
What to Wear Snowboarding


Snowboarders tend to be on the edge a bit more as opposed to skiers. That said a good number of these people will actually wear what they think looks cool and not pay attention to what they actually need to wear. If your last trip snowboarding was filled with cold and wetness then you probably didn’t dress right for it.

A lot of people will just throw on a pair of jeans and a ski jacket and then hit the slopes. These same people will generally be at the lodge trying to warm up in just a matter of hours if they even last that long. Here are the essential steps to what you need to wear the next time you go snowboarding:

•    Thermal underwear: Granted these are about the most ridiculous looking things in the world, but they work well at what they do. Thermal underwear wicks away moisture and doesn’t allow that moisture to get to your skin. That means you stay dry. They are a great item to have on and what’s more, they won’t show up with all the other clothing you are going to wear over top of it.
•    Sweaters and pants: Go with a cool looking pull over sweater that is made of wool for maximum warmth. When you go for pants, leave the jeans at home. Denim will absorb moisture and defeat the purpose of you trying to stay dry. A good alternative is a pair of wool pants that will keep you ultra warm and will also help to keep moisture away.
•    Ski pants and ski jacket: Go for a thick and warm layer here and protect yourself from moisture as well by choosing a nice thick pair of ski pants and a ski jacket. There are plenty of these that allow for great mobility and maximum warmth so don’t skip this step because you think your tricks will suffer.
•    Hats and helmets: Both will keep your head warm but only a helmet will save your life. While they may not be the coolest piece of clothing there is, how cool is it if you are dead because you didn’t wear one?
•    Goggles: Your eyes can get dried out rather easily when you are rushing down the sloped or cutting up the half pipe. Keep them from drying out by wearing a pair of ski goggles.
•    Gloves: If the rest of your body is warm and your hands are cold you will know it. Frost bitten hands are no fun and can end your snowboarding fun in a hurry. A good pair of ski gloves will keep your hands dry and warm and have you on the slopes longer.
•    Scarf: A good way to keep your neck warm and also your face if you want to is by wearing a scarf. This can be a great accessory and is there if you need it.

Looking cool is fine but if you don’t dress the right way when you go snowboarding you will spend more time in the lodge trying to warm up than you will on the slopes enjoying your fun an friends.

David Beckham

How to Dress Like David Beckham

David Beckham

David Beckham is an international superstar and sex symbol. An English “footballer”, or soccer player, he is known as much for his good looks and his marriage to Posh Spice (Victoria Beckham) as he is for his athletic ability. David Beckham is one of those stars that both men and women are drawn to.

David Beckham’s style is varied and always trendy. His fashion runs the gamut from soccer jersey and shorts to high fashion with designer labels. To dress like David Beckham can be challenging but can also be a lot of fun!

To dress like David Beckham the athlete is the easiest place to start. He currently plays for the Los Angeles Galaxy so a Galaxy jersey would be essential. Along with the jersey you should wear matching shorts, white socks, shin guards and soccer cleats. When not playing in a soccer game, David will often wear athletic apparel such as a sweat suit made by Adidas, one of his many sponsors. Any of these items can be found at any sporting goods store.

While dressing like David Beckham the soccer player would be fun and good for costume parties or Halloween, dressing like David Beckham the style icon can be more challenging with a lot more variety.

The first and most important component of the David Beckham look is his hair. David’s hair is generally blonde with a sexy tousled look, which you can do on your own by putting styling gel in your hands, grabbing your hair, and sort of scooping it toward the middle to create a bit of a faux hawk. David has also been known to shave his head down to just stubble. Whichever look works best for you is what you should go with. You could also opt for a wig to try to duplicate his blonde locks.

The next thing to consider when dressing like David Beckham are his numerous tattoos. He is known for a number of tattoos including ones of his children and his wife. If you don’t feel like making that kind of commitment to imitate his look you can choose to apply temporary tattoos.

Finally, when dressing like David Beckham, go with layers! David loves to layer his clothes. Start with a pair of jeans or dress slacks that really fit your body. Add a dress shirt or t-shirt that also fit. On top of the shirt put on a vest or a sweater that coordinate with the pants and shirt. For a more formal look add a tie or an overcoat. Add a coordinating belt, a trendy pair of shoes and a cool pair of sunglasses and you’ve got the look!

David Beckham is a celebrity with his own style. He is known the world over for his looks, but dressing like him can be just a matter of picking a few simple items. Whether going for the soccer player look or the stylish look, dressing like David Beckham is simple and fun!


What To Wear In The Winter


Winter is a season of beauty where the earth is robed in a clean new cover. Winter holidays, winter sports, playing in the snow, cuddling up by a roaring fire to warm up, snow days and catching snowflakes on your tongue are all lovely winter images. However there are many other things associated with winter that are less than ideal. Frozen locks, slippery roads, scraping ice and snow off cars, shoveling snow, high heating bills and being uncomfortably cold are some of the downsides to winter. However by knowing the right thing to wear in winter, you will be able to avoid at least one of these drawbacks.

Exterior garments are the most important ones for the winter. You may be concerned with looking good, and if you are on your way to work or a social event that may be important, but being warm is much more critical to your everyday existence. Therefore you need to make good exterior clothing choices from top to bottom.

Opt for a warm hat that covers your ears and forehead, especially if you plan to spend time outside. A cold forehead leaves you with a headache and ears are susceptible to frostbite. If you do not like hats, headbands that cover the ears or earmuffs are a great alternative. If a hat alone does not give enough warmth, you may want to consider a face mask, especially on extra cold days. However this is not a good look if you are planning to do any banking. Scarves are also a good choice and can be pulled up to protect a part of your face. If your neck is exposed to the air, a warm scarf is a must.

