
How to Care for Wool Clothing


Wool clothing can keep you warm and look great all at the same time. If you want your wool clothing to last for a while it is important to know how to care for them. While not as easy to care for as your everyday garments, the care of wool clothing is not all that hard so long as you go about it in the proper manner.

Here are some tips that will help you to properly care for your wool clothing and ensure that they will look great for years to come:

•    Fuzz balls: The one thing about wool clothing is that it can and does develop all sorts of little fuzz balls that can make it look terrible. You can try to brush these fuzz balls away with a lint brush or pick at them if you are totally bored but there is an even easier way to deal with them. They now sell a ‘de-fuzzing’ hand-held machine that was created especially to deal with these little pests. They are not expensive at all and obtaining one and using it regularly will keep your woolens looking their best.
•    Cleaning: Most wool clothing is dry-clean only, but you can wash these articles of clothing by hand. The key is to be gentle and always towel and air dry only. Never use a dryer and wash one article of clothing at a time.
•    Hanging up: If you have a nice wool sweater, take care of it when hanging it up. Use a hanger that has padded sides and be sure that you place that sweater inside a garment bag that zips up. You should use a fabric garment bag so that the wool has a chance to breath as opposed to a plastic garment bag which will not allow for any breathability.
•    Storage: When it simply becomes too hot to wear your wool garments you will want to store them. The big thing with wool is that there are insects that just love it and will ruin your favorite woolens if given a chance. This can be combated with cedar. The perfect place to store your woolens is in a cedar chest. If you don’t have a cedar chest then get a plastic container with a lid that hold tight and place your woolens in the container with a mess back that is full of cedar chips. Once it is time to again wear your wool clothes, you will want to take out the clothing and allow it to air out for a couple of days to avoid smelling like you just walked out of a forest.
•    Before you put it on: Before you even put on your woolens you can help care for them by observing a few simple rules. Never apply make-up, hair spray, or colognes and perfumes while wearing your woolens as these things can cause nasty stains. Apply and let all of these things dry completely before you dress in your favorite wool clothes.

Caring for wool is a bit more time consuming than other articles of clothing you own, but when properly cared for you will enjoy them for many seasons to come.

Fashion stylist

How to Become a Fashion Stylist

Fashion stylist

If you are an individual that is always up to date with the latest in fashion and you have a passion for helping other, perhaps you should consider becoming a fashion stylist. As a fashion stylist you will help those whose fashion sense isn’t up to par and work with them to create an entire new look that is unique to them. Just as a hair stylist is charged with making a masterpiece out of someone’s hair, you job will be to mold them and their sense of fashion.

While there is no real formal training to become a fashion stylist, you must have a true passion for what you do as the world of fashion is an ultra competitive one. Still, if you can handle the competition, there are few jobs as rewarding as a fashion stylist. Here are the steps to take to get your fashion stylist career going full steam:

1.    Keep up with the latest fashions:
Obviously if you want to become a fashion stylist you have to be up on all the latest fashions. This can be accomplished by reading all the fashion magazines you can get your hands on and also attending any and all fashion shows that are in your immediate area.
2.    Create a portfolio: In order to sell your services you have to have examples to show potential clients. This can be achieved by dressing a mannequin in styles that you pick out and photographing the results. This will enable you to show to potential clients your ability with fashion and gives you examples to work off of. As you gain clients, start using before and after photos with their approval for your portfolio as well. These photos can easily be uploaded to a simple website so that you can access them from any computer and always have them at your beckon call to help you sell yourself.
3.    Build your clientele: It is important to build up a solid list of clients as quickly as you can. This doesn’t mean you should cut corners with your services, but until you have a good list of clients you should cut your fee. Once you have a solid list of clients you can gradually raise your prices to match your reputation, just be sure to always charge your original clients the same low price they have always enjoyed. This will increase their loyalty to you and make them more likely to recommend you to family and friends.
4.    Give impeccable service: If you take care of your clients and give the best service possible they will reward you by referring you to everyone they know. Word of mouth is big for any business, but it is especially big for the fashion stylist business.

One thing that many in the fashion stylist business eventually have to consider is relocation. Yes you can build a successful business in a small area of the country, but to be mega successful you should really be in areas that have lots of people and lots of money. Some of the more popular places to be a fashion stylist include parts of New York, California, and Florida. Many times a fashion stylist will get their feet wet in a smaller area and move on to a bigger area as their reputation becomes big enough to match the area in which they wish to relocate to.

Mountain biking

What to Wear Mountain Biking

Mountain biking

Riding through a pristine forest on a mountain bike is a lot of fun! However, it’s only a good time if you dress the part. The difference between an exciting time or a miserable experience that you may never want to do again is all in how you dress. Here are some basics to make your outing as fun as it can possibly be.

1) Helmet. First and foremost you must wear a helmet. This is a safety precaution that cannot be overlooked. Helmets come in many different shapes and range in price from 20 to 150 dollars. Helmets of all prices meet the same safety standards, it’s just that those on the low end of the price range have less ventilation openings so they may feel hotter. Now just be sure to wear your helmet at all times as it’s probably the most critical safety element.

2)  Shorts. Many people wear Lycra cycling shorts. Most Lycra shorts have a pad on the inside which can add protection from a hard bike seat. An added benefit of Lycra shorts is that they hold the large leg muscle groups in stabilized position and can cause you to be less tired at the end of a long ride. It’s usually best to wear a pair of Lycra shorts close to the skin and then a nylon type of outer shorts on top. The outer shorts can be made of nylon and are often resistant to stickers or any other small branches as you ride along a trail.

