too far from the formula. He also wore a variety of neck ties. Now this only applies to the suit look, but Astaire wore all sorts of neck ties and anything from a bow tie, to a polka dot tie to a solid color tie will do the trick. Be careful not to go too modern with the color and stay far away from pastels.

All that remains for you to complete the Fed Astaire look is to get a walking cane and a top hat if you so desire, put a spring in your step, and get really good at whistling while you walk.

Leather Jacket

How to Care for a Leather Jacket

Leather Jacket

Perhaps nothing looks better than a nice leather jacket. This versatile garment can be worn year round and goes with almost any pair of pants or jeans. The great thing about leather jackets is that everyone looks great in them. Leather jackets can also be expensive so it is important to take proper care of your leather jacket if you wish to enjoy it for an extended period of time.

Leather is a fickle material so special care must be taken to ensure your leather jacket is always at its best. Here are some easy but important ways to care for your leather jacket:

•    Apply a protectant: The first thing you should do when you purchase a leather jacket is protect it using a colorless, odorless aerosol spray that will help repel water and stains. There a number of different brands available and which one you use is really a personal preference, but you should never leave your leather jacket untreated. The protectant should be reapplied every six months to ensure that your leather jacket will always stay looking its best.
•    Keep it dry: Just as with oil, leather does not mix well with water. If your leather jacket does happen to get wet do not dry it in the dryer or with a blow dryer as this is a recipe for disaster. Simply towel dry the jacket as best you can and then hang your leather jacket up and allow the rest of the moisture to air dry. Try to avoid water all together if you can. If the weather looks sketchy, don’t risk it, leave the jacket at home or at the very least make sure you bring an umbrella.
•    Pad it up: When you hang up your jacket you should do so on a heavy duty padded hanger. This will keep the jacket from getting those nasty looking hanger marks and will also allow the jacket to naturally remain wrinkle free.
•    Condition: At least one time per year you should have you leather jacket conditioned. You can either do this yourself or take the jacket to a professional and have it done for you. Conditioning the leather on a regular basis will keep the leather softer and help to avoid cracking in the leather. If you do this yourself be sure to take special care and pay extra attention to the elbows of the jacket as these areas are bent more frequently and more susceptible to cracking if not properly treated.
•    Avoid plastic: If you plan on storing your leather jacket for any period of time avoid doing so in a plastic cover like the ones you get from a dry cleaner. These types of bags do not allow the jacket to breath and that spells trouble for the leather. Instead use a fabric garment bag that is breathable. This will protect your jacket and also allow the leather to get some much needed air.

With proper care and regular maintenance your leather jacket will look as good as the day you bought it for many years to come.

Accountant T-Shirts are Top Dollar

Accountants are specialists in a field that many other people shy away from. They are often hired or subcontracted to do the dollars and cents part of a business that many people do not want to attempt or are afraid to attempt. To be a good accountant, you must enjoy working with numbers, like challenges, be detail-oriented and enjoy solving problems. Accounting requires not only good accounting skills, but also organization, time management, patience and more.


Accounting is a profession that has many different sides and faces. Often people in this field are referred to as simply accountants, when in reality they are accounting clerks, payroll specialists, bookkeepers, Chief Financial Officers, Comptrollers, Certified Public Accountants or something completely different. If you work in the accounting field there is much room for specialization and advancement, as you can see from the list of “accountants” above.

If you are looking into becoming an accountant or to advance in the accounting field, do some research into what each type of accountant actually does. There are so many different tasks and degree of complexity for each different job to take into consideration. Next, you need to look at the type of training required for each position. It may take little formal training or it may take a lot, the research will help you find out and from that you can decide if you still want to do it. Certain types of accountant fields require standardized tests, membership to a professional group and more, while many require relatively little beyond on-the-job training.

Accountants do everything is regards to money and finances, including recording transactions, paying bills, invoicing, payroll, taxes and more. Every business needs an accountant and many people need one too. If you don’t personally have an accountant, then you do certain accounting tasks yourself like taxes and accounts payable. Accountants are needed practically everywhere: the corporate world, small businesses, by other professionals, sole proprietorships, churches, government, hospitals and institutions.

Your accounting job does not need to be simply recording information, making things work after the fact and doing taxes. Accountants are needed to analyze the financial portion of business decisions before they are made. They are also needed to help with business plans before businesses open. Accountants should be involved in helping you crunch the numbers before you make any financially risky decision.