You must also choose a good pair of gloves or mittens. The difference is dexterity and warmth. Mittens are warmer than gloves because most of your fingers are together and help to keep each other warm. However, you lack dexterity. Gloves are a better choice for movement and elegance. Opt for insulated gloves for maximum warmth. Leather gloves are also warm choices.

Choose a good winter coat and/or jacket. A coat is necessary for dress-up occasions and for work if you have a more professional workplace. A winter jacket is an all-around necessity. They come in different weights and you should choose one that meets the temperature needs for your area at its coldest. Some jackets are insulated yet streamlined while others are down filled and puffy. There are a multitude of other styles in between. The current fashion and your own preferences should determine the type of jacket you buy. However a waterproof one is always a good investment.

If you plan to spend time outside, invest in snow pants. These should be insulated and waterproof to allow you to play in the snow and do winter sports while staying comfortable and dry.

Finally footwear is essential to get right. While fancy winter boots and shoes are always nice to have, especially for dressing up, practicality reigns in footwear. Boots with a non-slip grip will protect you from falling on ice and compact snow. Insulated boots will keep you warm while waterproof ones will keep you dry. Choose the right footwear and your feet will be happy all winter.

Choose your winter wardrobe carefully and you’ll be comfortable and enjoy the season of snow and cold!


What to Wear with Camo


When you think about camo your mind probably wonders to the military and hunters. But camouflage is actually a quite versatile style that can be worn with a number of fashions that will have you coming off looking great.

Of course it all depends what it is you are wearing that is camo. You will obviously wear different garments with short, pants, and shirts that are sporting the camouflage pattern. Here is how you can tackle the camouflage look no matter what kind of camo garment you are wearing:

•    Camo shirts: If you are fond of wearing camo shirts them you need to get yourself some cargo pants. Cargo pants complement the look of a camo shirt very nicely and you can go with a couple of different colors too. Black will probably look the best but if that is not your style you can also go with a darker color green. Another option for camo shirts is a nice pair of blue jeans. Really the jeans can be any dark color you like and as long as you don’t go too light in the color you should be alright.
•    Camo shorts: Camo shorts are being seen more and more these days and they too can be paired with a couple of different things. A black short sleeved t-shirt will look great with camo shorts and if you want to you can even wear a Polo style black collared shirt. If you are simply looking for an ultra-casual look you can always go with a black tank top.
•    Camo pants: Camo pants look good with a black or other dark colored t-shirt or a black or other dark colored long sleeved shirt. Camo pants tend to be a bit on the baggy side so stay away from shirts that have collars as they look a little too dressy for the camo pants. You should also stay away from button down shirts as typically you will be leaving your shirts untucked when wearing camo pants.
•    Shoes: The type of shoes you will want to go with will depend on what it is you are wearing that is camo. With camo shirts you can wear work boots if you are wearing longer pants. If you are wearing camo shorts, you can get away with a darker color sneaker or even flip-flops if you are simply going casual. Camo pants are paired perfect with work boots or black combat boots.
•    Hats: If you are wearing camo pants or shorts you can cover your head with a camo hat as well. However, if you are wearing a camo shirt, then you will want to avoid a camo hat and just go with a dark colored hat as the hat and the shirt being camo will not be offset by anything the way a solid dark shirt will offset camo pants and a camo hat.

When all else fails dress up in everything camouflage, but be aware that you will then look like a hunter or a soldier.


What To Wear In Chicago


Chicago is nicknamed the Windy City and if you visit at certain times of the year, you will have no doubt as to where the name came from, although in reality it was named such because of local politicians there. It is an exciting place to visit. However, knowing what to wear in Chicago is very important. Chicago may be in the Midwest, however, it is definitely a big city and as such fashion is different than in small towns.

Chicago is a city known for its architecture and elegance. It is the booming “New York of the Midwest” and as such, fashion is important. Those who live and work in Chicago will attest to the fact that most people there pay attention to fashion. They keep up with the trends, dress with care and accessorize beautifully. If you are going to Chicago, you will want to have a variety of well-put-together outfits ready for all occasions. Whether you are going to a show, restaurants, sight-seeing or shopping, you will see city-dwellers dressed up.

The city itself offers a variety of boutiques, featuring renowned designers. There are also a multitude of places where you can find less expensive but still stylish outfits. Chicago is truly the biggest fashion Mecca west of New York. Well-dressed individuals are wherever you go.

As with every place, the season dictates more precisely what you will wear. Those who live in Chicago will tell you that they have two seasons summer and winter, with a week or two of milder temperatures separating them. While this may be a bit of an exaggeration, it makes for easier clothing choices when you are shopping. With a wardrobe of true summer clothes and true winter clothes you will be able to manage the tiny spring and fall with a little mix and match creativity.

Summer is very warm in Chicago, so keep your clothing choices light and airy. If you plan to sightsee, be sure to take an extra sweater or blouse to cover up when you go inside. You may get cold in air conditioned buildings. Wear comfortable supportive shoes, because even though the L is a reliable form of transportation in the city, you will still find that there is quite a bit of walking to do to get to some of the places you will likely want to visit.

In winter, Chicago can get bitterly cold. Be sure to have winter boots with good traction to make sure you don’t slip on ice. In addition, a long very warm winter coat is needed. Be sure to invest in good warm winter clothing for optimal comfort. If you plan to spend extended periods of time outside, a snow suit and possibly even some long underwear will be welcomed also.

If you are visiting Chicago on business, keep in mind that this city is a financial and business center and as such, many companies, especially ones located in downtown Chicago, require business attire. For women this will include pantyhose, even in the summer, with a business suit. For men business suits are a requirement.

When eating out, expect to find dress codes in the nicer restaurants. Shorts are often a no-no, especially for evening dining. Many places will require men to wear a jacket.