3)  Shirt. Typically the best shirts for mountain biking are those that are very breathable and are known to wick the sweat away. Cotton is very absorbent and can literally make you feel like you’ve been out in the rain after a long ride. Many riders wear a backpack to hold water and bike repair items and find that their backs become overheated when wearing cotton shirts.

4)  Socks. Socks are important and can be made of cotton or other sweat-wicking material. Dark socks are best at hiding the inevitable mud and dirt that will be splashed on the rider.

5)  Gloves. Gloves are necessary addition to any mountain biker’s wardrobe. They serve two main purposes. First, should you fall off of your bike they will protect your hands from the ground. Second, gloves will protect your hands from branches and stickers that may overhang onto the trail.

6)  Shoes. Mountain biking shoes are known to be very stiff so that they can’t bend easily. This means that energy is not lost and transferred directly to the pedals. Shoes come in a variety of price ranges but most function in the same way.

During cold weather, don’t forget about the wind chill that’s caused by simply riding down the trail. Even somewhat warm days while walking a trail can seem cold with the rushing air against your skin when riding a bike. Take precautions by wearing long sleeves and longer Lycra outfits that cover your entire legs. Many mountain bikers have found that dressing like a surfer, who must battle cold waves yet be nimble enough to maneuver on a board, is a great way to prepare. Have fun on your ride!

Paula Deen

How to Dress Like Paula Deen

Paula Deen

Paula Deen is a cook from Georgia who specializes in traditional southern cooking. She learned how to cook from her grandmother, which would lead to her successful career. Paula started in the food business with her own catering company which quickly grew to successful restaurant in downtown Savannah. In 2002 her Food Network show Paula’s Home Cooking premiered which brought her national and international fame and popularity. She has also published a number of successful cookbooks and has appeared on numerous TV talk shows including The Today Show and Oprah.

Paula is a simple and traditional southern woman who dresses the part. She wears clothing that’s comfortable and classic and easy to move around in so as not to hamper her movement in the kitchen. Dressing like Paula Deen, with a few simple tips, can be easy ya’ll!

The first thing you notice about Paula Deen is her glowing silver hair. It has that special Paula flip and lots and lots of volume! To emulate Paula Deen you don’t need to have the same hair, but it would help. You can always opt for a gray wig to help you get the look if you don’t naturally have silver locks. Just style it big and layered with a flip toward the back, away from the face, and soft bangs on the forehead.

Beyond her hair, Paula’s tops and blouses are the next things you notice. To get her look opt for solid colors in pinks and corrals and light greenish-blues. The best style is button down with long sleeves and notched collar. These simple tops can be found in most department stores. To emulate Paula make sure you unbutton the cuffs and roll up the sleeves up to about midway up your forearm. Be sure to leave your top untucked as Paula never tucks her shirt in.

The next item of clothing is pants. Find simple cotton pants that are comfortable and washable. A cook shouldn’t be wearing dry cleanables! Paula tends to wear black or khaki pants. Make sure to pair those with sensible, comfortable shoes.

Another item that’s great to have when dressing like Paula Deen is an apron. Try to find one that is a bib style apron so it will cover the front of your shirt as well as protect your pants. Paula doesn’t always wear an apron but when she does it’s bib style. You can find a huge variety of aprons for sale online as well as at cook and kitchen supply stores.

Another must have when dressing like Paula Deen is a visor. When Paula cooks outside or grills, she often wears a visor. She can protect her hairdo that way as well as shade her eyes.

Paula Deen is a staple among foodies and appreciators of classic southern cooking. She has a sensibility and style all her own, but dressing like her is a snap with just a few articles of clothing that match her style.

Hayley Williams

How to Dress Like Hayley Williams

Hayley Williams

Anyone that has heard a song from the alternative rock band Paramore knows that Hayley Williams can belt out vocal like nobody else. Her style of singing is compared to that of Amy Lee from Evanescence and at only 20 years old she and her band mates have already released their second album. She is known for her fun and punky way of dressing and her care free attitude goes great with her likeable personality. Perhaps that is why there are more and more young women these days that want to dress like Williams.

Dressing like Williams is not hard at all to achieve as she has not let fame get to her head like so many famous people do and continues to dress much the same as she did before she gained any notoriety. Here are some tips to help you dress more like Hayley Williams:

•    Jeans: In a classic punk style of dressing, Williams is always sporting a pair of jeans. When you choose your jeans you will need to go from fitting, but don’t go ultra tight. Choose darker colors like black and gray and stay away from the traditional blue as Williams never wears that color. If you go with a pair of jeans that has rips and tears in them, don’t go overboard. Williams rarely, if ever, has any rips or tears in her jeans.
•    Shirts: This is really easy and really wide open as well. Williams usually wears darker colored tank tops and t-shirts such as black, blues, greens, and purples, but catching her in the occasional white or yellow t-shirt is not out of the question. She usually likes to wear t-shirts with some sort of saying on them or will at times sport a t-shirt with an older band’s name on it, such as AC/DC.  Have fun with this step and get unique in what you choose no matter if you go with a tank top or a t-shirt.
•    Shoes: No surprise here that Williams goes with black sneakers. She likes the classic look of Converse high-tops so to accurately copy this look you too should go for a pair of them.
•    Accessories: Williams doesn’t really accessorize for the most part. If you choose to, then go very low key. An occasional bracelet that is not flashy will do just fine in this department.
•    Hair and make-up: Williams wears very little make-up so when you go to apply yours you have to be on the ultra conservative side. As far as her hair goes though, that is a different story. Williams always wears her hair down and she has sweeping bangs which isn’t really tough to mimic so long as your hair is long too. But to capture the true essence of Williams you have to go all out and color your hair. Williams is known for always having a bright and loud hair color such as orange or red and at times even has blonde highlighted throughout as well. Go crazy here, but remember to stick with bright and loud colors.

