
What To Wear At Disneyland


If you have a Disneyland vacation coming up, you are sure to be asking yourself what to wear. Since Disneyland is located in sunny Southern California, the obvious answer to that question would be a tank top and a pair of shorts in order to be comfortable in the hot temperatures and to get a little tan at the same time. However there is much more to think about than just that.

If you are visiting Disneyland in the summer, you will definitely want to wear shorts and a tank top or a lightweight T-shirt. Opt for lightweight shorts, especially synthetic ones which dry quickly and help to keep to cooler. Remember to also bring a lightweight shirt with either long or short sleeves, especially if you are wearing a tank shirt, for a number of reasons. It will provide a little more warmth if you are in an air conditioned room or restaurant for a long period of time. It also provides sun protection if you notice that your shoulders are beginning to get sunburned.

Here is the surprising thing that you need to know about dressing for Disneyland. Southern California does not always have scorching hot weather. During the winter months, daytime temperatures go down to the 60’s and nighttime temperatures go to the 40’s. Therefore you need to dress accordingly. If you are planning to take in any of the early evening Christmas events at Disneyland, you will need long pants and long sleeves. A jacket is also typically needed. You may also need the same clothing on certain cool winter days in Anaheim. Be sure to check the weather before you go so you can be prepared. Layering is the best strategy for staying comfortable.

What to wear on your feet is a major concern. While many people think that sandals are a great choice for a day spent mostly outdoors, in reality sneakers are a much better choice. By wearing good supportive sneakers your feet will be comfortable all day long. Be sure to wear cotton socks also to absorb perspiration and to keep your feet dry. Sandals and new shoes are poor choices for Disneyland because they are a recipe for blisters and sore feet.

In terms of accessories, your visit to Disneyland is one of those times when you really want to dress for comfort and not for style. Leave pricey jewelry at home. Even costume jewelry is not advisable because you may damage your pieces through perspiration, getting wet or getting them caught on something. Be sure to choose a small lightweight purse for maximum comfort. Get one that you can wear across your body for extra security. Thefts do occur in the happiest place on earth.

By preparing well for your trip to Disneyland, you can be sure to enjoy the absolute best visit possible. Comfort is key. By taking care of a few small details ahead of time and making good clothing choices, you will be ahead of the gang.

Emily Osment

How to Dress like Emily Osment – Part II

Emily Osment

Though Emily Osment was in the two hit kid movies Spy Kids 2 and Spy Kids 3 she is probably best known for her role in the Disney Channel smash hit Hannah Montana where she played Lilly Truscott. Because of the popularity of the series and later the movie, Osment has become a much admired young actress and teenage girls all over the country now aspire to dress like her.

Osment has the classic ‘teen’ look that you would expect just about any other 17 year old girl to have and her style can range from a fun hip-hop style to a classic casual style. Here are some ways that you too can look like this young Hollywood starlet:

•    Hip-Hop look: Off the camera Osment is seen in a more hip-hop style of dress. To imitate this style of Osment start with a nice relaxed fit pair of cargo pants. Osment likes to layer her shirts so you should start with one that is long sleeved and then go to one that is short sleeved to wear over top. Finish it off with a jacket that has a hood. With her hip-hop look Osment always wears a poofy looking hat and turns the bill of the hat sideways. Footwear can consist of high top sneakers and you can accessorize the look with some bracelets and rings, but nothing too flashy.
•    Classic casual look: When Osment is doing an interview or appearing somewhere where the camera will be on her she tends to dress in a more classic casual way. She likes to wear dresses that are about knee length and she really doesn’t stand fast to any color rule. When choosing your dress, pick one that is made of a lighter material and don’t be afraid of fun and exciting patterns. Osment likes to wear solid colors but does occasionally go all out in the design and pattern department. With her dresses she always wears a sophisticated looking pair of heels that you can easily imitate so long as you are sure that the shoes compliment and match the dress. Accessorize with light and elegant earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and rings and you will have her classic casual look down.
•    Hair and make-up: Osment has lovely long hair and almost always shows that fact by wearing it down. To achieve the same style that she does with her hair you can loosely curl your hair with a curling iron and use some heavy holding hair spray to keep it in place. When you go to apply your make-up think light and natural as Osment always looks conservative in her make-up application. Stay away from darker colored or wild colored lip stick and instead stick to a more flesh toned color that gives the appearance of you not really wearing any lip stick at all.

Lastly to complete her look you will have to always carry a winning attitude and smile with you wherever you go as Osment does. Now you have all the components to look like this up and coming super star actress.


What to Wear to Pilates


Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on core strength to build balance in the body and flat abs to boot. Most people that do Pilates on an ongoing basis find that their overall strength increases as does their flexibility and the exercise is great for anyone regardless of age. To get the most out of Pilates, those who attend dress a certain way and if you have been thinking about taking Pilates up you too will need to know what to wear.