As you prepare for what to wear in Chicago, be sure to check the weather so you know what the Second City is bringing your way.

Black tie

What is a Black Tie Dress Code

Black tie

Black tie events are a semi-formal event such as a wedding or dinner part that requires those in attendance to dress up a bit on the fancy side. While there is a bit of leeway in what you can and cannot wear to a black tie event there is still somewhat of a dress code.

Of course your dress code will depend on if you are a woman or a man, here’s how it breaks down.

WOMEN: Women can typically get away with wearing one of two types of dresses. The type will depend on the situation of the event and whether the event is more on the casual side or formal side.

•    Cocktail dress: If you are attending a dinner party it may be acceptable for you to wear a cocktail dress. These types of dresses are usually reserved for the most laid back formal events and are generally dictated a great deal by current fashion.
•    Evening gowns: If you are attending a high class black tie event then an evening gown is on the menu. Evening gowns can be worn in a wide variety of colors and even fashions but should always compliment your shape and hopefully the man you are attending with.

The unofficial rule in determining which type of dress to go with is how well you know the people at the event. If everyone attending is a close knit group of friends then it will probably be more laid back and you can opt for the cocktail dress. But if you are attending a high society fund raising event for example, it will probably be more on the ‘stuffy’ side and require the nicer of the two options.

MEN: The black tie dress code for a man is also determined by several factors. A tuxedo will usually fit the bill for the guys and the color of the tux is usually black or dark midnight blue but there are a few exceptions to the tuxedo rule.

•    Kilts: At formal Scottish events the dress code for the men is a black tie and jacket on the top and a kilt on the bottom. This tradition has dated back throughout time and is still strong today. Anybody that has attended a Scottish wedding will have been witness to many a grown man wearing a kilt.
•    Military: The military has what is known as ‘mess dress’ that is worn at semi-formal events. These types of formal looking uniforms will sport a jacket and of course a black tie.

In all cases for the guys two things hold true. In any type of black tie dress code you will have a jacket of some sort and a black bow tie. As these are the two main components of the black tie dress code for the guys, they will always be constant no matter what.

Dressing for a black tie event usually means dressing up. Whether you are a man or a woman the fact remains there is a certain dress code when attending a black tie affair and dressing appropriately will keep you from being underdressed and sticking out like a sore thumb.

Tiger Woods

How to Dress Like Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods

In the world of golf there is no name that is more recognizable than that of Tiger Woods. He seems to win every time he plays and when Woods is playing in a tournament the rest of the field is usually competing for second place. Woods is also a smashing success in the business world and brings in millions of dollars every year in endorsements alone. So successful is woods that men everywhere are using the golf clubs he uses, using the golf balls he uses, and of course dressing like him too.

Tiger is not that hard to mimic when it comes to the way he dresses. When you think about looking like Woods you really only have to think about two things; red and black. You too can look like Tiger Woods by following these simple procedures:

•    Shirts: Unless it is cold outside you will always find Woods wearing a short sleeved shirt. Believe it or not they are not always collared either. Woods has made famous a type of ‘collarless’ golf shirt that is made of a special climate controlled material and what was once a no, no on the golf course is now widely accepted. When you choose your shirts, always go for red and black as this is what woods wears about 85 percent of the time. To really nail Woods, be sure that your shirts are Nike brand as that is Woods’ biggest sponsor and therefore that is all he sports.
•    Pants: If Woods ever wears shorts, he certainly doesn’t do so on the golf course. He can always be found wearing a dark colored pair of trousers that are usually pleated and cuffed. He tops those off with a nice black belt and that is all there is to the underside of Tiger Woods.
•    Hat: Woods is often seen on and off the golf course wearing one of his two trademark hats. He is either wearing his Nike ‘Swoosh’ hat or his Tiger Woods hat that is distinguished with the TW on the front. His TW hat is almost always black and his Nike hat is usually either black or red.
•    Accessories: For all the money the guy has made, he is simply not a flashy guy. Off the golf course he wears a pretty nice watch, but that is it as far as jewelry goes. On the golf course the only accessories you will find Woods dawning is his customary white glove on his left hand and maybe a sweater vest from time to time.
•    Hair: Tigers hair is always short and trim. The only variation Woods allows himself is an occasional gote. If you want to complete the Tiger look you will have to get your hair cut short and keep it very prim and proper.

All that is left is for you to practice your golf every day for about 12 hours per day and after 20 years or so your golf game may match Tiger’s, but probably not. Oh well, at least you can look like the superstar.

Swing dancing

What to Wear Swing Dancing

Swing dancing

It’s hard to believe but swing dancing is almost 100 years old. Swing dancing started in the 1920s and is still thriving today in many area of the country and there are even nightclubs that are dedicated to the athletic style of dancing. Because the style is so athletic and requires a lot of jumping, flipping, and dipping, it is important to wear the proper clothing to get maximum enjoyment out of your next night of swing dancing. Plus it is always fun to look the part.

The say it takes two to Tango and the same holds true with swing dancing. Here is how you can look like an authentic swing dancer regardless no matter what gender you are:


Alright guys, your style of dress for swing dancing is pretty easy. To look like the dancers back in the day you need to get a really comfortable suit. The traditional suits that the swing dancers of old wore where called Zuit Suits and they consisted of loose fitting pants, a jacket, and a traditional swing dancer’s hat. The pants should be baggy and can come up rather high if you wish. The jacket should hang very low and should also be very loose. Under the jacket, go with a white button down shirt and a tie. Accessories the outfit by wearing a feather in your hat, and get a wallet that has a chain or two hanging way down. Remember, when it comes to Zuit Suits, the brighter and louder the color, the better. Greens, purples, yellows, or whatever, really nothing is off limits.