Be proud of being an accountant and let everyone know about it. You should take pride in the fact that you are a part of a profession that is vital to so many people. You can also have fun with the whole idea and have a clever line printed on a tee like:

Get yourself an Accountant T-shirt today and show that your profession is number 1.

Water stains

How to Remove Hard Water Stains from Clothes

Water stains

When you wash your clothes in hard water you may not notice a difference in your colors but you will certainly see a difference in your whites. Hard water has the unique ability to make every white article of clothing you have a nice dingy color and depending on how hard the water actually is will depend on how dingy the hard water stains are. There are many products sold on the market today that claim to remove hard water stains, but many of them are expensive and most don’t work. So how do you remove hard water stains from your clothes?

Removing hard water stains starts before you ever touch your clothing. If you haven’t already you should have a water softener installed as this will keep the rust and calcium build up down and thus lessen the stains on your whites due to hard water. But really no matter what you do with hard water, there will be dingy hard water stains to deal with. Here is how you can get rid of these stains:

•    Use acid: This sounds a lot scarier than it actually is. The acid will actually eat away the hard water stains and if you use a mild acid it will not harm your clothing. Believe it or not you probably have that mild form of acid in your home right now as it is in the form of vinegar. To be effective you can spot treat hard water stains with the vinegar or to treat whites that are dingy you can fill your washing machine with water and add a good amount of vinegar and simply let the clothes sit for a few hours. Then turn on the washing machine and let it run its course.
•    Wash normally: Once you are done with the vinegar stage, leave the clothes in the washing machine and do a normal load. This is the point where you want to examine the detergent you are using. You can actually buy detergent that makes your hard water softer and if the detergent you have on hand isn’t so then you need to go get some. After adding the detergent, wash you whites as normal.
•    Bleach the load: Once washed again leave the load in the washer. Run another cycle but this time bleach your clothes. Of course you know to skip this step should you be allergic to bleach or you are washing colors.
•    Wash one more time: Using the special detergent you have just acquired give the whites one more washing.
•    Dry the clothes: Now that you have gone through that whole ordeal you can go ahead and dry the clothes as you normally would in the dryer.

Your clothes may not come out as white as new, but they will definitely be a lot less dingy than before you started. In addition to using the special water softening laundry detergent you can also from time to time use some vinegar in a normal load of laundry. This will help to fight the effects of the hard water and keep your clothes looking as hard water free as possible.

Signing day

National Signing Day – Design a T-Shirt to Support an Athlete

Signing day

National Signing Day is the first day the graduating high school seniors can declare officially with a legally binding national letter of intent which college they plan to attend and play football for the following fall season. It is a huge day for college football fans. This day has been building with an undercurrent of great anticipation and speculation up to this point about where these players will head in the fall.  National Signing Day in 2010 is February 3 for Football, Field Hockey, Soccer, Track and Field, Cross Country, Men’s Water Polo and on April 14 for Basketball.

National Signing Day is met with a lot of hype. Fans, players and coaches alike are pumped up and ready to tackle the next season. This is a day of positivity about what lies ahead. The focus is on new opportunities.

The best players from each high school football team are highly sought after and heavily recruited during their senior years. Coaches are relentless in their recruiting efforts of the top prospects. Some coaches have even been found to have been unethical in their tactics or taken illegal actions to gain talent for their team.

Universities fund recruiting programs heavily, pouring money into the efforts in hopes of luring in the best and the brightest future stars. Some coaches are said to be hired for their recruiting skills almost as much as their coaching skills. All of the year long recruiting process culminates in the excitement of National Signing Day once the players commit to a team and announce it to the world.

Fans across the nation are eager to follow the careers of their local hometown high school football heroes. National Signing Day gives cause for a celebration to honor the achievements of local star athletes. Some athletes hold actual televised press conferences to make their big announcements of their official intended school on National Signing Day.

Additionally, alumni and fans of college teams are always looking toward the next season. Fans get excited to find out more about these talented prospects that will become the newest part of their beloved team. For a team that lost a lot of graduating seniors, seeing who the new players are and how they might help to fill any talent gaps on a team, provides a sense of satisfaction and renewed hope for a winning season.

Athletes invite coaching staff, family and friends to be present in what may amount to their fifteen minutes of fame or be the start of a lifetime of fame and fortune. One of the most exciting aspects of this day is that you may be witnessing the very beginning of the makings of a superstar. Four years from now, you may be watching the NFL Draft to see what team this player will be headed to next.

Many people throw parties celebrating the National Signing Day announcements. No other sport features an event commemorating the signing of amateur athletes. Football is the only sport which garners as much viewing or support of the recruiting or drafting process. Some say National Signing Day is such a big deal to diehard fans as it gives them just one more day to celebrate the game and the team they love most.