Now go out and take years of voice lessons like Williams did and your quest to be like her will be complete.

Hats and caps

How to Store Hats and Caps

Hats and caps

For every hat or cap that you own there is a time and a place to wear them. Sometimes you may only wear a certain ball cap a couple of times a year and other hats you may wear on a rather frequent basis. Perhaps you have a fancy fedora or cowboy hat you like to wear when you go out. Whatever the case may be what is equally as important about when and where you wear your hats and caps is what you do with them when you are not wearing them and instead are storing them.

Of course how you actually store a hat or cap will depend largely on the type of hat or cap you have and you can always just leave your hats lying around the house, but there are several ways to easily store your hats and caps that will keep the homestead looking ship-shape. Here are some of those ways:

•    Hat boxes: This of course is only going to apply to your fancier hats. Top hats, fedoras, cowboy hats, etc. There a number of hat boxes that can be obtained that are not too expensive and will be worth every penny you spend as they will keep your fancier hats from being harmed in any way. The nice thing about hat boxes is that if you have more than one you can easily stack them on the top self of your closet and they will then be out of the way and take up less space.
•    Hanging hat racks: If you have a lot of ball caps you can display them and keep them neat all at the same time. This is accomplished with a hat rack that you hang on the wall. This type of hat rack will usually be made of wood and will have several pegs that protrude out so that you can hang the caps from them. These types of hat racks are great because you can get one for each individual in the house and put them in their rooms. You would be surprised at how much clutter a dozen ball caps can create. Get them up off the floors and off the dressers with a hanging wall mounted hat rack.
•    Over the door hat rack: This is another great space saver. These types of hat racks usually have two hooks on the top that allow it to hang on any bedroom door. The hooks will lay flush with the top of the door which will allow the door to open and close as normal with no interference. These types of racks are usually made of plastic and are meant for more storage than they are display. But if you or someone in your house has a huge collection of ball caps then this is the ideal solution for you.

While your hats and caps may look good on your head when you are wearing them, they do not look good when scattered around your home. Fortunately there are plenty of ways to store your hats and caps that will keep your house looking tidy.

Shoulder pads

How To Remove Sewn-In Shoulder Pads

Shoulder pads

All fashions come back around. What was in style during one season will definitely make an appearance again after some years. However, certain aspects of style take longer to come back into current trends again. This is the case of the shoulder pad. Extremely popular in the 80s and early 90s, they have yet to come back to popularity, especially to the same degree as they were at that time. While some coats have small built-in shoulder pads to create shape, gone are the blouses, dresses and even dressy T-shirts with shoulder pads. Such looks are not likely to come back anytime soon.

So what does someone do with clothes that still have the shoulder pads attached. Many of the outfits of that era are back in style again now, without the extra padding. If you have kept any of your clothes from that era and would like to wear them again, you can do so by removing the shoulder pads.

Removal of shoulder pads from most garments is relatively easy. In most cases, the pads have been attached with a couple of very small stitches after the garment was finished being made. What this means is that to remove such pads you will need a seam ripper or a tiny pair of small scissors and good light.

Turn the garment inside out and carefully examine the shoulder pads and the way they are attached in good light. Only when you are sure that you can remove the stitches without pulling out any of the nearby seams should you proceed. Slip the pointy end of the seam ripper into the stitches and slowly with a slight rocking motion, cut the threads. This will allow you to easily lift out the shoulder pads. Remove any loose threads and discard them.

If you happen to find that the shoulder pads have been sewn into the garment along the seam, you may still be able to remove them without ruining the item. If it is simply the pocket that the actual foam pad is in that is attached to the garment, you can remove the bulk of the shoulder pad by cutting a neat slit in the pocket and removing the pad itself. You may leave the pouch in place if the piece of clothing is bulky enough so that it doesn’t show. If it shows through the fabric or creates bulk, you can solve the problem by carefully cutting the pocket down to size so the only part remaining is what is attached to the seam.

Once you have removed the shoulder pads from your article of clothing, you should iron the item or steam it. This will help to give it its new shape and make the absence of the padding less noticeable.

Quick and easy clothing surgery like this can revitalize even the oldest items in your closet. Don’t be afraid to make changes to items you own in the name of fashion. If you’re not wearing it because it’s not in fashion, you have nothing to lose. So go ahead and be brave with your clothing surgery.

Debbie Ryan

How to Dress Like Debbie Ryan

Debbie Ryan

Debbie Ryan is best known for her role on the Disney Chanel Original Series program, The Suite Life on Deck, which is a sequel to the Suite Life of Zack and Cody, in which Ryan plays the role of Bailey Pickett. Her lovable character coupled with her infectious attitude and winning smile has many young women now wanting to imitate the way she dresses. Her style is both fun and fashionable and is very easy to get so long as you go about it in the correct manner.

Ryan likes to dress in a variety of outfits and no matter what she is sporting she seems to like to keep it colorful. This cheery way of dressing goes with her cheery personality for a look that simply can’t be beat. Here is how you can dress in the same manner as Debbie Ryan:

•    Dresses and skirts: Ryan likes to wear a large variety of dresses and skirts and they are never on the short side. She always stays conservative and above all else she stays colorful. Many of the dresses and skirts that Ryan picks out are multicolored and have some sort of wild design on them. When going for your dresses and skirts, you should feel free to go with fashions that are a little on the wild side and don’t be afraid to get a little outgoing.
•    Pants and shirts: Though she seems to love dresses and skirts, Ryan can also often be found wearing pants and shirts when she is out doing her thing. She seems to be most comfortable in dress pants and gravitates towards cute long sleeved button down shirts. She is also known to wear regular long sleeved shirts with her pants and she almost always goes with a darker color on the bottom and a lighter colored shirt for her top.
•    Shoes: Ryan is a fan of pumps and heels. When you decide what you want to wear it should be dictated by the outfit you have chosen. Ryan seems to gravitate towards the heels when wearing dresses and the pumps when wearing pants and shirts so you can follow that guideline as a good rule of thumb.
•    Accessories: Ryan loves to accessorize and wears anything from scarves to hats to wild looking sunglasses. She is a big fan of bracelets, earrings, and necklaces and when she wears them she has no problem going big and somewhat flashy. Have fun with this and again let your outfit dictate what type of jewelry you wear.
•    Hair and make-up: If Ryan wears a lot of make-up she doesn’t show it. Her cheeks are a nice rosy color and you can emulate this by using a good amount of blush. She does wear lip stick but stays with the more flesh tone colors versus the hot red colors. Her hair is always worn down and always curly. To perfect her hair look you will have to take some time and curl your hair and be sure that you have bangs if you want to look authentic.

Now just carry with you that same big smile that Ryan does everywhere she goes and you will be all set.


When To Wear A Slip


Do you know when it is proper to wear a slip? Oftentimes, women wear dresses and skirts without a special undergarment known as a slip. Slips are worn to prevent lightweight material from clinging to the skin and to help garments lay properly against the body.

Slips come in full-length and half-length sizes and in many different colors such as white or nude. They are generally made of a lightweight material, such as cotton or silk, and can be used many different articles of clothing. You can even wear them in ankle-length sizes for more formal wear.

The reason so many women do not wear slips is due to the fact that they seem “old-fashioned” and that many garments come with a lining that is built-in for coverage.

If you are not sure when you should wear a slip, just follow these simple principles:

1.) Always under any lightweight material. Fabrics like linen are very transparent which requires the use of a slip. Likewise, clingy materials like rayon can “ride up” and produce static which always calls for a nice-fitting slip. If you need to wear a slip, just try on the clothing with and then without the slip, and then compare the fit of your clothing between the two. Stand in front of a full-length mirror in good lighting to see if any undergarments show through the clothing. If so, then wear a slip.

2.) Always with delicate and flimsy outfits. Evening gowns and cocktails dresses generally require a slip to fit properly. The slip will prevent any fabric from riding up, clinging, or wrinkling with wear.  Because slips come in a variety of shapes, materials, and sizes, you must ensure that the slip’s shape matches that of the dress or skirt you will be wearing. You do not want the slip showing through in conspicuous places such as a slit or under the arms. Also, remember to coordinate the slip and garment by wearing a neutral colored slip or one that matches the color of the outfit you will be wearing.

3.) Always under fabric that “sticks” to the skin. Many dresses today are made of different fabric blends that tend to cling to the skin and create static. Jersey cotton and spandex blend fabrics will need a slip to prevent that embarrassing cling. Wearing a slip will keep fabric smooth so it will not bunch together while you walk or when you sit down. The best slip materials for this dilemma are silk or cotton and they are the most common. Just try out the slip under your outfit before you wear it.

4.) Always choose the right slip for your particular outfit. The key is to not have the slip show through your garments. So, never wear a lacy slip under a thin blouse and always keep the slip shorter than your dress or skirt. Since many articles of clothing come with built-in layers that work like slips, you won’t have to make sure that you have the proper slip for every article of clothing. But you must always check yourself in front of a mirror before going out to prevent any coverage issues.

Although slips are sometimes considered a thing of the past for many women, you can always guarantee that you are dressed and look your best when a slip is under your dress!


What to Wear with Moccasins


Moccasins have been in style ever since the Native American Indians’ culture was introduced to the American culture. These suede shoes are traditionally in the form of boots and those are still the most popular today. They do however come in flats styles as well and both styles look great with a number of today’s fashions. Many actresses and Hollywood starlets can often be seen off the set in a comfy pair of moccasins while just being out and about.

Pairing your moccasins with the right outfits will have you too looking great while maintaining the ultimate in laid back fashion. Here are some outfits that you can wear with your moccasins:

•    Jeans: This is a tough one because the moccasin boots are made to be just a bit loose at the top and so jeans don’t really cover the moccasins very well. If you do get a boot cut and cover the moccasins then no will know that you even have them on at all. But thanks to the invention of the skinny jeans, you can now wear your moccasin boots and still wear jeans. Because skinny jeans tapper down and hug the bottom of your ankle, they will actually slip inside of the moccasin boots and make for a comfortable and stylish pairing. Top this off with your favorite t-shirt or blouse and you will be all set for a day of comfortable window shopping. If the weather is a bit chilly, then grab a lightweight leather jacket and you will be all set.
•    Dresses: Sleeved dresses make for a great pairing with moccasins and the great part is that you can either wear your boot style moccasins or your flats style moccasins with this look. Because many moccasins are generally dark brown or black, you should stick with neutral or dark colors for the dresses you choose.
•    Leggings: Like the skinny jeans, the leggings will slide right inside the moccasins so that the style of the boot won’t be disturbed. From here you can pair the leggings with a miniskirt and blouse, a dress, a long blouse, or even a long t-shirt. You can use dark colored belts to help tie in the outfits and this look gives you the perfect opportunity to wear a fun and stylish hat.
•    Short shorts and miniskirts: Denim short shorts look great with a pair of black moccasin boots that come up to the upper part of your calf. Up top you will want to go with a black t-shirt or tank top and finish off the look with a lightweight and short suede jacket. If you don’t like denim short shorts you can go with a white miniskirt and get the same effect. This look is extremely sexy, but also extremely toasty so be sure you go for this look during the cooler times of the year.