You women out there have it pretty easy too. Dresses, dresses, and more dresses. You too can go crazy with the colors to get that authentic look and really any patterns go too. Back in the day, it was not uncommon to see many swing dancing gals decked out in polka dotted dresses or other cool patterns. The key with a swing dancing style of dress is to go more form fitting on the top and big and poofy starting at the hips. This is not only designed for ultimate comfort, but it also has a certain look to it when the swing dance is being performed.


This is for anyone regardless of gender. In order to enjoy swing dancing, you have to have comfortable shoes. This doesn’t mean to wear sneakers and you certainly want to choose shoes that are a little on the dressy side, but first and foremost they have to feel good on your feet while you are moving and grooving. The bottoms should be somewhat slick as this will help you to twist and turn. If you have a shoe that grips the dance floor too much, you will risk twisting an ankle.

Now all you need to do is grab some of your closest cats and head out for a fun filled night of swing dancing. If you don’t want to go with the traditional look, you can always dress in your own way as there are really no rules when it comes to swing dancing except for comfort and fun.


What to Wear with Cords


Cords come in a wide variety of colors and are therefore easy to complement with a wide variety of different garments. The pants seem to be a great substitution for jeans and khakis and are growing on popularity among the younger generations. Figuring out what will look good with your cords is really just a matter of what the occasion is and what gender you happen to be.

Because cords seem to be the substitution for jeans and khakis you really only have to think about what you like to wear with those two styles of pants and you will have a general idea of where to start. Here are some tips to get you going on the fast track to cord success:


•    Casual: Wearing cords to go casual is an easy thing to pull off for women. A great look is wearing a tan colored pair of cords that are on the form fitting side and topping it off with a nice red t-shirt. To add some sassiness to the look try wearing a pair of strappy sandals. New on the scene and growing in popularity with women is skinny cords. These are much like skinny jeans in that they cannot be pulled off by everyone, but if you can pull them off they look great with your favorite tank and make for the perfect casual wear. You can also go for cord shorts and any t-shirt you like. This is the ultimate in casual and can be completed with a pair of flip-flops.
•    Dressy: Get a bit dressier with your cords by starting off with a pair of bell-bottom style cords that are a lighter color. Next wear a nice multicolored shirt made of a lightweight material and you can choose to tuck in the shirt or leave it untucked. If you do tuck it in be sure to wear a brown belt with the outfit. Finish off the outfit with brown mule-style shoes.


•    Casual: Men can easily go casual with cords no matter what the casual occasion may be. Wearing a dark brown pair of cords topped off with a white t-shirt is a great start. You can then wear a flannel over the t-shirt and fish off your casual feel with some brown casual style shoes. You can also wear a short sleeved collared shirt with a pair of cords and be ready for any casual situation.
•    Dressy: To get more of a dressy look from your cords start with the shoes. Instead of wearing a casual pair get a pair that are dressy enough to go to the office in. Then grab your favorite sweater to wear and you will instantly be transformed into someone who is dressy enough for almost any occasion. If it is around the holidays you can get in festive mood and wear a holiday sweater with your cords.

Cords can be worn in almost any situation and are a must for your wardrobe as they will go with many garments that you already have hanging in your closet.

Mandy Jiroux

How to Dress like Mandy Jiroux

Mandy Jiroux

Mandy Jiroux is a back up dancer for many of the Miley Cyrus music videos and that role led her to become best friends with the teenage music and acting icon. Recently the two made a series of YouTube videos called the The Miley and Mandy Show. While the online show is grabbing much acclaim, some wonder if it is not casting the wrong opinion on the Disney star Cyrus as the videos are apparently more geared towards an adult audience. Either way, the stir has caught the attention of many younger women across America and many now want to dress like Mandy Jiroux.

To capture the style and fashion of Jiroux you really don’t have to do anything too much out of the ordinary as she tends to dress much the same as any women her age would. Here are some tips to help you achieve this controversial figures look:

•    Jeans: Jiroux is a big fan of jeans and wears then often. She tends to go for the darker colored ones and sometimes will sport some rips and tears in the legs. She tends to go with a tighter fit so when you choose yours go as tight as you are comfortable with.
•    Shirts: Jiroux’s shirts are the typical t-shirts that a lot of teenagers are now wearing. She likes t-shirts that fit just a bit long and usually wears ones that have some sort of symbol or saying on them. To get her look go with white t-shirts that have some sort of fun saying or typical ‘rebel’ symbol such as a British flag or an anarchy symbol.
•    Jackets: No matter what the weather is like it seems that Jiroux always has a jacket handy. All you need here is a simple sweat jacket with a hood or any other type of zip up jacket that is lightweight and looks good no matter what it is you have on.
•    Shoes: Jiroux wears a wide variety of shoes and can be spotted at times in high top sneaker and in high heels at other times. Wear what you think looks best with your particular outfit and you can’t miss.
•    Accessories: Jiroux’s most notable accessory is her big bug eyed designer sunglasses. These are very popular these days and can be found at almost any department store. She also seems to go for the less noticeable jewelry and sticks to conservative earrings and necklaces. Additionally she carries a small purse that is probably designer, but you can achieve the same look with any small style knock off purse that you like.
•    Hair and maker-up: Jiroux has long luxurious hair and likes to wear it down. She sometimes gives it some curl and sometimes wears it straight. Achieve her look either way; just don’t go crazy with the volume of your hair. When applying your make-up you have to go big. Jiroux seems to wear a lot and really accentuates her cheek bones. She also tends to use darker eye shadow and dark eye liner as well.

All you have to do now is find yourself a multi-million dollar best friend like Cyrus and you too could be making fun videos online.