Celebrate National Signing day and design a custom t-shirt to support your friend or relative on the big day.

Big brother 3

The Excitement of Big Brother T-Shirts

There are few things more exciting in the life of a child as when they get a new sibling. At least, it’s exciting once they learn just how exciting a new baby can be. At first the news may be met with indifference. It may even be met with fear that a parent will be too occupied with a new baby.

To get a little boy more excited about his role as a big brother, there are big brother t-shirts. There are a number of ways to interest a boy in his new baby brother or sister, or even in a younger sibling who is already there. A t-shirt is one of the simplest ways to do this. It helps the child to see how his own role is changing in the family. Getting a new baby brother isn’t just about the baby- it’s also about the older brother.

An older brother is a very special thing, and any boy who starts to understand that will be a lot more excited about an addition to the family. The big brother t-shirt can be bought before the baby is born in order to get the brother more interested in the birth. It may help him to understand that there really will be a new baby coming- that wasn’t just a bedtime story.

The t-shirt can be worn for awhile before the birth to build up some excitement for the new baby. When people see it and ask whether this is a big brother, it will remind him that life is about to change and that a new playmate is coming. Putting on the t-shirt in the morning is a time to remind the big brother about the impending arrival, and anytime he looks at it he will think about the new baby.

A big brother t-shirt is also a nice present for the big brother at the same time that the baby arrives. Most of the attention will be on the baby and even on the mother. Getting the big brother a present to help them feel special too is a good way to ease the transition. The baby will be getting a lot of attention for quite some time, but the big brother is also special in the family.

If the baby has already been born but the big brother doesn’t seem to take a lot of interest in the baby, a big brother t-shirt might do the trick. It reminds the big brother about how important he will be in the life of the new baby. The baby may be small now, but pretty soon there will be a sibling who is big enough to run and play. That sibling will look up to the big brother and want to be just like him. Some ideas for big brother t-shirts include

Big brother 1 Big brother 2 Big brother 3
I’ve been promoted to big brother Big Brother 2010 I’m the big brother
Big brother 4 Big brother 5 Big brother 6
Proud Big Brother I’m the Big Brother Train Big Bro Dinosaur

A big brother t-shirt makes the older sibling feel special, and may make him like the younger child just a little bit more. This can make for a better transition in the family and an older child who is proud of his new role.


What to Wear to the Super Bowl


The Super Bowl is undeniably the most popular sporting event in the United States each year. It is certainly the most watched and has the highest advertising revenue of any televised sport. America is fascinated with football and every year in late January or early February, the whole country practically is glued to their television sets watching this exciting game to decide the top team of the season.

For most people the question of what to wear to the Super Bowl is more about what to wear to a Super Bowl party. The easy answer here is to try to get a feel for the type of party that is being held. If it is a cocktails and finger foods reception for charity while the Super Bowl plays in the background, you may need to dress up. However, for an everyday Super Bowl party, a casual look is sure to fit.

For a guy, jeans and a T-shirt are a safe bet. For women, the same outfit could work or you could opt for something a little dressier. Just remember to stay comfortable. Typical Super Bowl parties mean a lot of time curled up on the couch eating snack foods. Super Bowl Sunday is the second largest eating day in America, right behind Thanksgiving. Another fantastic choice of what to wear for a Super Bowl party is to wear a jersey or T-shirt that shows who you are supporting. This is especially true if you are a fan of one of the teams who made it to the big game.

If you are one of the lucky ones who actually gets to go to the real Super Bowl, then the question of what to wear to the Super Bowl takes on whole new meaning. First off ask yourself about the weather and temperature for the day. Be sure to dress for the weather and bring an extra shirt or jacket in case you get cold. Another thing to keep in mind is to dress comfortably, including your footwear. Attending the actual Super Bowl spans a much longer period of time than you see on television and you will likely need to walk quite a bit to get to your seats.

In addition you will of course want to wear clothing in support of the team you favor, if indeed you are rooting for one or the other. If you happen to be in premium seating or luxury boxes, you will also need to dress accordingly. Don’t go overboard, but dress chic with comfort and fun in mind.

No matter where you are watching it you can get a great custom-made T-shirt for the Super Bowl. It can be the shirt you wear for every future Super Bowl too. You can have fun party favors made up for a Super Bowl party by creating matching T-shirts for your guests. Choose a color and select what you want printed on your custom shirt and in no time you’ll have exactly what you need. Just remember that you can’t use the actual words Super Bowl because it will infringe on NFL trademarks. So use your imagination to find clever ways to print something recognizable on your shirt for the Big Game.  Get your custom tshirt today for the Superbowl to be ready for the game.