Moccasins are a timeless classic that should be on the floor of everyone’s closet. They offer a great look while offering great comfort and when dressed up properly they will also offer up lot of look as you walk down the street.

Jessica Stroup

How to Dress Like Jessica Stroup

Jessica Stroup

Jessica Stroup is probably best known for her role as Erin Siler on the spin-off show from the original Beverly Hills 90210 called 90210. She was born and raised in the Carolinas and has the knock out looks and personality that you would expect from a southern girl. She has a fun and simplistic style and seems to always look her best whether she is just out and about or at a red carpet event.

In order for you to dress like Stroup you have to have the ability to segway from one outfit to the next and look good in all of them as Stroup has a wide variety of outfits that she likes to wear. Here are some ways that to help you dress like Jessica Stroup:

•    Casual: When Stroup goes casual she goes casual. When not on the set or in the public eye she dresses like any other early twenties woman would. She loves to wear jeans and a regular looking t-shirt and the style and colors of the t-shirts can vary greatly so pick a shirt that you like and that you will comfortable in. She usually sticks with blue jeans and they are always on the tight side. If you don’t want to go tight, at least go form-fitting. If you like you can top off the shirt with a zip up sweat jacket of a darker color as Stroup often does. When accessorizing this look take the easy route. All Stroup generally accessorizes this laid back look with is a simple purse and some sunglasses.
•    Dresses and skirts: More times than not you can find Stroup wearing an almost endless variety of dresses and skirts. She wears dresses that are short, long, form fitting, tight, you name, and she has worn it. Knowing that you can choose a dress that compliments your body type best and that you feel comfortable in. Go with violets, grays, black, and blues for your color selection and try to stay with solid colors as opposed to multi-colored.
•    Formal: When Stroup hits the red carpet, people know it. She looks stunning when attending these types of events and usually wears a tight fitting dress that compliments her curves very nicely. Her formal dresses are usually darker colors and she likes to accessorize quite a bit at these events. To mimic this you will want to go with bracelets, hoop or hanging earrings, and an elegant gold necklace with a pendant on it.
•    Shoes: Of course the shoe Stroup goes with depends on what she is wearing and your choice should be no different. When going casual a nice pair o flip-flops will work. For the dresses and skirts you can be like Stroup and go with fun and sassy heels that are usually open-toed. When attending your special event go with the classic look of a closed-toe heel that matches the dress color.
•    Hair and make-up: You can wear your hair up or down as Stroup is a fan of both but go simplistic either way you do it. For you make-up application, go light and try to achieve the all-natural look.

Now go out with confidence and you too will have everyone believing you came from Beverly Hills, or at least the set of the show.

Katherine Hepburn

How to Dress Like Katherine Hepburn

Katherine Hepburn

Katherine Hepburn never seemed to conform to what the latest fashion trends were at the time when her career as an actress was thriving. Instead of following the heard, Hepburn decided to be a leader and dress the way she wanted to dress. She wore pants at a time when most actresses where trying as hard as they could to flaunt what they had and never did she stray from her formula.  Her devotion to her own style must have been a good one as the actress won an unprecedented four Academy Awards for Best Actress throughout her long and lustrous career.

Her unique style of fashion and grace is one that is admired by many and even though she passed away in 2003 she is still held to a very high regard today and many women wish to dress like her. Here is what to wear in your quest to dress like Katherine Hepburn:

•    Wide legged pants:
Her signature pants were always wide legged and were tailored to be snappy and sit high on the waist. Because much of her acting career was at a time when there was no color, you will want to stick with lighter and brighter colors like whites and creams. If you do go darker, go all the way as she was known to wear black from time to time.
•    Top: Hepburn was almost always seen in a blouse made of light weight material that was button down. She always wore a lighter colored blouse so make sure you don’t go on the dark side here.
•    Jacket: To complete her look, Hepburn often wore a tailored jacket that was somewhat form fitting. She always went for a classic look so doesn’t go too crazy with the style when choosing yours. Match the jacket to the pants and never mix and match colors.
•    Shoes: Hepburn usually wore stylish looking loafers with socks. It may sound cliché, but that’s what she wore and she always pulled it off with elegance and grace.
•    Accessories: Hepburn was never much for a lot of accessories. When she did wear them it was usually in the form of a simple string of pearls which she wore around her neck or some other type of simple yet elegant necklace. Stay away from flashy as Hepburn was anything but.
•    Hair: To emulate Hepburn’s hair you have to stay simple and conservative. She often wore it up and rarely did she do much with it. When doing your hair, go for a simplistic look with your hair partially or fully up if you feel more comfortable.
•    Make-up: Again, Hepburn was on the silver screen when there was no color for much of her career. She probably used a lot of make-up, but you would never know it by looking at her. When you do your make-up go for a natural look and accentuate your cheekbones and use a darker color of lipstick to bring out your lips.

Katherine Hepburn was truly a one of a kind actress and her style was also one of a kind. Her simple wardrobe is one of class and sophistication and is easily mimicked and will have you looking great no matter what the occasion.


What to Wear to Play Paintball


Paintball is an ultra aggressive sport that is mostly played by the younger generations. Despite what you may hear about how paintball is safer than bowling or tennis the fact is that the people that play paintball are usually very competitive and that can mean for some serious competition. If you are not properly dresses for paintball all that aggressive competition can spell injuries.