There is a wide range of acceptable clothing for Pilates and these articles of clothing can be found at many retailers and sports store across the country. Here is what you need to get started in Pilates:

•    Tops: Many people like to wear tank tops or shirts known as ‘singlets’ that are form fitting. This is fine, but it pays to consider just how much skin you will leave uncovered. Sweaty skin has a tendency to stick to the Pilates mat and that can make for an uncomfortable session. There are also a number of Pilates instructors that will give hands on tactical cues as part of their instruction and if you have a lot of skin exposed you risk the instructor touching your sweaty shoulder, back, or any other exposed body part. T-shirts work well but you must be sure that they are form fitting enough to stay in pace when you go upside-down on your mat. If you find that the Pilates studio you work out in is chilly, then wear layers such as ballet wrap tops. This way you can start out warm and shed some layers as you begin to heat your body up during the workout.
•    Pants: When you choose your pants for your Pilates workout you will want to go with form fitting. Yoga pants are a good choice here and will allow for maximum flexibility. If you go with another type of pants be sure there are no buckles or belts or anything else that can get caught up while performing the exercises. You also don’t want to go with loose fitting because these will ride up when you are performing a good number of the moves that are executed during a Pilates session. Shorts are not typically worn but if you want to wear them then go with tight fitting bike shorts. You can also wear leggings underneath if you so desire.
•    Footwear: There are several different types of Pilates shoes that can be found at almost any sports store. You can also get toe-socks that are grippy on the bottom. Whatever you decide to go with be sure that it allows for maximum comfort and flexibility.
•    Hairstyle: If you have long hair you will want to wear it in a style that will keep it off your back. If your hair is short you may want to consider a headband so that your hair stays out of your eyes.

Pilates is great fun and great exercise and will be enjoyed even more when you dress appropriately.

Butter stains

How to Remove Butter Stains from your Clothes

Butter stains

With almost any type of food you eat butter makes it better. Butter can add flavor and taste to dishes that may otherwise not be for you. Really when you think about it, is there anything butter doesn’t make better? Well the answer is yes; clothes. Spilling melted butter on your clothes can be one of the most frustrating things you will ever do and no matter how many times you wash the garment it may seem that you can still see it. But good news, there are ways to remove butter stains from your clothes.

First of all you should never dry the butter stained article of clothing in your clothes dryer until the stain is gone because doing so will help set the stain. Once you have positively identified the butter stain here are some different tips to help you eliminate it:

•    Baking Soda:
As soon as you remove your butter stained clothing, take some baking soda and sprinkle it onto the stain and rub it in gently. This will help to absorb the stain and make it easier to wash. After letting it sit for a few minutes, rinse out the baking soda with warm water.
•    Pre-treat: Once you have used baking soda and rinsed it away it is now time to pre-treat your stain. Many people like to use a pre-treat spray like Shout but there are a couple alternatives that may work even better. Using Dawn dishwashing detergent is a great way to help combat butter stains. The reason is because Dawn is designed to remove grease when washing your dishes. Well, butter is a form of grease. Another pre-treater that works well is regular hair shampoo. Not only does it seem to work very well in ridding your cloths of butter stains it is also a lot more cost effective when compared to other pre-treaters. Either way, take your pre-treater of choice and apply a small amount in the middle of the stain and then rub it in for about five minutes. Let it sit for a few minutes more and rinse again with warm water.
•    Wash garment: Now you simply wash the stained garment with the rest of your cloths but you will want to use the hottest water possible in accordance with the garment itself. Once the garment is washed do not throw it in the dryer with the rest of the load.
•    Dry the garment: Take the stained garment from the load and allow it to air dry. The reason for this is to be sure that the stain is completely gone. Remember, if you put butter stained clothes in the dryer before the stain is gone you will risk setting in the stain permanently.
•    Repeat if necessary: The stain should be gone by now but if it isn’t, simply repeat the process. Some stains are going to be more stubborn than others and may require an extra treatment or two.

Though the process may seem lengthy, it really doesn’t take all that long to accomplish and the end result may just be one of your favorite garments being saved.


How to Dress Like a Spy


When you think of the classic spy look you think of a not so undetectable person that is trying in vain to be sneaky and is wearing a long trench coat, a hat, and big dark glasses. If you are going for the ‘obvious’ spy look then this is definitely the approach you want to take. However if you really want to be and dress like a spy then the whole idea is to not stand out.

Blending in is the key when dressing like a spy, here are some sure ways to pull of the spy look:

•    Your clothes: When dressing like a spy, the only time you will want to dress like an ‘obvious’ spy would be at a spy convention, otherwise you will stick out like a sore thumb. When dressing like a spy, dress as the environment dictates. This may mean wearing things you are not used to but if you really want to blend in and be spy-like you will have to bite the bullet.
•    Hair: Here’s one that you may not think about; your hair color. If you have flaming red hair or bright bleach blonde hair you will draw unnecessary attention and once again stick out like a sore thumb. You can do two things here. The first is temporarily color your hair. There is hair coloring available that can be applied to make your hair a darker and more undetectable color and it will wash out once your mission is done. Just be careful that you don’t spy on a rainy day as this type of coloring is anything but waterproof. The other way to temporarily change your hair is with a wig. The nice thing about using a wig is that you can not only change your hair color, but your hair length as well.
•    Accessories: Glasses, fake mustaches, and fancy watches are great…if the situation permits. Remember to stay low key with everything and blend in. That said; go for subtle pair of sunglasses versus the traditional ‘bug-eye’ sunglasses that you see in the old spy movies and don’t wear your sunglasses at night.
•    Attitude: Don’t go for the mysterious attitude, but rather go with a more depressed attitude. If you act mysterious you will once again draw more attention to yourself. But if you act depressed, there will not be many that will want to approach you which will allow you to conduct your spy business easier.
•    Spy gadgets: These are really cool and can be tons of fun. But if you have them out or even tucked into an obvious briefcase, you are not going to achieve your blending in goal. Instead carry all of your spy trinkets in a regular looking backpack. It is much more common these days to see people carrying backpacks as opposed to briefcases. The one exception would be if you were acting as a spy in a case where you have to dress like a business person.

Now get out there and spy away, just be sure you will look the part and don’t worry, this message will not self-destruct.

Chelsea Staub

How to Dress Like Chelsea Staub

Chelsea Staub

Chelsea Staub is the true definition of the All American Girl and has been gaining steady momentum and popularity after her roles in recent projects like the movie Brats and the Disney Channel Original Series Jonas. Because of the clean and simplistic way that she dresses she is a beauty that many women wish to dress like. Her style, though easy to copy, can only be pulled off properly if you have the confidence to go along with the simplistic fashion.