What to Wear to a Baptism


A baptism is a Christian ritual that is performed with water by which one is admitted membership into the Christian Church and is said by some to have their soul protected from evil. A baptism is a very important day for all of those that are a part of it and just the fact that you get invited to attend this special day should be met with a feeling of gratuity. So what should you wear when attending a baptism?

What you will wear when attending a baptism will all depend on the role in which you play in that baptism. Here is how it breaks down:

•    Parents: Your child only gets baptized once and you will want to dress for the occasion. Dress to the nines but don’t go all out and rent a tux. A nice suit and tie will do the trick for the dads and the moms can wear an elegant dress that is a bright and cheery color.
•    God Parents: One of the greatest honors there are is to have the parents of the child being baptized to ask you to be a God Parent of the child. This honor is usually reserved for the closest friends of the parents or may even be a sibling or another relative. A God Parent will stand with the child and the parents at the baptism and will swear to take care of the child should anything happen to the parents. Because of this honor it is important that you dress your best on the day of the baptism. You will be in photos and the day will long be remembered so you will want to ensure that you look your best. Guys should therefore wear a suit with a neck tie and women should wear a nice day dress.
•    Attending friend: If you are a friend of the family that has been invited to attend you will want to dress up but not as much as the God Parents do. For guys a pair of nice dress slacks will fit the bill topped with a nice button down shirt. It is not necessary to wear a neck tie in this case. For women you can go with a nice pair of dress pants and a chic dress blouse that is not too casual. Never show a lot of skin as that will come off as tacky.

You need to remember that the baptism will take place in a church and that you will want to dress accordingly. Just think how you would show up for a Sunday service. Would you show up in your shorts and a tank top? Of course not, well a baptism should be no different. After all, there is a reason it is called your ‘Sunday best.’

Remember it is an extreme honor just to be invited to the baptism of another person. Take that initiation to heart and be sure that you are dressed appropriately so that you will help to honor the joyful day properly.


What to Wear to Ballet


When you are trying to figure out what to wear to ballet it really comes down to are you going to be a participant in the performance or a spectator of it? Ballet at any level is a wonderful display of art that almost anyone can enjoy but there is a certain dress code when attending a ballet for both participants and spectators alike.

Ballet for the most part is a semi-formal event and attending one means that you will have to break out your best clothes especially if you are planning on attending on opening night. Here is how you can look your absolute best when attending a ballet:

•    Participants: When ballet dancers are practicing they will generally wear a black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, and have their hair pulled back. Male dancers will wear thick tights, a tank top, and black ballet shoes. But when the actual performance rolls around these warm up outfits are tossed to the side and make way for a variety of different colors and styles which will all depend on the theme of the ballet.
•    Women spectators: Women can look their best in a nice dress that is one solid color. Really any color goes, but you want to be sure that the length of the dress is not too short. Go with a dress that is no shorter than just above the knees and compliment the dress with a matching pair of heels. Accessorize elegantly but lightly and wear jewelry that will compliment your outfit such as a simple string of pearls. Do your hair however you feel comfortable but remember you definitely want to dress to impress.
•    Men spectators: Guys need to at least go in a suit and tie especially for the all important opening night. If you are attending a very fancy ballet then you may even want to go with a traditional tuxedo or other type of black tie attire. Your shoes should of course be dressy as well and like the ladies you should be going for the knockout with your outfit.
•    Children spectators: Kids should be dressed up but you do not have to go crazy with renting your little guy a tux. When dressing your kids for a ballet, think of how you would dress them to go to church and you will have a good indication of what they should be dressed like to attend the ballet. Just be sure that you don’t have them going in shorts, shirts, and hats.

There is an exception to these dress codes. If you are attending a child’s performance you may want to ask the ballet teacher first how formal or casual the event is going to be. You certainly don’t want to show up in a tux when everyone else has on jeans and t-shirts and vice-versa.

Whether you are participating in the ballet or you are going to the ballet to be entertained you will enjoy yourself the most when you dress the part.


What to do with Clothes you Don’t Want Anymore


At some point in time there will be times when you will have a bunch of clothes that you can no longer wear. This may be due to you gaining weight or hopefully because you lost a bunch. Whatever the case may be what the heck are you supposed to do with all of those unwearable clothes you will now have?