When it comes to what you wear for a game paintball your first concern should be safety. That said you will need more than just plain clothing to keep you safe. Here is how you need to gear up for paintball:

•    Clothes: You can really wear anything you like as far as clothes go but you should be in a long sleeved shirt and pants as opposed to shorts and a t-shirt. You can certainly brave the battle field with little to nothing on but all that exposed skin will be easily welted should a paintball strike you. Obviously you will want to wear darker colors and camouflage is great for hiding your location. If you wear light and bright colors on the paintball field then you might as well scream out your location.
•    Shoes: You need to have your feet fully covered. That means you need to leave the flip-flops and sandals at your house. An uncovered foot is not a good idea while running around in the woods, especially when those woods contain paintballs whizzing by.
•    Head gear: You will need to have on a helmet that has a face guard either attached or that can slip over. The face guard should never be taken off in the middle of a game, not even to de-fog it. If it is too foggy then you need to declare yourself out and have a referee escort you to the ‘dead box.’
•    Goggles: Along with the headgear you need to wear goggles. You should never play a game of paintball without your goggles on and if you see someone not wearing their goggles then immediately report them to a referee.
•    Gloves: A bare hand getting hit by a paintball is no fun. You can lessen the pain significantly by wearing a pair of lightweight gloves.
•    Other optional equipment: You can also opt for other safety equipment if you like. One piece of safety equipment that is vital for guys is a groin cup. It may be a little uncomfortable to wear but if you get hit there with a paintball traveling at 250 feet per second, think about how much that will hurt. You can also obtain a chest guard to help absorb a hit to your torso and elbow pads and knee pads will help with all the jumping and diving you will be doing.

Paintball can be an extreme amount of fun but that fun can be cut drastically short if you are not properly dressed for the occasion. So remember, throw style out the window and focus on safety and the rest will just fall into place.


What to Wear with Argyle


With the popularity of such shows as Gossip Girl, it seems that argyle is making a comeback, and why not? Argyle is a very versatile pattern that can be worn in a preppy manner but can also be worn in a casual manner. Because of this fact, more and more people are finding the look to their liking. Knowing what to wear with argyle really depends on what the occasion is and what type of argyle garment you are wearing.

Argyle patterns can be found on a number of garments these days, but the two most popular remain the sweater and socks. Here are a few ways to pair you argyle garments and look great doing so:


•    Jeans: Though you may not think so you can pair an argyle sweater with a nice slim cut pair of jeans. You will want form fitting, but you don’t want to have the jeans fitting too loose. This will give the illusion of a casual-prep. To compliment the jeans you will want to wear low cut ankle boots and some light accessories. Scarves work great with this look and a tote of some kind also fits the bill.
•    Dress pants: A nice pair of dress pants and an argyle sweater makes for the perfect preppy look. You can compliment this look with a dressy pair of shoes and by doing so you will have a great look for a professional work environment.
•    Sweater vest: You can re-define the preppy look by wearing an argyle sweater vest over a long sleeved white shirt. This can be paired with either jeans or pants depending on where you are going.
•    Skirts: This look has just recently gained popularity. Finding a really cute skirt to pair with your argyle sweater gives the young and fun look. Wearing this outfit with a pair of baby-doll heels completes the look of this fun fashion. The skirt should be a darker solid color like black to work right.


•    Golf: Nothing shows the tradition of golf like a great pair of argyle socks. Wear these with what are known as knickers and you will look like the golfers of yesteryear.
•    Leggings: This look was made popular by Sarah Jessica Parker in the show Sex and the City. To pull off this look wear a pair of thigh high argyle leggings with a short black skirt. Any fun top will do and you can finish off the look with a longer style rain coat that is a darker color.
•    Kilts: Ok, maybe you are not going to be wearing a kilt anytime soon, but if you are you can complete the highlander look with calf high argyle socks. Finish off the look with decorative pins that are attached to the top of the socks.

While argyle may be a funny name and a distinctive look, that look is not only back, but it is here to stay. Pairing your argyle fashions with the appropriate garments may have you looking and feeling a bit more preppy than usual.

Pickle stains

How to Remove Pickle Stains from Clothes

Pickle stains

Pickles make the perfect side dish for a number of main courses. Sometimes there is nothing more enjoyable than these crunchy little delights. Pickles are great as you can eat them whole or cut them up and put them on a burger or sandwich. But these tasty treats can leave a nasty stain when pickle juice is dropped unknowingly onto your clothes. Doing so can leave you with a green mess that just doesn’t want to come out. But fear not, there is a solution.

Pickle stains can be a pain in the neck, but by following these tips you will be able to get your cloths as clean as new:

•    Rinse the stain: The first thing you want to do is to rinse the stain thoroughly with cold water. Run it under the water for a good five minutes or so and then let it sit for about twenty minutes.
•    Soak the stain: Next mix a bucket of warm water with some regular clothes detergent and after agitating up the water soak the garment in it for a few hours. If you want to you can leave it in overnight as the longer it soaks the easier it should be to remove the stain.
•    Pre-treat: When you are done soaking the garment take it out of the soaped up solution and wring it out. Then go to the stained area and sprinkle on some powdered laundry detergent. Get a brush and gently scrub the stain in a circular motion for about five minutes. You can also go with a number of expensive stain pre-treaters that they sell at the department stores but these days it is wise to save money wherever you can.
•    Soak again: Mix the same warm water and detergent solution that you did before and again let the garment soak for a while. This time it is not necessary to leave it in over night, but you should let it soak for at least a few hours.
•    Wash the stain: Take the garment out of the soak mix and wring it out again. Now you need only put the garment in your washing machine as you normally would and put it through a normal wash cycle. You should try to use the hottest water allowable by the garment.
•    Dry the garment: Once the garment is washed remove it from the rest of the load and do not dry it in the clothes dryer. Instead let it hang up to air dry so that you can be sure that the pickle stain is completely gone.
•    Repeat if you have to: If the stain remains you will have to repeat the process another time or two. While pickle stains are more common than you may think, they aren’t the hardest stains to get rid of and are usually removed within the first couple of applications.

As you can see removing pickle stains really isn’t that tough, so feel free to enjoy as many pickles as you like and don’t fear the occasional stain.