To fully pull off the Chelsea Staub look here is what you do:

•    Skirts: Staub like to wear a lot of short skirts. These skirts will vary in style so when choosing yours you can go with tennis style skirts or even denim as Staub is frequently seen in both.
•    Shirts: Staub’s short skirts are always topped off with a simple t-shirt. Sometimes she will wear a shirt with a bit more frills on it, but for the most part Staub stays simple. She often wears a light jacket or even a light sweater when she is seen sporting her short skirts.
•    Dresses: Just like any other woman in America, Staub seems to really like light material sun dresses. These dresses are usually fun and vibrant colors and she is always seen wearing white, yellow, and even light blue. When choosing yours go with lighter colors and pick dresses that you will be comfortable in all day long.
•    Formal: Even when Staub is going all out she looks as natural as can be. Her casual dresses are certainly more on the fancy side versus the sun dresses that she likes, but they are anything but flashy as that is just not Staub’s style.
•    Shoes: This will of course depend on what you are wearing and Staub wears different shoes with different fashions. Typically though she wears heels it is just a matter of whether they are open toe, closed toe, or sandal wedges. Mix and match as you see fit, just be sure that the color compliments the outfit you have on.
•    Accessories: No surprise here, Staub stays conservative. What she does wear in the way of jewelry is always low key and never flashy. She can sometimes be spotted wearing a number of headbands that she seems to like to sport so if you look good in headbands then go for it.
•    Hair and make-up: Though Staub is all natural looking, to emulate her hair you will have to take some time. Her hair is very volumized and you can emulate this by loosely curling your hair and then using hair spray to hold it in place. Her make-up is very natural looking and you should go light in your application and remember that you are going for the All American Girl look. Stay away from bright red lip stick and go with a more flesh tone color as this will give the more natural look.

Now just walk with your head up and your shoulders back and you will look and feel like Chelsea Staub.


How to Take a Nap without Wrinkling Your Clothes


How many times have you found yourself alone in your office and you can hardly keep your eyes open? You’re so tired that you feel like your eyelids weigh about 100 pounds each and that couch in your office is calling out your name. Sometimes when this happens, if you have nothing pressing for the next little while a great thing to do is get in a power nap for about 15 to 20 minutes. Many times that’s all it takes to recharge your batteries and make you as fresh as a morning daisy. Here’s the problem…how do you take a nap without wrinkling your clothes?

Cat naps are great, but wrinkled clothes are a business no, no so you have to go about your napping in just the right way. Here are some ways that you can catch some much needed Zs and still maintain your wardrobe:

•    Nap at your desk: You remember how to do this right? Back in the days of high school when you stayed up way too late. Just as you did then simply stay at your desk and put your elbows up on the desk. Now rest your forehead in the palms of your hands and close your eyes. This will keep your clothes fresh and your hair unaltered but it will leave you with red marks on your forehead for a few minutes so make sure that you don’t wake up two minutes before your next meeting.
•    Remove clothing: No this is not a suggestion to nap in the raw, but if you can, remove some articles of clothing and hang them up while you nap. Remove jackets and even shirts so long as you have an undershirt and hang them up so that they will still look great once your nap is over.
•    Bring napping clothes: If you are in the position of being able to close and lock your office door, then plan ahead and bring a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from home to just leave at the office. Call these you napping clothes. Now whenever you get the chance to catch some shut eye you can quickly change into your napping clothes and keep your work clothes crisp and clean.
•    Invest in wrinkle releaser: There is a wonderful product out now called wrinkle releaser and it, well, releases wrinkles. This product is simply sprayed onto the clothing while you are wearing it and then you pull down on the material and watch the wrinkles go away. It’s not perfect but it beats bringing an ironing board and iron to work.

Of course if you are going to nap at work you should be sure that you are able to and that you are not going to get into trouble over it, but you should also make sure that the nap you take is not going to wrinkle up your clothes and make you look like an absolute mess for the rest of the day. So be careful with your clothing while you nap and have sweet dreams.


How to Dress like Barbie


Barbie has been a fashion icon longer than almost any living model or fashionista. Yet, she never gets old. If only we could all be so lucky. With her endless style, devoted Ken, perfect proportions, and ageless beauty, it’s no wonder that young girls have wanted to dress like Barbie for more than fifty years.

Barbie brings something entirely new to the concept of unrealistic beauty. We all know that celebrities and actresses on the red carpet have a whole team of experts working on them to make them beautiful. They spend hours in the spa and weeks pouring over outfit possibilities with stylists and consultants. Needless to say, an appearance on the red carpet is the beautiful result of countless hours, dollars, and hardworking people.

Barbie on the other hand is a whole new brand of unrealistic beauty in that, well, she’s plastic. But that hasn’t stopped young girls from striving to look and dress just like her. The great thing about Barbie is that we get to see her even when she’s not wearing a ball gown. We get to see Barbie when she’s bumming on the beach, treating animals, roaming through the safari, making ice cream, and working at the hospital, just to name a few.

With that said, it’s pretty easy to dress like Barbie. Almost anything you put on could technically be classified and Barbie-wear. To date, there are few things that Barbie hasn’t done and few outfits that Barbie hasn’t worn. Barbie is the ultimate fashion icon because she looks great no matter what she wears. To dress like Barbie, keep these things in mind.