Panty hose

How to Wash Panty Hose

Panty hose

Panty hose are an important part of any women’s wardrobe. Panty hose allow for a sleek and sexy look and really when you think about it, they make it possible for anyone to have nice tan and shapely looking legs. That being said, you can spend a great deal of money on your hosiery and it is important that you wash them with great care and wash them properly if you want them to last.

Unlike socks or other types of undergarments you have, you can’t just throw panty hose into the washer and let them go for a spin; well, you can but you will find yourself buying new hosiery on a regular basis if you do so. Follow these methods and you will ensure that your panty hose enjoy a nice long life:

Machine Washing

•    If you insist on washing your panty hose in your washing machine, be sure to go about it properly. You have to be sure to use a gentle soap and whatever you do make sure there is no bleach additive in the soap. Then turn the panty hose inside out and put them in a mess garment bag that zips at the top. Only wash your panty hose and nothing else and wash them on the delicate cycle. If you follow these procedures your panty hose should remain unharmed and the color should last in them as well.

Hand Wash

•    Even better than machine washing is good old fashioned hand washing. Simply fill up your sink with warm water and use some gentle soap in the water. Then wash to your heart’s content. Be sure not to wear any type of jewelry that could get snagged on the undergarments while you are washing them. It is alright to agitate the hosiery a little bit, but avoid pulling on them in any way as this will  stretch them out.


•    One thing you never want to do with your hosiery is to put them in a clothes dryer. This is a sure recipe for disaster and if you are going to do this, you may as well throw them into the trash can. Another no, no is to hang your panty hose up to dry. This will allow the fabric to stretch and will make for a looser fit. The best way to dry your panty hose is to lay them onto a towel and then roll the towel up. Once the towel is rolled up, use pressure and push down so the water is absorbed into the towel. Once the panty hose are merely damp, place them onto another dry towel and let the air take care of the rest. Be sure that the panty hose are laid out in a natural position and do not allow them to get bunched up as that can result in wrinkles forming during the drying process.

By the following morning your panty hose should be dry, great looking, and ready to go on you to make you look your absolute best.

Sophia Bush

How to Dress Like Sophia Bush

Sophia Bush

For the past few years there has not been another actress that has gained more notoriety and clout than Sophia Bush. Her recent roles in the movies include The Hitcher, John Tucker Must Die, and The Narrows. Her career is getting so successful that in a 2009 issue of Forbes magazine she was listed in the top ‘Most Bankable’ starts due to the amount of money that she makes per film. Her booming success has gained her a following of younger women who all want to dress like her.

When it comes to the style that Bush portrays there is little she cannot pull off. Here are some of the ways that you too can look like Sophia Bush:

•    Dresses: Bush likes to wear a variety of different dresses on a rather regular basis. These dresses range in color from light to dark, but always are one solid color. One of the things about Bush is her incredible sense of accessorizing. With a white dress she will wear black leggings. With a dark gray skirt and a nice white dress shirt, she will wear a very professional looking blazer. Still other times she will simply wear a nice form fitting sleeveless dress and accessorize with nothing at all. Go wild and widespread and stick with what you think looks best on you.
•    Girl next door: This look shows just how everywoman Bush can actually look. To pull off this look for yourself you only have to wear a nice form fitting pair of jeans and a nice short sleeved shirt that shows your stomach and you are all set.
•    Formal: This is Bush’s time to shine. When going formal she goes all out. She likes to wear form fitting dresses that are a bit on the short side and that are typically made of a shiny material that is silver or some other attention grabbing color. When choosing your dress for your big night out be sure that it is not a loose fitting dress but don’t go tight either.
•    Shoes: Can you say heels? It seems that no matter what she is wearing Bush has heels on her feet. Her favorite type of heel is the open-toe style and more times than not she matches her shoe color with that of her dress.
•    Accessories: When going all out and formal, Bush like s to go big with the accessories. To imitate this go with bigger earrings, a big necklace, and some flashy bracelets. She also likes to carry a purse with her but the purses she owns tens to be on the small side.
•    Hair and make-up: Bush likes to wear her hair down for the most part and seems to have some extra body and bounce to it. Accomplish this by putting in some body defining product into your hair as soon as you get out of the shower, before you dry your hair. When it comes to your make-up plan on spending some extra time as Bush goes for the gusto in the make-up department. Feel free to go with a darker color for your lips but don’t go too dark as that will only give you the appearance of a Goth girl.

While you may not get on the Forbes lists, you will turn a few heads when you accurately dress like Sophia Bush.

Tomato stains

How to Remove Tomato Stains

Tomato stains

Tomato stains can come from so many different variables. Perhaps you had a nice hardy bowl of pasta with red sauce or perhaps you were drinking some tomato juice for your health. Whatever the case may be, these nasty red stains can ruin anything they get on. But they don’t have too. There are many stain lifters and stain fighting products sold today that may or may not work on the stains, but a home remedy exists that can have your clothes tomato free in no time.