Jennette Mcmurdy

How to Dress Like Jennette McCurdy

Jennette Mcmurdy

Jennette McCurdy is better known as ‘Sam’ on the hit television show iCarly that plays on Nickelodeon. Her witty banter on the show has her as one of the more popular characters and her everyday style pretty much matches her style on the show. Really she dresses much the same as many other teenagers that are her age do and it is probably for that reason that the future super star is so beloved and has so many other young ladies wanting to dress like her.

McCurdy has a very simplistic style and pulls off the all natural look with great ease. Here are some things you can do to dress like McCurdy:

•    Pants: As often as McCurdy is seen in a nice pair of jeans, most times she can be spotted in her favorite type of pants; Capri pants. When choosing yours go for a good fit, but don’t go too tight as McCurdy never does. She typically likes to go with capri pants that are darker in color and she always wears her Converse high tops with her capris.
•    Shirts: When wearing her capris you will see McCurdy wearing the typical t-shirts that most teenagers wear. The shirts range from tank tops to frilly shirts and everything in between. She tends to go with light colors on top so when you get your shirt make sure that you go with a lighter color like white. She often tops off her shirts with a light jacket or zip up sweat shirt that has a hood.
•    Dresses: The other thing that McCurdy often sports is dresses. She wears lots of different styles of dresses and tends to stay a bit more on the conservative side when she is on the set on iCarly probably because there are a lot of kids that watch the show. When choosing yours, go with what you like. McCurdy doesn’t have any standard when it comes to style and color she just likes dresses. When dressing up in dresses, McCurdy likes to wear a classic and stylish pump and the shoes of course always match the dress.
•    Accessories: McCurdy accessorizes very light and very simple. She wears beaded bracelets, simple earrings, and a thin gold chain with a charm on it. Sometimes when she is wearing a longer t-shirt she will have a big belt to help tie in the outfit, but that is about as crazy as she gets. When you accessorize remember to go low profile.
•    Hair and make-up: McCurdy actually goes fairly light on her make-up but does accentuate her cheek bones a good amount. She likes pinks for her lip stick colors but never wears anything to outrageous. Go light with your make-up application and try to go for the all natural look. To make your hair like McCurdy’s you will need to grow it long, make it wavy and get bangs. You can go all out and color your hair with blonde highlights as that is how McCurdy’s hair is.

Now you simply have to have that sassy attitude and witty banter everywhere you go and your transformation will be complete.


What to Wear Skydiving


There is little that can compare to the rush you feel when you are free falling down to earth just before you open up your parachute and float blissfully down. Skydiving is a thrill that is certainly tough to match and to enjoy it properly you must wear the right apparel.

It is important to note that skydiving is not a fashion contest and anything that is worn should be in the line of function over fashion. Here is what you should wear when you get ready to go skydiving:

•    Pants: Depending on the time of year it is will depend on the type of pants you will wear. If it is warm out it is certainly acceptable to wear shorts and if it is cool out then a nice pair of jeans does the trick.
•    Shirts: The same weather rule applies with shirts. If it is hot out then you can go with a short sleeved shirt or tank top. Just be sure that the shirt is not collared. If it is cold out then wear a long sleeved shirt and again be sure there is no collar on it.
•    Jumpsuit: If you are a pro then you will have your own jumpsuit but if you are like most novices that don’t have one you can obtain one from the jump center that you will go through when going on your skydiving adventure. These jumpsuits will fit over any clothing that you have on which is why you can pretty much wear what you want underneath.
•    Shoes: Any pair of sneakers will do for skydiving so long as they lace up. A pair of high tops will give a bit more support on landing but for the most part any old pair will do.
•    Gloves and goggles: Again, you pros will have your own but for the rest of you the jump center will provide these as well. Usually you only need to wear gloves if it is on the chilly side.
•    Helmet: Again pros have them everyone else will get them from the jump center. If you have long hair it is best to put it up especially if you are doing a tandem jump where there is someone right behind you.

Along with knowing what to wear you should also know what not to wear:

•    Dresses: Girls should leave the dresses at home. Wearing one will not be very comfortable when you put the jumpsuit on.
•    Jewelry: This is for guys and girls. Leave all you jewelry at home as you don’t want anything to get caught up while you are in a free fall.
•    Shoes: As stated above you need lace up sneakers. No slip on shoes, flip-flops, or heels.

Again, skydiving is a great rush and you will get maximum enjoyment out of it when you wear the proper clothing. Remember that when you dress for your skydiving adventure you will want to go with functionality instead of style. No one will see what you are wearing under the jumpsuit anyway.

Leighton Meester

How to Dress Like Leighton Meester

Leighton Meester

Leighton Meester is an actress and a singer/songwriter, but is probably best known for her role as Blaire Waldorf in the hit series Gossip Girl. The young actress may have fame in her life, but judging by the simplistic way that she dresses, she is not letting it go to her head. She has a very natural and simple look that is easily achieved which is probably why there are many young ladies these days that want to dress like her.