•    Barbie even turns the basic t-shirt into something special. In fact, Barbie can be seen wearing a fabulous t-shirt almost as often as she can be seen wearing an evening gown or a pair of high heels. With that, any Barbie inspired wardrobe simply must include a multitude of t-shirts in many different colors that can be mixed and matched at will. Make sure the T-shirts are fitted and show off your assets.
•    Keep on hand a multitude of skirts and dresses of differing styles and lengths. Barbie always has the perfect look for everything. She is also not afraid of style and will wear anything.
•    Make sure to choose tailored pants. Barbie always shows off her great legs by wearing pants that accentuate and hug them.
•    Short shorts and crop tops must definitely be in your wardrobe as Barbie loves to bare a little skin, I mean plastic.
•    High heels are an absolute must. Barbie wears heels with practically everything, so get lots of shoes in lots of colors.
•    Remember to accessorize. Necklaces, belts, purses, hats and scarves all help to pull together a Barbie-like outfit.

To complete your Barbie look, grow your hair very long. Keep your hair in good condition so it always looks shiny and touchable. You must also stay in shape. While it’s easy for Barbie because of her plastic-ness, for people it is important to work hard to maintain that hourglass look. If not the sands will quickly shift and your shape will not be the same.

Start investing your Barbie wardrobe today and be ready for whatever comes your way.

Doc martins

What to Wear with Doc Martens

Doc martins

Doc Martens got their start in 1960 and were an instant success. The working class at the time loved them as did the youth and what followed was a growing in popularity from generation to generation that it is still going today. Now it is very common to see Doc Martens on many a shoe rack and because of the many different colors and styles of the shoes it is easier than ever to match them with many different garments to create some unique looking ensembles.

Because Doc Martens are masculine looking shoes it can be somewhat of a challenge for women to know what to wear with them. Luckily these days the shoes at least come in a variety of feminine colors such as pink, yellow, and bright green so matching them with your favorite outfits isn’t so hard. Here are some ways you can dress up in your Doc Martens and look great in the process:

•    Jeans: This is the old standby. Wearing your favorite pair of Doc Martens with a nice pair of jeans looks great every time. Stay away from the skinny jeans here as wearing them with your Doc Martens will give you the look of having really big feet. Instead opt for a pair that is a bit looser on the fit and that will cover the shoe. You can then add a roll to the bottom of the jeans creating a stylish cuff. Pair this with your favorite shirts and tops and you have a great look. You can further enhance this look with a blazer style jacket or even a lightweight leather jacket.
•    Skirts and dresses: Wearing skirts with Doc Marten boots may have at one time seemed taboo, but these days it is seen quite often.  Start with a black pair of Doc Martens and then put on shorter style skirt that is a loud and bright color and be sure that your shirt is just as bright and loud. You can top off the look by wearing a shorter style leather jacket. For dresses go for the same look as the skirt but go a bit longer in length. Wear dresses that come down to the top of your knees for a more conservative look.
•    Tights: This is a look that is being made popular by a team of teenage television starts. With this look you need to start with black tights and then wear a different colored mini skirt. Then wear loud and bright colored tops, such as yellow, and pair it all with Doc Martens that are colored to match the top. You can easily accessorize this look with a jacket or even a scarf if you like.
•    Shorts: This look was made popular in the 80s but seems to be making a comeback. The look starts with black Doc Martens and is finished off with lighter colored shorts and a darker colored short sleeved t-shirt that hangs off of one shoulder.

Doc Martens are definitely here to stay and with their versatility they are a must have for your shoe rack.

Audrey Hepburn

How to Dress Like Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn

The legendary film actress Audrey Hepburn has a style like no other woman on the silver screen. Her name conjures up images of the ideal woman who always looks polished and perfect. Flawless features coupled with a mysterious smile. Clothes seemed to be made just for her, and she knew how to wear them to compliment her slim physique. Audrey is the epitome of the feminine ideal, and her look will never go out of style.

Audrey’s most famous look is her glamorous black dress in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. To get this same look, find a simple but well made black dress that falls to the knees and is sleeveless. The dress needs to be comfortably fitted all throughout, but not so tight that it becomes trashy. Pair the dress with shoulder length black or white gloves. This will give you a classy and demure look.

For accessories, Audrey preferred several strands of pearls or diamonds wrapped around her neck with matching earrings. She always wore over-sized sunglasses and carried around her cigarette in a long cigarette holder. For an evening bag, carry a small black clutch. To finish the outfit, wear either round or pointy-toed black heels.

To get Audrey Hepburn’s hair, start with very short and uneven bangs. Tell your hair stylist to cut them with a razor to achieve the desired effect. Audrey usually sported a pixie cut, but when her hair was longer it was either in a bun or French twist. When dressing up with the black dress, be sure to wear your hair up and add a tiara as a final decoration.

Trench coats are a must. Audrey perfected the trench coat look with a cinched waist in the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. If you buy one that is also water resistant, it can work as a raincoat as well and you can double the amount of wear time you get with the coat.

If you are hoping to look like Audrey in an everyday, casual sort of way, you need to find some Capri pants to pair with a black turtleneck. If the days are a bit warmer, wear a simple white button down shirt with the Capris. Audrey was always a creature of comfort, and wore ballet flats with most of her outfits. They are practical and sophisticated, and don’t leave your feet aching by the end of the day.

Be aware of how you carry yourself. Audrey had flawless grace, and could glide from room to room like liquid. Be conscious of holding your head high, and having gentle movements. Audrey was well spoken and cultured, always having something wise and witty to say, while maintaining an air of elegance. Avoid any crass remarks when imitating her, and try to create an air of mystery that comes with your presence.

Audrey has effortlessly become a fashion icon. She emerged under the same limelight as the more curvaceous types such as Marilyn Monroe, but Audrey understood her own style and body type. She was able to play up her figure with the right clothes and accessories which flattered her slimmer than normal body, and because of this changed the perspective of feminine beauty. Following her style and approach to beauty will empower you to accept all forms of femininity and give you the confidence to be yourself.