Believe it or not there are several things that you can do with clothes that you can no longer wear, here are just a few:

•    Donate them: Of course the easiest thing to do with all of your unwanted clothing is to donate them. Your local Good Will donation center will be more than happy to accept your unwanted clothes. This is great because they then sell them at really cheap prices to anyone in need of clothing. What’s even better is that they will give you a receipt with an approximate value of the clothes you donate that you can then write off on your taxes. Talk about a win, win situation.
•    Exchange them: There are many websites now that are set up specifically for clothing exchanges. What you do is find someone with clothes that no longer fit them or that they no longer want and see if they are interested in any of your unused clothing. If they are then you can set up an exchange and each of you will end up with a new set of clothes.
•    Sell them to a vintage shop: If your clothes are old enough you can actually make a little bit of money with them by selling them to a vintage shop. You won’t make a killing, but something is better than nothing.
•    Have a yard sale: You can also have a yard sale and sell your unused clothing. Once again, you won’t get rich, but a few dollars is better than no dollars. Besides you can also sell some other stuff you have lying around the house. Use the proceeds and treat yourself to some new clothing.
•    Go eBaying: If your unused clothes are designer, check out eBay before you do anything else. You might be surprised at the amount of money you can make by selling some used clothes that are in good shape. Really when you think about it makes sense. The people buying your clothes are getting brand names at discount prices and if they are buying something like your jeans then they will come pre-broken in.
•    Upcycle them: If you end up with clothes that are too tattered to donate or sell then upcycle them. Upcycling is where you take something of no use and use it for something else. In other words, you turn it into something useful. For example, you can tear up an old cotton shirt and use it for rags when you detail your car. There are many websites now that are packed with ideas on upcycling so go nuts with it.

The last thing you should do with clothing that you no longer wear is throw it away. If you don’t want to deal with selling it, donate it. Remember, just because the clothing no longer suites your needs doesn’t mean that it won’t suite somebody else’s.


What to Wear with Pearls


There was a time in history when wearing a string of pearls meant that you were on the more affluent side of the tracks. Back in the twentieth century it was only older, well established women that were seem wearing pearls. Basically back then if you were not born into money, then pearls were something that had to be earned at a later point in woman’s life. Now with the advent of many different priced pearls, this is no longer the case, but many people still associate pearls with the’ rich and stuffy’ class and don’t give them a second thought when it comes to fashion. But pearls can make for a modern look if they are properly paired with some of today’s fun fashions.

Many feel that you can only wear your peals in a formal situation. While this is indeed true, that doesn’t mean that you can’t get a little risky and wear your pearls to a more casual setting. It is all in how you wear your pearls. Here are some ways that you too can dress up or down in your pearls:

•    Formal: Pearls are synonymous for going with black-tie affair fashion. When you break out that little black dress there is no other accessory that will make it look better that a nice string of pearls. But instead of over dressing yourself in other jewelry, try wearing just pearls. A great pairing with formal wear is a pearl necklace, simple pearl earrings, and a pearl ring. This will give you a different look form the gold that usually litters the little black dresses at formal events.
•    Casual: Just as you can wear your pearls with formal wear, you can also wear them with casual wear. A nice pair of jeans and a casual blouse will actually be just fine to wear your pearls with. To detract from the fact that you are wearing pearls and to bring the tone of the pearls down just a bit, try layering several pearl necklaces with other more conventional necklaces such as different bead necklaces or gold necklaces. Go with different styles and lengths for an ultra chic look, just be sure that you don’t go too heavy on the bling or you may be mistaken for a rapper.
•    Mix up the colors: Pearls are generally associated with black only but the fact is that pearls can go with a number of different colors. While you will want to avoid pastels and fluorescent colors as the pearls will get lost in them, there is nothing wrong with many other colors in the color spectrum. Colors such as violet, sunshine yellow, and canary red really bring life to a nice string of pearls. Have fun here and mix and match to come up with different combinations that will look great on you.

Every woman should have pearls. Pearls offer a wider variety of fashion choices then you might think and when paired with the proper fashion, you can look great in pearls no matter how fancy or laid back you want to be.


What to Wear on Vacation in Cancun


Cancun, Mexico was once a nothing more than a tiny little town that offered nothing out of the ordinary. Now Cancun is world famous and is the place to go when vacationing if you are into a wild nightlife, a balmy climate, water sports galore, and oh yeah the beach. A trip to Cancun can be a once in a lifetime experience that you won’t soon forget, so what should you wear when you vacation in Cancun?