Here is how you can rid yourself of these nasty red stains in the comfort of your own home once and for all:

•    Scrape the excess: Use the dull side of a butter knife to scrape away the excess sauce or any tomato that has crusted up due to drying. This will allow you to focus on the main part of the stain that will be in the fabric of your clothes.
•    Rinse backwards: Turn the garment inside out and rinse for five to ten minutes with cold water on the backside of the stain. This will help push the tomato stain out and again lightens the effect of the stain.
•    Soak garment: Fill up a bucket with warm water and a small amount of liquid detergent. Swirl the detergent around with your hand and then add the garment. Swish the garment gently around and then let it sit for a couple of hours. When the time is up remove the garment and wring it out the best you can.
•    Treat the garment: You can now treat the stain on the garment with any type of stain remover you like, but a very powerful one may be right under your nose without you ever knowing. This powerful agent is nothing more than regular baby shampoo. Use the baby shampoo and gently work it into the stain. Making sure that the entire stain is being treated you then let the garment sit for about fifteen minutes.
•    Soak garment again: Again mix warm water and liquid detergent in your bucket and let the garment soak for another hour or so.
•    Wash time: Once you again remove the garment and wring it out you need only wash it in your washing machine like you normally would. Once the garment is finished being washed is sure that you do not place it in your clothes dryer.
•    Dry the garment: Allow the garment to air dry and when it is completely dry you can check to be sure that the stain is totally gone. Drying the garment in the dryer before the stain is gone will result in the tomato stain getting set into the garment and will make removal all but impossible.
•    Repeat if you need to: Depending on how long the stain was allowed to sit before you had an opportunity to get to it will determine on the number of times you will have to go through this process. You may have to give two or three applications, but if you keep at it, the stain will go away.

One final word of advice; maybe leave the white clothes in your dresser the next time you are enjoying something tomato based.

Cowboy boots

Guide to Choosing Cowboy Boots

Cowboy boots

You don’t have to be a cowboy to wear a pair of cowboy boots. Want proof? Just take a look around the next time you are out and about and you will see both men and women alike sporting their favorite pair of cowboy boots. If you are interested in a pair of cowboy boots there are several things that you should consider before you decide what you are going to purchase.

Knowing what you are looking at and what you want the boots for can mean the difference between buying a pair of cowboy boots that will be a great comfort to your feet and buying a pair that will leave many blisters behind. Here is what to look for:

•    Style: There are hundreds if not thousands of styles of cowboy boots that you can choose from but the western style boots that are so popular fall into two categories. The first is traditional and the second is fashion. The traditional boots have more of that classic look that has been around since the age of the cowboys and are the kind of boots that you would see in an old western film. The fashion boots have a more urban or contemporary look to them and are generally worn by women. These boots were made popular by movie starts like Jessica Simpson, who actually has a line of cowboy boots.
•    Material: With cowboy boots you definitely get what you pay for. If you find a pair of boots that are extremely cheap that will be because they are made of cheap materials. Leather is the material of choice when it comes to cowboy boots but there a number of other materials that are popular as well which include crocodile skin, python or snake skin, and ostrich hide. A pair of boots made with quality materials will definitely cost you more, but they will also stand the test of time much better than that of an inferior pair.
•    Shank: The shank is the upper part of the boot and can range significantly in how high up the leg it comes. The traditional style has the shank covering the entire calf while the more contemporary styles, also known as packer and stockman boots, usually come up to just under the calf and these types are more often worn by women. Shank height is strictly a personal preference.
•    Toe: You can choose a more pointed look here or go with a more rounded toe; it is really all up to you. The traditional boots of the old west had the more pointed toe, so if you want the traditional look go for the pointed look.
•    Heel: Here is a point that many overlook. If you are buying your boots and intend on dancing in them then you want to be sure that the heel is not too tall. There is no set standard here, just consider what you will be doing in your boots.

Finally, be sure that you actually try on your boots before you buy them. Cowboy boots come in so many styles and colors but if they don’t fit your foot properly then there is really no point in buying them. When you do go cowboy boot shopping, plan on blocking out some time because just when you think you have found the perfect pair, another pair will catch your eye and call out your name.

Grace Kelly

How to Dress Like Grace Kelly

Grace Kelly

Grace Kelly was a film and fashion icon who eventually became Princess Grace of Monaco. Her style and elegance were unmatched and to this day just the mention of her name makes people think of gracefulness. Kelly tragically lost her life in an automobile accident in 1982 but her flare for style still rings true to this day and many women aspire to look like her.

To look like Grace Kelly you have to think in a simplistic manner. Though she was always dressed to impress, she stayed away from dresses and accessories that were too poofy, filly, and gaudy:

•    Dresses: Really what Grace Kelly wore could be deemed more gowns instead of dresses but if you are not on the way to a Royal Ball then a nice classy dress will do the trick. You will want to go monochromatic and elegant. Kelly chose a neutral color that complimented her skin type and built a wardrobe of well made materials around that base. You can accomplish the same thing but make sure that the colors you pick compliment your skin type and then go from there.
•    Shoes: A well made and elegant shoe with a low heel is just what the doctor ordered. The shoe should of course match the dress and be one solid color.
•    Pearls: One of Kelly’s favorite accessories was a simple string of pearls. She could often be seen on camera wearing a strand and this is probably because pearls have always stood for great elegance. Be warned here as pearls can be rather expensive and not everyone has the money of a Princess. But fear not because you can either buy some costume jewelry fake pearls as opposed to the real thing or opt for the real, but less expensive fresh water pearls.
•    Other accessories: Many times Kelly could be found sporting a big pair of sunglasses and these should be relatively easy for you to find as that particular style is back with many of the Hollywood Starlets of today. Any pair that has white frames will do and don’t feel like you have to go designer as there are many knock off brands out there that will suffice. If you are finding yourself outside and want to make a Kelly like impression you can also try a sun hat and any type of sheer scarf as Kelly frequently wore these items as well.
•    Hair and makeup: Again in these two departments Kelly went simplistic. Choose a really nice but simple hair style to compliment your new simplistic way of dressing. Kelly often put her hair up in a bun when she was out and about so feel free to do the same. When it comes to makeup remember that less is more. Kelly never went overboard with her makeup and seemed to apply it in such a way that if you didn’t know any better, you would swear she wasn’t wearing any at all.

All that remains is to practice your grace and elegance and always look and act your best no matter where you find yourself.