Meaghan Martin

How to Dress Like Meaghan Martin

Meaghan Martin

Meaghan Martin is best known for her role in the Disney Channel original move Camp Rock. Her success as an actress is now branching out and she has recently signed with Disney’s record label. At only 17 years old she is taking the stage and screen by storm and now has many adoring fans that want to look like her.

Martin’s look is one that is clean, simple, and elegant. She has an all natural beauty about her and a smile that makes anything she wears look great. Here are some ways that you too can dress like Meaghan Martin:

•    Dresses: Martin likes to wear dresses and likes to wear a wide variety of them. She can be spotted wearing anything from sleeved, to sleeveless, to spaghetti strap. She has two types of dresses that she usually wears as far as colors go; solid fun and bright and patterns. When selection your solid colors go with pinks, yellow, light purples, or any other fun and happy color. To mimic her pattern wear go with floral patterns as that is the favorite pattern of Martin.
•    Pants: Martin also likes to wear a more dressy style of pants. These pants are usually white in color and are never tight fitting but rather on the form fitting side. Choose a pair for yourself that hug your body but doesn’t squeeze it.
•    Shirts: With her pants, Martin likes to wear a variety of nice looking shirts. She opts for shirts that come down either half way on her arms or goes full long sleeved but the shirts are always made of a lighter material and are typically in the green or blue family.
•    Shoes: With dresses you should go for a variety of heels as Martin does. Her favorite pair is a sandal heel that looks good with a wide variety of her dresses. She is also known for matching her shoes with the color of the dress she is wearing. When dressing in pants and a shirt go with a professional looking flat that will look great and feel comfortable at the same time.
•    Accessories: Martin likes to wear a simple gold chain necklace that sometimes sports a pendant on it. She opts for the non-flashy earrings that hang down a bit and aside of that she only carries a small purse with her. When it is time for you to go down the accessory path, choose the path with the least resistance.
•    Hair and make-up: Martin has shoulder length blonde hair that is parted to one side and then given a little body. You can accomplish this by using some non-stiff hold gel in your hair. Her make-up is done in a very light manner so when applying yours, go with less than you may normally use. Use lighter pinks on your lips but be sure not to go crazy and pick a wild hot pink color as doing so will kill the look.

Bottom line when trying to dress like Martin is to keep it clean and fun. Be more on the conservative side and be confident no matter what you have on.

Boat shoes

What to Wear with Boat Shoes

Boat shoes

Boat shoes are a unique shoe in the fact that they are not quite a formal shoe and they are not quite an ultra-casual shoe like the loafer. Because it is sort of in between, the boat shoe can be worn with a wide variety of outfits. They are considered to be a three season shoe and the only season that you should not wear them in is winter.

About the only thing that you can’t wear boat shoes with is a suit and tie or a tuxedo. Other than that, boat shoes go with almost anything. Here are some examples of what to wear with boat shoes:

•    Shorts and collared shirts: Wearing a nice pair of shorts and a ‘Polo style’ collared shirt will give you the casual preppy look. You can choose to tuck your shirt in if you desire or you can look equally as good leaving it untucked. Typically with this look you will not want to wear socks. You can complete the ultimate preppy look if you drape a sweater over your shoulders. Finish the look with a designer pair of sun glasses and you are dressed nice enough for just about any occasion.
•    Jeans and button down shirts: Some will argue that boat shoes don’t look good with jeans and a button down shirt, but some will argue otherwise. If you decide to go with this look be sure to wear a looser fit of jeans as tight jeans will not look right at all. The shirt should be long sleeved and more of a casual button down as opposed to a dressier one. Leaving a few of the top buttons of the shirt undone will give the casual look that will look good with the boat shoes. With this look socks are optional.
•    Slacks and button down shirts: This is the perfect outfit for the boat shoe. A nice pair of khaki pants with a long sleeved button down shirt looks very natural. Like with shorts, you can drape a sweater around your shoulders to get the preppy look. The nice thing with khakis is that you can wear a wide variety of colors in relation to your button down shirt. Your boat shoes and khakis will look equally as well with a white button down or even a darker color button down like maroon or black. As with jeans, socks are optional with this look.
•    Socks: For two of the three styles it is totally up to you on whether or not you want to wear socks but you should stick to a specific style of socks if you decide to wear them. Go with ankle socks that are barely noticeable if you do wear socks as this kind will come off the closest to no socks which is the traditional look for boat shoes.

Quality boat shoes will not come to you cheaply, but if properly taken care of you can enjoy these versatile shoes for several seasons before they need to be replaced.


How To Fold A Bandanna


Bandannas are a great alternative to wearing a hat. They’re lighter and just as protective against the hot rays of the sun. If you’re out and about and need to remove a bandanna all you have to do is put it in your pocket. Therefore, storage is a lot easier than a bulky hat as well. If you’ve seen bikers, trash men, or concert goers wearing bandannas and want to achieve the same look it’s quite simple. Although folding a bandanna properly so it stays securely on your head takes a little more work than just putting on a baseball cap, it’s worth the effort.

Folding a bandanna is easy. The first thing to keep in mind is that, obviously, there are four corners and each corner comes into play during the folding process.

First lay your bandanna on a flat surface like a tabletop or a bed. Take one of the four corners and fold it into the center. This is the first fold.

Now turn the entire bandanna over with the first fold still intact. Make a small, one inch fold across the flat folded side. This extra, second fold will be the part of the fabric that lies against your forehead.