Cancun is the ultimate place for rest and relaxation, but it is also a place to party your tail off. If you are planning a trip to this Mexican paradise, here is what you should wear:

•    Bathing Suit: Cancun is actually an island and is only a mere 16 miles long so if you think you can go there and avoid the beach, think again. That being known you better pack your bathing suits as you will be spending a great deal of time in them. For guys a really cool pair of board shorts will keep you comfortable and have you looking cool and for the ladies, go for it with a sexy bikini that compliments your figure.
•    Shorts and t-shirts: Cancun is hot, hot, hot! Even when you are not on the beach you will want to be wearing as little as possible. This is where a nice pair of cargo shorts and a regular old t-shirt will do the trick. Women can go a little classier than the guys and wear a nice pair of capris that will look great and still keep you cool.
•    Comfy shoes: You are going to be on vacation after all. Again, if you are not at the beach then chances are you will be walking around and visiting one of the many shops and stores that Cancun has to offer. Make sure you pack a cozy pair of sneakers for your trip and don’t leave behind your flip flops because you will need those too.
•    Night wear: For those nights out at the clubs you will want to get just a bit dressier, but not much. A pair of nice jeans and a cool button down shirt will fit the bill for the guys. Feel free to leave that shirt un-tucked and make sure that your shoes are easy to move in when you hit the dance floor. Women can get away with jeans and a sassy t-shirt or can even go for ultra comfort with a cute skirt or dress. Same rule applies for your shoes ladies.
•    Sun block: Probably the most important thing you will put on while in Cancun is your sun block. Bring an SPF that is greater than you would normally use and don’t be shy about re-applying. Failure to always have a good coat of sun block on will have you coming back looking like a lobster and feeling like a walking blister. Of course, you don’t have to wear any sun block at night if you don’t want to.

As important as all those things are to make sure to pack, it is equally as important to leave behind your cares and troubles; you won’t need them in Cancun.


Guide to Wearing a Scottish Kilt


Anyone who has seen the movie Braveheart or Rob Roy knows exactly what a kilt is. It is the knee length garment that all the men wear that looks like a skirt, for the lack of a better term. Scottish kilts are more often than not made of a woolen material and are in a tartan pattern. Kilts were traditionally only worn during formal times or at the highland games, but in recent years they are becoming ever popular with a whole host of men. Now more than ever kilts can be seen being worn at many different events both formal and informal. So how exactly do you wear a Scottish kilt and what goes with it to complete the look?

To start with you will need more than just the kilt. Along with the garment you will need kilt pins, a belt, and a type of pouch known as a sporran. Here is how to properly put on a Scottish kilt:

1.    Position the kilt: Hold the kilt around your waste making sure to position the pleats in the back.
2.    Begin the wrap: Warp the kilt and attach the right apron to the left buckle. You will want a snug fit here, but don’t go too tight. Repeat the process on the opposite side attaching the left apron to the right buckle.
3.    Pin it: Making sure that the kilt is sitting on your waste just above your belly button, fasten the kilt with your kilt pins.
4.    Belt and Sporran: After you put on the belt you can position the sporran by letting it hang just a few inches off of the belt’s buckle. Some like to let the sporran hang to the left, some prefer the right, and others prefer the center. This is a personal call and doesn’t matter either way.

Finishing the look

No Scottish kilt would be complete without adding a few accessories such as:

•    Jacket: Also known as a waistcoat, this looks perfect with the kilt, especially in a formal setting.
•    Socks: To pull off the Scottish kilt look you need to get white woolen socks that can be pulled up just above the knee and then should be turned down. Some refer to these socks as hose and they can even be worn with garter flashes if you so desire.
•    Ghillie Brogues: These are the traditional shoes worn with a kilt. These types of shoes have no tongue and the laces run along the instep of the foot.
•    A Sgian Dubh: This is a Gaelic term meaning ‘black knife’ and that is exactly what a sgian dubh is. The sheathed black knife is traditionally worn on the top of the right hose. Just be sure you won’t get in trouble if you choose to wear this accessory.

Lastly the question on everyone’s mind, underwear or no underwear? Traditionally a Scottish kilt is worn with no underwear. This however should be a personal preference and if you would feel more comfortable wearing underwear under your kilt then do so. Hopefully no one will be the wiser.

Shailene Woodley

How to Dress Like Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley is a young actress who is best known for her role in the hit show the OC and later for her role on the show The Secret Life of the American Teenager. At just 17 years old it is no surprise that she dresses like a typical teenager at times, but what may surprise you is that she can dress up and look as good as actresses that have been in the game for a long time when she attends a red carpet event.