Clothing history

The Early History of Clothing

Clothing history

There is one thing that every culture shares; they all wear cloths. No matter what corner of the earth you may be from you no doubt wear clothing on a daily basis. Maybe there are still a few Aborigine tribes that walk around stark naked, but they won’t be reading this, so for all intense purposes, everyone wears cloths.

Clothing in its most original form can be traced back to as far as there are records. The Bible tells the story of Adam and Eve being ashamed of their naked bodies after eating the forbidden fruit and thus covering up. You know the famous picture of Adam covering his stuff with a fig leaf. But what exactly is the early history of clothing?

•    Prehistoric: The original designers of clothing were the cavemen. While it is doubtful that they designed clothing out of embarrassment and more than likely did so due to cold weather, they were none the less the originators of fashion design. The prehistoric clothing was made out of the dried skins of different animals that were them woven or sewn together and perhaps covered with another animal’s fur. This type of clothing was crude at best, but it certainly did its job and kept the people warm.
•    The textile birth: A textile is a defined as a felt, or some type of spun fibers that are made into a yarn and then woven, netted, looped, or knitted to make fibers. The earliest known textile is believed to come from the Near East. Here it is believed that as far back as 6000 BC textiles in some form were used to wrap the dead of the people who lived at that time. Now everything we wear is made up of some type of textile.
•    Ancient India, Egypt, and China: These three ancient countries are credited with the discovery and perfection of much of the textiles that we all know and enjoy today. From these ancient civilizations the modern world was given the use of textiles such as cotton, silk, wool, and many more. Some hundreds to thousands of years later, the textile trade began and if the ancients only knew what they were creating, they would have had their heads spinning.
•    Other types of clothing through the years: Clothing experienced a myriad of changes as the years went on. In the Iron Age, much of what a man wore consisted of; you guessed it iron and other metals, at least on the outside. The styles became more elaborate and the designs more complex and eventually clothing came to be more like what it is today. All of the sudden people found themselves either paying a ridiculous amount of money, which was reserved for the rich, or they were dressing in rags because they were peasants.

Today there are hundreds, if not thousands of different fashions to choose from. Clothing can range in price from very affordable, to just plain ridiculous. But whatever clothing it is that you decide to put on your body, it all came from the most humble of beginnings. From the fig leaf to the sewn animal skins, clothing has certainly come a long, long way.

Cassadee Pope

How to Dress Like Cassadee Pope

Cassadee Pope

In 2007 the band Hey Monday was formed and Cassadee Pope was named the lead singer. Her unique punk style of singing is matched by her punk style of dressing. Because of the popularity of the band and Pope as a singer there are many young women that are into Hey Monday’s style of music that wish to dress the same way as Pope.

Dressing like Pope is not a hard thing to do and simply requires the most basic of clothing. Here are some ways that you too can go after the Cassadee Pope look:

•    Jeans: Pope is almost always seen in jeans. The jeans that she wears are either very tight or are skinny jeans which are tight by their very nature. Typically she likes darker colors so when buying your jeans go with dark blue, gray, or black. When just out and about and sort of incognito, she can be spotted wearing nothing more than a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt with a simple saying on it and a pair of sunglasses. When going casual you too can easily emulate this look.
•    Shirts: Pope’s shirts are always t-shirts but she will also always top them off with some other layer. Her t-shirts are typically a lighter color of green or even blue and are topped off with a dark colored vest or even a jacket. Sometimes she will wear a t-shirt with her vest buttoned up and still others she will have the vest unbuttoned. It is all in her mood. Her vests are almost always purple and this seems to be a favorite of the punk rock singer.
•    Shoes: Pope is almost always seen in classic Converse tennis shoes. Sometimes she wears high tops and other times she wears low tops but they are almost always Converse brand. Leave the heels and flip-flops at home because Pope never wears them.
•    Accessories: Pope will sometimes be seen wearing scarves and other times she will be sporting a neck tie that is tied loosely. As for jewelry she only usually goes with bracelets, and lot of them. She also wears earrings from time to time though nothing too flashy.
•    Hair and Make-up: Poe’s hair is short and sassy. To emulate her hair style you have to have sweeping bangs and you also need to have your hair be two different colors. Pope is known for having the majority of her hair be a darker color but have part of her bangs and bottom tips of her hair bleached blonde. If you want to complete the look, do the same. She goes light with her make-up as should you and never go with a dark or bright color of lip stick when applying yours.

Though she is a rising star, Pope always seems to stop and talk with the fans and is known for signing autographs and even takes photos with her fans. To totally be like Pope you too will have to take time out when others are asking for your attention.

Alice Cullen

How to Dress Like Alice Cullen

Alice Cullen

The movie Twilight took the world by storm and was more popular than anyone could have anticipated. One of the main characters in the movie Twilight was Alice Cullen who uses her unique clairvoyant abilities to foresee further events to help Bella when she is in danger. The character of Alice is so popular that more and more you can see women trying to emulate the look of her.