Keeping the folds as they are, lift the bandanna off of the flat surface and onto your head. Place the second fold you made in the previous step on a comfortable spot on your forehead. Hold the two side corners and pull in a backwards motion so that the bandanna stays against your forehead.

Tie the two corners that are now in your hand behind your head. Sometimes it helps to twist them a bit so you can get a better grip for tying them together. Make sure to tie a knot so that the corners stay put.

Now your bandanna is tied behind your head. There should be one corner left that you haven’t yet done anything with. Take this corner and gently push it behind the knot you made when you tied the previous two corners together.

Little did you know that now you are in a position to create a unique style of your own. Grab this fourth corner and pull it below the knot so that the bandanna sits snugly on your entire head. If a tight against-the-head look is not for you, then you can achieve a more Aunt Jemimah look by not pulling down that fourth corner behind the knot so far. Using a reflective surface, only pull as far down as you’d like to get the look you want.

The available styles and colors of bandannas are as unique as you are. Some come with stripes, polka dots, and rainbow colors from yellow to pink. Other designs include racecars or skulls. Men and women alike can enjoy the style a bandanna gives to them. Now that you have the skills of properly fitting a bandanna to your head, you can benefit from this style as well.

Brenda Song 1

How to Dress Like Brenda Song

Brenda Song 1

Brenda Song has been a model and actress for many years now and because she is so young she will no doubt enjoy many more years in the business. Perhaps best known for her role in the Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Song’s look is a well sought after one. To dress like Song you have to remember to keep with the light colored theme and always dress in a cheery and happy fashion.

Here are some tips on how you too can pull off the Brenda Song look:

•    Dresses: When Song goes for dresses she chooses those that are typically made of a lighter material and are always a cheery color. She likes reds and yellows and she seems to have fun mixing and matching accessories with her dresses. When choosing your dresses, go for what is comfortable. If you like a full version dress, then go for that and if you want to wear a longer style skirt, topped with a nice t-shirt, then that’s in the realm of the Song look as well. Just be sure to stay with bright and happy colors.
•    Casual look: Song can get as laid back as anyone. She is often seen wearing a pair of form fitting cargo pants or even a pair of jeans. She will always top this off with a fun tank top or t-shirt that will have a fun or wild design. She will sometimes go dark with the t-shirts, but more often than not, she will stick with white and accessorize from there.
•    Shoes: Song likes heels. Her heels are never too high, but no matter what she is wearing it seems that heel accompany the fashion. When choosing your heels pick a color that will compliment the clothing that you are wearing and depending on the fashion you are wearing you can go either open toe or close toe.
•    Accessories: Song likes to accessorize. She will often accessorize a t-shirt with a jacket or vest and has also been known to wear leggings with her dresses. When it comes to jewelry you can go kind of freelance here because Song does. Sometimes she will be sporting hoop earrings and still other times she will be wearing a pair of less noticeable earrings. She also wears bracelets and gold necklaces quite often so feel free to do so as well.
•    Hair and make-up: Song’s hair is elegant yet simple. It is long and straight and she is very rarely seen with it up. Do your hair by either parting i: t in the middle or to one side and don’t get crazy with the hair products. To apply your make-up like Song go with lighter colors but be sure to accentuate your cheek bones as Song does. She also opts for a lighter colored lip stick over a darker or bright color and to pull off the look you should too.

Now just practice flashing a huge smile wherever you go and your transformation into Brenda Song will be all but complete.


What to Wear Bowling


Possibly one of the best ways to enjoy an evening out is to go bowling. Bowling can make for a great family night or can even make a great date night. If you really get into bowling you can join a league and enhance the fun you have by participating on a weekly basis. To fully enjoy your bowling time you should dress the right way but how is that?

No there is not a rule book on what you have to wear while bowling but there are some garments that will allow you to look the part and be comfortable as well. Here’s what you need:

•    Shoes: You will have to wear special bowling shoes when you bowl. You can either buy yourself a pair that you like or you can rent them for a couple of dollars at any alley you like. Be sure that you are wearing socks when you bowl, especially if you are renting shoes as you never know who wore the shoes before you. If you do buy your own pair have fun with this. Bowling shoes are known to be hideous looking but these days they come in all sorts of fun fashions and designs. Choose a pair that will compliment your personality.
•    Pants: Relaxed fit are the operative words here. If you are wearing pants that are too tight you will no doubt be uncomfortable and that may lead to a lousy game and a lousy time. Save the tight jeans for another night. If you like you can also wear shorts. The point is to wear something that is going to be easy to move around in. It’s hard to bowl strikes when you are as stiff in the pants as Frankenstein.
•    Shirts: Ah the ever popular bowling shirt. These can be picked up at almost any bowling alley or a specialty store that deals in bowling apparel. The great thing about bowling shirts is that you can get them custom made with your name on it in almost any design imaginable. Like the pants you wear, you also want your shirt to fit rather loosely. If you are going to join a league you may want to hold off on buying your own bowling shirt as league members are usually required to wear matching shirts so you will end up with one after you get onto a team. A word of warning; bowling shirts can be uncomfortable to sensitive skin so you may want to wear an undershirt underneath your bowling shirt.
•    Accessories: Aside of a bowling ball, which you may eventually want to buy for yourself, there really isn’t much that can be added to your bowling attire. You can wear a wrist guard if you like to help stabilize your wrist for a trickier shot and some people like to wear sweat bands around their wrists as well.

Now at least you can look the part of a bowler. As for the gutter balls, you’ll have to get lessons to help with that.