Woodley has an all-natural beauty to her and her slender figure allows for her to look great in almost anything she puts on. Here are some ways that you too can look like Shailene Woodley:

•    The teen look: Woodley can look as typical as any other teen on any given day. When in this mode she still will actually dress on the nicer side. You can accomplish this by doing as Woodley does and finding a nicer pair of dress pants to wear. She tops this off with a typical t-shirt but then may top that off with a very sophisticated turtleneck sweater. Get some classy looking flats for your footwear and you will have the classic Woodley teen look down. Of course she still wears the occasional jeans and t-shirt combination and because she is so slender, she does wear skinny jeans. But if you can pull off skinny jeans too, then you actually have two teen looks that you can go for.
•    Formal look: Woodley can match the best of them when she hits the red carpet. She likes to wear sleeveless dresses that come all the way down to her ankles and she usually wears a lighter color such as white or cream. Be sure that you go with a dress made of a nice lightweight material and have it be form fitting, but not too tight. Finish off this look with a nice pair of open-toe heels that are not too high and accessorize with a nice conservative bracelet, a few necklaces that hang, and pair of earrings that hang.
•    Jackets: A lot of the outfits that Woodley wears in her teen look will be accompanied by a jacket. She likes darker colored jackets and has even been spotted in a jean jacket or two. You may want to save the jackets for a cooler day and you certainly don’t want to wear them if you are wearing a sweater, but the option is there if you so desire.
•    Hair and make-up: Both hair and make-up are on the lighter side with Woodley. To mimic her hair due simply part your hair in the middle and wear it down. Spend some time styling it, but not a lot. When applying your make-up you have to go for the all-natural look that Woodley pulls off with ease. About the craziest she will get with her make-up is a darker shade of pink for her lip stick.

All that will remain for you is to learn how to flash a winning smile wherever you go and you will then look exactly like Shailene Woodley.


How To Sort Clothes For Laundry


Sorting clothes for laundry is something that most everyone needs to do. Not surprisingly there are a variety of ways to do so. Most sorting methods have valid points and things that others can learn from. By knowing a little about the different methods used to sort clothes, you can mix and match techniques to find the one that works best for you.

If you live alone or are in charge of your own laundry only, sorting clothes is very easy and tends to be not very time consuming. However, in a household of people with larger amounts of laundry, having an efficient sorting method saves time from this often-done chore. Some households have separate clothes baskets, hampers or bags in each room, where each person or people in that room store their dirty clothes. This is a good idea if you tend to wash children’s clothing separately from adult clothing. Alternatively, some households have a central dirty clothes depository. It may be one big bin, whereby everything must be sorted before laundry can begin. It may also be separate containers, one each for lights, darks or other categories of clothing.

If you are one of those households whereby everything goes into one place, sorting clothes for the laundry is a weekly or more often task. An easy and quick way to do so is to line up multiple laundry baskets and sort all the clothes at one time. By putting the clothing in a basket as you separate it, it is then ready to be transported to the washing machine once you have finished the sorting. Load number 2 will also be ready and waiting as soon as you’ve finished the first one. Alternatively, you can create piles of pre-sorted clothes on the floor on wash day so you can just scoop the next batch as needed. This is ideal if you do not have laundry baskets or have just one.

The simplest sorting method for clothes is to separate lights from darks. This eliminates the chances of dark colors bleeding onto light colored clothing and ruining it. This is the most basic of methods and should definitely be used by anyone who does laundry. If you choose to put all your clothes in a washer at once, sooner or later you will have the misfortune of ruining your lighter clothes.

Another method of clothes sorting that some people use is rather complicated and requires a little explanation. In this situation, darks are separated from lights. However, whites are completely separate to avoid becoming dingy from being washed with lights that have a little color in them. Separate whites also mean that chlorine bleach can be used whereas only color-safe bleach can be used with lights. Red colors are also separate, because reds are the main culprit in colors bleeding. Therefore they are best washed alone. Clothing requiring special treatment is another pile of clothes, to be hand washed, washed separately or dry cleaned.

Other loads of laundry consist of towels alone because they are too abrasive to be washed with other items. Bed sheets are a load to themselves because they must be washed in hot water. Kitchen towels, cloth napkins and tablecloths are yet another load, because even though they may be possible additions to the towels and sheets loads, some people don’t like the idea of fabrics used next to the body being washed with food related fabrics.

While not many people adhere to this rather strict method of sorting clothes, in reality most people have a combination somewhere between the basic method and the complicated method that works well for them. Try a few methods on for size to see which is best for you.