When you too are ready to dress like this future fortune teller, you only have to know two things; dresses and jeans. Her look, though unique, is certainly not a hard one to follow. Here is what you need to know if you want to look like Alice:

•    Dresses: Alice loves dresses, but not just any style will do. Alice opts for the darker colors of the spectrum and the dresses are either strapless or sleeveless. There are a few acceptations to the rule, but if you want to nail her look every time, opt for colors such as grays, blacks, dark blues, dark purples, and other dark colors. The trick is to keep them dark colored and go with a solid color dress. A multicolored dress may look great on you, but it certainly won’t have you looking like Alice. Alice often wears black or dark colored tights under her dresses and if you choose to do so it is an easy way to add to the look.
•    Jeans: Again you want to opt for dark colors. Most of the time Alice’s jeans are a lighter gray but there are other times where she wears black. One thing is for sure and that is you will never find her in a typical pair of blue jeans. The jeans should be form fitting but not too tight and whatever you do stay away from skinny jeans.
•    Shirts: If you are opting for the jeans look then you need to know what type of shirt to wear. Alice almost always goes for the traditional white long sleeved button down shirt topped off with a dark grey or black vest. If she is wearing anything else shirt wise it will then probably be a darker color and is always going to be long sleeved.
•    Shoes: No matter what she is wearing, Alice is usually wearing the same type of shoes. These shoes are black and are a sort of ballet slipper looking shoe.
•    Accessories: Alice likes to wear choker style necklaces and little else. If you do choose to wear earrings, make sure they are low key and simple as Alice never wears flashy or gaudy.
•    Hair and make-up: Alice wears her hair short and funky. To pull off the look, wear your hair short as well and give it extra lift and body using firm holding gels and hairsprays. When applying your makeup go with darker colors as this adds to the Cullen effect.

Again, dressing like Alice Cullen is not that hard to do, but once you do you will be dressing in a unique new fashion that is all Alice’s own.

Tom Cruise

How To Dress Like Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise has been a big name celebrity for quite a number of years. The handsome mid-forties actor is often front page news, especially in the celebrity magazines. Famous for his award-winning roles in a variety of hit movies, he is the epitome of a movie star. As such, his every move is documented by the paparazzi. We get to see a variety of Tom Cruise fashion statements because he is in such demand by photojournalists. He is often photographed at special events, openings, family outings and even while running errands.

Dressing like Tom Cruise is relatively easy to do. One of the standards in his wardrobe is jeans. He mixes and matches them with the most casual of looks to much dressier looks. He opts for a variety of colors in jeans, from faded ones to black jeans. He is often seen in short-sleeved fitted button-down shirts, as well as in long-sleeved traditional shirts. Occasionally he wears T-shirts, but mostly as a part of a layered look, which he often favors. He can also be seen wearing long-sleeved sweaters and tees, although they are always form-fitting.

One of Tom Cruise’s favorite types of footwear is sneakers. Often paired with jeans, even on the red carpet, Tom typically wears white sneakers. Rather conservative in his choice of footwear, his other most common look is plain black dress shoes.

A typical Tom Cruise outfit to easily recreate is the sports jacket over a button down shirt, paired with nice jeans. This is a true Tom uniform and is often what he is wearing when photographed at restaurants, openings and even celebrations. Another favorite look often worn by Cruise is head-to-toe black. He is often seen wearing a black suit with a black shirt underneath for a sleek, stylish look. A solid black tie and patent leather black shoes complete the outfit. He also dons nice light colored suits on occasion.

An absolute must-have for anyone looking to dress like Tom Cruise is sunglasses. He is most often seen wearing aviator sunglasses. However, he also chooses other styles of dark glasses.

For special events that require dress-up, Tom can often be seen wearing the traditional black suit, with a crisp white shirt and a tie. However, he often chooses to go without the tie. His black suits always tend to have a little shine to them or a touch of glamour that makes him stand out.

For a man who wants to imitate the everyday style of Tom Cruise, it is rather easy to do. Jeans matched with nice, pressed button-down shirts and either sneakers or black shoes are a look that any guy can pull off. Tom does not tuck in his shirts, so be sure to choose shirts that have a straight hemline. Layering such looks with a blazer can also help to create a great look for going out.

Get your wardrobe basics together and create some true Tom Cruise outfits for style that is sure to attract.


How and When to Properly Wear Cufflinks


Cufflinks are usually worn on a formal occasion with a formal shirt and because they come in such a wide variety of styles it is extremely easy for you to be able to express yourself and stand out at a formal event as well. Many people shy away from cufflinks because they simply don’t have any idea of how they work and may have the impression that they are too hard to work with. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Mastering the cufflink is as easy as mastering the swivel post. Once you get that the rest is gravy. You will know what a swivel post is as soon as you see it. It will be on the underside of the decoration of the cufflink and will ‘swivel’ open to form what looks like the letter ‘T.’ Here is how to properly wear cufflinks:

•    Put the formal shirt on: Start by putting your formal shirt on and then lining up the cuffs. You don’t want the cuffs to overlap in the way that a button cuffed shirt does but instead you want the cuffs to be back to back.
•    Slide the cufflink in: Once the cuffs are aligned you simply slide in the cufflink and when it has gone through both cuffs you open up the swivel post of the cufflink. This will form that ‘T’ and securely hold the cuff in place.
•    Check the face: Once you have both cufflinks secure be sure that the decorative face is out as that is the part that everyone will see. If the decorative face is to the inside then you are defeating the entire purpose of the cufflink.

When should you wear cufflinks?

There is no hard and fast rule as to when you can and cannot wear cufflinks. Traditionally they are reserved for the most formal of occasions such as weddings where a tuxedo is in order and they are still the norm at these types of events today. But the popularity of these decorative pieces has opened up the world of cufflink wearing.

Many people like to wear a pair of jeans and a nice shirt that uses cufflinks for a simple night out on the town. This is great because you can really express yourself with the types of cufflinks you choose. Today cufflinks can be found in many styles which include gems and other decorative fashions. To a great extent, the type of cufflink you wear says a lot about your personality.

Others that are in a more professional environment of work, such as lawyers and stockbrokers can find themselves wearing cufflinks on a more frequent basis. These people tend to wear cufflinks to look a bit more sophisticated as opposed to trying to express themselves.

For the most part though cufflinks have hit the mainstream and there is really no time that wearing a nice pair isn’t appropriate unless you are at the beach or the pool. Because wearing them is really as easy as one, two, three, once you start wearing them you will never want to wear a shirt with buttons on the cuffs again.