Orlando Bloom

How to Dress Like Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom

Orlando bloom is a successful British actor, famous as much for his looks as for the roles he’s played. Orlando is known primarily for his role as the dashing Will Turner in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies as well as his character Legolas Greenleaf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Young and handsome, Orlando has become not only a fixture in Hollywood but also a fixture in the tabloids and fashion magazines. He has a style that combines a trendy sensibility with a little bit of a bohemian attitude.

Orlando Bloom is a great actor who also happens to be a movie star. His good looks and fashion sense are appealing to both men and women, and are something that is fun and easy to imitate. Dressing like Orlando Bloom is something that can be pulled off with a few simple tips.

Orlando has three basic looks that include casual and formal wear and somewhere in between. The more casual Orlando is a great place to start when trying to dress like him, as most of the time, he is a basics-wearing, laid-back guy. To imitate this version of Orlando Bloom you need to start with a t-shirt. Not just any old t-shirt will do. You need something trendy or vintage with old logos or bands on them, maybe even a concert t-shirt from the 80’s. Pair the t-shirt with some flared, almost hippie style jeans. Add a worn leather belt with a fun belt buckle, a pair of Converse sneakers and maybe a funky skull cap and you’re good to go!

When going for the more formal look of Orlando Bloom, the one he would present at awards shows or while walking the red carpet, a different type of clothing is required. Wear a three piece suit. Orlando likes to be comfortable, however, so make sure it fits properly and isn’t too stiff or uptight. Go with a navy blue instead of black to get the casual feel that fits Orlando’s personality.

If you want to go for the in-between look that Orlando sports so often, you can find a happy medium between his super casual look and his Hollywood look. Wear a nice pair of jeans with some casual leather shoes or maybe some cool sneakers and a nice leather belt. On top wear a nice button down shirt with a sport coat over it. For a funkier, more casual version of Orlando’s style, add a vintage t-shirt under a suit jacket instead of a dress shirt to give it an edge.

To really get the Orlando Bloom look you have to get the hair down. Orlando has great hair! Wear your hair long, about shoulder length, and tousled. Add styling gel to it and simply scrunch it while it dries to get the look. You also might want to try a goatee as Orlando often is seen one.

If you want to emulate Orlando Bloom’s look, it’s easy to do and with only a few simple pieces. Put them together in the right pairings and you can pull it off in no time!

Lucelle Ball

How to Dress Like Lucille Ball

Lucelle Ball

In the 1950s, Lucille Ball was a pioneer in the world of television and fashion. She is best known for her role as a clumsy and goofy housewife in the hit series I Love Lucy. Ball did things on and off the set that made her what many considered a risk taker, but the end result was a loyal following of views for her show and the admiration of women everywhere. Even though she passed away two decades ago, Lucille Ball is still a much beloved icon and women everywhere like to dress like her.

When you think about dressing like Lucille Ball you can’t get away from her quirky character Lucy. Here is how to capture the essence of Ball:

•    Wear a shirtdress: A shirtdress buttons, like a shirt, from the collar to the waist. The garment flares out below the waistline in similar fashion to a poodle skirt. The waist is usually then covered with a belt. This is the classic outfit that Ball always wore on I Love Lucy. Remember that the show was on in a time where there was no color television and only black and white, so go with lighter colors or very dark colors when choosing solids. You can always spruce it up a bit and go for a shirtdress with polka dots as Ball sometimes did.
•    Pump it up: Lucille Ball made the look of pumps famous. Pumps are closed toed shoes that have a bit of a heel to them, but not too high. These types of shoes are the perfect complement to the shirtdress and the color should match the shirtdress. To get the full effect, wear pumps that have the toe come to a point rather that a rounded toe as Ball seemed to prefer this type.
•    Accessories: Like most women in those days, Ball went on the lighter side of jewelry. A simple yet elegant pair of earring and perhaps a small gold chin is about as risky as you want to go here. You can add scarves and even hair scarves that tie up your hair as Ball wore both quite often on the show.
•    Hair and make-up: Lucille Ball wore her hair up 98 percent of the time. Her natural curly hair made it look as though a red poodle was taking a nap on her head. That is probably why her style of hair cut is referred to as a ‘poodle cut.’ If you can, get a poodle cut and go for the complete look by coloring your hair a very bright red to match the fireyness of Ball. When applying your make-up, be sure to accentuate your cheekbones and use a bright red for your lipstick color as Ball did. She also had prominent eye lashes and eyebrows and you can replicate this look with an eye brow pencil and some false eye lashes.

Now that you are looking like Lucy, all you have to do is wait to hear those famous words, “Hey Lucy, I’m Home.”

Complexion clothes

How To Find Clothing Colors That Best Fit Your Complexion

Complexion clothes

Your complexion is very important to consider when you are looking to find the best clothing colors that work for you. Not every color goes with every complexion. Some colors will make certain people appear washed out, while other colors will make them look overly ruddy. Still other shades will tend to blend in too much with a person’s complexion and they will look almost other worldly. Spend some time experimenting to find the clothing colors that best fit your complexion, so you always look your best.

If you happen to have a naturally ruddy complexion, meaning that your face has predominant red and pink tones, you need to be particularly careful in the colors you wear. Reds and pinks will make your ruddiness more prominent and you will look like you are overheating or suffering from high blood pressure. Choose cool colors to downplay redness, like blues, whites and greens.

For dark complexions, lighter colored clothes or bright vivid colors, especially close to the face, are the best choices. They draw attention to the face. Avoid shades that are too similar to your skin tone. Those with dark complexions have the luxury of wearing pretty much any clothing colors. You should avoid colors like turquoise and certain shades of green.