Sexy legs

Sexy Alternatives to Showing Your Bare Legs

Sexy legs

Sometimes nothing is sexier than throwing on a cute skirt and showing your bare legs off. However, there are many women who just don’t feel comfortable showing their bare legs because of the paleness of their skin, or blemishes, or tattoos, you name it. If you are one of these women there are a number of alternatives you can go with that are just as sexy to showing off your bare legs.

Here are several alternatives to simply going bare with your legs that still look great:

•    Boots: Wearing a pair of knee high or even thigh high boots can cover up most of your legs and still look ultra sexy. If you still feel that there is too much flesh showing you can always wear some hosiery underneath to keep the illusion of some skin being shown, but keeping everything covered for your comfort.
•    Sheer panty hose: These days they make panty hose in so many different colors and styles that your head will simply spin trying to pick out what you want. This is great news for those that want to show off their legs, but feel that they are too pale or have slight blemishes that they don’t necessarily want to show off. While you may not want to go with a dark color of panty hose, there are many color level of sheer panty hose that will make your skin tone look great and even cover up slight blemishes. This is a wonderful alternative that sill allows you to show off your stuff, just not the stuff that you don’t want to show off.
•    Dresses: If you still want to be casual without showing off your bare legs try going a little longer in material and wear a dress as opposed to a skirt. This will give you the coverage you want and in today’s fashion world there are just as many hot looking dresses as there are skirts.
•    Leggings: Don’t laugh; they are making a comeback in the fashion world. Today you can see a great number of women wearing these under tunics and even shorts. They offer great coverage like panty hose but don’t rip as easily and come in a wide variety of colors and designs. One word of warning though, they do tend to be much thicker than panty hose and as a result, much hotter.
•    Form fitting jeans: A nice pair of form fitting jeans is a wonderful alternative if you don’t want to show off any part of your skin. Form fitting jeans will still compliment your legs and show them off somewhat, but they will do so without showing off any flesh in the process. Avoid loose fit jeans here as this will deter you from your goal of showing the world that you have nice legs.

You don’t have to go bare to be beautiful these days. The fashion world in which we live has giving you many alternatives to simply going with bare legs, so take advantage of one of them and get out there and look great.

Carly Shay

How to Dress Like Carly Shay from iCarly

Carly Shay

One of the most popular shows that are still running on Nickelodeon is the show about a girl who has her own web show called iCarly. To no surprise that girls name is Carly and along with her two best friends Samantha and Freddie the three produce their own popular web show. The three always seem to have something fun and exciting going on both on and off the show. The character of Carly Shaw has taken America by storm and there are now many mid-teen girls that want to dress like this fictional character.

On the show Carly dresses in much the same way as you would expect any teenager to dress and is changing her outfits often. Here are some of iCarly’s looks that you too can accomplish with much ease:

•    Casual look: Carly likes to go for jeans and a t-shirt in this type of dressed down style. She will usually dress this way on the show when the three teens are just hanging out and the environment is more casual. To get this look, go for a pair of form fitting, but not tight, blue jeans and really any cute t-shirt that you like. Carly will often wear a light sweat jacket over her shirt and it usually has a hood. For footwear you can go with a nice pair of dress flats or you can even go with white sneakers if you are more comfortable doing so. Accessorize with a simple watch and conservative earrings and you got the casual look pinned down.
•    Web show look: Here Carly tends to get a little more on the dressy side. She will shed the sweat jacket for a more fancy style jacket and will usually change the shirt as well. Go for a nice long sleeved shirt or even a half sleeved button down. Carly usually goes with brighter colors when doing iCarly like reds and oranges. She only wears the dress flats on the show and she really doesn’t add anything in the way of extra accessories when on the web show.
•    Dresses: When the television show takes the three friends outside of the home, Carly often sports a wide variety of fun sundresses. She again sticks with brighter and more cheery colors and can either be spotted wearing those same dress flats or a nice pair of pumps with a very short heel. Because the show is a kid’s show, the dresses are never too short and typically come down to about her calves.
•    Hair and make-up: When doing your hair, do it typical Carly fashion and part it on one side and then simply wear it down. Carly will also sometimes add a little curl to her hair so feel free to break out the curling iron and give your hair some loose curls if you want to. When applying your make-up try to stay on the natural looking side and don’t go with dark colors. Carly likes to use pinks when it comes to her lips, but never anything that is too attention grabbing.

Once you have pegged the iCarly look, go out and recruit some friends and maybe you too can make your own web show.