Meester always looks like your typical girl next door no matter where she is. Here is how you can achieve the look as well:

•    Dresses: Meester likes to wear a lot of dresses. The dresses she wears tend to be one solid color and the colors she likes to go with are more on the cheery side such as yellows, whites, and lighter blues. When choosing yours, go for dresses made of lighter materials and ones that cover you all the way down to the top of your knees. You can go sleeveless or sleeved as Meester likes both, but remember that you need to go for the more conservative style dresses.
•    Casual look: When just out and about Meester is often seen in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Go for a nice form fitting pair of shorts that come down to about mid thigh. Meester usually goes dark on the colors for her shorts so go with blues and black when choosing yours. The t-shirts are always white or some other very light color so keep that in mind when selecting yours. You can go with tank tops or the traditional t-shirt here as Meester likes both.
•    Formal: Even when she is on the red carpet Meester chooses to keep it on the simple side. Again she likes light and bright colors and opts for a more conservative dress over the long flowing gowns that some actresses wear at those types of events.
•    Shoes: Meester wears sandals almost all the time no matter what she is wearing. The only exception is when she is on the red carpet where she will wear a very conservative pair of heels that have an open-toe. If you choose to go the same route then be sure that your shoes match the dress for your formal affair.
•    Accessories: Not that this will come as a shock, but Meester likes to go on the easy side of accessorizing. She usually has on a conservative pair of earrings, maybe a bracelet or two, and she carries a small purse. When you accessorize your outfit remember bigger is not always better and certainly not for this look.
•    Hair and make-up: Meester usually wears her hair down and it is usually wavy. Mimic this by loosely curling your hair with a curling iron and use a heavy hold hairspray to keep it in place. When applying your make-up go for the more natural look that Meester goes for and don’t get wild on your application.

All you have to do now is walk with confidence and let your all-natural looks speak for you as Meester does.


What to Wear on Vacation in Mexico


Mexico is a country that is filled with so much to do that you will definitely have to plan a few trips to soak it all in. While there are many customs held by the locals some of those customs are in the way that the Mexican people dress and in order to enjoy your visit to its fullest, you too should observe these customs.

Mexico is a place that messes casual and formal almost everywhere you look so it is important to know what to wear and when to wear it. Here are some clues:

•    Long dresses: When you ladies are walking through the towns and especially if you are venturing into a local church be sure to wear a nice long dress. This will not only show your respect for the Mexican culture but it will have you stick out a lot less then if you were to wear shorts.

•    Shorts:
Guys can typically get away with wearing cargos in the ‘touristy’ areas but for the most part should stick to a nice pair of cotton slacks. Ladies don’t typically wear shorts and when they do go that route it is usually in the form of some classy capri pants.

•    Beach wear:
This is the one place in Mexico that is pretty laid back. Your typical bathing suit that you are accustomed to wearing back home will probably be just fine. Leave behind the thongs and Speedos though; that is unless you want to offend someone. Whatever you do, don’t venture into town in your beach attire unless you want to be the wrong kind of focal point the entire time you are there.

•    Summer wear:
In Mexico it is as hot as it gets and still you will notice the locals wearing long pants and long sleeved shirts. In Mexico they make a lot of their clothing with cottons and other breathable fabrics as they are used to the sweltering heat and know what type of materials work best in that heat. Knowing that it may be wise to spend a few pesos and go to the local shops to acquire their summer wear. It will no doubt be more comfortable than what you own and the good thing is that you will be buying a memento too.

•    Gringo wear:
Leave all your, ‘Hi, I’m a tourist’ wear at home. Because you are what the Mexicans loving refer to as a ‘gringo’ you will already stick out somewhat. The last thing you want to do is to draw mass attention to yourself by wearing that tired old jogging suit with flashy white sneakers and cameras galore around your neck. This not only looks horrendous, but if you dress in this manner you will be setting yourself up to be an easy target for those that wish to rob the naive gringo.

To thoroughly enjoy all that Mexico has to offer you need to dress the part. A classy and sophisticated wardrobe that is also comfortable will take you a long way in the country and ensure a good time is had by all.

Liquid leggings

What to Wear with Liquid Leggings

Liquid leggings

Liquid leggings are just like regular leggings except that they are made of some sort of shiny material that gives them the appearance of being ‘wet.’  Thanks to start like Lady Gaga these liquid leggings are making their way into the mainstream of fashion at a very fast pace. Because there are a number of different colors of liquid leggings there are a number of different possibilities when you think about what you want to wear with your liquid leggings.

Liquid leggings are made to be noticed so when wearing them you need to pair them with garments that will compliment them and highlight them at the same time. Here are a few examples of how you can utilize liquid leggings:

•    T-shirts: This is the look that Miley Cyrus has helped make famous. Wearing black liquid leggings and a t-shirt that is on the long side, you too can accomplish this look. Use a wide belt to tie the outfit together and wear high top shoes like Converse to complete the look. You can also opt for a fun and stylish hat if you like.

•    Frilly blouses: Blouses that have frilly tops and frilly sleeves also go rather nicely with liquid leggings. If the blouse is long enough you can use a skinny belt if you wish. If you are wearing black liquid leggings then you can go with lighter colored tops such as white and yellow, but if you are wearing a metallic colored pair of liquid leggings then stick with black blouses as these will look great with the gold and silver colored leggings. Finish off the look by wearing a pair of high heels that compliments the entire outfit.

•    Dresses:
You can wear any number of cute short dresses over your liquid leggings for a casual and cool look. Choose to tie in the outfit with a belt or be a bit different and use a sash. If the weather dictates, you can wear a lightweight jacket and still look great. Go with heels once again when choosing your footwear.

•    Miniskirts:
A sexy way to jazz up a pair of black liquid leggings is to wear a black spandex miniskirt over top. This can be topped off with a short white blouse and fished with a lightweight black leather jacket. This is the ultimate in sexy cool. You will of course want to go with a pair of very high heels that are black.

•    More liquid:
Lady Gaga often wears her black liquid leggings and a top that is made of the same material. This look gives her an overall wet appearance and everything is very tight. That said if you are not comfortable in everything tight then you will want to skip this look. If however you are confident enough to go for it then pair it with black heels and you will have the Gaga look down.

Liquid leggings are a sexy and fun alternative to the ordinary. Pairing them with the right outfits will have you too looking your best no matter where you roam in your liquid leggings.