If you have a very fair complexion, choose dark or bright colors, because pale ones will tend to wash out your complexion even more. Avoid yellow, very pale pastels, black and white. Warm pinks and reds especially will help give your skin tone a boost. Remember that your hair color is very important for choosing clothing colors, especially for those with a fair complexion. If you have light hair and a fair complexion, all the very light colors will make you appear ghostly. However, if you have dark hair and a fair complexion, the color palette for clothing is much more open for you. White and pale pastels in moderation work for you.

If you have an olive complexion, stay away from pale yellows and greens. They will reflect in your complexion and make you look sick and drawn. All other colors work great with this skin tone, especially autumn colors like orange, brown and turquoise. Golden shades will bring additional light to your face. All bright colors that are just slightly muted or dusty work well with this complexion.

A quick and easy way to determine the colors that work best for you is to hold solid colors up to your face in a mirror. Watch your face closely and notice when it looks good or bad, depending on what color you hold up. Make a note of the ones that work best and concentrate on buying these shades when you go shopping. This is a general rule primarily for shirts, T-shirts, jackets and scarves. Anything that is worn close to the face should work well with your complexion. For your bottoms, any color works and complexion is much less important.

Used clothing

How To Sell Used Clothing

Used clothing

Selling used clothing is a great way to make a little extra money. This is especially true for high end clothing, children’s clothing, specialty outfits, costumes, maternity wear and formal wear. One thing to bear in mind however is the price you can ask and realistically expect to receive when you are selling used clothing is a mere fraction of the price you spent to buy it.

The first thing to do when looking to sell used clothing is to decide how and where you will sell it. This will determine how you prepare for the sale. No matter how you plan to sell your clothing, it is critical that you wash it and make it look as good as possible first.

You may plan to do a yard sale with all the clothing displayed so that customers can easily look through it. Hanging items is best for adult clothes. For children’s clothing, have them arranged in boxes or stacks of like items. By designating a single price for each type of clothes, you will get the best results with the least amount of hassle. For example, T-shirts may be 50 cents each, while jeans could be $2 a piece.

If you are planning to sell your used clothing online, you will need to get great photos of them displayed to their best advantage. You will also want to decide whether to sell items in lots or alone. High value items and unique outfits will do best on their own, as will many items that are new with tags still on them. However, if you put together multiple items in the same size and gender together to create a “lot”, you can demand a higher price for all the clothes and the selling process is much less work. You will not have to haggle over individual items and everything will go at once to one address. If you have to deal with shipping, selling in lots is much easier on the seller. This is an excellent method for anyone opting to sell on eBay, Craigslist or another online auction or classifieds site.

Consignment stores are another great way to sell used clothing. Check to see what the store demands of its consignors. Some consignment stores limit the number of items you can bring, some request clothing on hangers, others require no hangers, many have a list of items they know will not sell and will therefore refuse them and the list goes on. The other thing to check is when you can bring the clothing in as some stores set appointment times, while others have a block of time open each day for receiving clothes. Often such stores will buy your used items outright instead of actually consigning them.

Seasonal consignment sales for children’s and maternity clothing are becoming more and more popular. They require a large time commitment on your part for tagging and preparing the clothes. However, the return on your investment is higher than some other used clothing items. Be prepared to follow precise instructions concerning washing, ironing, hanging, pricing and tagging clothes, as well as preparing an inventory. You will need to deliver your items at a specified time and pick up the leftovers, unless you choose to donate them, and hopefully a check at another specified time.

Anyone with used clothing to sell has a variety of options to choose from. Knowing what is involved in each will help you to determine which is the best one for you.

Vanessa Abrams

How to Dress Like Vanessa Abrams

Vanessa Abrams

The television show Gossip Girl is one of the most watched on television today among teens and young women alike and one of the most popular characters on the show is Vanessa Abrams. On the show Abrams is an aspiring filmmaker and her films and her sense of style are quirky and fun. Her relatable character has gained her many fans that all wish to dress like her.

In the books Abrams has a shaved head, wears mostly black, and is slightly overweight but in the television series she is slim, has long wavy jet black hair and is anything but a drab dresser. Here are some of the ways to achieve the Vanessa Abrams look for television:

•    Pants: on the show Abrams likes to wear a lot of tights. She will always layer on top of these tights but she usually starts with tights and goes from there. You can either go with black tights or a darker color pair of tights that has some sort of low key print on it as Abrams wears both on the show.
•    Mini-skirts: one of the more popular layers that Abrams like to use over top of her tights is a mini-skirt. These mini-skirts should come down to just below the buttocks and can be made of denim or any other material. Depending on the rest of the outfit the mini-skirt you choose can be black, white, or any color in between. Usually the mini-skirt will be dark colored to match the tights, but sometimes they can even be worn as a standalone without any tights.
•    Shirts and tops: Here again Abrams likes to layer her clothing. To get this look start with a regular and fun t-shirt and layer that with a jacket of some sort. Abrams likes to wear longer rain coat style jackets that are typically darker colored in nature and she will usually keep them closed up but only doing so with the tie and not actually the buttons. This seems to be more for fashion instead of function.
•    Shoes: Abrams tends to go for the black leather ankle high heeled boots and you can help yourself nail the look by getting a pair. If you like you can go with a pair that features a collard part on top as Abrahams frequents these on the show. Because they are black you will be able to wear them with a number of different Abrams outfits.
•     Accessories: Abrams like big purses and in this department she likes to go on the colorful side. You can get any type of larger handbag you like to add some flair to your outfit and don’t be scared of crazy looking patterns. Another big accessory that Abrams often sport is a scarf. Sometimes she goes with a solid color but you should feel free to go with a multicolored tie if you so desire as she has done both on the show. When choosing jewelry, go with bigger earrings like hoops and wear necklaces that tent to hang low.

All you will need now is that famous wavy jet black hair and you too will look like you just walked of the set of Gossip Girl.